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Why no cover system?


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We don't need a special system.  Just dodge gohan...... use even the tiniest things to your advantage.  Use choke points as the en3mies get stronger to prevent yourself from getting surrounded you'll be fine.

I remember in armored core 4 using buildings and sand dunes to starve out my enemies out of all their ammo so i could beat them.

Not hard to be tactical. And is there even a need for us constantly even want to fight level 150 plus foes?

Edited by (PS4)Kakurine2
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All faction tilesets have sections that allow enemies to spawn from multiple entrances plus fissures, syndicate enemies, sentients, stalker etc can spawn from anywhere even on top of you and there are certain enemy attacks and all eximus effects that can go through walls.


A cover system would not work with the above mechanics.


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2 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Oh but I do remember them, and wolfenstein 3d, and hexen, and descent (that gave me such terrible motion sickness). And of course unreal. 

I've come to realise that a lot of people in the game, wouldn't have even been alive long enough to have played those. 

Oh, I thought you were talking:

"No cover. All man." = No, they dont. (As in they USE cover)

"Use it here" (Dont use cover) = I do (use cover)

Instead of being that you remembered those games and other people dont.

My bad.

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On 2019-08-05 at 8:26 AM, Hypermega said:

Because mesa was one of the last frames i tested in vod (rathuum 3) to see how she would fair in a solo end game run. with shatter shield, adaptation, and umbral mods the first tick of damage i took killed mesa outright. It turns out the damage reduction from shatter shield 95% still leaves enough to knock her spark out. i wouldn't mind this, infact i demand it but there needs to be a counter play beyond simply go get a cheese frame. 

If the devs have said the game is not supposed to balanced past 100 when what are they doing? the game is not exactly balanced pre-100 considering the damage we do so where is the game balanced? I really dont think im asking too much in wondering why we don't have methods of overcoming difficulty (which we dont) outside of play the cheesy memeframe

And  i too try to take everything in good faith but i think your shrugging off damage in fissure missions and nobody said these systems are needed there

Dude, if your mesa is going down in one shot with shatter shield up, you're definitely doing something wrong. I've never had that problem, at all, and I have recently started playing long Arbis with Mesa and she can take more than enough punishment. She's not glass like you seem to think. 

Edited by (PS4)ErydisTheLucario
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1 hour ago, Kaotyke said:

Oh, I thought you were talking:

"No cover. All man." = No, they dont. (As in they USE cover)

"Use it here" (Dont use cover) = I do (use cover)

Instead of being that you remembered those games and other people dont.

My bad.

Yeah most of the time it was "run away and put a wall between you and whatever is killing you. It's the same thing we have here. 

Most of the "ooh look at the waist high barriers, let's use those to hide behind" (aka 'hospital-gown cover' ) games don't seem to actively spawn enemies behind the players like warframe regularly does. Hospital gown because that "cover" tends to leave our butts exposed. 

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On 2019-08-05 at 5:16 AM, Hypermega said:

if only it were so simple. sadly missiles, gap closers, AOE, flying enemies, a sticky system is a pretty obvious solution that we don't have when enemy damage reaches lethal numbers

Even in real life cover only provides so much cover. AOE in real life can defeat "cover". The point is, crouching, using doorways, pillars, hatches, and even leveled floors does provide realistic enough cover that functions almost as well as it would in real life. After that, it is all about getting your moves on like Jagger which is the whole point of the movement system.

There is zero requirement for a dedicated cover system when what we have is more than adequate. If you want more obsticals to put between you and an enemy shooting at you, all well and good, there is that in this game too. Too much however defeats the purpose of our mobility. Door mantles do work in limiting enemy fields of fire whilst you chip them away piece by piece. I do it when necessary, but it is the exception to the rule.

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Is this topic REALLY on the same forums that are constantly complaining that we're also "too OP!"??  Like, pick a stance, people...


On 2019-08-05 at 4:43 PM, VanFanel1980mx said:

A game about space ninjas that has horribly inconsistent stealth, you can get pretty close to enemies and they won't spot you in regular missions or somehow telepatically tell the other guys 3 rooms away to trigger the alarms or go to open world and everyone on a 10 km radius can spot you and call "Potter" for help or deploy a beacon that alerts everyone that is not an orb mother.

