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So what are making Warframe bad currently?


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6 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

He does.  And so do I.

Bringing Legacy content up to date is a good point that actually supports my viewpoint.

You say “nothing to go back to” and then finish with the term legacy...do you see what just happened?

Don't misconstru what I'm trying to say. When I say "legacy", I'm talking about archaic systems that SHOULDN'T stay that way. That's not indicative of Warframe having roots that it can/should go back to, it's indicative of content being left behind. Bringing old content up to date doesn't equate to "going back to the roots of the game". Like, how does updating the tutorial mission help players long term? I doubt the game is in a poor state because of that.

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8 minutes ago, Gigaus said:




So, okay...I wouldn't say I'm a vet, but I was here when the game was beta and starting out, so I guess I am? I've been on and off over the years and....No, no the game has gotten worse. And it's not fantasy or nostalgia, it's gotten worse in a tangible way. Tangible enough that causally talking with friends who still do or used to play the game agree, so there's at least something there. 


Was the game buggy as hell, of course. Did it have major flaws, absolutely; Grineer were the biggest threat in any mission, and I still remember talk of every node getting taken over by them when Invasions became core, just because of how busted Armor was. And still is. And were there game breaking combos and mechanics? Yep, I still remember immortal builds using the Rage loop. But...It was cohesive and there was stuff worth doing. And I think the game has lost that. A lot. 


I say this after coming back from a break and more or less dealing with life, so it's not like I rage quit the game like some others, and it wasn't THAT long ago either. Plains were a thing, and I think Fortuna was getting teased but not out. Either way though, I'm not saying all of this as someone who's been playing 24 7 like some. More so as someone who's seen the before and after, and the after is....Worse.


There's more content, sure, there's been fixes and additions to deal with the problems or balance out the brokeness....But, the game...The game is a lot less fun than it was. Just is. There's a lot more grind and somehow, SOMEHOW they've managed to put in even more gating than when I last played, which literally made people quit because of how bad it was, and yes all that contributes to it, but....I think the best way to explain the bulk of why it feels less fun is, 'Why bother?' Why bother doing the new content? On the one hand, Plains and Orb added in a bunch of mini-games and mini missions effectively, but they're all totally irrelevant because you can just go murk a Thumper or walking Orb to get the resources from those games. Eids added a reason to play as Operators, until you quickly realized it was the only reason, and even Rolly isn't a good reason to grind out hours to be effective as an Op. K-Drives are outclassed by Archwings as movement units, and both are outclassed by Gauss. Archwing as a mission is...It's still a big shrug years later; Cute idea that loses it's luster after 5 missions, and it becomes apparent that it's just a separate warframe effectively, that needs to be ground for. Index and Rath add some spice to the missions and gameplay, but there's no particular reason to do them other than grinding for one specific thing. I can go on and on even further back, but.... Out of all of it, the Companion system is the only thing that really added anything, and in truth barely just. And on the other hand. so much has been removed-- whole tilesets, alerts, regular events, trials, so on...Some of which was considered end game, things that included bragging rights or extra hard content so you could feel challanged but without it being 'the enemies are just the same normal enemies with 99% damage reduction'.


So you're right, but also, 'why bother'? Yeah, they added more, but it's more or less the same old warframe. Except now there's nothing to aim upward for. End-game is gone; Void is no more, Endless missions are infinitely more cheeseable now, and even if they weren't, the difficulty has been stripped due to a key few frames/weapons, and there's no recognition anymore. No prize. Then you start running into the new problems. The crunched levels were bad before, but now with the new design philosophy from the devs...Level 20 Grinner are more tanky than level 100 Corpus, unless you're using specific frames and weapons. Armor went from being God to Super Kami as far as I can tell; since certain enemies got diminishing returns on debuffs even before the status effect changes, you couldn't fully remove their armor, and now it seems some enemies have an innate armor floor. Which would be fine, if armor and non-armor damage reductions didn't stack multiplicative. This on top of some enemies being 100% immune to status, and having 60% debuff reductions, along side enemies that already hand out different damage immunities to allies. Add in that weapons are getting nerfed and it's a dangerous combo.


You have little to look forward to other than grinding, with no discernible end game or 'goal' to work up towards, be it new content, loot, or even just bragging rights, while the game continually gets harder if you're not using dev favored gear. What reason is there to stick with the game if that's the outlook? 

There was never anything to aim for except personal goals. I'm not exactly understanding what you're saying. 

This game has always been about playing the same missions over and over to get items to play those same missions over and over. There was no mythical "endgame". You ranked a frame to 30 and after that you hunted mods and ranked other things to 30, just to go back and play those same missions. Where was this depth you felt Warframe had? 

