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Nightwave + alerts removal feedback


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I personally feel like a lot of people are forgetting the fact that you don't even have to do all the challenges to get all 30 ranks from Nightwave.  Last I checked you needed to do around 60% of them, and that's not counting the gradual flux you get from capturing the wolf's followers.  If there are certain challenges that you don't like, and I see a lot of people complaining about the hour long survival, then don't play it.  You don't need it.  It's there for those who want to do it. 

On another note, for those who want all challenges to be easily accessible for all players, yes, I do get the appeal.  You want all aspects of the game to be available to all players.  Keep in mind, that these are challenges that grant rewards.  These challenges take normal activities, and slap a label on them and a decent time-window to do them in.  They are NOT game-play restricting.  The way this system is set up, is that casual and new players should be able to get the earlier, convenient, lower tier rewards.  Hard-core and end-game players should be able to get the later, higher tier rewards.  You get out of it what time and effort you put into it.

Another thing to consider are the rewards.  Most of these items will return in the following seasons.  The only ones that won't, and therefore the only ones new players will unfortunately miss out on, are the exclusive cosmetics.  Well, as far as exclusive cosmetics go, the vast majority of us were late to getting Excalibur Prime and I don't see too many people complaining about that because, well, it makes sense.  You get to show off that you supported the game early.  Same thing with this.  If you're far and capable enough you can get those exclusives to say 'Hey, I was there and I did that.'


I suppose the point I'm trying to make with all of this is that, you don't have to do everything to get the stuff you want.  The challenges that make some people uncomfortable, reward others who do want to participate in those challenges.  You're not really being punished for not doing a challenge since DE really gave us a lot of lee-way with that.  And if you think you should have access to all the rewards from day 1, sure, I think you can probably get most of them if you do all that you can.  But you're starting from day 1, working on the fast route to some resources for end-game content...  so don't be surprised if you don't get everything even with all your hard work.

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So at first pass, we are seeing some concerns rise to the top:

  • Ayatan Challenges - too RNG dependent. 
  • Survival Challenges - too long in one sitting.


I think I have a solution for both these issues. Why not put a guarantee ayatan sculpture in survival missions, it would make survivals less boring and the ayatan challenge less RNG dependent. If you want to go crazy, "spawn" one into the map every 5/10/20 mins to continue the hunt.


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So at first pass, we are seeing some concerns rise to the top:

  • Ayatan Challenges - too RNG dependent. 
  • Survival Challenges - too long in one sitting.


I think I have a solution for both these issues. Why not put a guarantee ayatan sculpture in survival missions, it would make survivals less boring and the ayatan challenge less RNG dependent. If you want to go crazy, "spawn" one into the map every 5/10/20 mins to continue the hunt.


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Lets make this as short and simple as possible:

  • Add a "Episode" tab that keeps track of all challenges(except dailies) of the season of the Nightwave so that the player can still be given a chance to finish them without punishing them because of restrictions of IRL stuff .examples:70 


  • Add at least 3-5 daily challenges per day 
  • Add a extra weekly challenge that always refreshes every week that requires the player to complete every challenge of that week and also appears in the "Episode" tab mentioned above
  • Add monthly challenges that refreshes every month during the season and appears in the "Episode" tab mentioned above  
  • Add seasonal challenges that last until the season is over and appears in the "Episode" tab mentioned above
  • Add a seasonal challenge that requires the player to complete a certain amount of daily challenges that appears every season
  • Add a seasonal challenge that requires the player to complete every weekly challenge of the the season and appears in every season  
  • Reward players stuff like credits,resources,focus lens etc. for completing these challenges not just standing
  • Bring back in-mission challenges that reward Nightwave standing
  • Add special event exclusive challenges that appear when events like Ghoul Purge,Formorian,Razorback Armada,Tactical Alerts,Holiday events,etc. are active
  • Reduce the prices on some of the items in the Nightwave vendor about 25%
  • Add Relic packs as a evergreen reward in the Nightwave vendor
  • Add a Nightwave color palette as a evergreen reward in the Nightwave vendor
  • Add the Nightwave music as a evergreen reward in the Nightwave vendor
  • Add a Nightwave UI theme as a evergreen reward in the Nightwave vendor
  • Add a Nightwave themed poster as a evergreen reward in the Nightwave vendor
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I just wanted to input where I could and as a PS4 player, Nightwave as an alert system doesn't seem to be outputting the resources nearly regularly enough as I play regularly on the PS4 and I see the grind for wolf creds and I can't believe it. I have a switch account I want to bring up in line to my PS4 but in order to do so Orokin Reactors/Catalysts are needed and in order for me to in theory get 1 Reactor or Catalyst I need to rank up 6 times to get the reward I need for the 75 wolf cred price, this is insane and though my PS4 account is lucky and doesn't need the Catalysts and Reactors so much with it's access to sorties but this reward system as is doesn't actually seem to keep the new players playing or the old players and as an old-er player, not quite founder but PS4 release old, the old alert system worked better. I like Nightwave but rewards for wolf creds need to be easier to gain and nightwave tiers could instead in theory be the thing to work at constantly and have cycling in and out with a constantly cycling alert system with 5k rep needed for each tier rather than 10k rep needed because as is I don't know if I'll ever get a umbral forma, something endgame that new players might not use but would be useful to have early on, but endgame players might NEED.

