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Anyone else tired of warframe?


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well, Bired Debts has definitely brought me back, I NEED the Opticor Vandal and still have a few other thigns to do, including Nightwave, but I do believe that playing multiple games actually prevents you from getting burnt out on all of them. finished Metro Exodus last week, spent a little time on Modern Warfare Remastered since it was free, and I have Anthem, but haven't touched it in a couple days.

you should buy Anthem, a few hours of that and it makes Warframe look like the greatest game ever! xD

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My best memories of having fun were doing the randomized levels, working my way across the planet while gathering things to get stronger, and then trying to come up with a build that beat the junction boss.

But once I finished that, there is nothing more like it.

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After six years, and over 2,000 hours, I know exactly how you feel.

I still really want to play Warframe a lot of the time, because I love the actual gameplay mechanics. The weapons, the powers, the parkour, and the story. Its all so much fun. But after having done it for so long, it has become really hard to justify playing simply for the sake of playing. If there isn't a decent goal to work towards, it just feels like I am wasting my time. And since I have already done all the things that are fun to work towards, all I have left are the ones that I had been avoiding because they aren't fun. Most of the time, I log in, and then sit around for a while trying to figure out what I even want to do.

Nightwave hasn't helped this at all either. I was really hoping it would have brought some sort of actual gameplay content with it, but it didn't. Instead is just trying to get me to go back and play even more of the stuff I was tired of years ago. Plus, they actually removed part of the game I enjoyed along with it, so really I got even less stuff to do because of it.

Overall, a big reason why I have been so tired of the game recently is because the content updates have become so few and far between. I stopped playing for almost a full year recently, and really didn't miss anything. I came back for the Strata relay rebuilding event, but that was it. Otherwise, the Sacrifice, and Fortuna came out during that time. A full year, and only two big content updates? No wonder I still feel like there is nothing to do after taking a year off.

But, for now, I am still here. At least I still have several things to get, and to level up. Even if I don't really have anything to do with them after I get them, its still something. I would absolutely love it if I could somehow rekindle that feeling I had for the first year of playing. There was so much to do, and so much stuff to get, I felt like I could play this game forever. I really miss that feeling.

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6 hours ago, PakkiTheDog said:

First of i would like to say i spent over two thousand hours in this game and the majority of it was pleasant. If anyone asks me to recommend them a game i immediately think of warframe. Great gameplay and loads of content, but after playing this game constantly for almost 3 years the game became boring. I tried taking a break from waframe, coming back when there is new content but each new update is just a bunch of grind. 

For someone who has been playing the game as long as you have, I'm amazed you've apparently forgotten the whole basis of the game. :laugh:

As I keep telling people like yourself, maybe if you didn't grind so hard and just took it a bit easier, you wouldn't get burned out.


Edited by FlusteredFerret
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Guild Wars 2 became free to play and I had no hesitation downloading it and trying it to see if it's wort switching over to from Warframe. It probs would have been if I still wanted to play a WoW-like game.

Now I am waiting for a Steam sale to get The Witcher 3 and will have no trouble getting lost in it over wf ..

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Well i lost my fracture progress around 4 time and got the Exploiter orb to not spawn in the second phase around 8 times.

So yeah some bugs may drive tenno off the game. I must admit the nightwave got me playing more than i used to ^.^ 

Edited by trunks013
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9 hours ago, PakkiTheDog said:

First of i would like to say i spent over two thousand hours in this game and the majority of it was pleasant. If anyone asks me to recommend them a game i immediately think of warframe. Great gameplay and loads of content, but after playing this game constantly for almost 3 years the game became boring. I tried taking a break from waframe, coming back when there is new content but each new update is just a bunch of grind. 

Sorties are a great idea, 3 random missions, each giving a bit of credits and in the end you get a reward, but the problem here are the rewards. A lot of times they are not worth the 20-30 min that it takes to finish the sortie, you just waist your time. Orokin catalysts and reactors, formas and exilus adapters you can get easier other places, not that you'll be getting them often in sorties. I guess endo and 3 day boosters are good for majority of the players while useless for veterans.

Rivens were a great idea and i would love to invest more time into minimaxing my weapons and invest multiple more formas in them but the grind is insane. First off when you get the veild riven there is the RNG of getting the riven for a weapon that you want, not another duplicate. Than you can get 6k kuva from the sortie, a couple of rolls and a few bad stats later you have accomplished nothing. You decide you want to get a good roll on your riven and try to farm the kuva... 600 kuva per mission, 1.2k with booster, and if your cat is nice to you you occasionally get another 2x of that value. You repeat missions over and over again, boring grind to get a decent amount of kuva just to spend it all in a minute on an RNG stats, a lot of times worse than the ones you began with. All that time waisted. It felt like gambling to me, each time i got a riven for a weapon i liked, i spent hours farming kuva just to feel disappointed and angry in the end.


