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Warframe drops out of steams top 10 just after releasing an Big update.


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9 minutes ago, LOKOUBA said:


Miser_able and Lion. I don't know how much experience you have on 5x3 runs but I am just going to say that the eidolons get captured so quickly to the point "taking damage" from them is very unreliable.. not to mention depending on when teralyst spawns chroma will be forced to mount archwing to reach shrine which will disable VA and reset the buff count. So basically you're saying I should take damage from both terry and garry in other to for chroma to do the only thing he's useful for.


I don't have any experience with 5x3 because I cannot stand eidolon hunting and the toxic meta that follows it. It's the same toxicity that permiated raids and made me avoid them like the plague. Luckily I don't don't give 2 shakes of a rats behind about arcanes, so the only time I do eids are for focus, and even then I tend to do solo eso. 

As for the vex armor thing, there are ways around it. Either A: don't use archwing. Use operator movement, or kdrive (I don't think kdrives reset abilities, though I'm not 100%). Or B: sacrifice the 10 seconds it takes to recharge your vex armor. Jump in front of a laser, stand in front of a turret and some voms. 

I don't get the "every hunt must absolutely be a 5x3 or 6x3, if it wasn't then this was a massive waste of my time and I'm gonna be toxic to DE and my fellow players about it" attitude. Why is a 4x3 so much worse? Do you really need all those runs? It's not like it's the end of the world if you get 3 less arcanes then you wanted. 

Personally, I think eids should have a "3 arcanes per cycle" lock like raids did. Not only would that get rid of the toxic meta, since a 1x3 in a half hour isn't that hard, but it would also make arcanes actually valuable again. Though, in exchange, we should also be able to buy them for those normal eidolon shards to give them a use. So if you got your 3 in a cycle already, you could spend the shards you've been hoarding to buy the arcane you wanted. 

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22 minutes ago, LOKOUBA said:

the "catch up system" is time gated by itself, what if a player missed both series 1 nightwave and this intermission? how much longer do they need to wait for series 1 exclusive rewards?

Idk man, the game can't adjust to everyone's needs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

And regarding Chroma's indirect nerf...I think DE never intended that skill to be used that way, that's why they are totally fine with removing self-damage. What every Chroma player should push though is for him to have a better kit. This is a pretty good opportunity to call DE's attention to have a look at Chroma.

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18 minutes ago, 844448 said:

Also, on the games you listed, can you change your class as you wish? I stay with warframe because I can change my character without having to start over from level 1 again

And are you sure you don't require money at all? No DLC, no required payment even for cosmetics and such? I may test them out

They should manage their time better? Maybe that can start from not doing multiple content at the same time, focus on the railjack first, then once the whole system are complete, focus on the next content or content to finish

Warfame requires payment for certain cosmetics so that argument holds no true weight?  And no Tera vindictus poe etc doesn't require any payment for actual progression in game 

Yes they should. And focusing on rj solely won't work at this late stage of the game at all. 


20 minutes ago, 844448 said:

Let's say it to DE to take their time, surely that will make the updates better albeit slower

So can you explain why console warframe get so slow on cert process when it's dependent on the team? Does that mean the cert team is slow on warframe?

DE decides the day cert goes live. Not the distributer. In many cases same day cert is offered to almost all devs to my knowledge so cert gets approved pretty much on the same day for most if not all cases. If same day cert isn't being utilized by DE it's des fault again. So yes it's des teams fault in turn that cert and updates come out  longer on console. Im also a firm believer that pc shouldn't just be the only force of qa and they should've BEEN expanding the house In terms of qa not just now because the games playerbase is.leaving. 

Slower updates - yes more updates in line -yes gap between console and pc is closed if updates are more fully flushed out - very likely 

24 minutes ago, 844448 said:

And that's without counting bugs and whatever that may happen during the development?