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29 минут назад, (PS4)Silverback73 сказал:

He does.  And so do I.

Bringing Legacy content up to date is a good point that actually supports my viewpoint.

You say “nothing to go back to” and then finish with the term legacy...do you see what just happened?

You don't have a point. You could start having it by naming at least one specific thing Warframe has to go back to. What changed so much for the worse, and from when? Relics? Melee? Starchart?

And please don't go with generic copypaste like "they don't listen anymore".

Edited by Serafim_94
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9 minutes ago, Serafim_94 said:

You could start having it by naming at least one specific thing Warframe has to go back to

Not the game itself, but the biggest nonetheless, DE actually listening to us? Before they were, now they only change something if there is massive uproar

11 minutes ago, Serafim_94 said:

And please don't go with generic copypaste like "they don't listen anymore".

I just did, & I did it because it's true

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10 hours ago, Dreadwire said:

It's not bad.

It's not what it's used to be.

And they need to stop promising something they cant delivers.


They also have to stop calling everything an exploit just because it makes certain things easier, and stop turning every new event into mobile defense.

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hace 9 horas, Dark_Lugia dijo:

They are fighting symptoms rather than the cause of their problems...

  • Limbo is making the boring event more bearable -> get nerfed instead of a proper event
  • Healing abilities are healing -> get removed/nerfed instead of a proper rework
  • Everyone is complaining about the Murmur grind -> grind gets increased first and needed a ton of complains to get decreased again instead of a proper lich system (i still thing the murmur should be a bit more like the game master mind, and not just grind till you have all 3 and just test the three and slkip the rest)
  • Leaving old content behind -> old buggy content (Eidolons, Jordas) instead of fixing it
  • But on the same hand they are adding more and more content islands...
  • And then just removing it like raids, index map, dark sector, leaderboards, instead of reworking them
  • Nerfing to much, old Tonkor, Catchmoon, Redeemer, Zenistar, (soon Bramma?), many changes to make things line of sight, killing of endless melee scaling, killing combos for repetitive e key spam, corrosive (and cp) nerf insteads of a proper mod/dmg/health rework (look at everything and not just a small part (btw. we are still missing the "ragebar" which was teaser/announced for melee 3.0))
  • Promise stuff that looks awsome and then it is a buggy/broken mess on release --> Railjack, Liches, Eidolons, serveral events (nstead of saying this is just a small test they act like it*s content for weeks or months
  • Old bugs ain't getting fixed -> waiypoint system and lighting is broken since years  and especially the waypoint system is getting worse and worse.... instead of adressing the issue it gets ignored
  • Everything is made for newbies and casual accessability, like Eidolons on Earth for Mr0 Newbies, Railjack for all, reducing railjack costs, instead "Endgame" or "Vet" content or something "challenging" for those who are playing for a while (design council challenges were nice, but got drop cause to many cried...)
  • Making previous farming looking like a joke, thumper -> no more fishing needed, exploiter orb -> skip fortuna farm, eidolons -> skip trials, scarlet spear -> skip eidolons instead of adressing the grind/time needed
  • They don't vaule time spend and rewards -> blazing step ephemera with it'S 1.01% is a joke, time speed grinding is a joke and needed to be changes in multiple events, event the in latest with sparlet spear
  • Riven system is broken mess -> instead of a proper stat, damage, cc rework, but people are willing to spend huge amounts of plat for that stuff
  • Broken promises -> like ephemera as "challenge reward", so far that's only kinda true for the bleeding body one which can eb bought for vitus essence and the new one which can be bought for anormaly shards, the rest are pure RNG with ridiculous low drop chances aka an huge grind or pay to get...
  • Removing reactions on the forums, now we only have the like button.... i want my dislike and hahaha button back...

And much more...

Exactly. The designed of the current event is horrendous (most events are awful in all fairness) and the last 3 updates have been game breaking. I played railjack with friends and it was horrible, practically unplayeable. Let alone with randoms players. The lich system was dissapointing and boring. Railjack did it for me, but now watching and listening about the current event. Nah, Im starting to feel that I may not be back soon. Im enjoying the discussion tho. 

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1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

There was never anything to aim for except personal goals. I'm not exactly understanding what you're saying. 

This game has always been about playing the same missions over and over to get items to play those same missions over and over. There was no mythical "endgame". You ranked a frame to 30 and after that you hunted mods and ranked other things to 30, just to go back and play those same missions. Where was this depth you felt Warframe had? 

Except there was, which makes me question how long you've played. Around the time they added invasions, they removed mission leader boards. Those leaderboards, and the endless missions were officially considered end-game up to that point, and was talked about in Prime-time. Once they removed the boards, they went on to say that they wanted to change what the endgame was. That's what lead up to Trials. We know how that went, and how it went after. 