For a while sorties were the only thing i did every day when i logged into warframe, but because all the rewards seemed useless i stopped doing them. Took a break and came back to updates.


Vallis was fun for a bit before i had to repeat everything i liked x amount of times to max out the standings, especially annoying are the ventkids. The k-drive grind is slow and boring not to mention that the trick multiplier doesn't work half of the time. Also the XP needed for the k-drives is insane, took me 30 min to lvl up the k-drive from 24 to max. Had a booster active but i'm guessing it doesn't affect it. Instead of making the races longer and more challenging and in turn more rewarding they'v made the races easy and rewards low so you have to repeat over and over again.

Arbirations, actually needed to google what they are, totally forgot about them, i farmed them x amount of times and never touched them again...like the onslaught. Easy to cheese, repeat x amount of times repetitive and boring missions just to get those couple of rewards you'll probably never use.

Nightwave repeat the same grind. I don't need fish and rocks, don't want to do sorties for above reason, don't want to be forced to play with friends or clan-mattes to take down a boss i'v taken down x amount of times. I don't profit from these missions, all i get is the standing and the good things are locked at the end. But i guess this is good for newer players.

The BURIED DEBTS, fracture farming :facepalm:. Bough Hildryn because i liked the exploiter boss fight and didn't want that to change. Each new warframe and primed version, repeat the same missions over and over again...


I don't know it might be that after so many hours of grinding the game has become more work than fun for me. Like i said i still like the gunplay, movement and warframes but there has to be some fun objective to do and i guess i'v gotten tired of repeating the same boring mission over and over again. I hope in the future we get some new missions, new factions, good raids and real endgame.

Anyone else feels like this, maybe has some tricks on how to make fun for yourself again?


9 hours ago, Captain said:

Welcome to the club.


What he said.

Lots of people in the club.

No matter what they do, the game only feels fresh for a couple of hours till you realize you are doing the same thing over and over again. 

I loved the exploiter boss fight, but it isn't rewarding. Why would I do it more than once ? For the terrible looking cosmetics ?

This game needs a proper reward system. Even if you have the best content, people will get bored of it quickly and stop doing it unless it is rewarding enough.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

well, Bired Debts has definitely brought me back, I NEED the Opticor Vandal and still have a few other thigns to do, including Nightwave, but I do believe that playing multiple games actually prevents you from getting burnt out on all of them. finished Metro Exodus last week, spent a little time on Modern Warfare Remastered since it was free, and I have Anthem, but haven't touched it in a couple days.

you should buy Anthem, a few hours of that and it makes Warframe look like the greatest game ever! xD

Thats my strategy. I bounce back and forth between Warframe, Armored Warfare and Witcher 3. Also a few older games like Skyrim, Fallout 4 and even some old Half Life mods.

I also take short breaks from gaming altogether (just a day or two, but it works for me).

Honestly, I don't know how some people manage these epic grinds that enable them to finish stuff within a few days or weeks.

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I'm tired yet..I still play...

 I have been branching out to Elite Dangerous and working my way up the ship ladder, pretty relaxing where you can fly, make credits, and watch netflix with the occasional space pirate screaming ARRRGH MY SPACE BOOTY BE IN YER LOCKER YOU SCURVY COBRA JOCKEY!!!...I have no idea why I am drawn to games that have a wiki the size of the Library of Congress and need specialized sites to help with everything like trade routes to what time is it on the plains...

I have to laugh..my next purchase before Death Stranding is Stellaris for the PS4...Stellaris...


Why can't I like simpler games....?

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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7 minutes ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

Why can't I like simpler games....?

And that is the rub.   The windup on complex games is huge and thus when you start to feel tired of it the "sunk cost fallacy" creeps in our brain and holds us longer than we should.   I would highly recommend finding something other than gaming if you are a complex gamer.    You just don't get the rest unless you do.  Pick up an instrument or exercise (crazy thought).  Just something that is equally complex but in a completely different avenue.  For me...my alternate is training for an Olympic triathlon.   It takes about 4-8 hours a week of effort.  When the event dropped...yeah, 4 hours per week.  Now that the event is winding down my hours per week is going up again.  

