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Empyrean Release Date?


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This wednesday, in the spanish twitch devstream, [DE]Zorro replied to this topic with the words "look in the news, you will find something in a few days". I want to believe that was something he could say and it's true.

Whatdo you thing, fellow Tenno?

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21 minutes ago, N309 said:

This wednesday, in the spanish twitch devstream, [DE]Zorro replied to this topic with the words "look in the news, you will find something in a few days". I want to believe that was something he could say and it's true.

Whatdo you thing, fellow Tenno?

"An Few Days"

you do realize that a few days can mean either weeks or months right?, I think it's nothing, as they openly admitted that there are ingoreing content and the community (look at PA), so don't set your hopes so high friend, its all hot air to try build up hype. 

Also in the news, can be taken out of context, what "News", Yes sure, Warframe might be the only one hes pointing at but, trying to translate to English has never worked right. but for all we kown, he can be talking about the weather 

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On 2019-09-20 at 5:19 AM, Hyroncore said:

And again doing the very thing you refuse to recognise as aggressive. Specificly the assertion that you were right and I was unable to provide any counter to your assertion. I am sick of ignorance and entitled elitism seeping into games.

Stating my opinion with conviction based on the evidence before me is not the same as being aggressive, nor is it the same as entitled elitism. If you have a real counter-point that the community at large can readily agree with, I'd obviously have to concede that you have a point. I'm not just spitballing ideas. I'm basing my opinion off years of paying attention to what's going on in the game, and listen to the opinions of others on these matters rather than explicitly just forming my opinions without considering what others have to say.

But you have no point. At this point, it's a simple fact that DE actively designs this game as a casual grind experience. There is nothing about the game's design that is meant to keep veterans coming back again and again.

This is why numerous content creators across YouTube, Twitch, etc stop doing Warframe - because they have nothing to use that allows THEM to push out more videos/streams/etc. They specifically will put out content that draws them in viewers, subs, likes, upvotes, etc etc. And they always reach a point where Warframe's well runs dry. You can't drink from a well with no water, and you cannot be a content creator for a game that's run out of content. They always reach a point where putting out more videos/streams means repeating videos/streams they've already done, because there's nothing new for them to do.

We can reasonably expect that DE will never provide a true endgame experience. If nothing else, we can recognize that they have no real incentive to do so - they get more reward for their effort by drawing in new players, rather than keeping old players around, and their largest revenue streams come from cosmetics offered to us through MTX.
They will regularly drop new content that will keep us busy and interested for a time, and then we'll be done with it until they drop another new piece of content that can do the same, but nowhere will it hold actual challenge for the players.

WAY back at the start of the year, they spitballed on the devstream about adding a slider to missions that lets us play them at a higher level for more rewards if we want. Not only do we not have that in the game still, but we haven't heard about it since. And that's not even bringing up how it's not likely to solve the concerns veterans have.

That concern being, namely: When our mods and weapons and frames and everything else are practically complete, when we have completed almost the entire game, what in this game is there to do that doesn't feel like a max-level player in an MMO going back to the starting zone? Where's the challenge? While Warframe isn't a traditional theme park MMO, it would be nice if there was something to actually wield all the power fantasy of our characters against.
The issue is ultimately not even about the level of the enemies in the game, but about the fact that enemy AI is a joke, and enemy bosses are on farm from day one.

There are ways that, I think, DE could do it right. But we've seen time and time again that when something in the game is at all difficult, the players complain, and the devs cave and nerf. Instead they go and release more open world content that's all about grind.

I loved PoE and I loved Fortuna. But I have almost no reason to go back to them. I still do eidolon hunts sometimes to put more work into my Focus tree - but I have no use for my Focus tree. I sometimes kill Orbs, but only to work on standing to get the rest of the Operator cosmetics, or finish the last Amps I don't have. Which, again, I have no use for. I don't count those as "endgame" - I go back to them with no real enthusiasm beyond "Eh, guess I'll do this now."

I could type out a massive college dissertation level rant to explain in full detail exactly how Warframe is a casual grind game, but I don't really see the point in putting in that much effort to a forum community. That's why I simply stated: "Name one piece of content that isn't casual grind. You can't."


But again, you seem to be missing the most important part of ALL of this: THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH WARFRAME BEING A PURELY CASUAL GAME.

I can easily accept that. I can easily play other games for a "hardcore" experience that challenges my limits. Warframe can be my chillzone. I don't know why that makes you so angry.

So your attempt to argue: "We are and you are not forced at gun point to grind." really completely misses the point of what I'm trying to say.