As to what I'm saying, it's plain and simple, easy to read. The game is less fun. There is no end game, and likely never will be, there is no real challenge, and what difficulty there is stems from failed balancing that adds random and pointless sticking points, that clash with the rest of the game. The latter of which can be circumvented by picking dev favorite weapons. 


Bluntly, there's nothing to look forward to, and nothing to work towards in the game. And yes, this is critical in game design; It's the reason why people like Animal Crossing, yet get bored with games like Loadout or BRINK where you're given all the power near the start. You said that there was nothing to aim for but personal goals. Yeah. Welcome to free-form games like that. Hell, welcome to games period; We build entire communities around the idea of personal goals being the goal. It's why achievements and speedruns are a thing. But, you don't see people investing hours and hours to do something simple, easy, and accomplished within minutes. Let alone brag about it. That is the point to be made here.


WE have so much to do, soooooooo much content now. But it has the depth of a puddle. You want to catch every fish? Yeah, done that all already, even with the artificial time gating to extend the experience. All the Open world stuff, yeah, finished with no effort. Mod collection, might take time, but between trading and the like, not difficult in the least anymore. Bosses? Yeah, most get wiped in seconds now, with minimal effort. Even the ones with health gating and massive damage resistance separate from armor. Endless modes? Grab a Limbo and that's still enough to cheese it, and even if you don't cheese it, most of the high end weapons now rip holes in the universe and kill even high level enemies in one shot. Get all the weapons, all the companions, do all the arbitrations, Max every faction/buy all their stuff, finish the Sim, reach max mastery....All of it is simple. Too simple, too easy, and just a slog now because of time gating. There's nothing worth shooting for, nothing worth investing this much time and effort into getting for that badge that says 'I did this'. And for the majority of people, that is the impetus for playing a game. Any game. 


Couple that with the fact that, for some reason, they've dropped off on the story front and focus more on single, large updates rather than small, regular ones like they used to, and the game is less engaging. I remember when we'd have an event every season, with possibly two or three major updates a year adding a new mode or mechanic. Now, much less so. Small bits of what's going on in the system, less lore upfront, and big gaps between meaningful content. 


And I will ground this in saying, this isn't coming from a nebulous idea or vague hope or something. I've been playing this along side other games for a long time, and watched what's happened, what's changed, what's failed. And through it all, I can't help but compare Warframe to Path of Exile. Both PvE, both with large RPG elements, with generally simplified controls-- press button X to nuke room-- and both with expanding universes and power creep on both sides.....But PoE....Path went the opposite direction as Warframe. They embraced the fact they have broken mechanics, and balanced them, but usually not by outright nerfs, and definitely not sprawling ones like what we just saw with the AoE nerf. They upped the difficulty without just flat adding more HP to everything, and continually added new mechanics on a seasonal basis, like WF used to. But the biggest thing? In the absence of endgame  content, before they added it, players made their own goals for end game. Not that different than how we used to do truelly endless missions. But instead of shunning that and tossing it away, GGG, the devs for Path, embraced it. They made mega- and uber-bosses [that still get one-shot because power], and they added in mechanics specifically for that. They made more endgame content, and not just uniform content; There is no less than 4 different end-games for Path now, each with different goals without needing to radically change the core gameplay, like how we tried Archwings, and now Railjacks. 


That game, despite being the same at it's core from when I started playing it back in beta, back when Warframe was still starting out, that game is still fun. Because there's still so much worthwhile and challanging to do. 


Here? There's dime store achievements and yawnable bosses, with the same grind as before. What's fun about that? 

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It’s all franchise fatigue and it was worse back then between 2nd dream and before POE it was the worse droughts we didn’t even get hot fixes as much as we had now. This is has been The DE it’s always been. People out grow stuff and be specific with the change they want to see. Other games currently have their woes and will have their woes again. 

Remember the post about steam numbers trying to creative a narrative with destiny too in the steam charts.

season of the worthy has that narrative on life support. 

Whatever comes out it will never be enough at this point 




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5 minutes ago, Gigaus said:

Except there was, which makes me question how long you've played. Around the time they added invasions, they removed mission leader boards. Those leaderboards, and the endless missions were officially considered end-game up to that point, and was talked about in Prime-time. Once they removed the boards, they went on to say that they wanted to change what the endgame was. That's what lead up to Trials. We know how that went, and how it went after. 


As to what I'm saying, it's plain and simple, easy to read. The game is less fun. There is no end game, and likely never will be, there is no real challenge, and what difficulty there is stems from failed balancing that adds random and pointless sticking points, that clash with the rest of the game. The latter of which can be circumvented by picking dev favorite weapons. 


