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(PC) Kuva Liches / Parazon / Kuva Weapons / Etc. Feedback


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Now that I've spent more time with the system, I can confidently say that I like the concept, but the layers of RNG are excessive, DE. And as pointed out by your partner Mogamu,  these layers of RNG are only there in order to attempt to prolong what is otherwise easy content. Content that is gated on time/luck rather than skill because it would not last otherwise. This ultimately hurts player engagement and leads to burnout alongside player rejection and comtempt. 

The process should be streamlined with regards to progression and should be compensated with a higher combat difficulty in order to better reflect what a deadly enemy should be and how a rival should feel. In addition, the decision to make Kuva Larvings spawn in any Grineer mission past level 20 is having the unintended effect of players juggling around intentionally avoiding killing the Larving by mistake, and those who do kill it feel punished because they were not even looking forward to get a Lich. This, when coupled with enemy loot steal mechanics and weapon repetition has led to a lot a frustration in the forums.

Here are my proposals for improving the system:

1- Kuva Larvings should only spawn in Kuva-related missions (Kuva Siphon / Kuva Flood / Kuva Disruption / Kuva Survival). This has its own reasoning highlighted in the spoiler tag:


1- It's thematically appropriate. Kuva Larvings are announced in-mission by Kuva Guadians. You can only find Kuva Guardians in Kuva-related missions.

2- Kuva as a resource can now be obtained from Arbitrations and Nightwave, so you are no longer forced to do Kuva missions in order to obtain it. 

3- It serves as a balancing mechanic between slow Kuva in Arbitrations/Nightwave vs. Fast Kuva in Siphon/Flood at the risk of spawining a Lich. 

4- You can opt out of the system by not engaging in Kuva missions for those who don't want to be forced to have a Lich rather than avoiding all level 20+ Grineer missions and juggling around actively avoiding an enemy so you don't kill it by mistake. 

5- You can get some breathing room after killing your current Lich without risking creating a new one right away unless you are doing Kuva missions. 

6- You are required to do Kuva Siphon/Flood missions anyway in order to farm Requiem Relics, so engaging with a Kuva Lich will eventually lead you back here.

7- It would make a Kuva Lich feel more special and rare by decreasing the chances of generating one assuming that the Larving is not a guaranteed spawn.

2- Liches can not steal Requiem relics/mods as it could make them unkillable. This is already planned as per Rebecca's twitter.

3- Increase Kuva Siphon Requiem Relic drop chance to 60%, increase Kuva Flood Requiem relic drop chance to 130% (The extra 30% is a chance to get a second relic or to get it as a Radiant Requiem relic).

4- Make the Kuva Lich weapon type be based on the planet it was created.

5- Make the Kuva Lich weapon bonus be based on the Warframe used to create it. Reddit claims that's currently the case, but official confirmation would be appreciated considering the original Tridolon run was also giving specific Arcanes in set groups rather than being random, so it could be a bug,

6- Heavily decrease the number of Kuva Lich Thralls you need to kill in order to get your murmurs. 30 per murmur instead of 50 sounds reasonable for me.

7- If you discover which Requiem mod hurts your Lich on your own in a a fight, the Murmurs you currently have work towards unlocking the next Requiem mod. Makes no sense you are still forced unlock Murmurs for a Requiem you already know that works. This is already planned as per Rebecca's twitter.

8- Add a way to down your Lich so you can scare it away without you having to die. This would help alleviate hosts leaving missions when their Lich spawns because they don't want to be killed so it can leave.

9- Stolen loot is multiplied by 1.1-1.5 when returned depending on your Lich's rank at the time you kill it. This works as an incentive to actually rank up your Lich instead of attempting to kill it as early as possible. It also makes the pain of "losing" your loot a lot more bearable.

10- Increase Kuva Lich battle difficulty and stats to around pre-nerf Wolf levels. Liches are disappointingly weak for what they are and what they are meant to be. As pointed out by Mogamu, their life is only prolonged due to the RNG layers that are involved, which are only there to mask how easy the actual battle is. A Rank 5 Lich fight should be taxing on you as a player. It should demand endurance from you. It should not be over in 1 minute. On that note, the Lich should fight back against its doom during the final health bar depletion. The final Parazon stab would feel a lot more dynamic and full of tension if it had a minigame you can fail such as a button-mashing contest or a quick-time event. If you fail it, you don't die, but your Lich runs away. It becomes a lot more engaging that just depleting their life from a safe distance and only getting close for a 1-button kill.