Yes through qa and gameplay  most bugs are sorted out within that week. Before release. And if bugs do make it in its prioritized  that  we fix said issues within the next few days. As usually if something slips through we have the ability to go back and fix it pretty easily given how easy c++ and blueprints are with unreal. (While easy is a stretch bugs aren't that uncommon and it's very frustrating that's why qa is vital to sort this stuff out before release and help things stay on schedule) 

27 minutes ago, 844448 said:

Let's say it to DE to take their time, surely that will make the updates better albeit slower

So can you explain why console warframe get so slow on cert process when it's dependent on the team? Does that mean the cert team is slow on warframe?

And you see what happens when the grind is boring or gameplay isn't interesting for the masses. Players are more likely to lean towards exploits or the most efficient way to get things done because of those systems being in place or the game being unfun. Many tried rj and didn't enjoy it so they got their ship maxed out so they don't have to touch it. 


28 minutes ago, 844448 said:

I find it to be completely boring and I'm just blasting enemy faces with bullets,

You play warframe...


29 minutes ago, 844448 said:

With the angry joe review on the first game where you can fire all of your bullets to someone's face and they're still alive, I'm not too interested considering I've played destiny 2 and the bosses are bullet sponges

Also, I don't have credit card

It's a tactical shooter and it's the same for most shooters in this genre that have such a heavy rpg element. But it's not for everyone so again it's just preference 

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Sadly this is just the nightwave system working as intended; it's meant to disincentivize long breaks to keep player retention up.  It's not so bad though, nothing that comes from it is terribly essential. 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

But here quote me a game that's grind is stale and repetitive and what makes it such.

From games I've played before

Battlestar Galactica : you need to kill NPC ships to get materials like titanium to repair your durability, tylium to buy things on the base level 1, and worse, to upgrade them you need lots of tuning kits and they cost 1,000 cubits each, which is the real world currency where you have to mine water if you want to get cubits for free and water is very rare to obtain. Plus, in order to upgrade beyond level 10 you need the kits

Borderlands : The random roll drop is really random and I don't feel like facing them over and over again for that

Defiance : You need lots of things and the drop is also random. Plus, the upgrade is basically get enough items from doing arkfalls and die over and over again because they can kill you in an instant


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29 minutes ago, 844448 said:

Either you're being ignorant or don't understand the word "cinematic trailer", I don't know but I don't take trailer at the face value and if they said they changed their plans, that means they have something to change and where did they say it's a big cinematic quest?

Im taking about the release date,,   I understand what a Trailer is .... and they talked about it been a big Cinematic quest in their 2019 road map dev stream   and last two tennocoins....

and before you say   well they change their plains,  yes I know,    one month before release with railjack, ,,and two weeks before christmass they said new war wasnt coming and is no longer   Just a quest...  im saying it not good to treat your fans this way...   and what was release was not close to what was shown, talked about,  hyped for two year... so now I hope you " understand"...

Edited by (PS4)SolarPhantom82
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27 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

I don't have any experience with 5x3 because I cannot stand eidolon hunting and the toxic meta that follows it. It's the same toxicity that permiated raids and made me avoid them like the plague. Luckily I don't don't give 2 shakes of a rats behind about arcanes, so the only time I do eids are for focus, and even then I tend to do solo eso. 

As for the vex armor thing, there are ways around it. Either A: don't use archwing. Use operator movement, or kdrive (I don't think kdrives reset abilities, though I'm not 100%). Or B: sacrifice the 10 seconds it takes to recharge your vex armor. Jump in front of a laser, stand in front of a turret and some voms. 

I don't get the "every hunt must absolutely be a 5x3 or 6x3, if it wasn't then this was a massive waste of my time and I'm gonna be toxic to DE and my fellow players about it" attitude. Why is a 4x3 so much worse? Do you really need all those runs? It's not like it's the end of the world if you get 3 less arcanes then you wanted. 

Personally, I think eids should have a "3 arcanes per cycle" lock like raids did. Not only would that get rid of the toxic meta, since a 1x3 in a half hour isn't that hard, but it would also make arcanes actually valuable again. Though, in exchange, we should also be able to buy them for those normal eidolon shards to give them a use. So if you got your 3 in a cycle already, you could spend the shards you've been hoarding to buy the arcane you wanted. 

