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(PC) The Old Blood General Feedback


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This thread will be used to house feedback on the additions, changes, and all other from The Old Blood: Update 26.

If you are looking to provide feedback on the following subjects, please visit the dedicated threads:


Before posting feedback be sure to spend enough time with what you are commenting on! Once you feel you have, and would like to share your thoughts, read the following guide from a Dev side to write good, useful feedback. A well constructed and thought out post is the way to go! 

1. Keep it simple
Write simple, directed points about the topic you feel strongly about. Remember to be constructive and to the point.

2. Back it up
Support your points with concrete points. X has better stats than Y. This ability is less useful when considering X. Provide in-game situational evidence or a solid foundation for your argument to rest upon.

3. Be polite

The best feedback occurs when two people discuss opposing viewpoints to find a constructive middle ground. Discussion is a natural part of feedback! Ensuring that it is polite and without personal attacks is key. We’re far less inclined to listen to feedback filled with personal attacks and rude speech. We are all trying our best!

The Forums can be an amazing tool when used correctly. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on The Old Blood: Update 26.

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2 minutes ago, 8faiNt said:

Im going to assume that the Rolling wasnt removed but gone due to a bug.

Please give us Rolling in orbiter back. 


You can still roll, for some reason it was moved in the keybinds. You have to find the Sprint/Roll keybind


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Looks like game controls when using an XB1 controller is broken since the update.

- aiming (using LT) only works after quick melee attack

- frame stays in aim mode afterwards, even after releasing LT

- pushing LT again will have frame to use secondary fire (testing with Tenora)

- to leave "aim mode" u have to use quick melee again

on that note...

- aim glide is not possible when secondary fire was used, needs to be reset again by using quick melee before jumping

I couldn't see any issues with KB and mouse so I guess its an issue with the controller mappings?

Since I use primarily the XB1 controller as I'm a couch player uisng my PC on my TV (laugh as much as u want, nothing beats FO4 in 4k on a TV with all those spice "enhancement mods" from the nexus!) I would pretty much like to have this fixed...

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8 minutes ago, Violet_Xe said:

You can still roll, for some reason it was moved in the keybinds. You have to find the Sprint/Roll keybind

Going into key bindings it is unbound and I'm not sure what to bind it as, but I can't back out unless I assign it and hitting "defaults" also doesn't assign it

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Just now, icemindstab said:

Going into key bindings it is unbound and I'm not sure what to bind it as, but I can't back out unless I assign it and hitting "defaults" also doesn't assign it

I just set it back to shift. The normal sprint key doesn't need to be used anymore. Sprint/Roll is both sprinting and rolling, hold for sprint, tap for roll like before. Really I don't know why there's 2 options now only 1 of them is important. 

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I love the changes you made for arbitration and I cannot stress this enough. Not because they are good changes or because I wanted them cause I didn't even play arbitrations but because I'm very happy to see that you are revisiting old content and trying to get them to a better state than when it launched. Having said that I think moving mods to vitrus rewards and being able to buy ayatans for vitrus are great decisions but it still lacks SCALING REWARDS please I see you are very hesitant to put those into any gamemode and i cannot see why, it doesn't need to be some crazy scaling, just a little bit.

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OK, so first bit of feedback from me, it's on the Weapon Exilus slot:

As stated it is pretty much manditory that this slot to be polarize for late and "end-" game builds. The problem is you remove choice from the player by having the slot pre-polarized, forcing a player who wants to use a mod with a different polarity to add yet another forma on a weapon that has already seen 4-7 used on it.

Would it be possible to have the Weapon Exilus Adapter work akin to gilding, in that when you apply it, you get to choose the polarity of the exilus slot, rather than it being predetermined? It's a minor change, but one I am sure many players would appreciate.

