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Dev Workshop: Revisiting Wukong

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Rip Defy

I'm sorry but reflected damage is horrible since armor is a thing. 

Rather have the Old Defy, there was no need to change his only good ability to a weaker one that removes his survivability, even if the new Defy gives armor.

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3 minutes ago, Kylo. said:

Sounds good, better at least.

The passive RNG is dumb in my opinion though, nobody wants RNG while loading into a mission. 

Will see how it plays out.

Well, it works like Nidus's immortality passive, except you get three charges with a random buff.

It's not really that bad of an RNG you'll just need a but of quick wits to take advantage of the buff you get (which really, the real passive is three charges of not dieing)

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Everything looks better except Defy which apparently with these changes will become useless, first defy became manual which having in account how most people play this game will and how enemies at high levels just one shot you will be kinda useless, second apparently you get stuck in an animation and third doesn't say any extra dmg on the defy  dealt back so it will do literally nothing against any armor enemy, we will se how this works in game tho. Oh and the 3 extra lives with randow buffs is way worse than his extra combo counter time passive

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It seems worse to have a mediocre kit overall than have one really strong gimmick. If his clones and defy buff don't give him an absurd amount of damage this is a big step back.


Edit: Cloud walker has no reason to exist when operator exists and can heal way faster.

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26 minutes ago, [DE]SpaceySarah said:

All damage is captured, stored, and dealt back in a single furious long range staff spin attack.

I see a bit of a problem here. The damage dealt by enemies is ridiculously small compared to the damage our weapons do. Being only based on enemy attacks, I feel like this ability will be worse than a typical slide attack. Is it possible to add a multiplier to received damage in order to make it viable?

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Going to say it... defy seems like a straight rip off of nyx and is imo a nerf which kills breaks the rage/defy builds... it was literally the one ability that did NOT need fixing and imo has the worst changes.

Now we've got an ability where we basically move slowly while taking no damage which is then 'reversed' onto the enemies attacking us.... that sounds EXACTLY like nyx absorb WITH the assimilate augment, just a different animation.  Come on, we already struggle for a reason to use nyx and now you're putting more of her abilities onto other frames.

Celestial Twin is basically equinox duality but with alternative weapons....

Passives... I don't think anyone likes the rng nature of the smeeta's buffs so DE sticks the same function on to a warframe instead...

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1 minute ago, Ferbsol said:

Everything looks better except Defy which apparently with these changes will become useless, first defy became manual which having in account how most people play this game will and how enemies at high levels just one shot you will be kinda useless, second apparently you get stuck in an animation and third doesn't say any extra dmg on the defy  dealt back so it will do literally nothing against any armor enemy, we will se how this works in game tho. Oh and the 3 extra lives with randow buffs is way worse than his extra combo counter time passive

Not useless at all, it's basically the entire Terminator Nyx build in one ability  of particular importance is that, not being channeled, you can regen energy while it runs. It'll just be a matter of being aware of it's timer and when to recast, like Zephyr's Turbulence

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4 minutes ago, Julian_Skies said:

Well, it works like Nidus's immortality passive, except you get three charges with a random buff.

It's not really that bad of an RNG you'll just need a but of quick wits to take advantage of the buff you get (which really, the real passive is three charges of not dieing)

So just a discount Nidus passive.


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3 minutes ago, Ovakyn said:

I see a bit of a problem here. The damage dealt by enemies is ridiculously small compared to the damage our weapons do. Being only based on enemy attacks, I feel like this ability will be worse than a typical slide attack. Is it possible to add a multiplier to received damage in order to make it viable?

Depending on the durations involved it might not need it, the main dish is the invincible.

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hace 1 minuto, Julian_Skies dijo:

Not useless at all, it's basically the entire Terminator Nyx build in one ability  of particular importance is that, not being channeled, you can regen energy while it runs. It'll just be a matter of being aware of it's timer and when to recast, like Zephyr's Turbulence

doesnt look like that at all but if it works like that should be fine also about the energy regen well rage is a mod also what do you mean with nyx terminator build 

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Can we have some based numbers about the durations/effects of more skills?

Shields Lowered: passively admitting shields are pointless?

Not gonna lie, this sounds like the classic rework that's just gonna get mad the few people who played said frame and solve nothing else.
Also, we've been hearing about melee 3.0 since last year. Release it already and more so, release it before Wukong's rework.

Wukong was all about melee and who knows maybe the augment of his Iron Jab might've been awesome in melee 3.0 in fact, but no. We'll never be able to test that.

"Defy wasn't very interactive"
Debatable as timing and positioning yourself for those moments you needed to recast it to refresh it and make it useful again on times it is really needed isn't exactly easy, especially in a full squad scenario where you're surrounded pretty much all the time.

Clone: if the clone isn't as good as Excalibur 



passive all of this will be sad, not to mention, even said AI is bad with a melee weapon on it.

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Just now, Kylo. said:

So just a discount Nidus passive.


More like an upgrade... For Nidus to get immortality you need those 15 stacks, which in some missions, with certain allies *cough* Saryn *cough* can be harsh to get. Sure Nidus' immortality is not finite, but you need those stacks.
As for wukong you get 3 free lives, not clear if that resets after dying or not, and each time you use a "free life" you get an extra buff, some of which are kinda nice.

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1 minute ago, ReaverKane said:

More like an upgrade... For Nidus to get immortality you need those 15 stacks, which in some missions, with certain allies *cough* Saryn *cough* can be harsh to get. Sure Nidus' immortality is not finite, but you need those stacks.
As for wukong you get 3 free lives, not clear if that resets after dying or not, and each time you use a "free life" you get an extra buff, some of which are kinda nice.

Yea the buffs would be good if they lasted the entire mission, news flash they don't.

And finite vs infinite is a big f ucking thing. 

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On 2019-06-13 at 6:38 PM, [DE]SpaceySarah said:

temporary invulnerability


On 2019-06-13 at 6:38 PM, [DE]SpaceySarah said:

temporary armour buff.

Temporary is a very vague term if its 10 sec and armor buff is 30-60sec at base which is affected by mods then yeah might be worth using but if its anything less then its complete trash and his only nish would be ruined leaving him in the same garbage can

Also armor buff should have a base percentage if you are running lower level content the damage is not enough to make the ability used

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omg yes, thank you, especially this : "Wukong’s clone will remain until it runs out of life" makes me happy and the idea of commanding the clone a bit like Khora does with Venari is excellent.

Further more the animation team can also get a pad on the back because it looks fantastic/awesome in those little vids.

Thumbs up DE, doing well 🙂

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1 minute ago, Kylo. said:

Yea the buffs would be good if they lasted the entire mission, news flash they don't.

And finite vs infinite is a big f ucking thing. 

Yeah, i can read, i know they don't, still they're better than no buffs... Which Nidus doesn't have.
Also it's infinite, IF you have the stacks, which sometimes it's not easy (ESO, for example).

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