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4 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

Mate you wouldn't believe the stuff that's not listed. You know how I said Trinity does highest damage? That's cos the EV does a percentage of health damage per tick not a set amount. It means you use her to charge equinox's maim and at very high level the amount of damage per tick of EV is higher than Equinox charged with a 500 million damage maim attack. It actually is amusing to watch because it breaks the numbers and her damage goes into negatives, then positives swapping kver and over again lol.

Back on frost, did you know you can kill enemiea of any level with the globe? It takes again a percentage so infinitelt scales. If they bounce into a wall and back into the globe when you cast the globe at them they die. I did a 4 hour kavor defection a while back and was killing level 2000 enemies with my snow globe and no damage buff lol.

I know why Trinity can deal big damage, and that's the reason of "how about garuda" (i heard she has percentage damage ability), i forgot about maim tho.

actually i didn't know that snowglobe can deal damage, always thought that's a just cc ability.

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4 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

And I'm fine with that too I really am. I even said I'd be happy if one planet had a slider bar. My beef here is that when they were creating Nightwave they stated it was to replace alerts (check) and to give both casual players and vets something to do (not check).

I never expected content for vets, I did expect rewards and that part I can deffinently check.

The content is a bit all over the place, but there is content more suited for "vets". Tridolons and Profit-Taker are still there. I never expected anything beyond that. And honestly, as a vet I've had more use for the "complete X bounties" or "complete 3x X mission" than I've had for the Tridolon or PT tasks during series one. Because all of those had things I needed while PT and TGH didnt.

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2 minutes ago, Test-995 said:

actually i didn't know that snowglobe can deal damage, always thought that's a just cc ability.

Its hard to notice when it happens and isn't explicitly told to players so I can understand why.

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4 hours ago, LSG501 said:

Try reading my entire post before quoting a portion of it to make out you're 'clever'....


I did. You’re being too glass half empty. Yes, skipping one Night Wave act means you miss out on more, but actually doing an act means you get more.

This change is good for the people with less time to play. As for being compelled to play in order to avoid feeling like you missed out, well, that’s alleviated as well because they’ll be less acts to do in order to complete everything.

It’s not perfect, of course. Night Wave is the most compulsive time suck in the game, that could potentially interfere with people’s lives though, so I’m glad they’re making it take less time at least.

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2 hours ago, Test-995 said:

I know why Trinity can deal big damage, and that's the reason of "how about garuda" (i heard she has percentage damage ability), i forgot about maim tho.

actually i didn't know that snowglobe can deal damage, always thought that's a just cc ability.

Ah but trinity takes it a step further with well of life taking a snapshot of their health and adding that to the damage charge for maim. A snapshot of an enemy with a billlion health and you get the picture 🙂

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2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

I never expected content for vets, I did expect rewards and that part I can deffinently check.

The content is a bit all over the place, but there is content more suited for "vets". Tridolons and Profit-Taker are still there. I never expected anything beyond that. And honestly, as a vet I've had more use for the "complete X bounties" or "complete 3x X mission" than I've had for the Tridolon or PT tasks during series one. Because all of those had things I needed while PT and TGH didnt.

As a vet I haven't needed any of those things because I already have more of everything than I'll ever need.

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12 часов назад, IntheCoconut сказал:

How about we wait to see the actual challenges next season before we panic?

I'd love to but that would mean to live the entire second nightwave season with those changes, like it was with the first one. They've said no changes could be made while a season is active, so when is better time to give feedback than now?

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Il y a 6 heures, Test-995 a dit :

I have idea about that, lot of cc and invis, with things that scales with enemy level.

Actually never tried it though, i don't have friend to play with

You're stuck in the meta of 3 years ago, now a half decent team can facetank level cap enemies. Who cares about puny cc and cowardly invjsibility, be a real man. 

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1 hour ago, Autongnosis said:

You're stuck in the meta of 3 years ago, now a half decent team can facetank level cap enemies. Who cares about puny cc and cowardly invjsibility, be a real man. 

Hm, you can facetank millionish damages of 9999 bombard? that's nice.

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3 hours ago, Warhydra said:

However you tweak it, a long Act list will always look more tedious than a short Act list to most people. 

Additionally, a longer list would burn through the challenge types too fast.
"Duplicate" or "Reused" Challenges would pop up in no time. In which case folks would start going: "____ challenge again?! We had this the last __ weeks."

Shorter list keeps things fresher, for longer.

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The devs knew that nightwave had some serious problems in series 1, but chose to let it run its course for 10 weeks before lifting a finger.