11- Kuva Thrall farming missions are very boring. They'd feel a lot more dynamic if they had a direct effect on the Lich's influence. For example, Kuva Thrall Sabotage and Spy missions could offer the bonus reward of "protecting" additional nodes from being infected (As if you found out what your Lich was planning ahead and you stopped it), a Capture mission could yield additional murmurs from the capture target, Sabotage cache recovery could return some of your stolen loot, and so on. DE, you've expressed several times how your goal this year is "connecting everything"; an update that doesn't feel like an isolated island separate from the rest of the game. Tying old mission types to the Lich system by affecting your rivalry and progress with the Lich in different ways depending on the mission type would not only be clever, but something that would perfectly fit in with and tie in with the design intentions you have been pursuing. This way, Thrall missions would feel a lot more important to the conflict with your Lich if the actual mission type mattered rather than just being a Thrall murmur farm; a more tactical focus on clearing infected nodes other than just "Farm Thralls, repeat". Credits to @MysteryPig and @TinFoilMkIV for this idea in particular.

12- Future-proofing: DE, we will eventually run out of Lich weapons and Ephemera to farm. It is inevitable. At that moment, we will have few reasons (If any) to engage with the system because we would be getting nothing out of it. Content longevity and sustainability has been an issue in WF. Game modes and boss battles lose value once you farm their respective pools. I even made a feedback thread about this some months ago with regards to lack of incentives to repeat content because of "one and done" rewards. If you are looking to get people to continue to engage with the Lich system, there has to be something that holds its own value after the reward pool has been exhausted. As such, suggestion 9 is important for the system's longevity by boosting loot (As an incentive) alongside adding 2 more vanquish options other than kill/convert when we defeat our Lich:

Lich vanquish option 3: A high-value reward such as 20,000 - 30,000 Kuva depending on your Lich's rank, a Riven type of your choice, or a "Legendary core shard".

Lich vanquish option 4: Capture the Lich so it works as a Kuva battery you can harvest once per day. The higher the number of Kuva Liches you capture for harvesting, the higher the amount of Kuva you get. So here is another reason to engage with the system after farming the rest by capturing as many Liches as possible. Credits to @IamLoco for this idea in particular.

That's my feedback on the system and improvement suggestions. There's a lot of potential here DE, but it's been overshadowed by layers upon layers of RNG that only serve to prolong content based on luck and time rather than skill. Don't be afraid to make Kuva Liches way harder to kill. There's no need for them to be easy considering the context of what they are meant to be: Your nemesis. A threat. Something you bring upon yourself.

RNG is not difficulty. It's tediousness.

Edited by Jarriaga
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i think the grind is unbearable with liches, been playing this most of my 2 days off and i'm not very close to defeating my first lich.

  • imo if you want the requiem mods be under the relics they shouldn't be consumables, or if you want them to be consumables they shouldn't be in the relics. because random consumables in a relic is literally a single(3 in this case) use item in a lootbox. at least make it a blueprint of a consumable then? like a vault key? but making them permanent is better imo
  • murmur grind takes forever in most cases except survival or excavation i think? should balance the required number of thralls and their spawn rates across the mission types. hell just make murmur require 4 thralls and make one thrall spawn in a mission making 4 missions required. will do almost the same and be more straightforward and feel less stupid to waste time on

otherwise i like the idea

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Murmurs should not identify the cards for a slot you are brute forcing unless it is the last slot you need to learn.

Ex of why this is really unpleasant.

Order of Events

1. I have done 7/8 brute force tests for the first Card slot, meaning I now know what card goes there because there is only 1 left to test.

2. The murmur I just finished now identifies that first card slot, invalidating the 7 brute force attempts I put into it.

3. I have done 6/7 Brute force tests for the second Card slot, meaning I know know what card goes there because there is only 1 left to test.

4. The second Murmur I finish now identifies the second card slot, invalidating the 6 brute force attempts I put into it.

5. I have done 5/6 Brute force tests for the third card slot, meaning I know know what card goes there because there is only one left to test.

6. The murmur I just finished identifies this last card slot, not really invalidating my brute force attempts on the last slot because I was done after this next kill either way.