Bluntly, there's nothing to look forward to, and nothing to work towards in the game. And yes, this is critical in game design; It's the reason why people like Animal Crossing, yet get bored with games like Loadout or BRINK where you're given all the power near the start. You said that there was nothing to aim for but personal goals. Yeah. Welcome to free-form games like that. Hell, welcome to games period; We build entire communities around the idea of personal goals being the goal. It's why achievements and speedruns are a thing. But, you don't see people investing hours and hours to do something simple, easy, and accomplished within minutes. Let alone brag about it. That is the point to be made here.


WE have so much to do, soooooooo much content now. But it has the depth of a puddle. You want to catch every fish? Yeah, done that all already, even with the artificial time gating to extend the experience. All the Open world stuff, yeah, finished with no effort. Mod collection, might take time, but between trading and the like, not difficult in the least anymore. Bosses? Yeah, most get wiped in seconds now, with minimal effort. Even the ones with health gating and massive damage resistance separate from armor. Endless modes? Grab a Limbo and that's still enough to cheese it, and even if you don't cheese it, most of the high end weapons now rip holes in the universe and kill even high level enemies in one shot. Get all the weapons, all the companions, do all the arbitrations, Max every faction/buy all their stuff, finish the Sim, reach max mastery....All of it is simple. Too simple, too easy, and just a slog now because of time gating. There's nothing worth shooting for, nothing worth investing this much time and effort into getting for that badge that says 'I did this'. And for the majority of people, that is the impetus for playing a game. Any game. 


Couple that with the fact that, for some reason, they've dropped off on the story front and focus more on single, large updates rather than small, regular ones like they used to, and the game is less engaging. I remember when we'd have an event every season, with possibly two or three major updates a year adding a new mode or mechanic. Now, much less so. Small bits of what's going on in the system, less lore upfront, and big gaps between meaningful content. 


And I will ground this in saying, this isn't coming from a nebulous idea or vague hope or something. I've been playing this along side other games for a long time, and watched what's happened, what's changed, what's failed. And through it all, I can't help but compare Warframe to Path of Exile. Both PvE, both with large RPG elements, with generally simplified controls-- press button X to nuke room-- and both with expanding universes and power creep on both sides.....But PoE....Path went the opposite direction as Warframe. They embraced the fact they have broken mechanics, and balanced them, but usually not by outright nerfs, and definitely not sprawling ones like what we just saw with the AoE nerf. They upped the difficulty without just flat adding more HP to everything, and continually added new mechanics on a seasonal basis, like WF used to. But the biggest thing? In the absence of endgame  content, before they added it, players made their own goals for end game. Not that different than how we used to do truelly endless missions. But instead of shunning that and tossing it away, GGG, the devs for Path, embraced it. They made mega- and uber-bosses [that still get one-shot because power], and they added in mechanics specifically for that. They made more endgame content, and not just uniform content; There is no less than 4 different end-games for Path now, each with different goals without needing to radically change the core gameplay, like how we tried Archwings, and now Railjacks. 


That game, despite being the same at it's core from when I started playing it back in beta, back when Warframe was still starting out, that game is still fun. Because there's still so much worthwhile and challanging to do. 


Here? There's dime store achievements and yawnable bosses, with the same grind as before. What's fun about that? 

So wait, Warframe was at its peak for you when "endgame" was the leaderboards?

Sorry for your lost

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Just now, Hypernaut1 said:

So wait, Warframe was at its peak for you when "endgame" was the leaderboards?

Sorry for your lost

You didn't read all of that did you...


And I suppose so. Since we haven't gotten any real end game since the leaderboards were removed. Shows how long the game has been neglected that THAT was the last official end game content. 

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8 minutes ago, Gigaus said:

You didn't read all of that did you...


And I suppose so. Since we haven't gotten any real end game since the leaderboards were removed. Shows how long the game has been neglected that THAT was the last official end game content. 

i read it, you complaints seem nebulous to me, You're practically saying Warframe isnt fun because it isnt fun anymore. 

Im saying, anything i did in Warframe 5 years ago, i can for the most part still do today, with added things to grind. Scarlet Spear is just defense with extra steps. Open World maps is just killing on large maps. Railjack is just archwing. The way people talk, you would think each update was converting the game to Lunaro or something. 

Edited by Hypernaut1
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Were I to put a finger on it, I'd say that recent content has been a bit too experimental for its own good.

Conceptually Railjack has a lot of potential, but DE might have been too hasty in revealing and releasing it due to not having a plan on how to capitalize on that potential (aside from a very basic version of Squad Link for SS). Several things needed more time in the oven, and would likely have benefited from a Private or Public Test Server before release.