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Before Warframe the longest I had played any game for was around 200h on really big RPGs and then got bored and went on to something else. Warframe has so far engaged me for more than 1k hours and this is not a normal thing at all, very few games are capable of that. 

Many people are saying they've played 2 to 5k hours and they feel burned out. But of course you are! How could you not be? Seriously go do something else before you hurt yourself, this is a game, it's supposed to be fun, if you're not having fun don't do it. If you're not a professional gamer, if this isn't your job, you shouldn't be pushing yourself beyond the point of enjoyment, don't worry life will surely take care of doing that more than enough. 

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2 minutes ago, Amhiel said:

Before Warframe the longest I had played any game for was around 200h on really big RPGs and then got bored and went on to something else. Warframe has so far engaged me for more than 1k hours and this is not a normal thing at all, very few games are capable of that. 

Many people are saying they've played 2 to 5k hours and they feel burned out. But of course you are! How could you not be? Seriously go do something else before you hurt yourself, this is a game, it's supposed to be fun, if you're not having fun don't do it. If you're not a professional gamer, if this isn't your job, you shouldn't be pushing yourself beyond the point of enjoyment, don't worry life will surely take care of doing that more than enough. 

If anyone has played this game for more than 200 hrs, 90% of that time had been doing the same thing over and over. If you were to only do everything once, there's probably about 20hr Max of content. 

I really don't understand how after 1000s of hours, you suddenly feel like it's the games fault you are bored. 

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11 hours ago, PakkiTheDog said:

Anyone else feels like this, maybe has some tricks on how to make fun for yourself again?

Burnout happens...

Best advice is to take a break after the anniversary and come back to it later with fresh eyes.

Pick a different game to play for a while

FFXIV( is ramping up their next expansion so there's tons of story to do there if you feel up to buying the game and expansions), TD2 (if you dig that gameplay).

Read a good book.

Watch some good shows

The Expanse and Farscape are both available on Amazon Prime right now not to mention that this has been an especially good year for Anime so far.


Go Outside

Definitely not a fit for every person or locale of course... If it suits you, try it out though.

My personal suggestions probably won't be all that helpful but could give you some directions to look hopefully.


Best of Luck Tenno!



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Everyone has it's own recipe how to fun and fun is subjective maybe what entertain me is not do the same for you so hard to give advices. I personally plays 2-3 day weekly and mostly focused on weekends because life thingies and work. I never really bothered with farming or get something in game so my progression may not indicate I am a veteran also but I enjoy that time what I spend here and usually just doing simple runs and sometimes 1-2 endless with friends for fun.

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vor 21 Minuten schrieb JeyJeyBazooka:

when everything is evaporated from 1 shoot which meakes combat dull, boring, unatractive etc. i think most ppl get that urge to push unistall button

"canister orb" is total joke  and was designed for monkeys


Thing is with the game being so ridiculously easy the only possible friction (which is integral to any FTP monetization model) is tedium. Funny enough when arguing about nerfs / rebalancing naysayers usually resort to reasoning along the lines of "but we need to be able to do repetitive tasks fast". Tasks being that repetetive in the first place because everything is so trivial doesn't seem to cross their minds. Neither does the fact, that time flies alot faster subjectively when you're on your toes during gameplay, instead of simply having to hammer on the same win button for 20 minutes.

When there are actual dynamics in conflict no mission is 100% like the next. But since everything is completely binary in this game (depending on your loadout) there's hardly such a thing. Also the crass disparities between META and non-META frames hurts loadout variety, making for even more monotony. (ESO with 3 Saryns anyone? Or Spy with Loki?)


Burnout happens. And yes, that event hardly was a breath of fresh air. I think Nightwave has potential in theory tho, despite lots of tasks being rather mundane atm.

Edited by Kotsender_Quasimir
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My only problem with WF right now is the developers being really #*!%ing stingy with reworks.

Zephyr, Titania, Nyx, Vauban had been reworked but of course they reworked them by keeping the very things that makes them "bad" or I should say less desirable.

Zephyr's 1st always always problem because it's clunky to use indoors. Her 4th is also clunky to use and the CC is just Meh.

Titania: The only thing most ppl wanted is to make the aim reduction better by stacking or be effected by power strength mods. And lantern to not fly away into the abyss.

Vauban: I don't even have to say a thing. A lot of ppl requested a normal full rework but he got nothing.

The very thing that many of us wanted was completely ignored as far as these reworks go.