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New melee stances feel really intuitive, up to the point where I almost can't believe you nailed it this well. It feels like we once again became even more powerful with this new melee, and I have 0 clue where to even use all of this excessive force, but I do know it feels incredibly satisfying to use. It feels fluid to use, combos flow into each other really well, and holding the right mouse button + forward combo to use attacks that move you forward is a stroke of genius. I'm already at the point where I feel like I'm overusing the word "intuitive", but that's essentially what it does boil down to. It feels intuitive, and very much so. RMB + forward+e to get closer, and then smack then with stationary combos, or hold foward +e to move forward slightly while still attacking. I've used this new system for less than an hour now and it already feels natural. Mad props for that.

It just works. 

Now gibe high lvl content so I can try new melee on stuff that doesn't die in 1 hit 😄 

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Next bit of feedback: About dedicated melee switchingg.

Before you started the journey to Melee 3.0, there was a keybinding that let use use a key to switch to melee rather than holding the weapon switch key. With the return of dedicated melee, it would be grand if you gave us that keybinding back as well. Due to nerve issues, I have trouble with hold commands, and the original keybinding was a godsend to let me draw my weapon. 

Edit: I could set a macro that would act as a hold on a keystroke, but as you have said this could get me banned due to you not being able to determine macros used for accessibility and those used to cheat/exploit. So for the sake of those of us that need aid in playing your game I really do implre you to return this keybinding as soon as possible.

Edit 2: if you could also return the concept that dedicated melee also used a seperate keybinding for melee attacks when enables, that would be great as well, as LMB for melee was much easier to use and in dedicated melee is completely unused since channelling is gone.

Edited by GrimKonstantin
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Moving Life Strike to only be heavy attacks was a massive mistake/gutted essentially everyone who isnt rhino, nezha, chroma, inaros, nidus and trinity from drain tanking, but noone of them need life strike in the first place.

Edited by Andele3025
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My Feedback so far:

- Inaros "1" isnt working, stealth killing due to this Parazon Crap wont be triggered

- who thought it would be a good idea to switch quick stealth to "Use" instead of "Quick-Melee" revert it asap back to "Quick-Meele"

- Arsenal: Could you please stop to force PC-Players to get this crap Console Controller UI? e.g If I want to switch the loadouts with the small arrow it changes the loadout stuff (warframe, sentinel, Archwing stuff) instead of opening the Loadout overview. Or are you trying to get "Worst PC-UI since Bethesda RPGs"? Its freaking annoying 😞

- what happend to Redeemer Prime? This weapon is near useless now against Level 160 Enemies even with the stealth Multi in Simalacrum

- New Melee Animations are feeling slow and sluggishley. Felt every weapon I used so far (Gram, Kripath, Paracesis, Redeemer, Orthos and a few others) have gotten an attack speed reduction

- I want gonna bother with the Lich Stuff already after seeing the Requirements to kill this guys; Relics RNG, Traces and even then Drop Luck and RNG find the "right words to kill this". Nah, i wont become captivated by this

- Nice try btw to get us buying new forma for the Weapon Exilus Slot. I mean mostly r-Slots and all usefull mods are -?

- Zenistar - Just Why?


To sum it up. I play(ed) Warframe because the general gameplay  was FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN. But now it feels unrewarding, shallow, more grindy than usual. It feels like you would squeeze the lemons a little bit to much in the past to get us involved into your game.

Edited by ValinorAtani
new addendum
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I can only speak for myself. But many of the melee weapons I use feel ..bad now. The flow for them is off, they like a few others have noted are much slower. The fluidity that was said to be clearer for melee weapons seems to be the opposite for the melee weapons I use. They say it flows better now..clunky is the word I would use. My opinion.

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You were supposed to make new challenging content, not a pain in the a**. Disabling abilities on a looter shooter game were you depend entirely on your resources that you spends hundreds of hours to get, and you take them away. Great, way to go. You still don't know the definition of challenge, and now it seems that you forgot the definition of fun too. What a dissapointment.