The other issue is that in their attempts to be unique, they wind up missing the point by a wide margin, like with the old automatic death from Kuva Liches, which was intended to be a "Power Reversal" but realistically was just irritating and pointless because the power displayed was not in either the player or enemies control, it was scripted.

The only reason I'm not as harsh as some others on DE's recent attempts is that while I'm aware that they have screwed things up, I can see some attempt to do something new or try something other than the status quo. This doesn't excuse the bad decisions they've made recently, but the attempts at rectifying the problem show me they haven't given up completely.

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5 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

i read it, you complaints seem nebulous to me, You're practically saying Warframe isnt fun because it isnt fun anymore. 

Im saying, anything i did in Warframe 5 years ago, i can for the most part still do today, with added things to grind. Scarlet Spear is just defense with extra steps. Open World maps is just killing on large maps. Railjack is just archwing. The way people talk, you would think each update was converting the game to Lunaro or something. 

Yeah, you didn't read it. I guess I'll Tl;dr for you:


There is no challenge, no end game, no point anymore. They removed anything to work towards, make achievements cheap, and most if not all the content added in the last 5 years is 2 dimensional and a dead end. Other games that started at the same time in the same genre don't have this problem, and are fun. Warframe failed to mature, and is boring and grindy now for no reason. 


Do I need to shorten it anymore? 😐

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17 hours ago, (PS4)songojames said:

I’ve been hearing recently that Warframe has been getting worse to the point of it being bad now. Could someone list the things wrong with Warframe that are causing this? Thanks.

I think Railjack really hurt the game... they spend alot of dev time on the mode which ultimately most players playing the game didnt care about nor did it made many new players play the game. The dev time most player was hoping would be used to improve the core game.

Edited by Darklord_Tou
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vor 7 Stunden schrieb Gigaus:

You didn't read all of that did you...


And I suppose so. Since we haven't gotten any real end game since the leaderboards were removed. Shows how long the game has been neglected that THAT was the last official end game content. 

How were those leaderboards different from the leaderboards that are currently in the game?

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But you know what....someone made a good analogy of the state of this game to some people.... "If you eat a pizza for a week, you eventually get tired of it." i take breaks too from warframe, sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's not fun, and that's the time i go play other games, people here complaining, they're looking for an echo chamber, someone who agrees with them, i always said "you either adapt to this game or end up quitting." it doesnt get simpler than that, but if you wanna sit here and complain on back in the days warframe was amazing with the raids, and if that's the type of person you are, im not sorry, i wont help you, i wont agree with you, you get no sympathy from me, time change, move on, if you dont move on, you going to feel miserable for the rest of your life when it comes to warframe.

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Warframe isn't bad people's expectations have changed and are clouded. If people genuinely remembered Warframe of 5 or 6 years ago that was a bad game with a lot of potential now Warframe has fulfilled a lot of that potential. Most likely a lot of older players are just tired of the game after playing something for 1000+ hours its time to put it down and do something else.

Warframe is first and foremost a game which means when you stop having fun its time to put it away and move on. 

For me, I play much much less but still have as much fun as I always have I think its time DE focused on connecting the islands to make the grind more streamlined and allow players to grind through multiple avenues.

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10 hours ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Are you here to act like expressing your anal glands makes you tough and more “right” or do you want to have a discussion?


times change, move on, i personally dont mind raids, but i dont think majority would want raids, and actually if you go around asking why people play warframe i think you get a good idea why, only a small % of people played raids...the "old" warframe is dead.

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20 hours ago, (PS4)songojames said:

I’ve been hearing recently that Warframe has been getting worse to the point of it being bad now. Could someone list the things wrong with Warframe that are causing this? Thanks.

They are trying to make a left turn, a right turn, go straight, don't get caught by the police, while even not owning a car but a scooter and all of that at the same time.

This can be felt mostly by people way past the "midgame" and "endgame" btw. If you are new or fairly new( bellow 500h ig) there is no cause for concern. 

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This game has lost basically all its grandeur. Its tiresome.

How many of you have played ARK; Survival Evolved? How many of you enjoy the normal game mechanics of spending six in-game hours to tame a metal-harvesting dinosaur to make your life easier?

ARK:SE is a game where the devs are too greedy, by far. Higher playtime equals more publicity on top-charts. Not to mention charging money for what are essentially content updates. 

Its, simply put, a chore. For those with jobs out there, heres a situation. You work 9 to 5. You drive home for 30 minutes, getting you home at 5:30. After cooking for 30 minutes, then taking care of other tasks for an hour, you're at 8PM. To get up for work, you need to sleep by 12, shut down by 11. You cannot invest 6 hours into taming that dinosaur.

