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Conclave is not a friendly environment.


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On 2019-11-02 at 9:22 PM, (XB1)VaricBreem said:

Wanna make em more angry ? Use AoE weapons , Least back when i played on pc hey would cry vs a Frost with an ignis

Can confirm using an AOE weapon really rustles their jimmies. I got called "an embarrassment of a player" for using Ignis Wraith. I asked if he needed a hug and never heard from him again. Sorry dude, I was just after some loot. If I wanted to play competitive PVP I'd be playing Counter Strike or something.

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I mean, I don't expect the nature of the game to change. It's about versus. But I am concerned with the way people are herding up to kill new comers because they may have used a weapon that wasn't liked. 

Seriously? 😂 

Conclavers complain about the low number of players and then chase the incoming players away. And I don't mean by playing the game and just defeated them. Because afterwards several of these people have messaged me directly over xbox. 

I fully expect to struggle in a game mode I'm new to, who wouldn't. My gripe is that afterwards...why go to the extreme of starting turf-like wars in all v all?

Isn't that what team matches and ceph cap are for?

Anyways, I can see I'm of a differing opinion on this than some. So I digress. 


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On 2019-11-03 at 3:39 PM, Renegade343 said:

You know, that's kind of the problem with Conclave as well. To find consistent matches, people have to somehow know there's a Conclave Discord, and you guys don't seem to... advertise it as much.

Eh... its rather an attitude problem of the hard concentrated pve player base imho. If for example all those who simply bash on Conclave would invest the time they would spend on the nonsense bashing into playing Conclave and giving constructive feedback you'd be surprised how many lobbies there would be and how quick DE had some ppl back at fixing broken things on the game mode.

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3 minutes ago, Loxyen said:

Eh... its rather an attitude problem of the hard concentrated pve player base imho. If for example all those who simply bash on Conclave would invest the time they would spend on the nonsense bashing into playing Conclave and giving constructive feedback you'd be surprised how many lobbies there would be and how quick DE had some ppl back at fixing broken things on the game mode.


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Le 2/11/2019 à 22:14, (XB1)Wham A Hand a dit :

So recently my friend and I decided to try grinding out some cosmetics in conclave. Unfortunately, I'll never see those or return. After about a month of grind we got to know a lot of the avid conclavers. There is legit factions of these guys anyways, long story short. We have received real life death threats, harassment and tons of other insane comments from these people. Has anyone else had this kind of experience? These guys even put a "Bounty" out on us because they just didnt want us to help each other out. By this i mean, I had explained to one fellow prior to the outburst of bad blood, That we would often have to leave and rejoin constantly to try to just battle each other. Because we were so outclassed. so we would have to fight each other or other clannies. Anyways, after I told him this he, and the rest of these gang like individuals began messaging me about how we were cheating because we wanted to play alone or with our clan members so we were on equal footing.  Like...seriously? your mad that we want a fighting chance? 

Death threats (if that's more than a "kys" in game chat) is definitly a big no no. Nothing can justify this.


Now : you want to engage in a PvP game, where the progression is (as far as I know) at least in part based on your skill compared to other players. 

Only, you get outclassed at some point, and try to cheese the system to get rewards you clearly don't have the level for. And in the process, if I understand correctly, you leave and join sessions until you can play against your buddy that is gonna let you have a fair fight. And you're stoping a ton of player from starting their game, and invalidate the skill they had to develop to get to that level... And you're surprised that people are mad at you ?

Your account would be immediatly DELETED if you ever did that in any game like overwatch and family. You are litteraly like a scrub trying to get a grandmaster emblem by cheesing the matchmaking. Do you not realise what you're doing ?

You're outclassed... So what ? That is the entire point of a PvP game, someone has to be better than someone else. If you can't be bothered to grow your skills, you have no place getting the same reward as those that did bother. 

You are 100% in the wrong for doing such a scummy thing.

Complaining that you can't bypass skill requirement in PVP warframe is like complaining you can't bypass the grind requirement in PVE warframe : go play candy crush, you'll get a lot of instant gratification from the game, leave warframe to those that actually want that kind of game.


