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Solo Players: How Did You Overcome the Grendel Defence Mission?


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I play solo and have not done them yet, but I have the keys. I don't know if I'll even do those missions. I'm just thinking about them and dreading them, like pulling teeth. Why does any game dev, in the history of literally any game ever made, think it is fun to take away your progress and powers? Also looking at nullifiers when I ask this. 

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Get ye Big Momma Hildryn to be beefy, to counter corpus while replenishing your own defenses, and to bring control to the table.

Get ye a natural toxin melee (even the Karyst will work) so that more of your piddly unmodded damage can be passed directly onto health before shields are whittled away (RIP pure-elemental melee though, tox-only would have been ten times better)

Heavy slam like your life depends on it for best damage and control.


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On 2020-03-04 at 9:00 PM, hendrix923 said:

I did all the missions solo with Mirage and her damage augment and the ignis maybe. Super easy but damn I hate the frame.  

you must have done it pretty early then because when I tried to do it with mirage DE seem to have intentionally completly break mirage in all grendel  missions, how so ? mirage clones didnt move AT ALL from place they were spawned, and also spawning them made ALL mirage abiltiies unusable, also made it impossible to interact with terminals or anything else.

not sure if its still like that but I did grendel mission long after  grendel was added to game, maybe DE changed it again eventually but that was my experiance I even posted this in bug section, I had also other people confirming it.

This problem was ONLY happening in grendel missions, mirage was working perfectly fine everywhere else, so this seems to confirm that DE "fixed" exploit breaking frame used for the exploit

Edited by Culaio
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6 hours ago, Culaio said:

you must have done it pretty early then because when I tried to do it with mirage DE seem to have intentionally completly break mirage in all grendel  missions, how so ? mirage clones didnt move AT ALL from place they were spawned, and also spawning them made ALL mirage abiltiies unusable, also made it impossible to interact with terminals or anything else.

not sure if its still like that but I did grendel mission long after  grendel was added to game, maybe DE changed it again eventually but that was my experiance I even posted this in bug section, I had also other people confirming it.

This problem was ONLY happening in grendel missions, mirage was working perfectly fine everywhere else, so this seems to confirm that DE "fixed" exploit breaking frame used for the exploit

Hello. I did the missions maybe a week or two after Grendel was released.  I used the Hall of Malevolence augment and Ignis W.  Remember it being really really easy. If that has been nerfed then I’m sorry 😞

I have a lot of hours in WF and before I used Mirage I was having a hard time with the missions so I feel ur pain!  If I could I would just give u my Grendel (on my trash frame list currently). 

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Wisp. You don't need mods or potatoes to have good team healing at no cost to you, electric cc stuns at no cost to you, and speed team buffs again at no cost to you

The rest is up to your weapon, but we all know scythes are pretty good at what they do right now with how their heavy attack works

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5 hours ago, hendrix923 said:

Hello. I did the missions maybe a week or two after Grendel was released.  I used the Hall of Malevolence augment and Ignis W.  Remember it being really really easy. If that has been nerfed then I’m sorry 😞

I have a lot of hours in WF and before I used Mirage I was having a hard time with the missions so I feel ur pain!  If I could I would just give u my Grendel (on my trash frame list currently). 

Dont worry I did get Grendel eventually, didnt do it solo though, did it with group with very competent players : )

Reason why I told you about my experiances was to show you how far DE went to block the exploit, they didnt fix the exploit  instead DE completly broken frame making it unusable in the those missions.

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  • 1 month later...

I just found out about this mundane grind. After months since release, I finally decided to unlock Grendel for fun even though I was highly uninterested in this Warframe especially since he was locked behind Arbitration. So I did a few Arbitration runs that I actually enjoyed and purchased a locator that I thought would lead me to a story related mission similar to Sands of Inaros.

Instead, it was just a Survival mission and my mods were removed. I left the mission before even reaching the five minute mark because I could already tell that it won't be fun. After reading other players' feedback, I have decided to give this Warframe a skip. I have Hildryn and every other recommended Warframe but I still think, in my opinion, that Grendel isn't worth the effort.

To me, this "challenge" feels very similar to the riven requirement where you have to complete a Survival Mission without killing a single enemy. I don't find this definition of challenge fun or hard but, instead, boring and sleep inducing.

It's nice that people found a way around this grind but i have once again lost interest in Grendel and wouldn't mind missing out on MR.

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Equinox with Duality Augment, ferrox, sonicor and you wont even need a meele, everything in Warframe is overpowered amyway (this was before the massive nerf to enemies and shield gating now It shouldn't matter), haven't even lvl up Grendel...

