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Is leyou looking to sell?


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1 minute ago, peterc3 said:

That isn't evidence. That's rumor. A reddit thread for the same twitter link you pasted are not independent confirmations of said rumor.

It's not an active interest that is the issue. It is the heavy emotional response that is highly questionable. This is a rumor.

Because a rumor is still POTENTIALLY a possible outcome. When a company as shady as tencent might acquire the game you play and fill it with spyware (they've done it), well...it kinda tends to alarm people. Maybe you're someone that doesn't worry until it sees the actual danger right in the eyes ...

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28 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

"Not evidence lol"

You want more? Alright, here's another for the nostril.


According to Google Translate, it says: Original title: [Exclusive] Leyou Technology seeks to sell, Tencent Netease Goldman Sachs intends to obtain a controlling stake

How's that, will you demand I post the full translated article next? Or even corporate meeting minutes?

Edited by RS219
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2 minutes ago, RS219 said:

You want more? Alright, here's another for the nostril.


According to Google Translate, it says: Original title: [Exclusive] Leyou Technology seeks to sell, Tencent Netease Goldman Sachs intends to obtain a controlling stake

How's that, or are you going to ask for corporate meeting minutes next?

but the rest of the article translated with google doesn't actually make clear what there selling it just talks about Leyou's history and other games they own

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2 minutes ago, RS219 said:

You want more? Alright, here's another for the nostril.


According to Google Translate, it says: Original title: [Exclusive] Leyou Technology seeks to sell, Tencent Netease Goldman Sachs intends to obtain a controlling stake

How's that, or are you going to ask for corporate meeting minutes next?

They changed the title because many companies are possibly interested.

This is fear mongering.

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12 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

Because Tencent are genuinely awful. They're the reason the Epic Games Store is so terrible -- both mechanically and ethically -- and they're the reason the NBA are firing people over saying the word "China"

Actually, I wish to inform you that EGS' terrible state is more of Epic's and Sweeney's own incompetence at coding the basics for an online store front. Tencent may be a scummy octopus with its tentacles in everything, but they'll never abide being directly responsible for incompetent setbacks that would result in gaining LESS money.

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26 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

They changed the title because many companies are possibly interested.

This is fear mongering.

And which of these interested companies will have the most cash to fling at this possible acquisition? Here's a hint: One of them has syllables starting with the letters T.C.

Fear mongering? Hmmmm. I mean, perhaps. After all, I suppose anyone who tried to point out that 1937 Germany was doing terrible things all the way back then were called fear mongers too.

Edited by RS219
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1 minute ago, peterc3 said:

They changed the title because many companies are possibly interested.

This is fear mongering.

Would you call it "baseless fear mongering?"  😉

Ordinarily I'd prefer to be skeptical of economic/financial rumors, but this seems to be a very common and ordinary case of shopping around. There's nothing especially alarmist about the speculation, because companies float these kinds of rumors themselves all the time when looking to assess the market value of an asset they intend to sell.

As often as not, this is the prelude to an actual deal. I don't blame people for being wary.

Up to this point, Warframe has been more or less free of any sign that the CCP is pulling strings. The game has skeletons in it, and the broader community is replete with discussion of topics that would cause more than a little bit of "oh bother" from them.

We've had it good, and I don't blame people for sounding the alarm that the growing "Chinese soft power" threat (which is real) could be arriving at our doorstep soon.


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3 hours ago, Luciole77 said:

china buying and DOMINATE all planet!

This is why the US government and the CIA consider China such a threat that needs to be "maintained." China is on incredibly close watch by the US government, and the CIA has China (and preventing terrorist attacks, which are constantly being prevented, you have no clue) on top priority. This is why you see the US banning so many Chinese companies from distribution and sales capabilities. However, I do not condone our orange idiot oompa loompa of a tard's astounding decision to put awful tarrifs on Chinese imported goods and production. That's just stupid. But you have no clue how hard the US is eyeing China, as China is looking to, for lack of a better term, "buy up the planet." They basically want a form of "shares" or ownership of the entire planet, whether it be infrastructure, business, trade, or anything else. They want the "majority share" of the entire planet, and of course, the US doesn't like that. Not that our awfully corrupt government's a saint, but it's the one thing between China and literal world domination. That, and a secret organization that is solely formed around slowly and unnoticedly ending world corruption - and you can't stop them.

Edited by (NSW)FlameDivinity
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4 minutes ago, notlamprey said:

As often as not, this is the prelude to an actual deal.

With whom? The title was changed and there are several companies mentioned. This stuff is exceedingly routine and this thread's tone does not match it.

5 minutes ago, notlamprey said:

We've had it good, and I don't blame people for sounding the alarm that the growing "Chinese soft power" threat (which is real) could be arriving at our doorstep soon.

This is the exact stuff that happened when Leyou originally showed up. People not in a position to know any actual details and amateur corporate accountants do not make for a conducive discussion.

There are real concerns to be had. Most people in this thread aren't capable of engaging with the real concerns, though. Single sources linked by multiple places doesn't pass muster and it is just someone playing to a hot topic to trigger unfounded speculation.