I do not only do eidolon hunting for the arcanes, i also think eidolon hunting is conceptually the most fun activity in the game and it appeals to me. What i enjoy about it is the learning experience. How optimizing your gameplay will allow you to get more eidolons hunted a night. My complain is that a lot of that practice and improvement now isn’t going to mean much and for no good reason.

11 minutes ago, Yxivi said:

Idk man, the game can't adjust to everyone's needs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

And regarding Chroma's indirect nerf...I think DE never intended that skill to be used that way, that's why they are totally fine with removing self-damage. What every Chroma player should push though is for him to have a better kit. This is a pretty good opportunity to call DE's attention to have a look at Chroma.

You are right, the game cant adjust to everyone. But is the solution i presented not reasonable?

Also, even if what you are assuming about DE’s intentions is correct. You need to remember that a lot of today’s Warframe mechanics come from unintended bugs that DE did not intend(aerial bullet jump for example). So i don’t think intention is relevant to the idea im giving.

6 minutes ago, Zekkii said:

Sadly this is just the nightwave system working as intended; it's meant to disincentivize long breaks to keep player retention up.  It's not so bad though, nothing that comes from it is terribly essential. 

You are right, none of the rewards are essential. And forcing players to play is probably the intention of DE.. Thinking that doesn’t make me feel any less upset though.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Warfame requires payment for certain cosmetics so that argument holds no true weight?  And no Tera vindictus poe etc doesn't require any payment for actual progression in game 

Certain cosmetics which are made by the outside creators, while what I'm talking about is the cosmetics from the game itself made by the developers. Also, from what I heard poe requires a lot of stash tabs for things or you will spend your time more on managing your inventory than playing and I don't feel like wanting to sort inventory more than playing

For vindictus, I sort of doubting it from this page, but it may be correct or it may be wrong so it's sort of worrying from this page https://microtransaction.zone/Game?id=32055

same thing with tera and poe

16 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

DE decides the day cert goes live. Not the distributer. In many cases same day cert is offered to almost all devs to my knowledge so cert gets approved pretty much on the same day for most if not all cases. If same day cert isn't being utilized by DE it's des fault again. So yes it's des teams fault in turn that cert and updates come out  longer on console. Im also a firm believer that pc shouldn't just be the only force of qa and they should've BEEN expanding the house In terms of qa not just now because the games playerbase is.leaving. 

Slower updates - yes more updates in line -yes gap between console and pc is closed if updates are more fully flushed out - very likely 

But does that cert process refuse to launch updates or just cert and release? I'm not used to consoles and considering the amount of players with different equipment from high spec to potato computer, high speed to ancient internet, and console, I don't think it's easy to emulate all situation to find out bugs

19 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Yes through qa and gameplay  most bugs are sorted out within that week. Before release. And if bugs do make it in its prioritized  that  we fix said issues within the next few days. As usually if something slips through we have the ability to go back and fix it pretty easily given how easy c++ and blueprints are with unreal. (While easy is a stretch bugs aren't that uncommon and it's very frustrating that's why qa is vital to sort this stuff out before release and help things stay on schedule) 

Is Evolution Engine written in C++ though? Since I heard another language such phyton and lua (what's the difference tho?)

20 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

And you see what happens when the grind is boring or gameplay isn't interesting for the masses. Players are more likely to lean towards exploits or the most efficient way to get things done because of those systems being in place or the game being unfun. Many tried rj and didn't enjoy it so they got their ship maxed out so they don't have to touch it. 

Like you said, it's not for everyone so it's just preference

21 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

You play warframe...

Where I can blast enemies faces with one bullet and I can modify it to be able to pierce multiple enemies, having explosive and corrosive at the same time, etc instead of spending a dozen of bullets to bring down and enemy so that's where I click with warframe

23 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

It's a tactical shooter and it's the same for most shooters in this genre that have such a heavy rpg element. But it's not for everyone so again it's just preference 

The bullet sponge though, taking a full clip of bullets to the face and still alive is wack

Again, I don't have credit card so I can't buy games

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14 minutes ago, LOKOUBA said:

What i enjoy about it is the learning experience. How optimizing your gameplay will allow you to get more eidolons hunted a night. My complain is that a lot of that practice and improvement now isn’t going to mean much and for no good reason.