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Le 03/03/2020 à 21:59, ILucjusz a dit :

My first success involved cheesing it with Wisp, but I know it's also doable with Mirage, Wukong and maybe Trinity.

Do You have some other creative ways of beating the mission?

Feel free to share loadouts and strategies, I'm curious to know how else is can be handeled ^^


Edit: and if you gave up on soloing - also let the community know, maybe devs would notice and make it 14 waves 😉

Synoid Heliocor Heavy Slam. It has a base initial combo bonus so your heavy attack always packs a punch. And slamming was lot faster than using the heavy attack itself (hammer is slow).
Excavation had really low health so it was quite hard to defend on all front, and warframes wouldn't regen Energy. So guys like limbo or Octavia helped.

Rift would protect from far shots but the whole point was really to have some ways to regen energy so that the whole squad can cast their abilities more often, I believe we had an oberon healing us too.

I was Limbo, we had a rhino joining us, I think we had Oberon healing us, and last one I can't remember. But 3 of us went heliocor, it insta killed pretty much everything on fast heavy slams. And if it didn't, no big deal, enemies would go in the air because it's a heavy slam.
I also used Limbo to dodge into the rift right after a heavy slam. Technically I would deal heavy blows and never get hit.

I came up with this tactic to finish the quest solo, then I invited some friends over so we can all get the grendel parts.

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Le 04/03/2020 à 05:17, (XB1)COA Altair a dit :

Grind platinum and buy grendel with a coupon is the easiest way to get grendel so you don't have to bother with the stupid missions.  

yes. grendel isnt worth it doing all those stupid missions.

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Bought the keys with the intent of doing the run with my clanmates, only to have them abandon Warframe for other games. Tried the excavation mission solo with Wukong Prime but couldn't be bothered completing it. Realised that I had no show of completing the defense mission solo and couldn't be bothered trying to recruit a squad. Bought Grendel with plat when I got a 75% off a couple of days ago.

Still have the keys...

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  • 1 month later...

It took me 2 hours and 20 minuets due to all the waiting. Trinity for energy and link, Sancti Magister for healing on charged attacks and heavy ground slams. Just kill them as fast as you can and let it regen at the end of the round. If I couldn't get a shield drone or eximus fusion moa (Because they attack from a further range than they have for whatever reason) alive at the end of the round, I'd just hold the last enemy in a permanent well of life into energy vampire cycle. A note on that: after a while, energy vampire won't give you energy. You can circumvent this by casting energy vampire, leaving it's aura for a tick, then walking back in. It will allow you to use the ability as long as you want.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used Octavia and Broken Scepter. You can choose any auto weapon that get through nullify bubbles quick to avoid your abilities getting cancelled. Broken Scepter is for the energy from the robotic units and the occasional health orbs when you get caught lacking. For octavia, make sure you take her in the mission with an empty mod page to start with full energy. Only 1 & 2 are necessary, no need for squats, just dodge and drain. 

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I had heard enough negativity that I figured I wouldn't bother soloing it. I waited until someone else put together a team and 3 of us knocked it out in like an hour.

For each mission just take

Octavia (or Mesa)

When you do the Excavation, take a Limbo maybe in place of Octavia or Wisp.

Anyway, take Trinity no matter what you do so you can keep up energy since the game mode takes all the mods off your Warframe. It was easy with 3 of us, just took longer than the norm for each mission. Totally doable with 2 people, so why bother soloing it... and an hour is nothing as far as grinds go.

Edited by Wearbe
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I didn't. I also didn't buy it, cause I don't want to encourage DE to lock more frames behind stupidity such as this one. Taking away our power is something I will never support or encourage, so Grendel will remain a frame I will not have as long as it is locked behind those stupid requirements (or until Grendel Prime).

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1 minute ago, Gabbynaru said:

I didn't. I also didn't buy it, cause I don't want to encourage DE to lock more frames behind stupidity such as this one. Taking away our power is something I will never support or encourage, so Grendel will remain a frame I will not have as long as it is locked behind those stupid requirements (or until Grendel Prime).

It really wasn't that bad, good sir.  It was actually kind of fun to see how crappy everything is without mods.

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Skipped it. 

I dunno what my issues with Grendel are but from the very first annoucment this frame, the whole concept felt totally wrong and silly. Childish, stupid even.

Maybe I am too old.. never had that feeling for any other frame though. But Grendel.. something is off with him. 

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