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Should other auras be buffed?


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When I think about it, anything that is not Steel Charge has a +7 mod capacity but basically the AMP auras (rifle, pistol, etc.) not only deserve at least that +60% buff, but it wouldn't be bad if the all had +9 to mod capacity like Steel Charge, not to mention stuff like Toxin Resistance having a pathetic buff amount considering they are quite niche, what do you think?

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I wouldn't mind more non-corrosive projection auras getting buffed. I would love for Rejuvenation for example to offer more healing, energy siphon some more energy, and other auras made to be more appealing.

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Overall the issue with Auras I see is that they are in 4 Tiers.

Tier 1: Corrosive Projection

Tier 2: Steel Charge (18 points is a godsend) Growing Power 

Power Donation can go in either 2 or 3 depending on your team setup

Tier 3: Other Damage buffing auras/Energy Siphon (debatable tier 2)

Tier 4: Everything else.

If armor weren't so wacky in its scaling you could cut out a tier, but that doesn't solve the fact that unlike Exilus Mods, Aura mods can give immediate power boosts which make it questionable to use an ammo recovery Aura when Vigilante Supplies or Carrier (Prime) can accomplish similar results.

Overall the issue is that some of the Auras are so disappointing that using them would be more for their capacity and that the non-disappointing ones provide so much more than others that it reduces the value of all other Auras.

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revert infested impedence to map wide - or at least increase its range. Having it only slow enemies that are already kissing you is useless.  Especially given the range of Ancient Hooks, the toxic spit range, etc.  And it doesnt even stack properly.  Gets my vote for most useless Aura.  Well, actually, there are all the scavenger auras, Empowered Blades, Mecha Empowered... never mind there are more useless than useful Auras. 😂

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11 minutes ago, Aldain said:

Overall the issue with Auras I see is that they are in 4 Tiers.

Tier 1: Corrosive Projection

Tier 2: Steel Charge (18 points is a godsend) Growing Power 

Power Donation can go in either 2 or 3 depending on your team setup

Tier 3: Other Damage buffing auras/Energy Siphon (debatable tier 2)

Tier 4: Everything else.

If armor weren't so wacky in its scaling you could cut out a tier, but that doesn't solve the fact that unlike Exilus Mods, Aura mods can give immediate power boosts which make it questionable to use an ammo recovery Aura when Vigilante Supplies or Carrier (Prime) can accomplish similar results.

Overall the issue is that some of the Auras are so disappointing that using them would be more for their capacity and that the non-disappointing ones provide so much more than others that it reduces the value of all other Auras.

I don't know why there are scavenger auras AND mutation mods.

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1 minute ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

I don't know why there are scavenger auras AND mutation mods.

Likely because ammo was originally intended to be more limited, though that theory goes out the window when ammo pizzas are a thing.

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i don't think any Auras should give a different amount of Mod Points.

there are some that could stand to be a bit better, all Damage increasing Auras should be Final Multipliers of like 1.2-1.25x or something. so that they're always useful rather than primarily just when you don't have any Damage Mods on, or in specific cases like Eidolon Hunting where there isn't a reason to take any other Auras.

Toxin Resistance could be a little bit stronger, sure.
converting Energy to Shields could be......... better than completely useless.
Stand United could do something actually interesting?
Infested Impedence could be less of a meme.

26 minutes ago, Aldain said:

Tier 1: Corrosive Projection

i think this is a problem with the game. that Players overvalue the usefulness of Corrosive Projection for Solar Map Missions.
it's not as good as Players think it is, until you're playing multiple rotations in Endless or playing Endurance.

or if you have several open Mod Slots on your Weapons.

35 minutes ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

I don't know why there are scavenger auras AND mutation mods.

who knows. either way, the Aura versions are overall significantly better, and don't cost a Mod on your Weapon. and they work regardless of what Weapon you're holding.

39 minutes ago, Aldain said:

Mine goes to Holster Speed, especially post melee 2.99997.

not yet, not until we (hopefully) get instant switch on Guns too, not just Melee. and on Gear Items that are Weapons. just everything.
as switching Guns, or Gear Items is really bad now. :/
partial instant switch has caused quite a few problems.

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8 minutes ago, taiiat said:

it's not as good as Players think it is, until you're playing multiple rotations in Endless or playing Endurance.

Its kinda usually brought along I find just in case others are also using it, well that and it's polarity doesn't have much competition so outside of Energy Siphon, it kind of is the best Aura in the Naramon Catagory.