Then you shouldn't have much of a problem doing the same when the update drops. This isn't the first time we ended up figuring out something new when the old method becomes outdated, even when it was slight. In regards to use AW to get to the shrine you have energy pads at your disposal, use operator void dash and drop pads when you run out of energy on your last dash. Plus, with x100 pads blueprints coming you shouldn't have to worry about supply.

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30 minutes ago, LOKOUBA said:


You are right, the game cant adjust to everyone. But is the solution i presented not reasonable?

Also, even if what you are assuming about DE’s intentions is correct. You need to remember that a lot of today’s Warframe mechanics come from unintended bugs that DE did not intend(aerial bullet jump for example). So i don’t think intention is relevant to the idea im giving.


Because we already have that? Old Nightwave goodies are returning via Intermissions. 

People wanted self-damage to be removed, there's really no point in leaving a frame make use of self-damage. Do you like hurting yourself to get a buff? (Self-harming tendencies? You might wanna get checked by a mental health professional). Don't you like maybe...want a better way to get a buff instead of shooting yourself in the foot?
And again, if they wanted Chroma to be a self-harming frame, then they probably would have think of a better alternative to self-damage instead of straight out removing it from the game. The fact that they were like "oh we know Chroma is fooked but that's okay coz it's only 1 frame vs majority", means they probably don't agree in exploiting self-damage to buff Vex Armor.

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There is already a catchup mechanic for nightwave in the same season. Previous season rewards will come in intermission. 

I have no pity for self damage chromas, 5x3 may no longer be possible for you but no one said you had to do it that fast. 

Maybe a little more efficient modding and duration control will help maintain it. 

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5 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

With Square Enix about to enter the looter shooter genre with a Destiny 2 competitor... this is not going to go well for DE if they can't get their act together.

"With Bungie about to enter the looter shooter genre with Destiny... this is not going to go well for DE if they can't get their act together."

"With Ubisoft about to enter the looter shooter genre with the Division... this is not going to go well for DE if they can't get their act together."

"With Bungie about to release Destiny 2... this is not going to go well for DE if they can't get their act together."

"With EA about to enter the looter shooter genre with Anthem... this is not going to go well for DE if they can't get their act together."

"With Ubisoft about to release the Division 2... this is not going to go well for DE if they can't get their act together."

"With Gearbox about to release Borderlands 3... this is not going to go well for DE if they can't get their act together."

Seventh time's the charm, right?

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33 minutes ago, Corvid said:

"With Bungie about to enter the looter shooter genre with Destiny... this is not going to go well for DE if they can't get their act together."

"With Ubisoft about to enter the looter shooter genre with the Division... this is not going to go well for DE if they can't get their act together."

"With Bungie about to release Destiny 2... this is not going to go well for DE if they can't get their act together."

"With EA about to enter the looter shooter genre with Anthem... this is not going to go well for DE if they can't get their act together."

"With Ubisoft about to release the Division 2... this is not going to go well for DE if they can't get their act together."

"With Gearbox about to release Borderlands 3... this is not going to go well for DE if they can't get their act together."

Seventh time's the charm, right?

And every game provides more options for a player. Nobody's speaking that these games will kill warframe. But competition will take customers and potential players if you're game isn't up to par

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22 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

You brought up a loan, which is a transaction you make to them. We didnt make any transaction

I simply used it as an analogy to point out the fallacy of equating a portion of something to the whole, which was your point to begin with. You simply got fixated on the debt itself which I believe you are using it as a strawman at this point.


22 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

I simply said it was a worse comparison than even the usual "resturant" analogies. Which you built on and actually used the word order.

No actually you did :

"If I go to a resturant and order... but get...".

I just used what you gave me to prove you wrong.

22 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

I simply pointed out that we have given nothing to DE to have any claim to a return on.

No one made such claim so your point is moot.

