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Nightwave + alerts removal feedback


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Well for one can we have a sound option to stop Nora's quotes whenever we complete a challenge? Shes just as bad as Ordis. As for the actual Challenges, you think they could scale to where people are in their mastery and planets? My friend is new to warframe and he cant do half of his challenges because he doesnt know what sorties are and 60 minute survivals for him are really hard or fighting an eidelon would be impossible, so it decreases his chance of completing most of the challenges. So maybe we can get easier challenges for lower level players, or maybe lock higher level challenges he cant do.

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5 minutes ago, Alighierian said:

- Bring back alerts, but in the form of currency source: The alert store would list things like it already does, preferably with all the alt helmets in stock, but a limited selection can still work. Alert series levels could be the same as they are now: a collection of various items, from somewhat common to cosmetics to highly unique items like umbral forma. The alerts themselves, however, would be with regular intervals (30m, 1h, whatever fits, as long as it's not too spread out). They would be the primary source of alert store currency but in low amounts/alert. Alert store levels would have chunks of it, as it does now.

- Make the alert store a 'contract board': In essence, you'd remove nearly all items from the alert store. Instead, you have contracts for missions with set rewards. Think of it as picking which alert you want to do. To do these contracts you'd have to purchase the details with normal credits, with costs scaling to rewards and mission level. Single use only, even if you fail it. There can even be a cooldown on a contract for, say, a forma, so you can get one from an alert, but if you want to get more, you'll have to wait. Items like nitain would have a short cooldown, depending on how many you get per contract. You could use the series level system for either unlocking higher tiers of alert contracts (more items / shorter cooldowns / lower purchase costs / etc), or just use it as a mini-event people can work towards, with missions as we have now. The rewards for that can be pretty similar to what WoS6 has: cosmetics / forma packs / unique decorations / sigils / etc.

Those are really nice ideas, i like that. And like basically all ideas people come up with in this and other threads about nightwave, they are better than what we currently have.

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No 1hr survival (or anything beyond 20mins), no friend/clan stuff, no ayatan stuff. More using obscure weapons/tactics to do basic missions, melee only, sniper only, complete missions quickly, stealth challenges (no lua spy please). Encourage the use of not so used warframes/weapons perhaps.

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There are a few items i would prefer to have more than others in the rewards. Login bonus's were changed so that you had a choice of rewards at milestones. Maybe to get the full set of rewards you have to finish nightwave or the last few items are really up there in effort. But im afraid im disinterested in investing spare moments i have, to never get those last rewards i really want.

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14 minutes ago, ZedrinBot said:

One large issue I have personally, Nightwave is a very passive system. I like its ideas and the fact that it doesn't require you to be on at 4am and use trackers to make sure you get all catalyst / forma / reactor alerts. I think it's a vast improvement, despite what dissenters may say--however it also doesn't add much by way of variety to the existing game and doesn't specifically prompt you to go into certain missions (like sorties do).

The real issue is instant rewards with no rep.  The Alert system is straight up better because you do one thing and it gets you what you want.  There's no need to wait a week or even hours.  Nightwave does not even come close to that.  Which is my whole issue with the system.  If they're gonna replace the old system, then it should do what the old system did at the base level.  New layers can be added on, but it should give instant rewards.  You do something, you get something.  No rep.  No special tokens.  Instead we got a rep grind on top of losing the ability to get what we wanted quickly.  We even get less of what we could get before because the wolf creds are so limited.

If you are a new player, then you're even more limited.  Before, a new player could get Nitain, helmets, control modules, tellurium, etc. all by doing Alerts.  They rotated often, so if you played the game even a few minutes each day, there was a good chance you could see something you wanted and get it by doing the mission.  Now, as a new player you can't do that at all.  A lot of these "challenges" a new player can't do at all.  It's easy for vets to look at this and say, "Hey, I was bored, I've done everything already so there's nothing for me to do."  I think that's valid, but there's the bigger picture here.  New players, casual players, and those with limited time are left behind.