....Grineer and Corpus have Helmets that make for crappy peripheral vision, and probably nullify their hearing to a degree.   On that note, and in regards to how they "somehow tell everyone 3 rooms away to trigger alarms", these factions have powerful  battleships in SPACE, advanced weaponry, AND sentient robots...   And you think the concept of having a Bluetooth headset in their helmets to call for help like a Walkie-Talkie is somehow too much?  

And yeah, on Orb  Vallis they would absolutely send in the entire fleet to capture a sighted Warframe.  We are the -most- powerful weapons in the universe, right now.  Alad V worked on Zanuka for good reason...that kinda power could basically tip the entire scale of the war in their favor. 

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No to a cover system. Sticky cover is trash and gets you kicked more then it helps. You can just crouch behind stuff or slightly peek out if you want.

I remember DE saying they tried it way back in the alpha and it disrupted gameplay so they got rid of it.

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On 2019-08-05 at 3:15 AM, Eklectus said:

I'd kill for the option to send all the "spess ninja wif kewl gunz and osome animu stylez" drek out the airlock and play this like a more grounded, cover-based shooter. 

Make cover actually matter both for you and the enemy, while limiting the current movement mechanics to allow for rapid re-positioning to outflank entrenched positions rather than slidespamming around with a Scoliac.


So wait it should be like all those other FPS games where everyone is running around with guns bunny hopping up and down to avoid enemy fire?


Thanks but no thanks.

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4 часа назад, notNSANE сказал:

it wont be a good idea for this game, though.

I'm not entirely sure about what idea you are talking about.

I'm actually playing Spacelords for some time now and when writing my reply this game was one of my references which I looked at when comparing games with and without cover systems.

Sure, cover system in Spacelords is better implemented than in first Gears of War (don't know about the sequels since they're on Xbox) or in darkSector, but nevertheless you always feel it there as if something is disturbing your playing process.

And that was exactly my point.

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On 2019-08-05 at 1:15 PM, Eklectus said:

I'd kill for the option to send all the "spess ninja wif kewl gunz and osome animu stylez" drek out the airlock and play this like a more grounded, cover-based shooter. 

You might just want to play another game in that case. If the main draw of the game, a looter shooter with fast paced action and space ninja aesthetic, doesn't interest you, then why bother playing in the first place? The world is full of boring "sit behind a waist-high wall and pop out every now and then to shoot at enemy" games, so why waste your time with Warframe?

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5 hours ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Is this topic REALLY on the same forums that are constantly complaining that we're also "too OP!"??  Like, pick a stance, people...


....Grineer and Corpus have Helmets that make for crappy peripheral vision, and probably nullify their hearing to a degree.   On that note, and in regards to how they "somehow tell everyone 3 rooms away to trigger alarms", these factions have powerful  battleships in SPACE, advanced weaponry, AND sentient robots...   And you think the concept of having a Bluetooth headset in their helmets to call for help like a Walkie-Talkie is somehow too much?  

And yeah, on Orb  Vallis they would absolutely send in the entire fleet to capture a sighted Warframe.  We are the -most- powerful weapons in the universe, right now.  Alad V worked on Zanuka for good reason...that kinda power could basically tip the entire scale of the war in their favor. 

Mechanically speaking it is still inconsistent, sure... helmets, except when tons of grineer units don't use helmets and some corpus units are robots.

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On 2019-08-05 at 9:51 AM, Hypermega said:

 i wonder why we cant use cover.

Because DE want the game to be fast-paced and high-mobility, they explicitly don't want players stuck on scenery.

This was brought up a few times before update 10 and DE were quite explicit, "no sticky cover, it's not that sort of game."

Edited by SilentMobius
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To be honest, the best compromise I could make is being able to switch between your Warframe's dominant hands. We have the ability to switch between shoulder views which is great for using cover on both sides. But you expose more of yourself when peaking left due to the gun being held up with your right.

I think the "cover" in Warframe works fine as is besides the above suggestion. It is there and you can use it quite effectively despite it probably being a fluke it works at all.

Edited by Goodwill
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