Because murmurs can Identify a card slot that you are already heavily invested into brute forcing, you can end up having to kill your boss 21 times even with murmurs, this is equivalent to if you were to just brute force the system with no murmurs at all. 18 wasted brute force attempts because the cards murmurs identify are the ones you already brute forced down to only one remaining option.


What is the point of Murmurs even existing if you can still get so unlucky that they save you no time over just straight brute forcing the combinations?



Edit: Murmurs should always Identify the slots from last to first, you can only brute force from first to last so having murmurs Identify from last to first would avoid this issue entirely.

Edited by OwOprime
Edited for suggestion.
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Overall I find the Kuva Liches really fun and don't really mind the grinds as they are very straight forward. Two aspects I'd probably like to see some changes for are the Murmurs and how the Lich is generated.

  • Murmur grinding is very... long, to say the least. I feel that with how you can confront your Lich in a trial & error sorts, you can figure out the code without needing all 3 murmurs. If a confrontation has a successful requiem, I feel that the murmur for it should already be unlocked. Also, the rate at which you gain murmur progress could also scale with either a) unlocking other murmurs or b) having you Lich rank up (as a way to say "hurry up")
  • Some of the frame progenitors don't make a whole lot of sense. Why does Atlas give a toxin bonus instead of impact? Same goes for Oberon (also toxin) when all his abilities deal radiation damage... yet doesn't grant a radiation bonus.
  • To help ease the RNG aspect for the kuva weapon the Lich has, a similar system to the frames dictating the bonus would work. Killing with a primary grants a primary kuva weapon, pistol for pistol, etc. If the Larvling is killed by a frame ability then the weapon can be rolled from the entire pool.

EDIT: This was typed up legit right before 26.0.4 so uh... ignore the murmur gain point LOL


The animations are really cool, but the camera's broken or they just flat out don't work. More indication as to being able to execute Mercy would be helpful besides just a dagger above their head, which is hard to see (especially for RG colorblind) and barely noticeable when nuking an entire room.

Kuva Weapons

Like I said above, the Lich's weapon should be generated by the way they were killed a la frame progenitors. Some of the weapons that had pre-existing variants for the Kuva enemies (Kohm, Drakgoon for example) could also function like those counter parts. The Kuva Drakgoon would be much more interesting if it was automatic like the kuva heavy gunner's weapon.

Edited by FrostyNovaPrime
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Honestly, I think you should make it so kuva siphons have a 100% chance to give a relic and kuva floods should give 3 relics. This would somewhat justify the rng of getting the mods and not feeling like the bundles in the market are pay to win because you'd be getting significantly more relics regularly playing the kuva siphons. We should also be able to get requiem relic packs in a way that is not just Platinum like you can with void relics and syndicates. Also, you have to kill 50 of the thralls for each Parazon mod you identify (so 3 times 50 is 150 thralls total) this is a bit too much in my opinion. Maybe decrease it to 30-40 thralls.

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Melee Changes

I like em, I don't like how the mods were changed and how they interact with each other currently; Blood rush making all other crit mods obsolete or Condition Overload + rainbow elements dumping all over pressure point and friends. Go ahead and nerf what needs to be nerfed, not asking for buffs, just maybe there's a better way while keeping the other mods useful.

Ignoring all that stuff though, my fang primes feel nice for the first time since back when you could buy founders.

Vasca Kavats

Feels overly complicated getting one, the process should be more straight forward somehow and the vasca kavats themselves seem pretty pointless. Neat, the vasca can heal itself a little bit, or I could just pop in pack leader, oh it can revive me, or I could revive myself and stop sucking, we get 4-6(?) revives per mission, not hurting for extra lives at all. These are abilities that should set the vasca apart from other kavats/companions and they're not at all useful compared to the other options we have.

They look cool though.


going to be repeating a lot of whats already been said I'm sure.