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Old melee was light years better. You can't do broken bull from a standstill. Heavy attacks are clunky and disrupt the flow of melee entirely. The zenistar is now boring and pointless. Press X to do a finisher? I think you may have managed to kill off everything I still loved about warframe.

Don't have enough loadouts for warframes but now have loadouts for archwings? I love archwing and find the amount of loadouts for them silly.

"If it isn't broken don't fix it!"

The game play feels so bad now. I don't even have the desire to kill kuva liches.😕

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Posted this already in general but was recommended to post it in the feedback so...

My three problems with the melee rework:

First, the absolute butcher done on gunblades, Bullet Dance lost its best, or at the very least, most comfortable combo (backward input combo) and added 2 rather unwieldy combos that make it very hard to land a shot on anything. Also, the removal of the double shot on charged melee with that stance, now its one, very slow and weaker shot.
Second, some stances force movement change back to walking with some combos, which makes it annoying to toggle sprint after performing every combo and moving to the next enemy or enemies.
Last, while most melee weapons got not only a increase in their range, base damage, critical chance, critical damage and status chance, some even had their damage types modified, Zaws only got their base damage or range modified, which means they totally forgot about Zaw links stats, the critical chance, critical damage and status chance given by them wasn't changed one bit, while several weapons got great balance of CC or SC, zaws as strong as they are, can only pick CC or SC in a build as neutral links have mediocre stat bonuses. Not to mention that the CC, CD and SC given by the links is capped at 10-32%/x2.0/10-32%

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Would it be possible to add separate binds for each weapon? Now that it's actually worth swapping to melee, it's a bit clunky.

i.e. 1 selects primary, 2 selects secondary, 3 selects melee? (Obviously 1,2 & 3 are taken for abilities, only used as an example). Instead of the swapping between and hold to toggle?

They could be unbound by default like quick-gear or emote binds are, but having the option of binding scroll up to primary, scroll down to secondary and F to melee for example would be a great QOL for me at least.

Right now swapping always feels a bit of a mess, I'm always swapping to the wrong weapon, especially if you're using a fishing/mining equipable.

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42 minutes ago, Diavoros said:

Posted this already in general but was recommended to post it in the feedback so...

My three problems with the melee rework:

First, the absolute butcher done on gunblades, Bullet Dance lost its best, or at the very least, most comfortable combo (backward input combo) and added 2 rather unwieldy combos that make it very hard to land a shot on anything. Also, the removal of the double shot on charged melee with that stance, now its one, very slow and weaker shot.
Second, some stances force movement change back to walking with some combos, which makes it annoying to toggle sprint after performing every combo and moving to the next enemy or enemies.
Last, while most melee weapons got not only a increase in their range, base damage, critical chance, critical damage and status chance, some even had their damage types modified, Zaws only got their base damage or range modified, which means they totally forgot about Zaw links stats, the critical chance, critical damage and status chance given by them wasn't changed one bit, while several weapons got great balance of CC or SC, zaws as strong as they are, can only pick CC or SC in a build as neutral links have mediocre stat bonuses. Not to mention that the CC, CD and SC given by the links is capped at 10-32%/x2.0/10-32%

You nailed a lot of what is wrong with this update. I never really post unless I feel strongly about something, and this is an obvious step back. The players that have spent thousands of hours and spent plenty in a game they enjoy hate seeing changes like this. I lead a guild of RL friends. I normally jump in get a head start check new content and tell everyone how good it is and to log in. Not this time. Taking an extended break seems inevitable now.

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2 minutes ago, Martyr5000 said:

You nailed a lot of what is wrong with this update. I never really post unless I feel strongly about something, and this is an obvious step back. The players that have spent thousands of hours and spent plenty in a game they enjoy hate seeing changes like this. I lead a guild of RL friends. I normally jump in get a head start check new content and tell everyone how good it is and to log in. Not this time. Taking an extended break seems inevitable now.

Its not so dire, I just pointed the three main flaws that bothered me, overall is a good rework to melee, it allows several weapons that weren't viable or that got powercrept to shine again.

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