Edited by DrakeWurrum
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On 2019-09-20 at 5:23 PM, Hyroncore said:

Destiny is now again solely in Bungies hands so thats another issue of note. No more MTX ripoffs in Eververse to the point they were discontinuing the service.


Ree thanks for the reminder that the next expac is due soon sod it ..... Guess Ill be asking for that for my bday instead of 775 plat for Gauss collection 😛

Still, DLC ripoff which people put the blame on Activision so...

Activision did nothing wrong?

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21 hours ago, Jarriaga said:

Dev stream 131 update: Empyrean has been broken into 3 parts now, and they could not provide a release estimate for part 1 (Dry dock).

Late November or mid December is my guess then.

Rip New War

We always have D2 to play

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55 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

Dev stream 131 update: Empyrean has been broken into 3 parts now, and they could not provide a release estimate for part 1 (Dry dock).

Late November or mid December is my guess then.

It's DE, they don't do release dates usually. They threw around the idea of a mainline this month, but I doubt even they're sure about if it'll show up in that. I suppose it depends on the progress of phase 2 - as it always has.

Basically, the only new information we have is how many phases Empyrean has.

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20 hours ago, Loza03 said:

It's DE, they don't do release dates usually. They threw around the idea of a mainline this month, but I doubt even they're sure about if it'll show up in that. I suppose it depends on the progress of phase 2 - as it always has.

Basically, the only new information we have is how many phases Empyrean has.

Sounds like the Roadmap from EA, if I'm going to be totally honest, unless we get "x" we can't give out our roadmap.

But hey, alteast we got a single Warframe/Weapons and 2 Reworks to play with at Mainline, right?, right.


(Really better hope that Mainline comes with Drydock, but ofc it won't)

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
Fixed Nightmode Iusse
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vor 16 Stunden schrieb Jarriaga:

Dev stream 131 update: Empyrean has been broken into 3 parts now, and they could not provide a release estimate for part 1 (Dry dock).

Late November or mid December is my guess then.

That Empyrean is gone release in Parts isn't really News. Just like Fortuna and POE they first release the Foundation and then expand on that. This isn't a bad thing because they can take any feedback in to count when they develop the expansions. 

They didn't say if the Drydock will release with the next mainline what could mean they aren't ready for a release in October. I think the Drydock must be finished for release but they don't want to release it to early and then have it sitting around useless.

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3 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

(Really better hope that Mainline comes with Drydock, but ofc it won't)

To be fair, I doubt the Drydock takes half as much work as the rest of Empyrean. That they're showing off the kuva lich system more in-depth now gives me high hopes for the full release before Xmas.

16 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Rip War Within

We always have D2 to play

You mean New War.

To be fair, it really would not surprise me to see both released in the same update, as I suggested before. The devstream also showed off some of their progress on New War, but they seemed to be much more focused on Empyrean.

At least we'll have a vampire kavat to play with?

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4 hours ago, DrakeWurrum said:

To be fair, it really would not surprise me to see both released in the same update, as I suggested before. The devstream also showed off some of their progress on New War, but they seemed to be much more focused on Empyrean.

This is not gonna happen, period. DE have time and time again, failed their Roadmaps and will keep doing it, unless they give us an Oct Release, New War is in 2020 at this rate, the New War looked no where near finished, just simple textures and animations.

4 hours ago, DrakeWurrum said:

To be fair, I doubt the Drydock takes half as much work as the rest of Empyrean. That they're showing off the kuva lich system more in-depth now gives me high hopes for the full release before Xmas.

 Again, in this rate, it won't, Lich King system, looks like something for railjack only and still looks super early prototype stages, we won't been seeing it, this year either. Once more, more edvince on hype fueled content. show something that not even near done yet and hope for the best the game stays a float.


4 hours ago, DrakeWurrum said:

At least we'll have destiny 2 to play with?


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2019-10-05 at 7:33 AM, DrakeWurrum said:

To be fair, it really would not surprise me to see both released in the same update, as I suggested before. The devstream also showed off some of their progress on New War, but they seemed to be much more focused on Empyrean.

I really wouldn't be surprised if the Find Answers part of Empyrean is the new war. As far as what was shown, I really can't think of any thing that would fit in that slot. The drydock is what we need to build to get the railjack, and the take to the stars (or whatever phase 2 was) seems like the content shown off in the demo at tennocon.

I personally am skeptical, but it would make sense to make this new ambiguous portion of the empyrean release if they were combining the two into one big event. 

