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Nightwave could be a good way to encourage PvP gameplay


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Given the need to do mass numbers of missions to grind out the ranks to get that umbral forma i can see the appeal for adding more missions,  but i cant even get enough players to do conclave standing,  let alone trying to get 15 or so matches of it done to get wolf standing.  And no its not cus OCE players are exploiting,  its cus there simply arent enough of us to fill lobbys that people get bored waiting and leave.  (even happens in sorties.  Ive solod a bunch cus no one joins at certain hours) 

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so, since i'm capable of reading, i did.

sure, go nuts. adding a couple Conclave related tasks on top of the bunches of PvE tasks certainly can't hurt.
and better still, give Players that do want to play Conclave, something to actually get out of it, for once. instead of Players that do enjoy the 'real Mastery Test' of Conclave.... not having the ability to actually make any progression while playing it, making it kinda... functionally useless to play.




and further, since i'm not so toxic as to talk about things without knowing a shred of anything about it - you can't really say 'no PvP tasks' without being extremely contradictory and making double standards. what of Players that hate playing __ PvE Gamemode or activity, and Nightwave asks them to play it?
what of them? it's the same situation there. they could get more stuff by playing stuff they hate to play.
so what of them? oh, that's ok, simply because it isn't Conclave? nice double standards.
get over yourself.

Edited by taiiat
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Sorry but Warframe is PvE focused game... DE already gave you conclave. While it would be an interesting experience. It just doesn't fit image Warframe has asserted in developer perspective and majority community perspective as complete PvE game. Look... We have those everywhere right now... Just go play something else than Warframe for PvP experience.

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hace 34 minutos, AlendasNaro dijo:

Sorry but Warframe is PvE focused game... DE already gave you conclave. While it would be an interesting experience. It just doesn't fit image Warframe has asserted in developer perspective and majority community perspective as complete PvE game. Look... We have those everywhere right now... Just go play something else than Warframe for PvP experience.

what does that even have to do with my request? I'm not asking DE to suddenly toss the PvE side of the game through the window, but instead to allow progression in the grindwave syndicate through PvP gameplay as well, without touching the PvE way already available.

hace 31 minutos, (XB1)Skippy575 dijo:

They're playing the wrong game then.

What's wrong with the lecture comprehension in this community. I'm pretty sure he said "what of Players that hate playing __ PvE Gamemode or activity" referring to people who like warframe but dislikes playing in PoE yet still have to do an Hydrolist hunt/cap and 8 bounties in order to progress even if the reason why they hate those isn't gameplay related but something as simple as their computers turning the game into a slideshow as soon as they jump in the plains. Also, you're not the one to choose what is the right or wrong game to me, let alone to anyone else, so save such comments to yourself.

Edited by Remy_Lacroix
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hace 48 minutos, taiiat dijo:

so, since i'm capable of reading, i did.

sure, go nuts. adding a couple Conclave related tasks on top of the bunches of PvE tasks certainly can't hurt.
and better still, give Players that do want to play Conclave, something to actually get out of it, for once. instead of Players that do enjoy the 'real Mastery Test' of Conclave.... not having the ability to actually make any progression while playing it, making it kinda... functionally useless to play.




and further, since i'm not so toxic as to talk about things without knowing a shred of anything about it - you can't really say 'no PvP tasks' without being extremely contradictory and making double standards. what of Players that hate playing __ PvE Gamemode or activity, and Nightwave asks them to play it?
what of them? it's the same situation there. they could get more stuff by playing stuff they hate to play.
so what of them? oh, that's ok, simply because it isn't Conclave? nice double standards.
get over yourself.

thank you very much not only for reading, but also for understanding since as you can see from other replies, people able to understand what they read is way too uncommon nowadays.

hace 53 minutos, SarusMindfury dijo:

A game wich isnt called "Pay to win" mainly cause is pretty good for the people who doesnt want to PvP, and you want to force them? Yeah, sure, NEXT! 

what even has the "pay to win thing" to do in this thread. I'm sure players can get all of the content for free and that all the gear available in the pvp arsenal for someone is exactly the same as their PvE one barring a few weapons that haven't been rebalanced. Also, if you manahged to read the OP and some replies in it, you'd have quickly noticed how nobody is trying to force PvP into PvE players as you claim. "NEXT!"

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I agree with the suggestion of making it an alternative path the same reward. Feel free to play conclave if you find it enjoyable, for whatever reason.

But don't make it a way to ADDITIONAL rewards, because that will make people in a loot-focused game feel like they need to play it. Which doesn't help anyone. 

You can still get the feeling like your PvP is "helpful" that way, and the majority of people don't feel like they're losing out because they don't want to play a game mode even the devs make jokes about

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7 minutes ago, Remy_Lacroix said:

what does that even have to do with my request? I'm not asking DE to suddenly toss the PvE side of the game through the window, but instead to allow progression in the grindwave syndicate through PvP gameplay as well, without touching the PvE way already available.

What's wrong with the lecture comprehension in this community. I'm pretty sure he said "what of Players that hate playing __ PvE Gamemode or activity" referring to people who like warframe but dislikes playing in PoE yet still have to do an Hydrolist hunt/cap and 8 bounties in order to progress even if the reason why they hate those isn't gameplay related but something as simple as their computers turning the game into a slideshow as soon as they jump in the plains. Also, you're not the one to choose what is the right or wrong game to me, let alone to anyone else, so save such comments to yourself.