Really the lack of Naramon Aura mods that are worth using is another issue with Corrosive Projection, its best competitor in the same polarity is Energy Siphon, which is a good mod overall, but energy pizzas somewhat make it a fallback rather than a main source of energy, nevermind that Spoiler mode can trivialize the existence of Energy Siphon with Energizing Dash.

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until near-useless Auras like Amp and Scavenger Auras, EMP and Physique get a much needed buff, and everything grants the 18 points of Steel charge, Auras will always be a problem. Steel charge and Energy Siphon also need buffing, the former to make it more worthwhile after making all Auras give 18 points, and the latter because Zenurik beats it by several country miles.

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21 minutes ago, Aldain said:

Really the lack of Naramon Aura mods that are worth using is another issue with Corrosive Projection, its best competitor in the same polarity is Energy Siphon, which is a good mod overall, but energy pizzas somewhat make it a fallback rather than a main source of energy, nevermind that Spoiler mode can trivialize the existence of Energy Siphon with Energizing Dash.

the reason why the 99% picked up that Dash Auras are masterrace isn't just because of Corrosive Projection being there, but that Enemy Radar (and Loot Detector nowadays) also is.
it's all based off of Endurance Missions or efficient farming though, and the same things don't apply to... the Solar Map. but all they would have heard is Corrosive Projection, even though like i said the reasoning was based on numerous Auras for that Polarity.

with Growing Power and Power Donation thesedays, V Auras are also very strong competitors, and Rejuvenation is useful if you have some Damage Reduction to apply to it to increase the effective value.


Energizing Dash is nice, but people really undervalue the other stuff Zenurik has to offer - Energy Pulse is very strong overall, just as good as Energizing Dash if not better, tbh. because it stacks with every Orb you pickup, so you can regen a comical amount of extra Energy.
(and then there's Void Singularity and Temporal Blast, but that's not Energy)

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Judging by the reasoning behind Itzal being put on the chopping block soon, or at least in the crosshairs,   you'd think Corrosive Projection would be axed as well.


I'd love to see most other aura's buffed and  (not instead) maybe CP slightly nerfed and I usually hate nerfs.  Just enough that at least one person would have to take the mod to amplify aura effectiveness to achieve 100% strip.

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5 minutes ago, Kingsmount said:

Judging by the reasoning behind Itzal being put on the chopping block soon, or at least in the crosshairs,   you'd think Corrosive Projection would be axed as well.


I'd love to see most other aura's buffed and  (not instead) maybe CP slightly nerfed and I usually hate nerfs.  Just enough that at least one person would have to take the mod to amplify aura effectiveness to achieve 100% strip.

CP should be shot into the sun, and ditto goes for Shield Disruption, on the off chance DE ever gets around to making the shields enemies have actually matter.

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On 2019-04-26 at 8:20 PM, Kingsmount said:

Judging by the reasoning behind Itzal being put on the chopping block soon, or at least in the crosshairs,   you'd think Corrosive Projection would be axed as well.


I'd love to see most other aura's buffed and  (not instead) maybe CP slightly nerfed and I usually hate nerfs.  Just enough that at least one person would have to take the mod to amplify aura effectiveness to achieve 100% strip.

CP and armor reduction is already addressed, you can bet from here on enemies will have flat reduction like wolf on top of armor or be immune to armor reduction like Profit Taker.

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Probably, yeah.

Corrosive Projection being the mathematically best choice for increasing damage output in all but two situations (Levels less than I think it was like 30 where it's better than a +damage aura? and Eidolons) is an issue, as it leads to the annoying "CP or NOTHING" attitude we see all the time.  Ideally, Armor is reworked such that Grineer are actually on par (-ish, at least) with Corpus and such that the effective value of using CP is lowered, and at the same time improving the +Damage auras (Being multiplicative before or after, but not stacking with, mods would be somewhere to start, I think) so that CP is a decent all-around damage-improving choice while +Damage auras are better at specialization.

For the non-Damage auras, it's a bit trickier.  Players have long demonstrated that choosing between overkilling things by two digits plus some utility and overkilling things by three digits, they'll choose the latter four times out of five.  Maybe adding interesting effects, like Rejuvenation acting like a one-time Phoenix Renewal, or the Scavenger auras also increasing magazine size, just to throw some things out there.

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I mean they can buff the other aura if they want to... Corrosive Projection will still be better simply because its the only Aura that counter acts The Broken Scaling... to some Degree. 

Aura Forma has the same problem..... Pain in the ass to get and The Naramon Polarity is still better anyway.

I formad all my used Frames with Naramon Auras.... Its just better.