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14 hours ago, PakkiTheDog said:

First of i would like to say i spent over two thousand hours in this game and the majority of it was pleasant. If anyone asks me to recommend them a game i immediately think of warframe. Great gameplay and loads of content, but after playing this game constantly for almost 3 years the game became boring. I tried taking a break from waframe, coming back when there is new content but each new update is just a bunch of grind. 

Sorties are a great idea, 3 random missions, each giving a bit of credits and in the end you get a reward, but the problem here are the rewards. A lot of times they are not worth the 20-30 min that it takes to finish the sortie, you just waist your time. Orokin catalysts and reactors, formas and exilus adapters you can get easier other places, not that you'll be getting them often in sorties. I guess endo and 3 day boosters are good for majority of the players while useless for veterans.

Rivens were a great idea and i would love to invest more time into minimaxing my weapons and invest multiple more formas in them but the grind is insane. First off when you get the veild riven there is the RNG of getting the riven for a weapon that you want, not another duplicate. Than you can get 6k kuva from the sortie, a couple of rolls and a few bad stats later you have accomplished nothing. You decide you want to get a good roll on your riven and try to farm the kuva... 600 kuva per mission, 1.2k with booster, and if your cat is nice to you you occasionally get another 2x of that value. You repeat missions over and over again, boring grind to get a decent amount of kuva just to spend it all in a minute on an RNG stats, a lot of times worse than the ones you began with. All that time waisted. It felt like gambling to me, each time i got a riven for a weapon i liked, i spent hours farming kuva just to feel disappointed and angry in the end.


For a while sorties were the only thing i did every day when i logged into warframe, but because all the rewards seemed useless i stopped doing them. Took a break and came back to updates.


Vallis was fun for a bit before i had to repeat everything i liked x amount of times to max out the standings, especially annoying are the ventkids. The k-drive grind is slow and boring not to mention that the trick multiplier doesn't work half of the time. Also the XP needed for the k-drives is insane, took me 30 min to lvl up the k-drive from 24 to max. Had a booster active but i'm guessing it doesn't affect it. Instead of making the races longer and more challenging and in turn more rewarding they'v made the races easy and rewards low so you have to repeat over and over again.

Arbirations, actually needed to google what they are, totally forgot about them, i farmed them x amount of times and never touched them again...like the onslaught. Easy to cheese, repeat x amount of times repetitive and boring missions just to get those couple of rewards you'll probably never use.

Nightwave repeat the same grind. I don't need fish and rocks, don't want to do sorties for above reason, don't want to be forced to play with friends or clan-mattes to take down a boss i'v taken down x amount of times. I don't profit from these missions, all i get is the standing and the good things are locked at the end. But i guess this is good for newer players.

The BURIED DEBTS, fracture farming :facepalm:. Bough Hildryn because i liked the exploiter boss fight and didn't want that to change. Each new warframe and primed version, repeat the same missions over and over again...


I don't know it might be that after so many hours of grinding the game has become more work than fun for me. Like i said i still like the gunplay, movement and warframes but there has to be some fun objective to do and i guess i'v gotten tired of repeating the same boring mission over and over again. I hope in the future we get some new missions, new factions, good raids and real endgame.

Anyone else feels like this, maybe has some tricks on how to make fun for yourself again?

Honestly speaking, beyond 5k Hrs and still going take my sweet time to reach MR 27 so far yet, the simple reason behind is that I'm just jaded at this junction. Overall, I feel like I'm just a collector now rather than a grinder to keep myself going in this game. By the way, I barely touched rivens instead I just sold them straight away. 😅

 Anyways, you are not alone in this matter. 😊

I prefer being discreet about such declarations though if you get my drift here.👇😏

#RoyMustang FTW!!. I'm still waiting for him to become the president as I already signed up in advance. 👍


14 hours ago, Captain said:

Welcome to the club.


Yes, I have always been part of this club for more than 5 years now and you literally spoke my mind over here. 😉

Proud to be part of Culture as always. 😎

Cheers and Enjoying Warframe never gets old. 😍

Take Care, Tenno. 

Edited by IIWingSaberII
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5.5K hours and almost six years since first played.  

I don't do hard grind anymore, I usually play a couple of hours then move to something else.  

I took my first break to play ME: Andromeda and came back when the Plains were launched.  I was going to take another break for Anthem but with the Fissures popping before I really got out I've continued but not every day.

Nightwave doesn't have a great appeal to keep me I can live without one Umbral Forma in my life.

I guess for now i'll just play as the mood takes me.  I'm not burned out just yet but comfortable with slowing right down for now.

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