Hmm... Additions you are suggesting aren't that bad (when I actually did read it as I first didn't bother to) but I think expanding the task amount would be better option but both can be done. This is just my opinion as my passion towards PvP isn't as large as for somebody like you unless it is comical in some way. (As an example TF2 is excellent because how the characters have been designed and how you can run in to moments where you just witness something funny either through members of community or just playing the game as they should but events just don't go the way they wanted them to go)

Each to his or her own pretty much.

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Right now, progression in PvP is tied to PvE (new weapons, Warframes), but the other way around isn't true. You don't need to play a single game of PvP to progress in PvE, however, and keeping them separate is a good thing.

But with the old alert system, people could get things like potatoes that are useful to both sides relatively quickly (if irregularly), now it's tied to playing much more PvE.


So this suggestion definitely makes sense.


They should probably make it in the form of alternatives, as suggested above. Do open world bounties or play a few rounds of PvP.

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Anything beyond "Complete x games of conclave" is going to lead to horrendous degeneracy. Conclave is so fundamentally isolated from the rest of the game that encouraging it is pointless. Requiring people to actually try will be ucking awful.

Why? Because you can actually fail despite being competent. Literally nothing in PvE can be failed if you have a good loadout and are competent. PvP fundamentally requires one player to fail for another to succeed. When one grinds out PvE content, the player can be confident that x amount of time roughly equates to y amount of reward, while with conclave you get shafted because the other players were better than you. That sounds stupid in a PvP context, but considering that PvE games fundamentally minimize failure, having nightwave challenge slots taken up by PvP content (Content that one can fail through means an individual player can't really change) would suck donkey dik.

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3 minutes ago, torint_man said:

... having nightwave challenge slots taken up by PvP content ...

This sounds like the challenges that are there now would be replaced with PvP ones. However, no one is asking for that?

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I know you have good intentions about conclave and that is good. But you need to take into consideration the people with bad connections that always plays solo.
Unlike other challenges that they can happily complete alone, forcing them to do conclave wouldn't be a good idea in my opinion especially the win X amount of games.
i'm sure the conclave community would be happy with the surge of new players that they can pwn, but how about the others that are forced to do it because they are in need of night-wave standings? forcing them to do it would just do more harm than good for the whole of Warframe in my opinion.

-don't take me wrong, i'm not hating on conclave. i'm just pointing out flaws in this system.

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Oh, the possibilities are endless.

1) How about adding ability to PvP in public? No harm done, nobody really gets killed.
Weekly "Randomly kill 5 players", +10 000 standing.

2) Let's also add specific "hardcore" -tasks, only for players who have truly git gud.
Daily task, "Solo 4 hydrolysts in one night", +10 000 standing and +50 Wolf cred.

3) Redoing mastery-ranks!
Daily task, "Do ten", +1 000 standing a piece.

4) K-drive tricks with a friend.
Weekly "Manage 30 minutes without falling at 1000 pts/min -rate", 1/100 of points gained as standing.

Nothing is better than "encouraging" people to participate in what they don't like. What of the poor, neglected sk8tr community?

Edited by Enialyx
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1 hour ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

Both a pain in the a**.

Next suggestion, please.

Missing the point on purpose?

It doesn't matter what exactly the PvE part of that challenge is, nor the PvP part (could be Conclave or Lunaro for that matter).

The idea is that you can choose between the two. That's keeping them separate, but with no additional standing.


18 minutes ago, DoomFruit said:

"A good way to encourage PvP gameplay" -  and it should be encouraged because... why, exactly?

Choice? Having options is a good thing?

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17 hours ago, hazerddex said:

its not "optional." if it affects content outside of conclave. 

That's the long and short of it, unfortunately. Tying PvE rewards to PvP modes is never "optional." It's a hook which pushes unwilling people into PvP, with the intention of just getting it out of the way. The Division tried that with a "Dark Zone Daily" mission and that was some of the most miserable experience I've had playing that game. Sure, it's "optional" to the extent that the entire game is optional, but offering PvP relief for a pretty grindy system is not true to the spirit of the word.

I'm of the opinion that PvP in PvE games works only when progression between the two systems is entirely independent. That way, people would go to PvP when they specifically wanted to PvP and for no other reason. If people are "on the fence," then that decision should be up to them, not to the game to entice them.

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3 hours ago, Steel_Rook said:

That's the long and short of it, unfortunately. Tying PvE rewards to PvP modes is never "optional."

Based on what i read from OP, it's about allowing PvP to be an alternative route to rewards that are either useless cosmetics or things useful in the whole game (PvP and PvE), not about pushing enough challenges to make peoole who doesn't jump into pvp miss out on the highest tier rewards because of it. Every single reply claiming that ot would be forced PvP is nothing but overreactions from people who didn't even bother with reading the topic before replying or doesn't manage to comprehend what they read.

With that out of the way, i think that having a PvP alternative to fulfill challenges would be a nice touch and a good eye bleach from the repetitive nature of PvE gameplay.

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21 hours ago, Remy_Lacroix said:

And it could even be done with no need of stepping on the toes of PvE focused players by simply putting some conclave related challenges additional to the already existing 12 PvE ones, this way, players who enjoy conclave more than PvE (like me) can progress through the syndicate without going out of our way for it; Players who enjoy both PvE and PvP in a similar way see their progress sped up by playing the game as a whole; while PvE only players can still progress at the intended pace since the PvP related challenges wouldn't affect the existing PvE ones.

PS: I hope people can be reasonable about this topic, read completely instead of going "REEEEEEEEEEE"  after only reading the title.

For anyone who has made it this far after reading the whole topic: Thanks for your time.


If you prefer PvP over PvE, why do you not play a game that is PvP focused, rather than try to get PvP added into a PvE focused game?

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