The old system wasn't perfect, it did require some checking to see what was going on at any given time if you were looking for something.  BUT even with that, the moment you saw it and were in the game, you could get that item right then.  If the Nightwave system was left intact on top of Alerts, I doubt we would even be having this conversation.  Honestly, I would ignore Nightwave completely if I could just do the Alerts as they were.

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My suggestions for nightwave:

1. Challenges should follow a few rules:
a. Don't make it weird or griefable. 60 minute survival is fine. 60 minutes without using lifesupport means: a. you basicly have to include Nekros (I don't know if there are other farmframes that boost the number of life support drops). b. Someone can sabotage it too easily if they want to be a griefer. "Oh look. 55 minutes. I'm just gonna pop this life support pod"
b, Include challenges that allows people to solve them multiple ways. Like "Collect X syndicate medallions" or "open X number of Sabotage Caches" instead of "complete X number of Syndicate missions" or "Complete X number of sabotages". It means that people have a choice. "Do I want to run these missions fast and pick up whatever I can find?" or "Do I want to be a completionist and find everything in a mission".
c. Don't require people to invest too much time. IMHO a weeks worth of Nightwave content should be completable in about 3-6 hours spread out over 3 nights (at most) or "At most one dedicated evening and 2 "off time sessions". If it requires someone to log in and do 40 minutes of content 5 nights in a week (just for one challenge) it's too much/often.
d. Don't include too much of one type of content per week. Never "90% of this XP requires Orb vallis/PoE roaming". IMHO a good thing about alerts was that it required different things.

2. It would be really nice if there was a progress bar
I think one reason why people are stressed out about missing that 5000 point challenge is that they don't know how much XP they will need to get all the fixed rewards.
A dual progress meter that say "X% of the time available on this challenge has passed" and "You have X% of the XP required to get all fixed rewards". Which means that you can see if you're ahead or behind on the curve.
People should easily assured that it's OK to miss this or that Elite challenge. Or "It's OK to relax this week", because you're still ahead of the curve.

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2 minutes ago, (NSW)EDarkness said:

The real issue is instant rewards with no rep.  The Alert system is straight up better because you do one thing and it gets you what you want.  There's no need to wait a week or even hours.  Nightwave does not even come close to that.  Which is my whole issue with the system.  If they're gonna replace the old system, then it should do what the old system did at the base level.  New layers can be added on, but it should give instant rewards.  You do something, you get something.  No rep.  No special tokens.  Instead we got a rep grind on top of losing the ability to get what we wanted quickly.  We even get less of what we could get before because the wolf creds are so limited.

If you are a new player, then you're even more limited.  Before, a new player could get Nitain, helmets, control modules, tellurium, etc. all by doing Alerts.  They rotated often, so if you played the game even a few minutes each day, there was a good chance you could see something you wanted and get it by doing the mission.  Now, as a new player you can't do that at all.  A lot of these "challenges" a new player can't do at all.  It's easy for vets to look at this and say, "Hey, I was bored, I've done everything already so there's nothing for me to do."  I think that's valid, but there's the bigger picture here.  New players, casual players, and those with limited time are left behind.

The old system wasn't perfect, it did require some checking to see what was going on at any given time if you were looking for something.  BUT even with that, the moment you saw it and were in the game, you could get that item right then.  If the Nightwave system was left intact on top of Alerts, I doubt we would even be having this conversation.  Honestly, I would ignore Nightwave completely if I could just do the Alerts as they were.

Hence I think having a slightly more active component, like just a bounty board or alert system that just offered some bonuses (like some extra rep, mundane rewards, etc.) would be good as a compromise.

Tying valuables to rewards that are only available for 1-2 hours is something I understand that DE wants to avoid (and I personally hated.) You didn't really get things quick, you just got lucky if you were on at the right time (and it wasn't a Gift of the Lotus).

You can miss out on up to 13k rep a week and still get to rank 30 in the season, however, so low level players SHOULD still be able to achieve things like catalysts and nitain and the like. The waiting is just an annoyance, but it's guaranteed.