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  • as i always hear people whining about single challenges: you should make it clear that one doesn't need 100% of those completed to get to rank 30 (i think steve said something like 70% on stream?)
  • challenges with friends aren't really a problem, you can just go to recruitment chat and add someone who's also just doing that challenge, if you like you can unfriend them afterwards. so no problem there, but that makes it kind of superfluous.
    • challenges with clanmates, on the other hand, are a problem. many people have small and inactive or 1-man-clans they don't want to leave, so don't introduce clanmate only challenges
  • continue to make it difficult. 1h kuva was a good start. yes, maybe not all players can go that long, but it's called CHALLENGE, not "just another boring braindead task". it's the nature of challenges that not every new player will pass, and that's fine (see points 1/4).
    • if you're concerned about the time, not the difficulty: i don't think 1h should be too much for anyone
  • i'd make it so that you can get all the important, gameplay relevant stuff (umbral forma...) around rank 20-25 and have exclusive cosmetics (wolf armor/syandana...) at the end. then adjust the difficulty of the challenges so that even newer and less experienced players and those who don't have so much time can get to rank 25, and to progress further you need to play a lot (do nearly every challenge) and/or do some very difficult stuff only advanced players can do (90 minutes arbitration, 4/5x3, 2h survival melee only...).
    • that way newer and less experienced players or those who don't have enough time will complain less about not getting important stuff and players who play a lot and/or do the most difficult challenges can show that off.


overall i enjoyed the series so far, thanks and keep up the good work 🙂

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42 minutes ago, LordSky00 said:


I think I have a solution for both these issues. Why not put a guarantee ayatan sculpture in survival missions, it would make survivals less boring and the ayatan challenge less RNG dependent. If you want to go crazy, "spawn" one into the map every 5/10/20 mins to continue the hunt.


that's called arbitration. putting them in normal survivals would (a) make arbitrations less useful and (b) make endo farming too easy

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After having another week to chew on this, the payout structure definitely feels like it could use some tweaking. Assuming someone is barely staying on track to "complete" series 1 and it's going to run for 10 weeks, that means getting three ranks per week (30k standing) will keep someone on track. If someone is getting three ranks per week that means wolf cred payout is:

  • Week 1: 50 creds (Rank 3)
  • Week 2: 50 creds (Rank 6)
  • Week 3: No creds (Rank 9)
  • Week 4: 50 creds (Rank 12)
  • Week 5: No creds (Rank 15)
  • Week 6: 50 creds (Rank 18)
  • Week 7: 50 creds (Rank 21)
  • Week 8: 50 creds (Rank 24)
  • Week 9: No creds (Rank 27)
  • Week 10: No creds (Rank 30)

If it's from the perspective of a newer player who needs most/all the things being sold, that could lead to some "not great" feeling weeks (3, 5, 9, 10) where they may have zero ability to purchase things they need and have to wait *weeks* for the item to rotate back in when they have creds later.

On the other hand, someone who does all the acts (43k standing/week) is looking to be extremely loaded with credits after week 7:

  • Week 1: 50 creds (Rank 4)
  • Week 2: 50 creds (Rank 8 )
  • Week 3: 50 creds (Rank 12)
  • Week 4: 50 creds (Rank 17)
  • Week 5: 50 creds (Rank 21)
  • Week 6: 50 creds (Rank 25)
  • Week 7: No creds (Rank 30)
  • Week 8: 200 (?) creds (Rank 34)
  • Week 9: 200 (?) creds (Rank 38)
  • Week 10: 250 (?) creds (Rank 43)

(It'll actually be a little faster than that for a couple of the weeks, since that doesn't count fugitives. My assumption at this point is that any ranks past 30 will just award 50 creds per rank)

Incidentally, players that are in/closest to the "all the acts all the time" camp are probably least in need of wolf creds. As a long time player, I've got maybe a couple cosmetic helmets I could pick up if I want to be completionist about it, but beyond that I'll probably just dump it all into increasing my catalyst, reactor, or nitain stockpiles? It'd be fantastic to be able to dump wolf creds into something like endo, kuva, wolf sledge pieces, a beacon to summon the wolf, ducats, etc. I'm already basically able to stay on top of my catalyst/reactor needs with the Gift of the Lotus alerts, and it would take a substantial nitain sink to make nitain feel like a reasonable choice.

