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Dev Workshop: Revisiting Wukong

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

Also, that passive is trash lol. Worse than before.

I'll take 3 instances of increased loot/energy/invulnerability whatever over an additional 2 seconds of combo time, which still leaves the duration so short I have to use a mod for it anyway.

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4 minutes ago, Ovakyn said:

If that's the case then it's just a bad splinter storm that you can only deal damage with once. This won't make him more active as we already have better options. 

Why wouldn't I just use Nyx which offers much more to teamplay? If they want him to be more active, there needs to be a reason to use the perk that doesn't take forever to charge.

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At this point, he's basically a less-effective Umbra with a frame instead of an operator.


As I said, it'll depend on durations. But Defy also has the armor buff *and* the taunt which depending on range (particularly with two sources) might make him also very good on defense.  

If the armor buff on Defy is large enough with enough duration then yes, it has it's use not in the main damage reflect but as a survival tool.

Of course, I'd love if the reflection was actually a damage buff to a radial strike of the iron staff.

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Just now, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

Taking fatal damage for a random buff is absolutely silly.

Of course, but it's still better than a 2 second duration buff I don't notice because I actually mod for a useful 15 seconds instead of 5.

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1 minute ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

So just to confirm, you are not keeping the idea of adding a restraint meter to his 4?

I don't see anything in the gif to suggest it, the area where Baruuk's restraint meter was located appears to be filled by the health and shield values of the clone.

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2 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Of course, but it's still better than a 2 second duration buff I don't notice because I actually mod for a useful 15 seconds instead of 5.

I'm going to take a sec to reread this a couple of times to make sure I got the most out of what's explained. 

These changes aren't ideal but if the majority of the community likes it then I can accept the fact that its just not for me.
However, its obvious that these changes feel like a Miguel rework rather than a Pablo rework and it shows immensely. *joke*

Also, Defy sounds like it will closely resemble Harrows 4th but with armor.


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One thing I like very much about current Wukong is reliable not dying.

I guess I will like new Wukong much less.

To the point of trying his new kit and allow him to gather space dust.

Like Ember.

And Nezha.

And Titania.

And Baruuk.

And Garuda.

And Khora.

And Vauban.

And Zephyr.

And Hildryn.

And Wisp.


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This all depends on the numbers of those "temporary" buffs and how the damage reflect is handled. 

Tbh, instead of a damage reflect you could use Primal Fury's stats and give a damage boost based on damage intake. That would probably work better. 

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That Defy animation and description sort of sound like it's a brief period and replaces all other actions while using it, like unaugmented Nyx absorb. Which... does not sound great! But maybe the armor buff will be.

the passive is probably 'good' but sounds extremely silly to me.

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4 minutes ago, vnorberto said:

defy dead.... ash dead wukong too

Why kill wukong ? Why dont take better Zephyr ?

Can you explain how losing Defy's ez mode invulnerability has killed Wukong? Can you explain how Defy is actually a good ability in the first place?

Because really now, Defy does nothing in it's current state. There's no reason to go above level 100 enemies, and there's no reason to use Defy's invulnerability against sub level 100 enemies.

Plus it's not like he's completely defenceless.

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The rework looks great, I'm quite hyped !

@[DE]SpaceySarah  Quick question, have you considered moving Iron Vaults (the 1 augument) function to some other ability or augument ? I love this mod and would be sad to see it gone, it allows for huge slam attack damage and synergizes well with some weapons (Arca Titron🤤).

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5 minutes ago, moostar95 said:

let me guess, you play saryn/mesa mainly. I like the fact that de is trying to combat this mess of a meta hellgfate we're all stuck in. also screw haters, I love hildryn. 

Why have fun playing 'frames that requires you to actually play the game instead of "Press 1 key and gg", right?

Not sure if that's a troll or really thinks so, because some of those pointed 'frames are totally broken and fun to play.


And regarding Wukong, this is a very nice rework, at least he will have skills to use now, looking forward to try it.

Defy was an awful skill that made him a pointless 'frame and VERY boring to play, glad it is gone.

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4 minutes ago, moostar95 said:

let me guess, you play saryn/mesa mainly. I like the fact that de is trying to combat this mess of a meta hellgfate we're all stuck in. also screw haters, I love hildryn. 

Nope and nope. You suck at implying. 

Feel free to take a peek at my game profile.

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24 minutes ago, Julian_Skies said:

As I said, it'll depend on durations. But Defy also has the armor buff *and* the taunt which depending on range (particularly with two sources) might make him also very good on defense.  

If the armor buff on Defy is large enough with enough duration then yes, it has it's use not in the main damage reflect but as a survival tool.

Of course, I'd love if the reflection was actually a damage buff to a radial strike of the iron staff.

Take a step back a second. Swap gears from invincibility to utility.

What use is the activate if it doesn't multiply enemy damage received. The eHP of enemies is ridiculous compared to the damage they deal. Without the multiplication so that this ability can actually one-shot enemies in a reasonable time frame, this activate ability is useless. It's not a useful activate if I can only use it once (safely) every 30-45s.

If they want this Wukong rework to be good, more needs to be done. Defy has the potential to make his kit, but at this point I could just use other frames. If I wanted to be effective with his kit.

  1. An added ally:
    1. To boost damage: Mirage
    2. To take agro: Umbra, Revenant
    3. To attack a target: Khora.
    4. To assist: A specter. (super cheap mind you, and Wukong is Clan-Tech)
  2. Invulnerable Movement 
    1. For Reposition:
      1. Wisp - Invisible movement and willo
      2. Limbo - Invulnerable state and CC
      3. Baruuk - Untouchable and disarms
    2. To Daze:
      1. Revenant - Reave
  3. General Invulnerability:
    1. Rhino - Iron Skin builds
    2. Inaros - Mass tankiness and CC
    3. Hildryn - Shieldgating with regeneration.
    4. Nyx - Assmiliate Destroyer
    5. Baruuk - Literally untouchable with CC
  4. Exalted Weapon:
    1. Excalibur - ranged melee with a stun
    2. Baruuk - wallhack fists and aoe
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1 hour ago, SSI_Seraph said:

Please change this

That augment is absolute garbage. At least let allies keep the invis even after attacking.

you can camp your own clone and make them invisible while healing them

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2 minutes ago, vnorberto said:

The "Defy" ability worked well, it made God a character because there was still energy that could not be killed, but for some reason it became buggy after a while because someone was disturbed that it worked well.

What? The only bug Defy has ever had that I can recall is being able to be killed through it whilst knocked down.

Simply saying "it worked well" is not an argument in favour of it working well.

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