22 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

It was yes, but plans changed drastically, from being a cinematic to a long standing "event". More to do, so it got postponed. If this was still just about the cinematic quest then yeah it would be viable complaints, but it isnt just about a cinematic quest now and it hasnt been for quite some time. So what you really complain about is them not being able to produce more than what was planned within the first estimated timeframe. So you demand more from them than what was initially intended. Any person with the slightest sense would understand that more content means more time and more resources.

Again, you grasping at straws here.

It makes absolutely no difference whether they change a promise or not. They didn't deliver it.

If that was an acceptable excuse that negated the weight and meaning of a promise, every time I'd make a promise, just before the deadline I'd change the value of the promise by arbitrary amounts and postpone it and claim that the promise I made is intact, despite the fact that it is long overdue.

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8 hours ago, LOKOUBA said:

1) Nightwave rewards being time locked punishes me for my way of playing.

there's a catch up system, and it seems now that intermissions can run indefinitely. I've hit rank 30 in this intermission without ever trying to gain ranks, because it's that easy and has been going for that long. you can't expect the game to reward you if you don't play.

8 hours ago, LOKOUBA said:

Chroma nerfs make me feel so naked as a semi casual player.

self-damage buffing was never an intention of DE, same reason why they nerfed Castanuke Trinity some time after Sanctuary Onslaught came out. you might not like it but the truth is that anyone who played that way was going against DE's wishes, and it was only a matter of time before it was going to get looked at, I'm just surprised it took this long. besides, this is a good thing for those of us wanting a Chroma rework: if Chroma gets a rework of the same calibre as Wukong, Ember and Vauban, you won't ever need self-damage to be powerful ever again. 

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13 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

When's the release date for the next segment?

So... how viable is, say, the Odonata in Railjack?  How about using the Archwing to shoot down and chase fighters?

Why are archwings still basically flying dead tenno in space?

You DO NOT SHIP GARBAGE.  If you can't ship something fun, you don't ship it and hold it back until later.  It's better to message the playerbase that "this game mode has problems, we can't do it in time, we're sorry, but it's top priority for an early 2020 release, once it's ready to go".

Where's the Railjack Lich assassination mission where the lich uses Warframe abilities?

Dont know yet about next segment since we dont know how much RJ stuff will be implemented in the coming updates. Phase 3 may be split up over a few patches seeing as how squad link will arrive in the next mainline but not command (unless I missed that). But I think the finalized phase 3 will be with the corpus addition since it has been hinted that "find answers" was tied to the corpus and their origin.

No AW is viable except Amesha. Not sure what that has to do with anything though because you arent forced to fight in AW. The mode is playable with any AW in order to get from point A-B, I did it myself early on, used both Odonata and Itzal perfectly fine even with the massive bugs around cloak aswell as counter messures and shield. With amesha you can very much play the dogfight style versus fighters. And with Itzal too after invisibility got fixed. Heck Amesha makes the mission go much smoother than if you play a AWless mission.

Archwings are generally bad because they havent really been touched in years and now they face actual fighter ships.

I've had immensive fun with RJ, so speak for yourself.

They are where they should be, not part of the initial RJ phases.


Demo reels doesnt = this you will get in one go. Demo reels = this is what the final plan looks like. Alot can happen in 6 months.

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13 minutes ago, White_Matter said:

I simply used it as an analogy to point out the fallacy of equating a portion of something to the whole, which was your point to begin with. You simply got fixated on the debt itself which I believe you are using it as a strawman at this point.

  No actually you did :

I just used what you gave me to prove you wrong.

No one made such claim so your point is moot.

Again, you grasping at straws here.

It makes absolutely no difference whether they change a promise or not. They didn't deliver it.

If that was an acceptable excuse that negated the weight and meaning of a promise, every time I'd make a promise, just before the deadline I'd change the value of the promise by arbitrary amounts and postpone it and claim that the promise I made is intact, despite the fact that it is long overdue.

And I said there are better analogies that actual can compare, yours wasnt one of those.

No actually I didnt. You do know what "" means right? It means that it refers to something others say, it is not what you say. I said it was even worse than that example. Then you decided to use that example since you clearly didnt understand the "" part.