The costs also feel out of sync with how easy/hard it was to obtain items under the old system. The cred offerings are definitely more directed, but a couple hours of playtime under the old alert system spread across a couple days  would have yielded several hundred cred worth of items under the new system. Heck, there was an invasion yesterday evening offering a reactor blueprint which took maybe 10 minutes total to snag three missions for Corpus, and that was worth essentially a week and a half of Nightwave cred earnings.

The feeling of pressure is also "not great" with Nightwave. Saying someone only needs 60% of the challenges is both mathematically wrong (it's 69.767% by rep gained or 70.588% by number of acts if you bias away from the elite offerings), it's misleading because of how elite acts are weighted. Folks looking to hit the minimum of 30k/week need to do one elite weekly act, every regular weekly act, and four daily acts (12/17 acts during the week) to hit 30k. You can juggle that around a bit (e.g. do 7/7 daily acts and only 6/7 weekly acts), but I'd assume that most players who feel like they're struggling to keep up probably aren't going to be able to "just do all three elite acts". As many folks have suggested, something like not having the acts actually expire would do a great job of taking off the perceived time pressure (whether it's "never expires ever" or "(elite) weekly acts stick around for an extra week or two"). Right now when I hop on I feel like I have to work on acts ASAP or I'm wasting time and going to miss out, but this obviously isn't rooted in logic as I keep ending up like this week where it's Tuesday and I only have the five sortie act left plus whatever dailies appear for the rest of the week. I can tell myself this as much as I want, but it doesn't change how it feels like the system is pressuring me (Stop being dumb, brain!)

Edited by shieldb
fixing smiley parsing
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I like Nightwave as its own thing. Every piece of nightwave feels good except the shop pricing/disbursement of wolf credits.

Daily tasks to earn small amounts of wolf creds as well as a reduction in price for alt helmets and aura mods is my strong recommendation. 

Overall, well done DE, thank you for the work you put into series 1 of Nightwave.

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The ability to trade in creds for standing, the ability to spend creds to repurchase reward items and the ability to trade in syndicate medallions and ayatans and toroids and sentient shards for creds and removing all standing caps on all syndicate groups in the game. Because if someone wants to burn through 5 ranks or 132k+standing in a single 24hr period we should have the freedom to do so. 

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I'm a bit late to this party but I think Nightwave is a step in an excellent direction and offers some variety in gameplay.  With that, I thought I'd post my two cents.

I like the idea of a 30 milestone track for the most part.  As much as I myself am not a fan of timed exclusivity, I will admit that exclusive mission-related rewards are exciting and motivating for much of the player base.  However, given the sheer difficulty of some of the Elite Weeklies, DE may be locking newer players out of later stage content.  That being said, I'd recommend the following:

  1. Increase number/rewards of standard (non-Elite) Weeklies such that completing all will net you the required 30,000 a week
    • The current weekly events provide only 21,000 standing/week; even with dailies, you can't hope to unlock everything as a newer player, no matter how much effort you sink in unless you recruit a team to get you through the Elites - relying on a carry doesn't feel like much of an accomplishment
    • Some weeklies end up requiring content that new players may not have unlocked yet, which further strengthens this point!  In such a case, dailies can help fill in the gap.
  2. Offer special periodic events to help players catch up
    • Events can pertain to the story being told for that 10 week period, offering new lore in addition to providing a substantial standing reward!
  3. Increase the total standing gained from Elite missions to at least 22.5k - 27k per week
    • Ideally, an experienced player should be able to net at least 75%-90% of the minimum 30,000 standing/week through Elites alone as opposed to the current 33% - 50% (10k - 15k)


Why the changes?

These adjustments will offer more choice to Veteran's who may not appreciate spending time "capturing 10 animals in Orb Vallis" when they could otherwise be doing something challenging or appropriate for their level.  Admittedly, Elite missions have been the best part of Nightwave for me so I do have some bias.  However, for those veteran players who share the sentiment, this will feel extremely rewarding. 