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One thing I've noticed about this type of gameplay in online games is need vs bonus.

For example, like Nightwave (to a much smaller degree) Anthem's "trials" on opening week were REQUIRED to progress, while other games it's not necessary but you are rewarded for these kinds of things. I remember playing LOTRO long ago and killing hundreds of enemies for a tiny bonus using specific skills. Absolutely unnecessary to progress but a nice reward for grinding out all those kills. If DE can work it out where these "challenges" are rewards for dedication then that's fine. However, the issues regarding nitain and blueprints like glaive that ONLY show up from alerts, this isn't the case. Also, some of those higher tier rewards shouldn't be unlocked only through this system. The helmets - any cosmetics are fantastic. The Kuva and slots are fine too, as you have at least one or two alternative methods of acquiring these rewards.

These aren't "challenging" Because they're called challenges - some simply are not, not even close depending on the player. These ARE tasks but they're unfortunately currently falling into that same category as the "Tomb Trials" of Anthem - and I know DE Doesn't really want to be there.

I would suggest this:

Wolf crews can be earned anytime, up to X per week. The tasks for said wolf crews should be generic objectives that accomodate players of every level of skill, solo, etc. Things like "kill X infested" ,"hack X terminals" - very generic. Things you'd do anyway just playing the game. Either reduce the amount of creds earned per objective to keep thousands of wolf creds racking up quickly or increase some wolf cred purchase costs. This is where you'd place the exclusive items - like the glaive blueprints and nitain, the weapon augs, etc. It's time limited so those items either need to stay, come back with baro at a later date or be something we can stockpile and farm while the current season is active.

For the seasons of Nightwave, award items that are cosmetic in nature only and thus make it a narrative driven event with the same types of "challenges" we've been seeing. If there are non-cosmetic awards then they need to be optionally acquired elsewhere. 


That's the biggest thing - if it can only be acquired through nightwave and especially if it's required to build warframes or earn MR, it needs to be non-invasive and not have an expiration date.

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3 hours ago, (NSW)EDarkness said:

 I saw a Mesa helmet Alert and I want to get that blueprint, so I do the alert real quick and I'm done.  No grinding involved.  No currency needed.  No standing required.  Just do it and that's it.  This new system doesn't come close to that level of simplicity. 

I thought the whole point of Nightwave was to make it so those who would typically miss alerts for things like Nitain, would be able to get them more easily in their own time.
Nightwave system is not conducive to this because you have tier gating, time pressure and locked currency (wolf cred). [DE] Steve said you need to complete about 75% of the challenges... but what if you can't? Either because you lack the tools, or the time? It now takes longer and much more work to get nitain than it did previously, and due to the low amounts of wolf cred gained through the tier system I can't even buy a lot of nitain.

If the alerts were still a thing, I'd have probably done 10 or so nitain alerts by now. Nightwave? Can't even afford one pack yet. So while you can buy a "pack" it just means the waiting time before you can get it is a lot longer. What if I only need 1 nitain to complete the build? Can't though cos can only get a pack of 5. Cosmetic helmets often just need 2 nitain.

A lot of the challenges are difficult for newer players, and who needs things like nitain the most? Hmm. My new account is MR 12 and if I didn't already know how to play, I would be struggling. Half the tools required for challenges I simply don't have yet because I have been occupied with other game content, like quests. I started a new account for various reasons but one of the side effects has been to really appreciate the game from a new players perspective. I doubt most would know to do alerts for nitain if they could even get to them. Also the Elite challenges.. if newer players have trouble completing them, it further reduces the chance of their reaching the higher tiers, which are needed for wolf cred.

Additionally those players who have to work/study are punished by the incessant pressure of getting the challenges done before the week ends/the daily challenges reset if they don't want to "Miss out". There shouldn't be a question of missing out when it comes to resources. Nitain is required for lots of things. If you are unable to participate in Nightwave, no nitain for you. (Yes I know you can grind bounties/sabotage for the ridiculously stupid low drop chance for it, no thanks).  EDarkness said the new system doesn't come close to the level of simplicity and I agree, but even more than this, the alerts had less pressure to complete. If you missed an alert for something, you knew it would be back in time.