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Well, if I'm a DE dev and want to make a huge impact, I'd release dry dock by end of October along with a huge fortuna threat: the third Orb spider. Steve noted the graphical changes associated with Empyrean so I'd expectthe most time was allocated to that and would buy them some time as players adjust, complain, awe and critique the new look and feel. It would also give the Youtubers several points to create content and drive momentum. The second phase, by mid to late November, would introduce the third orb's full fight that leads to disaster or Nef Anyo pissed off. I don't think the original Railjack demo has changed but is literally the "take flight" phase after the orb fight. 

I don't see the third phase happening until after The New War because I think the sentients will arrive prior to our "finding answers". At TennoCon, the last part of that demo had New War set for Christmas time, which is super smart and definitely an extremely high priority for revenue and buzz.

In other words, Empyrean is a total systems change, like a Warframe 2, while New War is just an expansion. DE has set this year up pretty well with stuff to work on next year: 

1) Third Empyrean phase

2) Duviri

3) Arlo's Eris

All, as always, my opinions.

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On 2019-07-08 at 1:28 AM, DrivaMain said:

An article said that The New War will come at the end of the year (December). So, I am expecting Empyrean will come around September-October (usually a mainline comes around once every 3 months).

This aged well🤣🤣

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On 2019-09-16 at 5:55 PM, TheMuslimGamerGB said:

I think that the Empyrean update will be released in an unfinished state at the end of October - December. Throughout the following year they will add to it and we won't see the New War until a month before TennoCon 2020.

I'm gonna quote myself and say that its gonna go down like this!

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On 2019-07-07 at 5:50 PM, Torbamf said:

I assume that Empyrean isn't coming until next year, but if not, does anyone know when it's release date is? I say this mainly because I fear there might be another content drought like the one before the jovian Concord and even before that. Thank you for your time!


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On 2019-07-07 at 4:50 PM, Torbamf said:

I assume that Empyrean isn't coming until next year, but if not, does anyone know when it's release date is? I say this mainly because I fear there might be another content drought like the one before the jovian Concord and even before that. Thank you for your time!

Saw a video saying 2019 Christmas, but that is subject to change.

Yes, I believe the new railjack content is linked with the new quest, but hasn't been announced officially. But everything I have seen points to this.

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On 2019-07-08 at 2:20 AM, Torbamf said:

I assume that Empyrean isn't coming until next year, but if not, does anyone know when it's release date is? I say this mainly because I fear there might be another content drought like the one before the jovian Concord and even before that. Thank you for your time!

SOON! 😂😅🤔

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Looks like Empyrean is being more and more [DE]layed.

Another update that's basically just a new warframe drop, plus some systems reworks.

Odd that we're getting Kuva Lich here instead of with Empyrean. Seems they weren't quite tied together and Empyrean just expands upon it to make it even grander?
It should be fun to play with for a bit while we wait for our ships.

Edited by DrakeWurrum
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3 minutes ago, DrakeWurrum said:

Looks like Empyrean is being more and more [DE]layed.

Another update that's basically just a new warframe drop, plus some systems reworks.

Odd that we're getting Kuva Lich here instead of with Empyrean. Seems they weren't quite tied together and Empyrean just expands upon it to make it even grander?
It should be fun to play with for a bit while we wait for our ships.

I will admit, I was caught off-guard by update 26 not being Empyrean and it being the Liches. I was as sure as you were that those two would be part and parcel Though DE seems confident that the Liches can hold an update of their own which they do seem like they might well be able to. It's possible that they may be holding the 'jacks back to bring the new Corpus ship along with it, making Empyrean not just a Grineer-focused update? More power to them, I guess.

I'm much less certain about Empyrean's release schedule than I was earlier. Which is sad, but well - I'm still confident it'll be good. Getting angry won't make it come faster. If it'll be here in the same time, might as well wait in good graces.

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4 hours ago, Loza03 said:

I will admit, I was caught off-guard by update 26 not being Empyrean and it being the Liches. I was as sure as you were that those two would be part and parcel Though DE seems confident that the Liches can hold an update of their own which they do seem like they might well be able to. It's possible that they may be holding the 'jacks back to bring the new Corpus ship along with it, making Empyrean not just a Grineer-focused update? More power to them, I guess.

I'm much less certain about Empyrean's release schedule than I was earlier. Which is sad, but well - I'm still confident it'll be good. Getting angry won't make it come faster. If it'll be here in the same time, might as well wait in good graces.

Why would anyone be angry in the first place? Its content and lots of it. 2019 people are strange.

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