However, new players without high ranking friends will be able to get to the high rank rewards with weeklies+dailies alone and won't feel locked out by daunting Elite missions.  Though because gaining standing this way will be tight, there's always a natural drive for a newer player to at least attempt an Elite mission if the opportunity arises.  Point is, this scheme provides multiple routes for multiple levels of players.  A fast route (via elites) for vets, a slow route (via non-elites) for newer players, and an expedited route for vets with the time on their hands to do everything.

The last benefit is allowing players to unlock all content with 5 out of 10 weeks of dedicated play.  My proposal implies the increase the total pool of available standing per week from 40k to ~60k  This is more forgiving to players who have busy lives but are still willing to put in the effort to net the sweet, sweet stage 25-30 rewards when they do get a chance to play.  With this scheme, it's now reasonable to completely miss a week and make up for it the next. 

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I feel the current implementation is inherently flawed its reliant on you having too much time on your hands then you know what to do with. 

Regular alerts should have stayed in the game and all that they would have really needed were minor adjustments in the rewards you got for doing them,

1- Small credit buff, maybe by a half of what it was say you got 1000 credits make it 1500 instead. Not a huge buff but to a new player its a huge difference til they can get to the Index and farm it later on.

2- Increase the amount of materials you got from them by at least double for common/uncommon stuff and give at least 2 or 3 for rare materials. Put Nitain back in as a friggin' alert reward this is a material you keep using over and over again in so many things since it was put into the game that locking it away behind a special credit pay wall was a seriously moronic idea. I've seen many new players ask where to farm nitain only to be dismayed at the fact that it requires a special credit or god-tier luck to get it from a 1% sabotage cache drop, this is not a reliable way to farm this resource that is frequently needed.

3 - A small amount of rep for Nightwave added in. This probably shouldn't exceed say 200 for low level to 500 for a high level (probably adjust this as needed) leaving in the random fugitives for a bonus amount of rep and just make use of a daily cap like every other syndicate has, yes its annoying and I know that people will complain about another stinkin' cap but it would keep folks from farming it in a matter of days and it would alleviate some of that "OHMYGOD I gotta rush 'X' now." feeling that many players have right now.

A lot of new players made use of alerts to get access to materials they couldn't farm yet, Rhino is one of the earliest frames new players will most likely farm and you have no access to the 1 measly circuit you will need to craft his systems til you get to Neptune on the other side of the star chart. Hell a lot of the low tier weapons will need orokin cells which are out of reach til you get your butt to Saturn which again is on the other side of the chart.

Not that any of this matters since season 1 won't see any changes despite it really needing it so all this is just us pissing in the wind and calling it rain. 

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I love the idea of Nightwave however, the alerts had its pros. I am a casual/hybrid player that likes to mix up my gameplay. When I first started playing warframe back in 2016 the alerts were a great way for me to jump in and start playing. To admit the game was overwhelming and I almost stopped playing. I decided to stick with it because I loved the art direction, parkour system, and potential story this universe has to offer. So, I stuck with it and learned that the warframe wiki is my best friend.

What Nightwave does right imo is that it offers players an opportunity the purchase the items they require, that they would've otherwise had to plan for ahead of time due to alert cycle and limited time. I personally did not mind it. In addition, the app assisted me in further planning ahead however, I do like the direction Nightwave is going to allow players especially new players to purchase sought after blueprints such as potatoes and Nitain to upgrade their frames.

One of the things I’d love to see change with Nightwave is for the weekly and elite mission types to be listed under the alert’s column like all the current alerts left in game are. The Nightwave banner can remain below for players to track overall progress but the mission objectives should be under alerts tab for quick access. Doing this I assume would require alert missions to have a per-determined map. With Nightwave as it stands currently, players have the choice to choose which map they prefer to attempt the challenge on. They just need to search the star chart for all the available nodes unlocked to them that qualify for the mission objective. With the old alert system, the map was per-determined and if the player did not have node unlocked, they could work towards unlocking that node.

I believe the best part of the old alert system was the quick play capability.

Pro of old alert system:

allowed for quick play, access to additional resources, and instant reward on completion.

Pro of Nightwave system:

Lore attached to season, capability to purchase what you require, goal-oriented progression at players pace within season time frame.


Forgot to mention for the Nightwave alerts there is no mission failure prompt, the player can just keep playing the mission. I noticed this when playing the stealth exterminate alert available for this week’s Nightwave cycle. I do not typically play stealthy because I do not feel the game really requires it except in niche game modes. While doing the mission I could not tell if I was failing or not. I had to go to the wiki and read about how stealth and AI alertness works to determine if I was properly completing the mission and what I could get away with. It would be nice to have a prompt indicating if the Nightwave alert selected failed with an option to proceed or abort mission.