So if you have to spend days just to get a Lacera skin, how is this different from the taming scenario?

Point of this comparison? Best way to have fun with ARK is to not play it. Takes literally 10 hours to get the best animal in the game in ARK.  Best way to have fun with warframe? Don't play it. I dont even know how long it takes to get spear credits because I just do not care enough to have my priorities shift to be only this game. The grind is normal for warframe. As human beings with ambitions, dreams and other priorities? Absolutely #*!%ing not.

You see the founders badge. Yes, my priorities were different back then. But players have ceded way too much ground to what is basically an abusive relationship.

"I want to grind out 15k scarlet credits so I can give them to Daddy DE so I can have a gold medal to show to my friends."

And if you say "it's about the fun of getting the trophy!" Have you even done a mission yet? Simply put, that trophy/timesink is not worth hours. Just like a dinosaur.

Edited by LoxeBi
4am, Brain dont do well
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16 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Did you think they were just going to give us arcanes? Or develop an event that was somehow going to give you an entire adventure games worth of content to play through 

If you didn't think SS was going to be the same mission played over and over 100s of times, you must have forgotten what game you were playing.

DE is pretty much giving the arcanes out for free. At this point, people are just complaining they weren't given out to people for simply logging in.

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17 hours ago, (PS4)songojames said:

I’ve been hearing recently that Warframe has been getting worse to the point of it being bad now. Could someone list the things wrong with Warframe that are causing this? Thanks.


The game's not bad but as some people already said it's not what it used to be. Please keep in mind that the reasons I am going to list are entirely subjective and the answer you'll get will vary from player to player , some replies being even in contrast the one with the other as the community is formed by a miriad of different players . 

Still , here we go.

1. The time invested per reward

This is probably one of the most noticeable issues the game happens to have at the very moment ; simply put...the time you invest in doing something is too much compared to the reward you actually get .
The game's grindy and has always been , don't get me wrong there , but there has been an exponential increase of the grind over the past few years and with very little returns for the player ( The Plains of Eidolon & Fortuna with their time-walls , Kuva and Rivens with their rng , Eidolons and arcanes , ecc ) , obviously to push the player to stay online and play the game for more time and thus have the already scarce content be diluted better over the course of a few months ( whereas before people would have logged in after an update , farmed everything within a couple of weeks / a month ) and then logged out until the next update .
Now while this is a way to actually make the game's content last more it certainly isn't a welcomed way by the community since as a player you obviously start feeling like you are being pushed to play for as many hours a day as possible while at the same time being able to achieve as little as possible , which feels like a low kick to your time and efforts . 
A game is supposed to be fun and allow you to chill by the end of the day , not feel like a second job .

1a The grind , rng and time-walls

I already mentioned these above but these are the main reasons as to why a lot of MMOs as well as other games start getting a bad reputation ; the less these three elements are present in some game the better it is . In Warframe's case the community's been promised a decrease in its grind for years while at the same time never getting it . The game's always been one in which there's a lot of things to farm for and it takes a huge amount of time and effort to get them all , adding more and more grind to it will only make the people feel more burnt out by the end of it . 
Rng is something everyone doesn't want to have to deal with ; having mods , weapon stats , drop rates and who knows what might eventually come be decided randomly is just not respectful of someone's efforts and time once again ( ex. Why must I as a player spend 200+ hours farming for kuva and doing sortie to get a Riven for a weapon I want while it took just an hour for my friend to get good rolls ? ) . 
Time-walls....same as before . Not respectful of your time . No one likes to be told how much you can progress a day .

2. The balance

This is a very wide topic to face and spaces from the balancement of frames / weapons to scaling .

2a. Weapons and Frames

Warframe's always been a hard game to balance cause of the incredibly high amount of frames and gear present inside the game .
At the same time however it's also always been a game of preference about what you like to use as a player and as such everything should be viable ; all kinds of content should be clearable with the frame and weapon you want to use , no matter which ones they are . Caution . That doesn't mean that certain frames or weapons shouldn't be preferrable for certain missions ( ex.  slow nova and interception , Loki and spy ) , simply just that you should be able to do clear everything by using what you like providing that you have enough skill and can mod your gear properly.
As such it is imperative for the various weapons and frames to be balanced accordingly ( weapons so that they can deal similar amounts of dps , frames so that what they lack in damage they make up for in utility such as buffs or relevant cc and so on ) .
Does that mean that weapons have to become all similar ? No . Sniper rifles can still deal their dps in bursts , assault rifles can deal it in a substained way over time but the amount of damage per second dealt by these weapons must in the end result similar so that the player can choose to play with the weapon class they prefer .
At the moment instead the game provides a chunk of frames and weapons which are completely overpowered , another chunk which can be defined as balanced and one last huge chunk of stuff which has been abandoned in the closet for too long cause it's underpowered or no longer useful due to the game's always increasing power creep , another issue I will talk about later on .

