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Nightwave: Intermission live on all Platforms!


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Glad we have it and I'm glad to finally be able to get things like Gamma(though that and rift sigil are a wasted rank reward for people who already have it) but the 3 orokin cells seem very lackluster for new players and veterans alike. Not to mention  the 3 forma challenge which sucks for people with no forma or who have builds on most things. Thanks anyways for your hard work DE.

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1 hour ago, God_is_a_Cat_Girl said:

 Sure you can "skip" it,

Actually we might not be able to afford to miss it, especially if it pops up more than once... by my quick calculations we're going to need to be pretty high on our completion rate per week if we want to get the full 15 rewards (and we will considering the last two are the ones most of us want) considering when it ends, especially if you can't get on every day. 

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For anyone that hasn't tried, you have to click "Blueprint" to purchase something you already own (after you click on it and it pops up the 3 options). It's not intuitive at all and at first glance it looks like you can't buy something you own but you can.


This is mainly for those that like to have 1 of every blueprint + 1 of every item crafted.

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Loving the Nightwave Intermission idea, but as others have said, *please* remove the "Use 3 Forma" task, or at least make it "Forma 1 item".

I'm also a little concerned that I won't be able to take on all the challenges as I haven't unlocked the Profit Taker mission yet...if that one comes up it's a little harsh to miss those points in such a small window the Intermission is active. 

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3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Nightwave: Intermission is now live on all platforms until July 5th at 11:59 PM ET. 

Yay, new Nightwave! Let's take a look at those tasks...

Use 3  Formas. Again. 

Can we please, (pretty please even) STOP with the Forma extortion? 

I don't have anything meaningful to forma. Many people don't. Why do we have to waste a Forma (which, unless you buy it with plat) is a 24-hour item? It's not a "task" it's a plain and simple waste. This "challenge" is frustrating, meaningless and simply bad design. The only thing worse would be a task to spend 10,000 Kuva rolling a Riven.

 [in Konzu voice] Make it go away, ye?

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3 hours ago, Sebastiantz said:

Bad Rewards even for Intermisson

The rewards of the Intermission is never the intent. The point of Intermission is so people can get Nitain Extracts, Auras, Alert-exclusive weapons, and other things rather than wait for Season 2. 

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