  • farming murmurers is way too grindy, I don't expect to kill a lich in a day (you can though), but the whole process from start to finish is an unrewarding slog, I believe it'd be better if this process was integrated with other parts/missions so there could be a more passive way to chew through it.
  • There is no reason at all the convert a lich, I'm sure that will change in the future.
  • Lich weapons should not at all have the random elemental % they do, I understand that its an incentive to replay liches for that perfect roll, but it just feels really unrewarding. Roll a lich and seeing its got a garbage %  or getting a repeat weapon, with no way to pass or try for a better one beyond going through that grindy lich slog all over again. Please make a way for players to increase their weapons % to a max %. Maybe feeding it kuva? or even just give each weapon a flat % and do away with that layer of RNG.
  • Thematically liches are not liches, they don't feel unkillable because we can only kill them once (twice if you count larva), they also don't feel like my "personal villain", I get taxed on certain planets, oh no. They don't feel strong, they feel like a bullet sponge with a one hit kill throw (on most frames). Let me kill them and have them get right back up, make that a bad thing for me, they need to be challenging rather than a gear check.
  • Thralls and liches being immune to status I feel is a mistake, maybe add in a secondary bar similar to guild wars 2 bosses? hit them with status to break the bar and make them vulnerable to status for a bit.
  • Liches do not feel like a boss fight, just a tanky nox. I feel like there isn't enough there to make them an interesting fight, there's plenty that could be done to "spice" them up like maybe escalating each "Phase" with new more challenging behavior as the fight goes on and the player reaches a new HP bar.


the update has a lot of stuff to chew through, it just feels rushed, unfinished and I think a lot of it misses the mark.

I do not like it overall, but I can see myself liking it with some changes I hope are coming.

Edited by FoxyKabam
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Mercy kills are rare outside of thrall missions. Everything dies before you can run up to the enemy and trigger it. Moreover, mercy kills don't really feel worth it unless you have that 50% chance to spawn energy orb and the blinding enemies mods.

I'd really like it if:
A) Enemies that are in the mercy state are invulnerable for 3+ seconds. This would give time run up and mercy kill.

B) Health requirement and chance to trigger mercy scaled with melee combo counter E.G at 1x combo, target must have < 10% of total health, chance to trigger is 10%(or whatever it is currently),but at 12x combo, target must have < 35% total health, chance to trigger 75%. Since melee players typically take more damage, reward melee users with more mercy kills, this would also give some weight to players  choice to either spend combo points on charge attacks or keep them for more mercy kills.

C) Mercy kills lifesteal equal to 35% of enemies total health. This would make mercy kills more useful and worth running into a crowd of enemies to perform it. Also, it helps out lower level players from not repeatedly dying in missions.

Edited by RIOT
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Your feedback here helped bring these changes in the The Old Blood: Hotfix 26.0.4


It’s been 5 days since the launch of Old Blood and we’ve got our hands full with some great player feedback so far! As of yesterday afternoon 15,000+ Kuva Lich’s have been Converted and 85,000+ have been Vanquished; you’ve been putting in that work! To keep everyone in the loop, we’re working on some bigger picture mechanics for the Kuva Lich system coming soon:

  • Stockpiled Kuva Weapons: Receiving a better duplicate Kuva weapon after you’ve put work/Forma into an existing one can feel rather disappointing. With that in mind, we’re working on a “duplicate consumption” mechanic where you can combine 2 of the same Kuva weapons, thus transferring its buffs while preserving your Forma and Exilus investment, ergo relieving you of your inner turmoil. 
  • Larvling Lich creation will be truly opt-in. Some people want to see the world drown in Kuva and others just want to live a Lich free life! For those that don’t want to be hounded by a Kuva Lich, we’re changing the way Larvlings are killed in order to attain a Kuva Lich. Larvlings will have the same pre death setup as Thralls, except the Mercy action is only available to the player who damaged them last. At that point you either walk up and press X to initiate the Mercy (required for Kuva Lich creation), or just walk away and leave them to eventually die on their own after 15 seconds, thus opting out of Kuva Lich creation.

Kuva Lich Phase 2 Changes & Fixes:
With 5 days of feedback under our belts, we have a substantial number of changes to the Kuva Lich system rolling out today. There will be more to come this week that are a bit more developer intensive. 