2b. The meta and damage types

It comes as obvious that in every game there's going to be a "meta" ( aka the best tools to do the job , the archetype of the good frame , weapon , the best damage types , ecc ) ; as a game developer it is your duty to either embrace it and adapt your old stuff to it so to give your players more viable options of playing the game or contrasting it by reworking it completely . Whatever's your choice you have to make sure things stay balanced ( if the game used to be all about cc and now it's about damage...and you see that cc frames are losing importance...then mix the two things ; keep their unique-ness while making them be a valuable asset in your current content . If you see that now the game favors tanky frames over squishy ones then give squishy ones some alternative means of survival ) .
The same goes for the weapons and for damage types ; currently viral and heat are the best damage types in the game ( and before it was corrosive which held the job ) by such a large margin that people don't really have many reasons to pick the other ones over them whereas all damage types should become valuable and be at least some choice you'd ponder over for a bit . 
Talking about frames...cc based and squishy frames are now at a disadvantage compared to damage based and tanky frames ( a few exceptions made...) and some of them could use a few tweaks if not a rework . 

2c. Scaling

Another big issue in Warframe's closet ( and one of the main ones impacting the meta ) is related to the way its values scale . Enemies go from simple meat fodder to soon becoming huge bullet sponges who are able to one shot the player while the damage the player deals starts suffering from huge diminishing returns ( and here you already have why you may wanna use a tanky , dps based frame rather than one which provides mass chaos... ) ; as such not only difficulty gets upped in a rather artificial way , which doesn't feel "challenging" , but it ranges from "too easy" to "get one shot regardless of your skill" within a few dozens of minutes . While there have been improvements thanks to the recent changes made to shields the issue still persists .

2d. Power Creep

Power Creep is simply just that factor that causes the newest weapon / frame around to be simply just better than the ones previously released stats wise and which as such forces the old "once good" weapons and frames to become obsolete in front of their new better counterpart . In a meta that favours this it is inevitable that these old weapons and frames will keep on becoming less and less useful update after update until no one picks them anymore....and if they did...they'd obviously not be nearly as good as the newest additions to the game .
Warframe suffers a lot from this . 

3. The game within the game

Another core problem of Warframe is DE's inability to make some of the new content they implement blend well with the rest of the game . By stating this I mean that many of the features they add to Warframe happen to become separate from the core game itself , ending up being much like islands split from the main continent or like a "game inside the game" .
This is the case for Railjacks , for the Vallis and the Plains ( and their separate resources ) , for K-Drives and up to some extent for Archwings and Operators too though in a minor way .

4. Nightwave

Nightwave was introduced as a replacement to the old alerts system in order to allow players to get the rewards of the previous system ( plus some new additions ) without risking to miss on any of them due to the hours at which the different alerts happened to appear. 
What Nightwave instead did was adding more unnecessary grind ( under the form of a new syndacate-like progression system ) gated behind unnecessary missions ( not every player will need to hunt Profit Taker / kill Silver Grove specters / do orokin vaults / capture animals in the Vallis / ecc ) .
What needs to be done in order to fix this is actually rather simple : allow the player to earn Nightwave credits by completing tasks they actually need rather than forcing missions they don't need upon them . Allow the player to pick every single challenge per week .

5. The lack of story , content and lore

DE isn't a small studio anymore ; Warframe's been around since 2013 , millions of people play it and yet it still lacks a well written , solid story ; it lacks in story quests number ( Vor's Prize > Once Awake > Natah > The Second Dream > The War Within > The Sacrifice > Apostasy Prologue ) and it lacks in lore ( a lot of what we know , which is not much , also happens to be hidden within old events which haven't been released again since their first appearance ) .
While Leverian and other minor events have contributed to improve this situation the issue still persists as of now.

The content gets delivered fairly slowly for a game of this type , which I honestly don't even mind too much cause I know I can take a break from the game , focus on my studies / part time job / my interests  come back and know I haven't missed a lot but I know it causes issues to a part of the community . Now this would be fine if said content included rebalances , fixes , if the content itself was tested and almost bug-free once it goes live , if it truly was worth the wait and hype that DE and sometimes streamers generate before it's delivered to cut it short . Sadly it's often not . 