Elite mission types

As a casual/hybrid player I like the idea of a challenging objectives. I can choose whether I want to pursue it or continue completing the lesser objectives available. I have read many forum posts expressing mixed feelings specifically about the 60-minute kuva survival elite mission. After reading many of the complaints, the frequent complaint I have seen is that many feel 60 minutes is to long due to a feeling of unbalanced reward for play time ratio. I believe the mission rewards 5k standing. Perhaps bumping this up to 10k would make it more appealing. Maybe another way to approach it is to make it tiered. For example, first 30 minutes rewards 5k. If player decided to proceed further for another 30minutes, the mission becomes a lot harder, AI level increases significantly, and rewards 10k standing.

Perhaps the mission can be 30 minutes long and start AI at lvl 80+. Allow elite missions to have a greater chance of spawning the Wolf and his goons in attempt to ruin the players day.


Thank you for your time.


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The old alert system was a "take it or leave it" system, the Nightwave system feels like necessary grind. If you want to make it a "doing it for fun" system, remove the desirable rewards. Take the Umbral Formas out and put creds in. This way the folks that have the resources (time/friends/skills) can get all the rewards while the more casual players are not punished for not being able to finish.

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13 hours ago, Priamos said:

Before I say anything, I would like to clarify a few things.  For one, I work 7 days and then 2 days off as a Security Guard, it takes me 2 hours to travel to work and back, I have very limited time to play unless I get a day off or I get a holiday.

The problem that I have With Nightwave, is the limit to 10 weeks to get everything done before the next wave and you creds get reset.

The other issue, is that a lot of the weekly goals making up the majority of the reputation is time consuming, and somewhat rediculous, at least for me.

I personly feel that it should at least be 15 weeks and that we should be able to keep the creds we have earned and it should carry over to the next wave.

The unfortunate answer to this is if you don't have lots of free time warframe isn't the game for you. Im sorry man. 

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10 hours ago, TheRealShade said:

I also work from 8 to 5 every day and it takes me 1.5h to get to work and 2.5h to get home due to increased traffic. I also have limited time to play and do overtime whenever the case arises. I have no issues getting my weeklies done within the 1h-1.5h time I have to play everyday. Granted I don't always work on the weekends but so far I've been done with my "challenges" before that.


If anything, what I'd see changed isn't an increase in the time window we have, I'd just drop most of the wolf creds in the early ranks and leave the other rank rewards later in the system, ideally just dump all the cosmetics on the end of the wave rather than spreading them around all ranks.

So you spend 9 hours a day at work, right? and spend 4 hours total commuting. and I assume you get the 8 hours of sleep required to be healthy as well?

Meaning you would have 3 total hours per day, and you want to spend it doing chores in an online game? assuming you don't have irl chores to do, which if you don't... bullS#&$?


This post stinks. There's no way this person is real and being real. That's 3 hours to cook, eat, clean, wash, dress, prepare for work, get groceries, ect, and not even in a solid chunk, since you have to factor in the awake time before work. So you're either

  • Lying
  • not getting a healthy amount of sleep
  • doing nothing in your free time but warframe's chores
24 minutes ago, VenomousValentine said:

The unfortunate answer to this is if you don't have lots of free time warframe isn't the game for you. Im sorry man. 

it should be though. The entire warframe payment model has been based around bypassing wait times, so you can either spend time or spend money to get the "fun". People like this are exactly what a game like Warframe has been for. These are the people who have the money to spend, and are willing to to have fun in their free time. This is Warframe's target market.

How the #*!% do you think Warframe survived for so long on a relatively small playerbase without seriously gouging their players with lootboxes and other f2p cancer? By having a market of people who have either time, or money, and allowing those people to cooperate to share the game.

Edited by NezuHimeSama
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To me it's been a heavy debate mainly focusing down to two key factors:
1. How much time am I spending in Warframe to earn rewards?
2. How valuable are the rewards vs the time I'm spending NOT doing the things I want to do in the game?

So Nightwave solves a key problem, that problem being creating short term goals for players who have limited time to play the game while also creating things for people who are "hard core." The only problem is balancing said format, because the gap between short term goals and long term rewards is still a little vast. So let's talk about the things surrounding that first.