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20 minutes ago, Troposphere6 said:

but the rest of the article translated with google doesn't actually make clear what there selling it just talks about Leyou's history and other games they own

The first and third paragraphs still mention it.

2 minutes ago, (NSW)FlameDivinity said:

Not that our awfully corrupt government's a saint, but it's the one thing between China and literal world domination.

Not many countries (short of Northern Europe) have good governments that have their citizens' wellbeings first and foremost, but the CCP has literally taken George Orwell's 1984 as a holy bible on how to run a country. And worse still, it actively wants to creep down and steal more land and sea territory for itself. What can the smaller SEA countries hope to do against this juggernaut building military islands on their fishing waters?

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19 minutes ago, RS219 said:

Actually, I wish to inform you that EGS' terrible state is more of Epic's and Sweeney's own incompetence at coding the basics for an online store front. Tencent may be a scummy octopus with its tentacles in everything, but they'll never abide being directly responsible for incompetent setbacks that would result in gaining LESS money.

Epic Games is high off that Fortnite money, which they use horribly unethical psychological manipulation to strongarm players into spending in. They want to build up their infrastrucutre as quick as possible with as little effort as possible. I really wish people would drop the belief that corporations are incompetent - that's the most naive thought you could have. Corporations are anything but incompetent, what they are is incredibly greedy - insatiably so. And owned by psychopaths who enjoy this behavior.

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1 minute ago, RS219 said:

The first and third paragraphs still mention it.

Not many countries (short of Northern Europe) have good governments that have their citizens' wellbeings first and foremost, but the CCP has literally taken George Orwell's 1984 as a holy bible on how to run a country. And worse still, it actively wants to creep down and steal more land and sea territory for itself. What can the smaller SEA countries hope to do against this juggernaut building military islands on their fishing waters?

It's much simpler than you think. It's a matter of keeping on eye on China while the CIA finds a way to bring down the CCP. Imagine it as a mother who is monitering her child, making sure they don't get into the cookies she has in her dashboard before they arrive at the supermarket. The mother has full control of the child, and has many ways to monter them (direct eye contact, audio, rear-view mirror, etc.) And as long as she doesn't look away for too long, there is no way her child is gaining access to those cookies before they arrive at the supermarket.

Depsite that, the US governemnt and CIA do not take China lightly, and you bet full preventative costs are in place in case China thinks they got the slip on us. Trump and Cohen's attempt at de-neutralizing and politicizing the CIA has almost put our world at jeapordy. Long story short, Trump and Cohen never had it out for each other. It was an attempt to politicize the CIA so that the corrupt factions of the governent (the factions owned by corporations via lobbying, bribes. bully-tactics, etc.) could gain control of the CIA. This would effectively render the CIA useless, as they rely on not being politicized so they can do their job and remain uncontrolled by corporate interests. This, however, has led the CIA into some insanely inhumane activities, as they are effectively untouchable to an extent. Think MKUltra as an infamous example. But despite all of this, the US government and the CIA remain in steady control of China's expansion, and our embassy's are doing a great job of keeping China out of certain territories.

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1 hour ago, RS219 said:

PoE's Region chat has started to clamp down on "political talk", particularly anything mentioning the CCP in an unflattering light (like what happened on "a perfectly ordinary day where absolutely nothing happened at all"). The users on the official forums there and their own subreddit aren't amused either, judging by what I can find:





So? That is a common thing in pretty much any game. Religious and political talk is supposed to always stay clear of game chats, unless of course you create a private little party or chat specifically for that. I mean, that has been the case all the way back since MuDs since they are all supposed to be places where you can take a break from everyday life as a whole and where people shouldnt risk getting targeted or feel uncomfortable for a specific ideology they might have.

Good on GGG for weeding it out and making it a place for everyone instead of having to deal with thousands of reports from people that feel targeted.

If those "politically aware" people that feel that massive need to spread their opinions in a game chat they might be better off getting actually politically involved. To me the rank in at around the same place as jehovas knocking on my door or bible thumpers that want to share their opinion with me on the street. That rank is "wouldnt piss on you even if you were on fire" in my book, because they budge in on my freedom. If I had any interest in either of those opinions I would seek them out, I would not try and find them in a game, or from someone feeling the need to knock on my door to spread "the good word" nor would I seek it on the street from some insignificant twat with a doofy haircut and some cheesy Jesus/God slogan on his T-shirt or back pack.


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6 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

What is it that attracts people to panicking themselves for no reason whatsoever? 

What drives them to make solemn vows to take some sort of drastic action, if some sequence of events that may or may not happen takes place? 

Most importantly, what makes the think that anyone else actually cares? 

human nature to gossip that's all

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2 hours ago, Olphalarepth said:

Because they hold different values than you?

Because, for them, it wouldn't feel right to criticize a company for their moral/political conduct (and tencent is no stranger to this kind of things) and still tag along with them.

Because, most importantly, the fact that you don't care doesn't mean that nobody else doesn't?


I could go on but I won't, but I could, but I won't...