Of course : conclave has never been that big, but that's no reason ruining the game for others. Again, it doesn't justify death threats, we're fine with that. But death threats don't justify your scummy behavior.

I honestly don't know exactly conclave, but here's the thing :

If your standing can go down, stoping you from progressing beyond a certain point because of general skill level : then you just don't deserve to get higher level rewards until you get better, and you should probably get banned from conclave for trying to exploit the system.

If your standing gain can't go down, that it just slows down a lot when you can't guarantee good scores : then you still would need to be banned from conclave for exploiting the system and ruining other's gameplay, for no reason at that.



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Even if you only play for the rewards you get frowned upon. (Happened to me in the past, a year ago even) It wasn't the discord tho, it was a random fellow I believe.

Now tho I play to try to have fun, or try to get good atleast, even joined the conclave discord.

> If I see someone pub stomping me and I feel my nerves telling me, "Use de Ignis, do it, join the dark side", I just quit the match, shot a grineer in the head with a sniper and remind myself the false fantasy of having good aim. 

> If a clearly more skilled player wants to pitty me, even saying "want me to slow down or..." I give him my thanks but humbly refuse. I find that demoralizing even if its not his bad intentions. Happened many times, but I prefer finding approval from badasses by me telling them to evaporate my Frame than pulling training wheels on my mouse. If I can atleast get one kill, even if it was by WF abilities, I feel enlightenment. 


Then regret everything when I get destroyed. 

Edited by Nezha_Rose
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On 2019-11-02 at 9:26 PM, (XB1)Wham A Hand said:

I do have a screen shot. and I def reported this, The actual death threats they made were a little to much imo. 
is it possible to upload a picture on here?

Send those to support and explain the situation.

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I mean, nidus + boltace is definitely gonna get you flak. This is definitely an excessive response from other players of course, but using stuff like that is putting a bit of a target on your head. If you wanna play with friends, you can set to invite only. You won’t get standing of course, but it will allow practice. At the end of the day though, if you want to get standing, you have to get good. 

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3 hours ago, Loxyen said:

Eh... its rather an attitude problem of the hard concentrated pve player base imho. If for example all those who simply bash on Conclave would invest the time they would spend on the nonsense bashing into playing Conclave and giving constructive feedback you'd be surprised how many lobbies there would be and how quick DE had some ppl back at fixing broken things on the game mode.

That's the thing. What happened between early 2016 and now that deteriorated Conclave into that (just to say, I had played Conclave between 2014 to early 2016 before leaving for a long time, and pretty much stopped since I figured out it appeared to make me an A****** very quickly)?

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4 hours ago, Renegade343 said:

That's the thing. What happened between early 2016 and now that deteriorated Conclave into that (just to say, I had played Conclave between 2014 to early 2016 before leaving for a long time, and pretty much stopped since I figured out it appeared to make me an A****** very quickly)?

What happened? Some Variant similar Events, pve purists whined about being forced to play pvp to get their Oro and heart decoration...even tho it wasn't that bad (rather fun modes for fcks and giggles). In the end DE even put that heart decoration in the market.

Well and around that time Conclave was in a decent balanced state. Reb and Megan even used to play some Conclave on Primetime. Later our 1 Conclave dev had been given other tasks to work on. With POE many pve changes and reworks translated over into pvp aswell, but little to no development... as in balancing was done. There was a patch note or so somewhen stating that now 2 devs are partially working on Conclave, but despite a visual Relay lantern glow fix and some minor mod changes not much had been done for ~2 years or so. (Well... Ignis and Zylok got added with one being utterly broken and having a 'solar flare problem') Until now everything translated over into pvp and not only destroyed the balanced state...seeing for how long no development on Conclave was done and nothing being in sight the majority of the pvp playerbase went on to other games for the pvp... or quit Warframe entirely. Well yea and during that time ppl seemed to like spreading misconceptions about their precious resources could be wasted on the filthy pvp mode and other stuff.... smh. At least DE disabled Wukong, Vauban and Ember since their recent reworks for balance reasons.  Yea uh... that was a quick rewind,probably forgot a lot.

Currently things are looking especially bad in Conclave. Melee 2.99999999999999999998 as fun as it is brought also a lot of flaws e.g. spamable one hit slams and copter and balancing issues into pvp. Kinda turns off the active playerbase and yea others are busy with grinding the new Old Blood goodies.