  • Mercying a Thrall now has a 5% chance to drop 500 Kuva or a Requiem Relic, adding another reward vector in the steps that are required to Vanquish/Convert a Kuva Lich. Requiem Relics play a very key part in the Kuva Lich system, and our goal with this change is to conjoin the Thrall hunt on (what is currently) normal mission modes with your eventual Requiem Relic hunt.
  • Increased the drop chance of each Requiem Relic in Kuva Siphon missions from 30% to 50%.
  • Tweaked the Requiem Murmur discovery requirements for each hint to reduce initial ramp-up:
    • Instead of each Murmur requiring the same amount of Hints, the first and second Murmur require 60% of what they used to, with the last Murmur requiring 140%.
  • Excess Murmur progress now carries over to the next Murmur to allow for faster Murmur discovery.
  • Known Requiems that you discover from using your Parazon on your Kuva Lich are now immediately visible on the UI as a permanent known Requiem.
  • Requiem Mods and Relics can no longer be Taxed by your Lich.
  • Ingame Murmur popups now show progress, in the form of a progress bar, from your previous Murmur discovery. This progress bar will not be displayed if you’ve solved all the Murmur hints.
  • Testing a Requiem on a Lich now advances Murmur progress by roughly 10x more than a Thrall on average. 
  • A transmission will now play when a Kuva Larvling fails to spawn.
  • Tweaked Murmur display in Lich screen to be clearer.
  • Added vocals for Kuva Larvlings as they wait on the ground for that sweet Parazon.
  • Added a number next to Lich attempt history so you can tell the order. 
  • Updated Lich name text to make certain letters more distinguishable.
  • Lich’s rank will now update immediately from a failed attempt, so you can see the new rank right away during a mission.
  • Alerts and Kuva missions now include a ‘Reward Already Received’ entry if you replay one you’ve already completed.
  • Removed unintended sounds from Kuva Ephemeras.
  • Kuva Tonkor reload speed decreased from 1.7 to 1.5 seconds.
  • Fixed End of Mission screen not showing all recovered Kuva Lich items (Ephemera, Kuva Weapon Blueprint, etc). Each case we looked into “The Lich didn’t return my (X)” showed that items were returned in all cases, just the UI was bugged. 
  • Fixed Nekros' Shadows of the Dead being able to spawn as Kuva Thralls.
  • Fixed Liches in Codex using current Lich’s name in subtitles, and other inconsistencies.
  • Fixed Kuva Larvling spawning in mission where everyone in the squad already has a Lich.
  • Fixed Kuva Larvling transmission appearing before the Larvling has spawned. 
  • Fixed incorrect transmission playing at Kuva Larvling spawn.
  • Fixed Excavation Power Cell Carriers and Capture Targets spawning as Thralls, rendering the mission uncompletable.
  • Fixed Sensor Regulars in Grineer Spy missions and deployed Latchers being able to spawn as Kuva Thralls.
  • Fixed Lich weapons showing unicode immediately after being claimed.
  • Fixed Thrall music potentially playing at the same time as Kuva Lich music.
  • Fixed missing Lich portrait and transmission in several situations. 
  • Fixed Kuva lich being affected by Out of Sight Mod.
  • Fixed vanquished Liches coming to assist.
  • Fixed being able to spawn more Thralls than intended per mission.
  • Fixed Requiem mods showing [PH] text when Trading.
  • Fixed an issue where Liches would stop playing their finisher animation immediately after starting it.


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Even if it is not this week or the next, of even after, please go back to the original idea: the Lich can die and be resurrected by the Kuva, stronger, if we did not kill it with the good requiem.
The lethal finisher it inflicts to the tenno is epic, ok, but it can be anywhere else in the fight.
In fact it solves several problems:
- Liches can die, so it doesn't prevent other player's liches to spawn.
- Dialogs of the lich become coherent.
- Kuva enters in action, so it's logical, epic, creepy, and the definition of the Kuva is respected.
- Gain of murmurs on bad attempt is more logical.
- Lich fight gains some difficulty, because the lich can kill us more easily if it manages to grab or stun us.

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I wish consoles would be able to give feedback to new dlc's. Some systems that are implemented on pc are not optimal for console in my opinion. Like how it is easier to hack corpus consoles on pc than xbox one and ps4. PC players have access to button macros as consoles do not. My personal request is there a way for console players to give feedback before these mechanics are set in. I know this would be a hard request to fill with development deadlines with emperyean,the new war, and duviri paradox, but its just a request.

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As everyone mentioned   please make the Requiem mods: permanent   its so frustrating farming them  not to forget they also need void traces which is also a thing to  grind for  because all the requiem mods are on the radiant level .

Secondly, please  do something regarding the weapons duplicates  its not fun really fight after killing the lich then you get the same one with the same weapon  and thats mean more waste of time  and more grind and so on .