But they didnt promise anything specific. The video really only refered to a cinematic quest. We've already got a cinematic "quest" with RJ, so we can actually push it both ways regarding if they delivered or not. We didnt see any specific gameplay at all in the cinematic trailer. We saw Erra and we got the chance to interact with Erra in december. Your reasoning is as much grasping for straws as mine, because there was no strict promise on what exactly we'd get. Your reasoning was also based on a 6 month old cinematic teaser trailer and you ignoring everything that has been said after that point in time. It is kind like me heading of to the cinema being furious over X movie not showing after hearing half a year earlier it would premier at that day, even though 5 months ago they went out and changed the premier day and me missing that announcement. You've missed everything since july 2019 pretty much.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

poe etc doesn't require any payment for actual progression in game 

PoE actually does if you want any form of efficient gameplay. Mapping or hoarding mats with just the base game stuff is extremely inefficient compared to having map and material stashes. It comes down to the exact same thing as WF requires you to buy, slots in order to not have to micro manage and throw away excess things. The difference is, in WF you can get it for free very quickly by grinding fissures and selling prime parts/sets. Progression in WF is tedious without slots, but it is still doable, just as in PoE.

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hang on, you are complaining because nightwave is warframes version of a season/ladder?

when it was alert based, so if you were not playing regularly you missed the alerts, no different.

and chroma .... well what can i say? there are over 40 frames to choose from, if you are so butthurt about ONE (two with prime) frame losing a cheesy mechanic then maybe that says more about how you approached the game in the first place?

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u choose ur own level of involvement. DE has never hidden any content. so if u cant bring urself to logging in once a week to check u can atleast check here or on the homepage to see when things are running.  wf incentivizes daily play always has. cant blame DE for a persons own lack of effort. as for chroma idky every1 is so worked up over this, esp PRE release. ill bet it ends up changing slightly IF AT ALL. dont worry ull still be able to do 4x3s which is well above average tbh so props. hang in there ull be just fine.

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7 hours ago, Corvid said:

"With Bungie about to enter the looter shooter genre with Destiny... this is not going to go well for DE if they can't get their act together."

"With Ubisoft about to enter the looter shooter genre with the Division... this is not going to go well for DE if they can't get their act together."

"With Bungie about to release Destiny 2... this is not going to go well for DE if they can't get their act together."

"With EA about to enter the looter shooter genre with Anthem... this is not going to go well for DE if they can't get their act together."

"With Ubisoft about to release the Division 2... this is not going to go well for DE if they can't get their act together."

"With Gearbox about to release Borderlands 3... this is not going to go well for DE if they can't get their act together."

Seventh time's the charm, right?

DE's last livestream tells a rather different story than what you're projecting, and yes the new consoles and warframe's shiny new renderrer will bring many new people with the new consoles.

It's also going to bring clones. Not kinda clones like you posited, but literal clones with same type of combat and the same type of progression. There are four games in the works which are direct competition, not tangential "if you like ______, you'll love _____".

As an example, gearbox is bankrolling a game that is literally high fantasy WF, down to horde managing and actively modded weapons and armor, and instanced levels.

Your implication that DE's death is going to be sudden and cataclysmic because of one specific competitor is plain ol bullS#&$. WF/DE's death is going to be the same way every other company dies; by degrees and by neglect from a completely apathetic playerbase.

Remember how Steve and Scott used to joke about the grind and joke about drops? Well you don't hear those anymore, do you; probably because they've finally figured it out past the layers of insulation they've set up that it stopped being funny quite some time ago, along with the fact that tennocon is a discrete chunk of your payerbase, and not even kind of a majority, silent or otherwise.

Raijack was a test; a test to see how far and hard DE could double down on player predation with no limits or oversight, and it actively and directly removed chunks of the playerbase, potentially permanently.

I think it's pretty safe to say the honeymoon is over, even for the most die hard evangelist/fetishist.

It isn't complicated or esoterically obscure, if WF doesn't want to follow in the footsteps of Killing Floor, they need to get their S#&$ together and address long LONG standing concerns and issues.