"Let's all panic every chance we get and wear tinfoil hats 24/7" isn't "values". 

I dgaf if they want to critique tencent. The problem is they they're attacking warframe/DE based on their apparently unfounded belief that they may be bought by tencent. That's dumb. 

Who said that I don't? I just don't see the need to preemptively proclaim that I intend to quit because of something that may or may not happen. 

2 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

Because Tencent are genuinely awful. They're the reason the Epic Games Store is so terrible -- both mechanically and ethically -- and they're the reason the NBA are firing people over saying the word "China"

Ok. What's that got to do with warframe? Because if I read everything right they're only one company that's looking at the offer. They haven't bought it. Or shown that they're really interested in buying.  So what's the point? 

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9 hours ago, Pr1A said:

That's a big 'if', Tencent and NetEase are the f*cking worst.

Then someone get on Twitter with Sheldon, Steve, and Reb and start a fire 🔥 that only goes out when they answer the question directly:

”If bought by Company X or Y can this new owner forcibly and creatively destroy Warframe as we know it by using predatory and game-design-destroying tactics to generate profits?”

There you go.  ^^^ Have at them.  I don’t tweet.

Confront the creative team and the COO directly about this “sold their souls to the DE-vil.” Worst-case scenario.

If, in fact, it IS TRUE that new owners can directly impact the game like this, it likely means DE’s Warframe is in real financial trouble.

The last thing you want to mess with is the brand.  This thread is the lit match that has potentially already done that.  So it needs addressed and snuffed out.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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43 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

"Let's all panic every chance we get and wear tinfoil hats 24/7" isn't "values". 

I dgaf if they want to critique tencent. The problem is they they're attacking warframe/DE based on their apparently unfounded belief that they may be bought by tencent. That's dumb. 

Who said that I don't? I just don't see the need to preemptively proclaim that I intend to quit because of something that may or may not happen. 

Ok. What's that got to do with warframe? Because if I read everything right they're only one company that's looking at the offer. They haven't bought it. Or shown that they're really interested in buying.  So what's the point? 

Nobody is panicking except you trying to act tough. You may want to chose your words better next time as your first string sounds like you are trying to make up for something (are you?). And try to avoid twisting what other people said on purpose just to save your face while you're at it, thank you.

Nobody is attacking DE, care to link the post where this happened? And even if it indeed was an attack on warframe/DE, I'm pretty sure mods would have already closed the thread.

Sorry if we didn't ask permission to you to "panic" but, you see, we don't have to and don't care. We were talking and you are the only one who went ballistic with your posts. If you have nothing to add except mocking people because a legit concern for you is panic, could you please find another thread to post in?


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4 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Entire first paragraph of panicked raving

Nah, I'm just stating the facts. Both of them tend to implement some absolutely awful monetization practices in the games they own, HOWEVER we don't know what they'd do with Warframe. They might continue with the same hands-off approach as Leyou, or they might turn the entire game as bad as the Chinese version.

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57 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Ok. What's that got to do with warframe? Because if I read everything right they're only one company that's looking at the offer. They haven't bought it. Or shown that they're really interested in buying.  So what's the point? 

Of the forums getting up in arms? Trying to tell DE "please don't sell your stock to Tencent!"

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Depends on if leyou sells and if horrible things are implemented ingame.  All ifs at this point, if tencent buys and everything requires monetary purchases though I'm out.  Not sure why leyou would sell when warframe is profitable right now, unless they want to sell to get some cash to buy up shares elsewhere that are more lucrative.  

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32 minutes ago, Olphalarepth said:

Nobody is panicking except you trying to act tough. You may want to chose your words better next time as your first string sounds like you are trying to make up for something (are you?). And try to avoid twisting what other people said on purpose just to save your face while you're at it, thank you.

Nobody is attacking DE, care to link the post where this happened? And even if it indeed was an attack on warframe/DE, I'm pretty sure mods would have already closed the thread.

Sorry if we didn't ask permission to you to "panic" but, you see, we don't have to and don't care. We were talking and you are the only one who went ballistic with your posts. If you have nothing to add except mocking people because a legit concern for you is panic, could you please find another thread to post in?


Does that sort of nonsense usually work for you? Seriously, Chicken Little? Especially when you admit that you are all panicking? That's just silly. 

28 minutes ago, Pr1A said:

Nah, I'm just stating the facts. Both of them tend to implement some absolutely awful monetization practices in the games they own, HOWEVER we don't know what they'd do with Warframe. They might continue with the same hands-off approach as Leyou, or they might turn the entire game as bad as the Chinese version.

Or how about the fact that they haven't bought anything so far and you're just jumping to conclusions? 

20 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

Of the forums getting up in arms? Trying to tell DE "please don't sell your stock to Tencent!"

It's not their stock anymore so you lot are screaming at the wrong people. 

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12 hours ago, Pr1A said:

That's a big 'if', Tencent and NetEase are the f*cking worst.

There is no "if"

DE values creative freedom. If they don't get their creative freedom, they'll take their ball and leave the corporate cucks behind. You're ignoring the history of Warframe.

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