I also resent having to pay for blueprints I could previously receive for free (with some bonus mission credits) from the alert system.

As an experienced player, from the perspective of my primary account, the only incentive to play nightwave is for cosmetics and junk I have no capacity left to place on the ship in any case. In this regard, it's not the challenges that are the issue as much as.. why do I need to? Except the umbral forma. (Please give more ship capacity, my ayatan wall of lights isn't done yet lol)

[DE] Steve said that when designing challenges and missions in the game, they always kept in mind the solo player. Sometimes people are solo by choice, and sometimes they simply can't play with others (older pc, poor connection, NAT errors) so why are there challenges asking "with friends/clanmates"? Feels like a stick in the eye.

I don't hate the system because "emergherd it's new". I hate it because it's so may layers of grind and petty tasking that I expect from games like Forsaken World MMORPG types. It tries to include too much and be all things to all players and that's simply not possible. I also hate it because resources should never be this difficult to obtain. Every other resource is farmable in a fairly straight forward and streamline way ie, killing enemies or breaking containers, even kuva is easier to get than nitain. It feels so unrewarding and such a punishment for trying to play. 

Finally, please can we reduce the Nora spam. She's annoying, invasive, long winded and incessant. I don't need some quip in a mission when my challenge is done that spans several lines, or her face occupying over half the rewards window. -.- I like her shop music though, I hope this can be a somachord track some day.


TLDR summary:

- Nitain less accessible than alerts, longer waiting times to get a 'bulk' pack
- New players should not be cut off from essential resources in this way (gated resources is baaaad)
- 'Elite' challenges further reduce the chance of newer players being able to afford.. resources
- Punishes solo players by instantly cutting them out of challenges
- Punishes both active and part-time players
- Paying for bps that were previously free/players rewarded with credits (paid) to get on alerts
- Tier gating AND time challenges create pressure and anxiety (not fun)
- Experienced players reward appeal is limited to a few items
- Nora spam, for the love of.. can she shut up already??
- Need more ways to gain wolf cred (why is the shop currency so limited?)

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I would rather kill things in matchmaking then fish or find gems because I would like my squad to benefit from my efforts also more exclusive gear, skins, emotes, animations, breeds, badass weapons, oh and a tenno bike 😎 and alternative exalted weapons imagine Excalibur with twin swords or a heavyblade... Getsuga Tenshou!!! (or it can be a stance)

Edited by (XB1)Tranquil Anger
More ideas came to mind 🔨😏
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I don't usually leave feedback (you guys overall do a really good job) but I do have some suggestions this time because I've been grinding a bit much:

  • Don't make the challenges specific to a location, I think the best part of the first challenges was that we could go wherever we wanted to complete them. I also say this because the ones that require you to go to Plains of Eidolon or Orb Vallis might not be possible to complete for everyone, I know a lot of people who can't run the latter and can't change their PCs atm + some people find it a bit tedious (especially when the challenge is "complete x incursions on x place").
  • Elite challenges can and should go hand in hand with "elite" missions or "elite" enemy types, this is very much sorties (which has been handled well), arbitrations, eximus or even just specific harder enemies and nightmare missions (for example). I'm not against time/wave goals for certain endless types of missions though! but then those shouldn't be long enough that no one wants to do them (aka the one hour survivals).
  • Better word the challenges. There's some duality or vagueness about certain challenges which make one wonder if we need to do one thing or the other. For Kuva survival I found myself and others confused on whether we had to not use the life support capsules (not even for harvesting kuva) or if we just didn't have to use them as life support capsules. For the current exterminate challenge some people have wondered if it's without enemy detection (aka not being seen) or just not raising the alarms (and it's the latter)
  • On the friend/clanmate missions topic I agree with those who say people could just add some rando to play with for those missions, since both get the benefit of that, and then unfriend once the deed is done but I also understand the appeal of doing missions on public or solo. So I can't really say much on the matter... especially when I have friends who play so their comeback would actually benefit me and I don't want to be biased.
  • Last point! I'm sure you guys have gotten feedback on the riven challenges so while I'm out of ideas for now, you could take a look to those. The riven challenges are not awfully terrible overall and maybe it would give some people twice the reason to do a challenge (say for a riven AND a nightwave act).