The devs want to make nightwave less grindy in series 2 by giving a bit more xp for completing some of the acts and adding a few more acts.

I don't think that the devs really understand how bad this system really is - stop forcing your gaming community to play stuff they don't want to play.

Nightwave chore acts are no fun to play - the system is way more grindy than the quick alert system that was successful for 6 years.

Don't let players waste their time doing another series again for 10 weeks before you bother to lift a finger - just bring back the quick alert system in combination with your flawed nightwave system that way players can choose for themselves what they prefer to play.

I will continue not playing the game until then.

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13 hours ago, MagPrime said:

Maybe they should create a Nightmare Nightwave option for players.

Same rewards, different challenges.

you know thats not gonna change anything right? cus of "no worthy rewards"? nothing is stopping any "endurance" runner to go do endurance runs even after these changes already.

12 hours ago, Chipputer said:

Yes, you're correct. It was so intense and demanding to do 3 capture missions within a week's time frame. Or finish exactly one sortie. Or bullet jump a total of 150 times over 3 days worth of play sessions.

Aside from specific and obvious missions which they are toning down by literally half which you could avoid and still get to rank 30, there was nothing demanding, in any form, in Nightwave. One could argue gilding an item or using 3 forma was a bit of a stretch but one can argue literally anything.

I don't understand this mindset of, "I don't want to play this game but I want to get all the rewards the game has to offer." Then when someone says, "hey, I'd like to actually have something to do in this game, stop reducing the amount of content (even if it is just busy work)," we get met with people talking about how they have lives and it's just too much to ask to play a few missions here and there.

To the point of the data showing extremely low completion rates-- Need I remind you that the vast majority of the player population are in the lower MR levels? Almost all data they've shown has proven that a good portion of players get a few MR in and then quit playing the game. Of course their completion rates are going to be low. Data is useless without proper context.

it was quite a bit more than "3 capture missions", js. and main reason that its taxing people is not because it took too long, but it was because it made people do content they did not want to do nearly constantly. and that burns people out fast. and de is aware of that, and im pretty sure a studio of 300ish people with experience on game development should have at least one person who knows how to read graphs and collect data, so dw, its most likely that they are looking at those numbers with proper context. 

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8 hours ago, (NSW)Sk0rp1on said:

I did. You’re being too glass half empty. Yes, skipping one Night Wave act means you miss out on more, but actually doing an act means you get more.

This change is good for the people with less time to play. As for being compelled to play in order to avoid feeling like you missed out, well, that’s alleviated as well because they’ll be less acts to do in order to complete everything.

It’s not perfect, of course. Night Wave is the most compulsive time suck in the game, that could potentially interfere with people’s lives though, so I’m glad they’re making it take less time at least.

You're being a bit blinkered then.

It was pretty obvious what I've written is going to be an issue..

Current situation, you miss one elite mission from nightwave I, we'll say profit taker as that seemed to be an issue for many, that's 5k loss.  With nightwave II if you miss one elite mission (extrapolated value, could be more, based on 2 instead of 3) you miss 7.5k standing, the other weekly are getting the same treatment too.  Now imagine a week like we've had where we had 2 (or more) missions people couldn't or didn't want to do...

It's fine for those that want to or can do all the acts but for those that don't or can't do them all they're actually in a worse situation than they were in nightwave I, especially seeing as they said nothing (that I can remember) about reducing the overall 300k requirement. 

As I said the reduced 'durations' for acts is a plus, but that only masks the fact that the changes will actually 'force' us to complete more acts we might not have done previously each week.

Edited by LSG501
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Il y a 3 heures, Test-995 a dit :

Hm, you can facetank millionish damages of 9999 bombard? that's nice.

Yup. Trin gets up to 2.2mln EHP solo. Throw in a Gara into the mix and that's 22mln, and you can do worse like pther trins, warding halo, etc... 

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9 hours ago, Zilchy said:

As a vet I haven't needed any of those things because I already have more of everything than I'll ever need.

Even as vets we still need items from those activities from time to time since they bring us relics. So with each new prime there is something to get from them, but not really from the actual "end-game" stuff. That is why the trivial stuff was more beneficial to me and felt like less of a grind than doing PT, TGH or Kuva survival during this series.

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On topic: I liked what i heared about NW act 2, not everything but most. Their biggest mistake was to try to please everyone in a battlepass that is encouraging everyone to do i, wich they kind of admitted in the stream.


To those discussing difficulty sliders: I remember them talking a couple of streams ago about mission difficulty sliders. They had plans to implement it so planets like earth could still be viable later in game. The reward tiers would also go up with the chosen difficulty.