In an ideal world (for me) the entire achievement list would be available from the getgo so players can hit it as hard and as fast as they want to. I know there are some op players out there that could probably bust through it in a day and a half or a weekend and still talk about there being no content, but for a lot of players it means having to treat the game as a second job. When the dailies are "actually" dailies vs smaller tasks meant to be done in smaller bursts, I think it becomes a problem for people like myself with maybe an hour or two a day to play until the weekends.

What this becomes is a test to see if you can get that daily done in the hour you have, then catch up all the weeklies in like a day or two on Friday night/Saturday because they all reset Sunday. This means that players are seeing inverse rewards for their play time. As others have mentioned before some of this comes down to the lack of wolf creds that are provided at the earlier ranks and less consistently, combined with the prices of the items being asked, that reward only players who have everything unlocked and a lot of time. Without a surplus of "dailies" even with the generous time frame, getting 1k affinity piecemeal is literally NOTHING compared to the amount of affinity endgame players are able to rack up. I know it's been commented that only 60% of the achievements are needed, but things that are RNG dependent, clan/group dependent, or endurance dependent to use the terms presented here, end up meaning that the people with time are rewarded FAR more than anyone with limited time to play the game.

There are so many ranks to get through and yet only one "daily" a day, meaning that if you're logging in to take care of dailies you're literally going towards those goals at a SNAIL'S PACE compared to the players who have time/end game gear. That's not to say end game players shouldn't be rewarded with more affinity for more challenging content. I simply believe "dailies" should come in more flavors/sizes/quantities. Some of the weeklies like finding mods and stuff are great for multitasking while doing things you want to do already in the game like leveling. But for example if I'm trying to level up a new frame/weapon/etc but I know I have a ticking clock until my daily resets or until the weeklies are over, that becomes me having to prioritize the event over the gameplay I desire. It becomes a fight between what I want to do and what I want to get out of the Nightwave system.

The problem isn't NECESSARILY that it takes "too much time" to do the things in the Nightwave system, it's that without knowing what they are ahead of time you have to plan YOUR time around the event/game to make sure you can handle those things especially if you're not an endgame player or someone with a crazy powerful clan. It punishes players who don't have certain Frames, certain availability, or certain unlocks. And on top of that because it changes every week you have to go into each week trying to figure out "how am I going to work all these events into things I want to do this week because that armor looks really cool at rank 40 but I can't get it just doing dailies."

There are a few different ways to POSSIBLY remedy this situation:

1. Trade in similar to Syndicates - Having medallions/items/etc seeing as the wolf bros spawn far too little not really providing motivation to go out on more missions with friends. If they were a guaranteed/more often spawn it would encourage players hitting dailies or smaller quest lines to still have a means of catching up with the people who can do 60 minute survivals and stuff.

2. Creds as Rewards - This is probably way more farfetched than the other suggestions people are giving but having creds be rewards instead of(or alongside) affinity, allowing for people to more piecemeal save towards the things they want from the reward system while gaining affinity for purchases and/or alongside creds means that players are working towards both goals simultaneously. The current system locks players behind having to hit specific tiers for even a chance to purchase the things they want. Without a way to gain creds more reliably, even if it was one per daily, people like myself see the three tiers between our next cred offering and go "man that's a long way before I can even start getting items from the shop again." having to work weeks/twice as long to get things some players can knock out in a day instead of providing two different roads to the same destination is a bummer.

3. Tracker for a full month/period of the event - As someone mentioned with  Fortnite and GW2 examples, providing a tracker of all the things you can do at once would provide people more informed decisions with their gameplay time. For example if you need 40k affinity to get the armor you want in the affinity awards, and can see what dailies and weeklies are available, you as a player can go "Okay I know I can't do a flawless conservation, I know I can't do 60 minutes of survival without hitting this, but if I do ALL THESE THINGS -pointing to a list made by the player- I know for sure I'll get the items I want" that provides the player with a plan. Instead of being punished for having a weekend trip or something else planned they can go "okay this month I want to do this, this and this, which will reward me with this." If I knew exactly what dailies/weeklies/etc were ahead of me I could just make a list and go down it every time I get a spare moment to game. Right now the timer works against the player by pressuring them and/or making them feel "obligated" to be on at certain times. I get why this might exist to keep the population up and playing more consistently, but for people like me it's a bummer not knowing if I'll have enough affinity by the end of the event to get the things I want because the next set of weeklies might be outside my skillset and/or during a week I can't play.