NOTE: this is specific to the challenges, I've just seen some people talk about the rewards and the gate holding and I gotta say being an experienced player I completely forgot about that and it can turn into a big problem.

Edited by Eliasdrid
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Hi . I want tp say that i like alot this new system that succeed to alert system but as new player who start playing this game last 2 and half month i was really enjoying the alert system , yes sometimes i found it like , oh damn i missed that alert that have this stuff but overall i was liking it alot and same thing for neightwave but tbh nightwave is not rewarding as much as 50% of what alert reward players who play alot , for exemple right now i have like +20 blueprint that require all Arround 50 nitain , should i wait 1 year to finish them all ? U see the problem ? That's a real problem . Like a said this new system ia good for old players but for new players its the opposite of alerts ,

At the end in my opinion alerts and neightwave should both coexist and some rewards stay at alerts and others go to neightwave , like orokin and catalyst reactors go to neightwave and nitain stay at alerts with off course like we got this new stuff rewards in neightwave that's alone should push everyone to do them while in another side we have alerts for those who play alot per day and maybe for those who connect at a lucky time to get what they wanted , hope u guys devs see this comment from a new player perspective 

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1 minute ago, ZedrinBot said:

Hence I think having a slightly more active component, like just a bounty board or alert system that just offered some bonuses (like some extra rep, mundane rewards, etc.) would be good as a compromise.

Tying valuables to rewards that are only available for 1-2 hours is something I understand that DE wants to avoid (and I personally hated.) You didn't really get things quick, you just got lucky if you were on at the right time (and it wasn't a Gift of the Lotus).

You can miss out on up to 13k rep a week and still get to rank 30 in the season, however, so low level players SHOULD still be able to achieve things like catalysts and nitain and the like. The waiting is just an annoyance, but it's guaranteed.

I'm a fairly new player.  I started with the Nintendo Switch launch in November.  I played/play mostly at night after work and generally every day for about two or three hours.  In that time, I've been able to get a ton of stuff from the Alert system.  It allowed me to build a bunch of warframes and get a bunch of auras and mods from Nightmare missions.  I can't even imagine what it would have been like without being able to do some of those things.  The fact that it rotated didn't bother me, because it made it seem like the game world was "moving" and in those early days that was exciting.

I agree that losing out sucks...especially for catalysts and reactors.  However, they could have just complied a list of things that was available that day and put them on a list for folks to run later.  That would still be much better than the system we have now.

On top of that, I missed out on 16k rep last week and will most likely miss out on more this week.  The more I miss out on rep, the less I even care about this and to think we have wait another 7 weeks before it's done....  My wife hates this system and in her normal play, I think she's only rank 1.  She said something about wanting to get Nitain, but she can't get it without engaging in this system at least somewhat.  She's super casual and there's no way she's getting anywhere in this system as it stands.  I guess I could tell her to just stop playing the game, because she's obviously not dedicated enough to move on.  What good would that do, though?  It would mean Warframe has one less player playing.  I can understand her frustration, though.

I'll be super shocked if I can make it rank 10 and I've been actively trying to do some of these challenges, but most of them are beyond me, so I can only do what I can.  It's frustrating and not fun at all.

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Am 4.3.2019 um 23:16 schrieb Killomatic:

They are all fine IMO. They are elite challenges after all. I think we should have more daily challenges though. I also wouldn't mind seeing some speedrun challenges as well like "Complete Ukko in 50 seconds or less" or "Defeat Sergeant in under a minute". 