Saddly, I can not quote this as I can not remember in which stream it was spoken of, just something I wanted to point out for those interested. Of course we do not know yet how high of a difficulty you can choose (or IF it will be implemented), but at least there is some plans for it.

Now I hope to be corrected if all of this was just a feverdream 🙂

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18 hours ago, RielZero said:

The todays disscussed changes to nightwave are the exact opposit what nightwaves need... there should be more to do not less. Yes its good too have less pressure to get stuff but not this way, there should be more to do more to grind better rewards and less pressure to do everything to get it all.

Easy fix put some worthwhile rewards in the cred pool, at the moment there is nothing useable to veteran players in there and you also get a F ton of creds at the end of nightwave...

Very dissapointing.

Totally agree. Why can't there be one or two elite challenges a week with the reward of ten thousand each. 

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19 hours ago, RielZero said:


Isn't this the exact opposite reaction that most of the community has had? Personally, my few gripes with nightwave have been ayatan & gilding challenges and only getting 15 creds every prestige rank, as opposed to 25

Wouldn't mind if they added forma in as a 25 cred reward either, but apparently I'm the only Tenno who runs out of them...

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I honestly think that the changes are in the wrong direction. No one wants less choices that will be more rewarding, ergo more required to completes something. Its not less is more its just less is now more crucial. 

I would go the very opposite. Give us 100's of options and scale the standing. Bare with me:

Lets say i just started the game i am running low level missions i get 10 series standing for every mission i do, if i go to survival it starts to scale: 10 first 5 minutes, 15 for 10minutes etc...  

I am vet only doing long survivals. I do 3h mot i get 20000 standing, i have all the captures, invansions in total disregard i dont have to do them at all. 

And on top of that challenges that are more gimmicky that reward you with added standing, changed weekly. No "put forma" , "equip a weapon" , do sorties with friends, but similar to those that unlock rivens with many dificulty brackets. The top ones almost impossible to do, the first ones challenging a bit to new players. Expotential curve , for 30 "easy" 5 "hard" 1 "super hard".

You need to do 66,6% of the challenges and play around 66,6% of a normal newbie playtime to reach max standing for the whole event. For vets easy to max with they normal playthrough. After 30lvl the standing scales semi expotentially as well as the rewards. So 10k standing for 10k "kuva", than 20k for 20k kuva, than 40k ..1mln for 1mln and so on. After reaching lvl 40 you get a sekhara for that series and 3 rivens for weapons of choice. Lvl 50 is 10 rivens for the weapons of choice and a glowing sekhara and a "Nightwave series X destroyer" rank. Sekharas never returning again. 

And on top 1 "series" normal and uber challenge lasting for the whole duration, uber being crazy difficult that spawns the boss of the event specially overtuned to ridicolous level not 1000 but 30000 with special properties, like immunity to True damage, % damage, status and cc and guarantees the special weapon and cosmetic drop from him with a unique skin and completes the whole 30lvl of the series in one go. Adds a sekhara and a rank of "Master ::boss:: Hunter " rank. The normal one lvl 1000 with same immunities., sekhara lower tier and "::boss Hunter" rank. Gives less completion only weapon no mask no unique skin. First should be almost impossible to do even by the very best of the vets, 2nd really hard for the vets, almost impossible for normal players. Boss still normally hunts and has its drop tables as they are now. 

The amounts of rep and so on are examples. Please dont write 10k is too much, 1mln is too low. Not the point of my idea. 

My point is you can accomodate the whole playerbase, their way of playing the game and give out rewards that will match their current point in the game if you try to do that. I really hate i need to do invansions to get just anything, a newbie will hate hunting a tridolon, you wont find a middle ground telling us what to do. Giving us something special for doing what we love, but doing it also with some quirks is imo a better way. Nightwaves are here so we play the game more.. Let us just do that and give players something to aspire. I personally want something where i can show off my accumulated power, knowledge and skill and have the bragging rights with a sekhara after i succeed. 

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Here's the ugly crux of my irritation. The moment you actually add this to Nightwave the casual crowd will complain they can't get as much standing as vets can. You KNOW I'm right. And it pisses me off.

The opposite to casual is "hardcore" and not veteran.

A "veteran" first and foremost whoever was playing a game for (too) long. Thers sh*tton casual veterans in warframe especially, the game itself is a casual galore.

And nightwave itself is casual af. Theres literlaly nothing interesting or "challenging" about it, its mundane low level chores stretched in time. If anything its new players who will be more willing to do them, not whoever spent 1000+ hours in this game so its neither for veterans nor hardcore players.

Edited by -Temp0-
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