Also not to forget thralls are just extremely annoying to farm because we are suppose to do every single mission the planet just to kill enough thralls for one hint only  which is really too much  like either this mount of thralls we kill is reduced or we get more spawns of them.

Lastly, please do something about the weapons  that needs   5 formas   to get the full xp mastery rank for them . I mean I really find no point on forcing people to let them forma each single kuva weapon  5 times  just so they can get their full mastery rank and i find it completely  unnecessary and waste or resources  .  Not all weapons are good enough or worthy of this amount  but we still feel like we forced to forma all of them just so we can max their xp rank 

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8 minutes ago, HorneySaint said:

lease make the Requiem mods: permanent   its so frustrating farming them not to forget they also need void traces which is also a thing to  grind for  because all the requiem mods are on the radiant level .

If they make them permanent they would really need to take the requiem mods out of the kuva lich hunter bundle; as a matter of fact I don't think they shouldn't even be in that bundle to begin with.

Edit: Forgot to mention this but they reason why I say this is because it is out right pay to skip especially if you make the requiem mods permanent. To be honest though it's still at that category regardless..

Edited by (XB1)falconpwnch0234
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6 minutes ago, Azvalk said:

Even if it is not this week or the next, of even after, please go back to the original idea: the Lich can die and be resurrected by the Kuva, stronger, if we did not kill it with the good requiem.
The lethal finisher it inflicts to the tenno is epic, ok, but it can be anywhere else in the fight.
In fact it solves several problems:
- Liches can die, so it doesn't prevent other player's liches to spawn.
- Dialogs of the lich become coherent.
- Kuva enters in action, so it's logical, epic, creepy, and the definition of the Kuva is respected.
- Gain of murmurs on bad attempt is more logical.
- Lich fight gains some difficulty, because the lich can kill us more easily if it manages to grab or stun us.

The lich already attempt to grab you if you enter close melee range. It does significant damage too, I've gotten killed from it a couple times being careless.

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@[DE]Danielle when you say combine two weapons does that mean that if I have an electric quartakk and get a toxin quartakk they will become an electric and toxin quartakk? Or an Corrosive quartakk? Or will the base stats of my original quartakk just increase? What if we get a weaker quartakk from a lich do we get no compensation at all?

Edited by S0V3REiGN
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il y a 7 minutes, Omega-Shadowblade a dit :

The lich already attempt to grab you if you enter close melee range. It does significant damage too, I've gotten killed from it a couple times being careless.

Yes, but I mean, if they absolutely want to give it a deadly finisher, who kills us at 100% chance, they can do it, in the same way as these little finishers that do big damage.
There is no need to replace the possibility of killing the lich, there is no need to kill the original idea of the kuva that resurrects the lich stronger.

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Please change the fire mode switch mechanic to manually switchable. It just spoils the weapon. I think not too many people fan of this thing. 

how to fix the kuva quartakk:

  1.  Change the fire mode switching mechanic to manually switchable. Examples :Stradavar,Tiberon Prime,Zarr.
  2.  The auto-fire mode needs a small buf, a little more fire rate, and more accuracy. 


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Simple suggestion, though probably not a simple implementation. Please pardon if this has already been suggested, but I am not inclined to read through the 27 pages of this thread to verify it hasn't already come up.

I think it would be a wonderful addition to have a history of all your vanquished liches in your profile page, perhaps alongside the stats tab. Nothing too fancy, I would think, maybe just the same info from the lich's screen while they are active: name, skills, bonus damage %, level when defeated, etc. You know, just your basic 'stats for nerds' type of info.

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New feedback post 26.04 updates:

Maybe in addition, combining guns can up the ele % - that would make getting repeat crap rolls more stomachable - eg get 25% and 27% seers, the combined form keeps the forma/exilus progress, and goes to 35% ele instead of 25 or 27, that way getting duplicates that are equally crap (or maybe even worse variants) isn't so much of a waste of player time. Then say you get another 28% seer, combine that, and your "master" weapon goes to 40%, etc.  This would allow player agency to improve their weapon mitigating some of the RNG frustration, keep duplicate liches relevant longer giving the whole system longevity, and maintain the covert/kill decision relevancy for longer as well.

Otherwise, even with murmurs going faster, it's hard to feel good about grinding for a turd when you get low % elemental rolls.

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