The only way they can get people to use the other Auras if a single Aura by itself provides more benefit than Corrosive Projection does in a Group. For example. One Energy Siphon would need to Match Zenurik's Energy Regen to get me to use it... is that too much ? Well look at it this way... One lone Energy Leech eximus Unit can Counter Act Both Energy Siphon and energising Dash by itself. So meh.... its up DE.... knowing them... they're probably going to Nerf Corrosive Projection into the dirt.

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Corrosive projection should be changed entirely to a viral version. Like 10% or something fair. 

It's now officially a debuff to Hildryn,and so many frames are capable of shredding armor, and having a kavat.

It actually upsets me seeing a Saryn running cp,when she melts it so fast.. 


Idk I like the idea.. 

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I'll take a jab at it, trying to make things more generally useful, while also "trimming the fat" by merging a lot of overly specific auras.


  • All auras grant 9 points at max rank (thus 18 points when in the right polarity)


  • Brief Respite -> 250% shield conversion (up from 150%). Now counts ANY energy used, including channelled abilities. Can grant overshields, but overshielding is less efficient (like only at 50% conversion, instead of 250%).
  • Corrosive Projection + Shield Disruption + Infested Impedence merged into [PH]Disrupted Defences-> Reduces armor, shields and the effectiveness of Infested Ancient's auras. Reduced to 25% in numerical value, and it now stacks multiplicatively (So 4 auras = 0,75 * 0,75 * 0,75 * 0,75 = ~0,316, meaning 68,4% armor/shield/Ancient-aura-effect-reduction). This makes it an aura which now works against any faction.
  • Dead Eye + Rifle Amp + Shotgun Amp + Pistol Amp are all merged into [PH]Ballistic Force -> 60% Ranged weapon damage boost. No longer pidgeonholes the ranged weapon you're boosting, making it more likely to be useful to the team. - NOTE: Feyarch/Knave Spectres in the Silver Grove no longer drops their revamp-merged Shotgun/Pistol Amp auras (the auras they drop are now just Empowered Blades and Growing Power, respectively).
  • Rifle Scavenger + Shotgun Scavenger + Sniper Scavenger + Pistol Scavenger are all merged into Ammo Scavenger -> +150% ammo pickup (all types).
  • EMP Aura revamped into Haze Field -> All enemies have 15% reduced accuracy. Can make melee enemies miss too. Stacks multiplicatively (So 4 auras = 0,85 * 0,85 * 0,85 * 0,85 = ~52% chance to hit, meaning a 48% accuracy reduction).
  • Empowered Blades -> Not entirely sure what to do with this one, but got this placeholder idea; Instead grants 5% of your team's current shields as a percentage damage boost to all your melee damage, not just chargeattacks. Shieldcost removed (To explain: If your team currently all together have 1800 shields, you'll get a 90% damageboost to melee, stacking additively with (Primed) Pressure Point).
  • Enemy Radar + Loot Detector potentially merged into [PH]Radar, simply gaining both auras at once. Could be a new aura too?
  • Energy Siphon is ok?
  • Growing Power is ok?
  • Mecha Empower no longer an aura, but a Kubrow mod. (Also the set mod's "mark" effect needs to be applied more frequently. Like, a LOT more frequently). Why not an aura anymore? Because it ALSO requires a Kubrow to do anything at all, always making it a 100% useless aura if you use any other sidekick / no sidekick at all.
  • Physique and Stand United merged into Physique, so this aura alone grants both health and armor, and the armor bonus at max rank is increased to 30% (up from 25,5%). - NOTE: Orphid Spectre in the Silver Grove no longer drops the revamp-merged Stand United aura (the aura she drops is now just Brief Respite).
  • Power Donation is ok?
  • Rejuvenation is ok?
  • Speed Holster revamped into what Vigorous Swap does (basicly, making it the aura version of VS), meaning, granting both holsterspeed and 3 second ranged weapon damage bonus after swap. Numbers unsure, but maybe +150% damage (and +120% holster rate as before)?
  • Sprint Boost is ok?
  • Toxin Resistance merged with the other unreleased elemental resist mods, into [PH]Elemental Resistance -> 25% elemental damage resistance and 25% elemental status effect duration reduction. Stacks multiplicatively (So 4 auras = 0,75 * 0,75 * 0,75 * 0,75 = ~0,316, meaning 68,4% damage resist / status duration reduction). There could be a physical version of this aura too, I guess?


So, that was my take on it. Any good, you think?

Edited by Azamagon
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