50 Seconds? Make that 40!

Also yes challenges regarding movement would be awesome!

What about a challenge where you are only allowed to touch the ground for a total of 2 seconds in a mission?

Please this is a ninja game after all, not a wait 60 min game

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Most of the comments (that I saw) about the endurance survival can be summed up into two categories;

1.)Too boring/tedious/easy

2.)Too long / not enough free time

This highlights the problem with the challenge and warframe itself, there is no difficult content for highly geared players. Especially if you don't have a lot of time to play warframe.

The only thing I do in warframe is long survivals and I can say this challenge is missing the mark. The reason people (at least myself) do endurance runs in Mot is because of the enemy damage multiplier and enemy scaling. Eventually the enemies DO get challenging. Eventually....

I think this is where DE and the community seem to be confused. Your complaints are correct, one hour is boring, one hour isn't hard. The first hour, I would argue even 2 hrs, is the most boring/tedious thing, but the game shines afterwards. I want players to experience what endurance players feel after 3 hours in but I don't want them to have to stay 3 hours to feel it and neither do I.

DE, staying one hour isn't the "challenge" it's the level 1000 enemies that appear and their ridiculous damage/armor/health. Trying to get enough kills per second to keep up life support when your guns don't one shot everything anymore. You can actually feel the difference between guns at high level and their killing potential. You get to use all the mods you've acquired and maxed out. It's an actual fun challenge.

Why not have it start at the equivalent of Mot 2hrs in and have people survive for 20 minutes. That's one full rotation and people would be able to experience high level without waiting for a ridiculous amount of time.

It looks like most people seem to think the "endurance" part of the run is the challenge when that's literally the most boring part of long survivals, and some of the community thinks it's trivial when they have never seen level 1000+ enemies. Or they use Octavia....

TL;DR: 60 min survival challenges is a good try by but missed the mark. Enemies need to spawn higher level with shorter mission times.

Edited by LadyPecs
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An aside as an MR26 player though regarding the Umbral Forma. It rankles the crap out of me that now that Umbral forma's been released AFTER spending the equivalence in forma of $4.50 per frame on at least half of the frames in the game (averaging 6 forma at 90 Plat if you do the bundles and used only Plat) that the ONE umbral forma is locked behind weeks of mandatory grinding for hours a day on average. THIS is why it's doing more to push people into platinum purchases than it is rewarding players for time spent playing in my mind. It's a beacon of greed because it ultimately encourages more time in the game increasing the likelihood of spending money on micro-transactions.

I sincerely HOPE that DE did not realize this when they organized it that way, because if so, i'd be very disappointed in what's been a largely impressive and consumer friendly business mentality from them historically. 


Sorry, it really bugs me...

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I'm learning a lot about how the game is supposed to be played from these challenges. I'm already pretty casual because I'm just not that good at action games and I only started playing last year because I knew I had a social support network to fall back on. It's frustrating when I try to learn how to play frames that aren't about straight damage like Loki, but I just have to believe it's worth it in the end, like when I was learning how to do spy vaults.

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Hi . I want tp say that i like alot this new system that succeed to alert system but as new player who start playing this game last 2 and half month i was really enjoying the alert system , yes sometimes i found it like , oh damn i missed that alert that have this stuff but overall i was liking it alot and same thing for neightwave but tbh nightwave is not rewarding as much as 50% of what alert reward players who play alot , for exemple right now i have like +20 blueprint that require all Arround 50 nitain , should i wait 1 year to finish them all ? U see the problem ? That's a real problem . Like a said this new system ia good for old players but for new players its the opposite of alerts ,

At the end in my opinion alerts and neightwave should both coexist and some rewards stay at alerts and others go to neightwave , like orokin and catalyst reactors go to neightwave and nitain stay at alerts with off course like we got this new stuff rewards in neightwave that's alone should push everyone to do them while in another side we have alerts for those who play alot per day and maybe for those who connect at a lucky time to get what they wanted , hope u guys devs see this comment from a new player perspective 