With a tracker, more frequent cred rewards, resulting in more player engagement and choice, and more ways to gain affinity more people will engage with the content you're putting out more consistently and by having a big tracker or looking at what dailies/etc get done you can see the kind of content your players are gravitating towards. It may not get people on right when you want them to, but it will (in the long term to me) encourage players to continue to engage with the system, rather than missing a week once or twice in the 10 week period and going "well no point now because I know I won't ever get to the thing I need because of the timers."

That being said I like that I was able to buy a ton of Nitain and finish like 3 primes in one go. I liked that I have a reason to do more content I wouldn't have done otherwise. I like that the game is trying new things and trying to revamp its system to give players goals that are short term and long term. I just think right now people without too much time are being punished more than players who have time and endgame gear to do so.  There's a ton of potential to this system and I apologize for rambling, but I'm super passionate about the game and want to see this mode more fleshed out and rewarding for people like myself who love to play the game frequently, but can't consistently commit to the more loftier achievements in the system.

tl;dr timers are bad for people with less time, plans are good, creds are too far spaced out, but the system has a ton of merit and I like it more than alerts.


Edited by Bit_Reactor
Clearing up a point
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nightwave should be treated like fortnights battle pass. Where every week new challenges are unlocked for people to do, but they stay there for the entirety of the season. So at least you do all the challenges from all the weeks in week 10 if that's what you want to do.

I really liked that because it didn't make it feel like weekly chores because you could ignore them until the last week of the season if that's what you wanted.

Edited by HerpDerpy
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New players keep complaining about Nightwave as if the system excludes them from participating. 

They are not being excluded. They are choosing to disregard the content Warframe has which would lead them to be capable of handling everything Nightwave has to offer. Is all of the content released prior to Nightwave worthless? Is it all just filler? There are plenty of activities a new player can accomplish within Nightwave but they just want it all. 

I think the shop offerings could be improved but I'm willing to wait and see how the system evolves over time. However, should Nightwave challenges be neutered like so much of the game's challenges have been in the past to cater to the win by participation audience, it'll end up being another coffin in the Draco Graveyard.

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

New players keep complaining about Nightwave as if the system excludes them from participating. 

They are not being excluded. They are choosing to disregard the content Warframe has which would lead them to be capable of handling everything Nightwave has to offer.

When you put literal countdowns on things and players have limited time sometimes the things that are being asked aren't just difficult, they're impossible due to lack of time. Cumulative things like survival would still be playable by the hardcore in one sitting vs other people piecemealing it. Literally taking away none of the difficulty unless someone wants to tediously do tiny increments and restart the missions over and over again in a single sitting.

I'm not saying there shouldn't be tough challenges, in fact I like tough challenges and think the players who can invest in them should be handsomely rewarded for it, but players WANT to engage with the Nightwave system but are limited by time/nodes/etc and things like putting it in a time lock to pressure you into missing out and/or not being able to even get the max affinity by doing dailies can/should be adjusted.

People like myself don't want participation trophies, we just want more ways to participate and engage with the game. Keep the tough challenges, just give more "types" of players more ways to work up to that level even if it's slower in the long run. The disparity between epic and dailies right now is a pretty gigantic gap.

EDIT: I should add that the bonus to this is offering more wolf creds when players "max out" the affinity for the event, allowing to collect/get any item they want, stock up on Nitain, etc while still allowing for some balance of other players being able to participate in the cash shop and work towards that rank 40 goal. This way the hardcore players get rewarded and get more creds to spend on whatever they want, and newer players with less time can still manage to attain the rank 40 if they manage their time well, something that's harder to do with the current time settings and daily system.

Edited by Bit_Reactor
Clarifying epic rewards for hardcore players
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2 minutes ago, Bit_Reactor said:

When you put literal countdowns on things and players have limited time sometimes the things that are being asked aren't just difficult, they're impossible due to lack of time. Cumulative things like survival would still be playable by the hardcore in one sitting vs other people piecemealing it. Literally taking away none of the difficulty unless someone wants to tediously do tiny increments and restart the missions over and over again in a single sitting.

I'm not saying there shouldn't be tough challenges, in fact I like tough challenges and think the players who can invest in them should be handsomely rewarded for it, but players WANT to engage with the Nightwave system but are limited by time/nodes/etc and things like putting it in a time lock to pressure you into missing out and/or not being able to even get the max affinity by doing dailies can/should be adjusted.

People like myself don't want participation trophies, we just want more ways to participate and engage with the game. Keep the tough challenges, just give more "types" of players more ways to work up to that level even if it's slower in the long run. The disparity between epic and dailies right now is a pretty gigantic gap.

If one player has 3 hours to invest and another player has 1 hour to play, why should they be rewarded equally? 