Edited by -Kittens-
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11 hours ago, NekroArts said:

Then you shouldn't have much of a problem doing the same when the update drops. This isn't the first time we ended up figuring out something new when the old method becomes outdated, even when it was slight. In regards to use AW to get to the shrine you have energy pads at your disposal, use operator void dash and drop pads when you run out of energy on your last dash. Plus, with x100 pads blueprints coming you shouldn't have to worry about supply.

I guess that’s correct, i can adapt to meta it shouldn’t take that much effort from my part. I guess i was mostly upset by being forced to make a major adaptation.

8 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

There is already a catchup mechanic for nightwave in the same season. Previous season rewards will come in intermission. 

I have no pity for self damage chromas, 5x3 may no longer be possible for you but no one said you had to do it that fast. 

Maybe a little more efficient modding and duration control will help maintain it. 

So.. you are okay with other frames being able to 5x3 but no Chroma because... they use a mechanic that hurts your particular gameplay?

5 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

there's a catch up system, and it seems now that intermissions can run indefinitely. I've hit rank 30 in this intermission without ever trying to gain ranks, because it's that easy and has been going for that long. you can't expect the game to reward you if you don't play.

self-damage buffing was never an intention of DE, same reason why they nerfed Castanuke Trinity some time after Sanctuary Onslaught came out. you might not like it but the truth is that anyone who played that way was going against DE's wishes, and it was only a matter of time before it was going to get looked at, I'm just surprised it took this long. besides, this is a good thing for those of us wanting a Chroma rework: if Chroma gets a rework of the same calibre as Wukong, Ember and Vauban, you won't ever need self-damage to be powerful ever again. 

As i said earlier, DE intentions are not relevant it’s what matters most is what players do to enhance their gameplay. That is why this game has a bunch of mods, to give the players OPTIONS and allow CREATIVE gameplay.

4 hours ago, CobraCommanderPrime said:

hang on, you are complaining because nightwave is warframes version of a season/ladder?

when it was alert based, so if you were not playing regularly you missed the alerts, no different.

and chroma .... well what can i say? there are over 40 frames to choose from, if you are so butthurt about ONE (two with prime) frame losing a cheesy mechanic then maybe that says more about how you approached the game in the first place?

My complain on nightwave are the fact there are exclusive rewards that are time gated, you could argue alerts are worse but the only alert rewards i can think of that you can’t get today(as far as i can tell) are the dex weapons from Warframe anniversary, and Excalibur Dex skin.

But, i do get that i shouldn’t be so upset on missing event rewards thats what truly all those are, i guess.

There are Warframes that already do better than Chroma right now for eidolon hunting, if using a mechanic that uses Chroma’s SINGLE useful ability to it’s maximum potential is “cheese” then i suppose you are playing a very janky game, eh?

No but seriously, care to explain what’s so wrong about my approach on this PVE game?

1 hour ago, (PS4)yo_rookiEH said:

u choose ur own level of involvement. DE has never hidden any content. so if u cant bring urself to logging in once a week to check u can atleast check here or on the homepage to see when things are running.  wf incentivizes daily play always has. cant blame DE for a persons own lack of effort. as for chroma idky every1 is so worked up over this, esp PRE release. ill bet it ends up changing slightly IF AT ALL. dont worry ull still be able to do 4x3s which is well above average tbh so props. hang in there ull be just fine.

But i did grind nightwave’s second intermission. And i am past rank 30 right now. i am only asking to be able to use current nightwave missions to rank up previous series instead of being rewarded with more intermission creds, or make previous rewards purchase-able with creds. Hell, i would even buy the emissary operator set with plat if i could.

Now for Chroma, my issue is that he could keep up with other meta DPS frames for 5x3s+ but soon VA will be unviable and now he’s gonna be one of the most useless Warframes in the game. Someone with my experience shouldn’t be doing 4x3-s when a lot of other players continue doing 5x3s+ and while i can indeed just adapt and swap to other frames that just proves my point Chroma is too obsolete.

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