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Ok so without even reading other people's thoughts here, my two main things based on what I've experienced over these weeks and bits I've heard:

I think theming challenges weekly is generally a good idea; it just makes sense and helps people with more limited play time concentrate on fulfilling Nightwave stuff if that's what they chose to focus on. However this hasn't been perfect imo, last week's damage type dailies got a bit tedious and this week at first seems to be centered on Orb Vallis which is great... until you see one of the weeklies is mining rare gems from the Plains. ??? There's no reason that couldn't have also been in the Vallis alongside the fishing and bounty ones. Also having back-to-back ESO as a weekly is just repetitive. There should be enough variation to prevent that from happening.

Challenges that require friends need to go - completely. I think I understand the intent behind these (to help encourage people to make new connections, drive up group play time) but this is not the right way to facilitate that. I know some of the community and certain content creators like Shy are dismissing complaints about this with "Just go to recruiting LUL" but I think that undermines the idea of genuinely looking for new people to meet and play with and just turns any of these challenges into a chore for people without a dedicated play group. You are just cramming Recruiting with people farming Nightwave (which I don't think was the intent here; at least not to the degree that is playing out currently) and it's resulting in squads that (for the most part) don't want anything to do with one another other than do their time, get their 5k, and be on their way.

Edited by (XB1)Taldarin
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I'm a pretty new player (playing since summer last year) and usually not very good at a lot of things, but the only Nightwave act I didn't manage to complete so far, was the Ayatan one. That was because I didn't have the star chart unlocked yet and couldn't do Arbitrations where it's not that difficult to get Ayatan treasures. It prompted me to complete the star chart, though, so that was kinda nice. I was just a tad too slow.

The Survival thing was too long in my opinion. It was definitely doable, but what I actually like about Warframe is that you usually don't have to invest big chunks of time in one sitting. You can do a short mission, do something else, do another short mission. Doing the same thing for an hour with the potential of failing in the last few minutes is not much fun.

I really like that Nightwave is prompting us to do a lot of different things. I'd have probably been a lot more lost, if this had come earlier, though. Before I even knew that the Index existed, I always used alerts to get credits reasonably quickly. Also, if you don't know which of the things you can buy for wolf creds are important and which aren't, it's probably pretty easy to blow the few wolf creds you get on something stupid and then go quite a long time without any chance of getting something like Nitain anywhere else. Maybe Nitain could be added to the things you get form Invasions? That'd solve that problem.

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In my experience, the acts / challenges are in a pretty okay place right now, with plenty of "wiggle room" for people who are unable (or unwilling) to engage in some activities for the nightwave standing they offer.

However, what if some of the challenges are made up of multiple reward tiers / phases? A couple examples:

Endurance / Endless:

  • complete a 20 minute long survival (squad / clan play optional)  <- this would award half of the standing to the player (2,5k)
  • bonus: survive until the 40 minute mark (awards the remaining 2,5k)

Something similar for ayatans

  • collect and fully socket 3 ayatans (1,5k nightwave standing)
  • bonus: collect and fully socket 3 more (1,5k nightwave standing)

Eidolon Hunt (Terry / Garry / Harry)

  • killing them would net the player 500 standing each (1,5k total)
  • if the player captures them they earn 1000 each (3k total)
  • if they were killed previously, then the player manages a successful capture later, they get the remaining standing (1,5k -> 3k, the grand total never exceeding 3k)
Edited by Aldrr
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Don't add things that rely on 100% RNG like the Ayatan BUT ALSO can't be bought in any way:

Mine rare gems. I just hate this one.

Overall I feel like the helmets and skins and nitain extract are a terrible system. I get liek 30 credits a week for all helmets, nitain extracts, unique skins that will never be available ever again "for free" AND the basic stuff such as weapons.
Before the systrem was implemented I had a good chance to get nitain and helmets, now I get like 1 reward in 2 weeks because the massive lack of wolf credits u get and the totally overpriced things. (speaking about helmets and skins)

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