There needs to be a disparity between those with and those without to emphasize that your time spent in Warframe is appreciated, valued and worth the investment. Everyone winning by default because they choose the easier less time consuming path versus the player who chose the more challenging and stressful path just doesn't make sense.

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Just now, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

If one player has 3 hours to invest and another player has 1 hour to play, why should they be rewarded equally? 

There needs to be a disparity between those with and those without to emphasize that your time spent in Warframe is appreciated, valued and worth the investment. Everyone winning by default because they choose the easier less time consuming path versus the player who chose the more challenging and stressful path just doesn't make sense.

See you're assuming I want to be rewarded to the same amount as someone who has the hours to spare. So right now if you do all the weeklies you can be at a ridiculously high rank of affinity right now. That's awesome. I'm okay with taking twice as long, so long as dailies are valid (currently they don't seem to be) to attain the goals I have in the game.

Me being able to spend 10 hours a week (for a simplified estimate) to play and work towards those rewards slowly vs someone being able to spend 10 hours a single day to do it is still 10 hours. Having options to accomplish those tasks (even if at a slower rate) isn't the same as asking for the same rewards as someone who can do the weekly epic events every tier.

A player like yourself (I assume) can hit rank 40 in probably a fraction, if not half the time a regular player would. A players reward for being able to spend time playing the game and being able to take all the time they want in the game unlike others is efficiency. They can get things at a fraction of the time and flex about the fact that it takes them less time overall to do something. If someone else can still get something but it takes them longer to do so, that's not taking away a prize from you. It's not like they're adding an easy mode to the challenges. They would be providing a means for players to SLOWLY earn the rewards over time piecemeal.

The assumption that "I play a million hours so I deserve to get this armor that no one else should have" is counter intuitive to the reason a system like this exists, which was to provide players more manageable goals and ways to commit to growth in the game. Not asking for nerfs, just asking for more viable long term goals to be able to do to get to those results over time. You're conflating time with difficulty as if you yourself will also not benefit and/or gain from having certain other aids to the systems implemented.

Right now you are punished if you are not endgame and/or have a million hours to play the game. Simple as that. You should be rewarded for efficiency/strength (i.e. greater affinity gain at a greater rate resulting in more net gain of creds and more rewards faster) while still allowing for players to get there eventually. This is also ignoring the fact that some players are so beyond the endgame at this point that no matter what DE does they'll blow through it in a day, so to call it the more "challenging and stressful path" when some players can do these endgame tasks in minutes is disingenuous at best.

I'll avoid derailing the topic further but wanted to clarify the difference isn't difficulty, it's time.


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1) money money money
      Wolf Credits are too few and far between for the price of items offered in cred store. there are three solutions. 1, credits with every level up. 2, increase the amount gained. 3, decrease prices (don't do 3, it's bad)

2) lored to death
     The lore drip has been less than expected so far. Lore in more ways than just the short cinematics, such as text lore, or audio lore.

3) the big bad wolf
     Yes I know the wolf will be seen more more as the series goes on, but if the trend of these limited time field bosses continues there needs to be a way to summon them (beacons, opt in for invasion, etc). 

4) where did you find this fossil?
     items form this series (desert skins, wolf armor, etc) offered again in a future series for creds. 

5) All the money in the world
     At the end of a series, participants that reach a specific level receive a (series name) cred decoration bundle (x5 cred decorations) to place in their orbiter.


Thank you for your time, and hard work.


Edited by Ogarra_Remaellus
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2 hours ago, NezuHimeSama said:

So you spend 9 hours a day at work, right? and spend 4 hours total commuting. and I assume you get the 8 hours of sleep required to be healthy as well?

Meaning you would have 3 total hours per day, and you want to spend it doing chores in an online game? assuming you don't have irl chores to do, which if you don't... bullS#&$?


This post stinks. There's no way this person is real and being real. That's 3 hours to cook, eat, clean, wash, dress, prepare for work, get groceries, ect, and not even in a solid chunk, since you have to factor in the awake time before work. So you're either

  • Lying
  • not getting a healthy amount of sleep
  • doing nothing in your free time but warframe's chores


1. I don't go groceries or do cleaning everyday, I stock up on Sunday to last me for the week and do all cooking, cleaning and washing then (aside from dishes which I do as soon as I'm done eating everyday).

2. I am not getting a healthy amount of sleep, that's the case for most of us really.

3. I don't consider them chores, I see them as an incentive to go back to content I might otherwise ignore, but that's me.

Edited by TheRealShade
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