Edited by Loxyen
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7 hours ago, Renegade343 said:

That's the thing. What happened between early 2016 and now that deteriorated Conclave into that (just to say, I had played Conclave between 2014 to early 2016 before leaving for a long time, and pretty much stopped since I figured out it appeared to make me an A****** very quickly)?

Frankly? It's that PvP was always, always nothing more than a sideshow. Remember how long it took for DE to even bother adding any form of PvP? They've always held that the game's focus is PvE, and  so it's just a very dedicated, hardcore PvP group that keeps it limping along here. There's not enough of a base to dilute the 'elitist' crowd. 

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10 minutes ago, Paradoxity said:

Frankly? It's that PvP was always, always nothing more than a sideshow. Remember how long it took for DE to even bother adding any form of PvP? They've always held that the game's focus is PvE, and  so it's just a very dedicated, hardcore PvP group that keeps it limping along here. There's not enough of a base to dilute the 'elitist' crowd. 

Of course it's been a sideshow. Am I missing something, did anyone say anything to the contrary?

I've still played much more PvE than PvP in this game, but thanks for the label, anyway.

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This is the reason I left PvP for good (Overwatch was the last straw). Manchilds complaining to their teammates or the opposing team while they contribute less to none to their team if they are losing, Trash talks their opponents to death if they won just to fuel their endless ego.

For the OP, best bet is to disable chat in the options during your conclave match or use the ignore button on the enemy team. It will save you a lot of headaches reading them.

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Il y a 20 heures, (XB1)R3d P01nt a dit :

Nothing can justify saying "kys" either.  That, too, should be reported.

Well, there's still a bit of a difference between sending IRL death threats as said in op, and just having a burst of rage in chat. Of course outright insults are not excusable, but those are much heavier accusations is what I meant.

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PRO PVP players in warframe? nerd.

usually if u want to farm standing.


u and u friends choose eastern european and russia region. so u can join together without those toxic players

On 2019-11-03 at 8:14 AM, (XB1)Wham A Hand said:

So recently my friend and I decided to try grinding out some cosmetics in conclave. Unfortunately, I'll never see those or return. After about a month of grind we got to know a lot of the avid conclavers. There is legit factions of these guys anyways, long story short. We have received real life death threats, harassment and tons of other insane comments from these people. Has anyone else had this kind of experience? These guys even put a "Bounty" out on us because they just didnt want us to help each other out. By this i mean, I had explained to one fellow prior to the outburst of bad blood, That we would often have to leave and rejoin constantly to try to just battle each other. Because we were so outclassed. so we would have to fight each other or other clannies. Anyways, after I told him this he, and the rest of these gang like individuals began messaging me about how we were cheating because we wanted to play alone or with our clan members so we were on equal footing.  Like...seriously? your mad that we want a fighting chance? 


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This definitely seems like a problem with the platform rather than the game, unfortunately. I've had similar experiences with other pvp games. Unless they've patched it, though, I think if you set your privacy to friends only or invite only then you shouldn't get others in your games, and it'll still count for standing and whatnot

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I'd enjoy PvP a lot more if bullet jumping and abilities were removed, and the weapons you use were map-specific pickups. You know, like Unreal Tournament. A game DE made and that I still play today.

Sure it would not feel like WF, but it would be a lot more fun and accessible.

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40 minutes ago, kengxiaoju said:

u and u friends choose eastern european and russia region. so u can join together without those toxic players

Do that at your own risk. It's not allowed and displaying it on the forums that you do this is ill-advised if you get caught / reported by others with proof.


22 minutes ago, (XB1)Lucas Jameson said:

I think if you set your privacy to friends only or invite only then you shouldn't get others in your games, and it'll still count for standing and whatnot

No standing will be gained in private lobbies. It has to be set to public.


29 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

You know, like Unreal Tournament. A game DE made and that I still play today.

A game they ASSISTED in developing.  They made models, textures and maps only. The core mechanic game engine what made the game so popular, that was done by Epic Games. They were always in charge of the overall development of the franchise (The Unreal Engine is their IP after all).

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