6. One step forward , two backwards

I love DE guys , I watch their streams , follow them on twitter , they are a fun and fine crew....but sometimes it feels as if the community's requests either fell on deaf ears or on merchant ones . By this I mean...that if a very large chunk of the playerbase is asking for some QoL feature ( universal vacuum on companions , map wide looting in space , blink on all archwings ,  ecc ) it would be nice to have it added to the game just like that , pure and simple . No  "Yes we are doing it but..." sort of stuff which ends up ruining the thing .

7. Unnecessary , unjustified nerfs

( Borrowing a lot of the reasoning behind this from Rahetalius cause he explains it well )

Bullet jumping was introduced as an alternative to coptering ( an old way to move around the maps very quickly by using certain weapons ) ; DE successively fixed coptering but decided to integrate a similar feature in their game despite not having initially thought of it because the community liked the thought of being able to move around the maps so fast .
This was a good case of fixing something that was broken while at the same time answering a need of the community , thus effectively putting an end to an issue by embracing their vision of the game rather than denying it by saying "The game isn't meant to be played that way" .

At the present time instead DE has constantly been nerfing frames and weapons by basing themselves on their interactions with new events or mission types ( Limbo makes Scarlet Spear become trivial ? Nerfed . ) . While nerfing something may look like the way to solve the problem what it does is simply just removing one of the things that instigates it , thus resulting in something else taking the place of the previously nerfed feature ( Limbo's nerfed ? Let's pick Khora . Khora's nerfed ? Slow nova...and so on. The same applies to affinity farming stages , to resources farming ones , weapons used to efficiently grind for something , ecc .

Many of these nerfs make little to no sense ( Ember's WoF was nerfed because it "trivialized low level content" ; something every frame and weapon does ) . Why is it not fine for Ember to run around and kill enemies with WoF while it's fine for Mesa and Saryn to nuke rooms with a button press ( This is just an example , I'm not expressing my feedback about Ember's rework or about whether Ember needed or not a rework . She did need one but for other reasons ) ?
Why is it fine to trivialize some missions by using some specific frames / arcanes / weapons but it is not to bring some frame such as Trinity to the Scarlet Spear and allow her to heal the objective ? 

DE is clearly looking at how efficiently the players are being able to clear content and not only they aren't worndering why but they are actively trying to slow them down by reducing their tools efficiency ; this isn't the right way to fix something . Every warframe excels at something , nerfing that something cause it's good at its role means removing what makes that warframe unique , forcing everyone to play the same way .

It was the same with Simulor and Mirage ; the gun itself was balanced , it was just its interaction with Hall of Mirrors that caused it to become overpowered . Instead of permanently nerfing the Simulor all it would have taken would have been a nerf to its interaction with Mirage's skill .

This is pretty much all of what's wrong with the current state of the game to me . The rest being minor things I don't care about enough to list .
Again , take it with a grain of salt , everyone has a different opinion about it all and likes / dislikes different stuff ; the game's still a nice one but I'd rate it as a 7/10 game atm where it previously would have scored an 8 - 8.5/10 . 
I hope it will keep getting better if anything and wish it all the best. 


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Sooner or later it's time to accept DE isn't "fixing" Warframe *shrug*. Has it been anything close to complete or stabilized in its lifespan? So many things get either implemented and destabilize state of game or implemented and abandoned...or removes w promises of fixing never being fulfilled. I don't know what people are expecting, their track record is not good. It's been a sh*t show since like late 2015.

Edited by ikkabotz
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22 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

To me it's the practically the same exact game with just a ton more things to do and grind. I'm not sure what people are expecting.

All I know is that this game went from logging on and playing void defense over and over to logging on, being able to fly a ship, spawn a custom mini-boss, create craaazy dojos, fighting Sentients, mess around on huge maps, craft custom weapons, two new endless challenge modes, and much more. 

It boggles my mind that anyone that's played Warframe for 1000+ hrs could possibly think the game is getting worse. 

Not saying the game is perfect by any stretch, but Warframe has pretty much been consistently Warframe. The newest things has always been where the grind was heaviest. In comparison, there are tons of older things that are easy as heck to max now than it was years ago. 

I agree with this wholeheartedly. I have well over 2000 in mission hrs played and this game is huge. I believe there is vocal minority that is overwhelmingly negative and they behave like spoiled brats. Sure, new content needs balancing and fixing, as always. But I've enjoyed the Liches, Railjack and this event is fun too. It's all grindy, but that's the nature of a f2p game. I think the lich system with the requiem relics is one of the best systems added since I started playing. For a long time I wanted to be able to play the same missions but at level 100ish. Now I can, and can earn kuva, weapons and rivens while playing it.

I feel the Warframe Apocalypse crowd gets far too much attention on these forums, reddit, youtube, etc... Maybe because people want something to read and eat popcorn to. 


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