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What do u guys think about the new warframe

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12 minutes ago, WOWESOMUCHDOGE said:

Soo i know the new warframe is coming out, n her abilities seem interesting, do u think the new one will be able to shake the meta thou? 😕
Warframe Protea Guide - ProGameTalk

What's the meta exactly?

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2 minutes ago, Xaero said:

What's the meta exactly?

Most people seem to be playing as space children piloting robot ninjas called 'Warframes.'

Really this just looks like more of the same. To shake up the meta we should start adding space bunnies that pilot robot robot children.

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She seems useful.

I don't why they have her use (poke)balls to use the 1 skill, or vauban and octavia for that matter as the ball throwing thing is not really good and makes little sense to me.

Her 4 should be active at all times as well, and hitting it should just start rewinding till the set limit.

Her supply thing is basically pizzas?

Her turret, well depends on how effective it is.

As for shaking the meta... at worst she'll probably just acompany Garuda, but because she has some interesting utility in the shield regeneration and some AoE that doesn't limit her mobility, she'll most likely be alright.

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I think its a waste of a Warframe slot to be honest. She is what everyone wanted Vauban’s rework to be (especially the turret) and so is essentially a gender-swapped Vauban 2.0.

All her abilities could easily have been given to him and there would be no need for her.

Edited by TheGodofWiFi
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Personally I think she's Vauban 2.0 with a 4th ability that I doubt will be used that much.

It seems another instance of "They'll hate it, so let's send Pablo out to showcase it because no one can get mad at Pablo".

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She seems pretty neat. Not sure I'll get into her at first.

Might seem weird but looks are a big part of my most used frames, if I don't like the look I probably won't use the characters that frequently. Until they get a really good skin or something. Yeah, I know that's petty and weird but if I'm going to be staring at a character model for hundreds of hours I need to really enjoy how it looks and her design just doesn't do it for me.

That aside, her kit doesn't really wow me. I'll have to wait until she's out before I make any further judgement.

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Nothing special with her, in some ways i realize why DE ask for help for new warframe designs (broken frame) Because there creativity is going in bad and wrong direction and this frame will bee forgotten like every new upcoming frame that we got and going to have... Even broken frame is like copy paste Revenant and Nidus frames. There is so much better direction that they can go.. 

Edited by Vlada91
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well i did share her kit prior for those who havent seen it yet , also she has 2 alt helms 


Passive- every 4th power cast has a 100% power strength buff 
-custom dodge animation


Multiple alt helms 

Shrapnel & shield 



Shield grenade 



3rd is dispenser 
Releases energy/health orbs 

4th rewind


alt helm 2 


alt 3 -has a tie 


:praisepablo:-pablo explains her powers/kit

overall her powers lead into some interesting combat and support roles , given that as long as she has energy she can generate energy/health orbs/ammo 

her 4 cans cale an aoe and cheat death

her turrent can scale based on damage dealt

she has the making of being a powerful frame 

some have made king crimson or killa queen references on her powers .

im looking forward to it 

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Atm she's neither under nor over whelming.  I am simply whelmed.  Looks wise she is also just a meh.

Once she's playable ill give her a go and hope for nice future skins.

I personally think her ult is the most uinteresting ability. But ingame she mite be great.

Edited by (PS4)Kakurine2
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2 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

I think its a waste of a Warframe slot to be honest. She is what everyone wanted Vauban’s rework to be (especially the turret) and so is essentially a gender-swapped Vauban 2.0.

In their defense they have stated that on the topic of alt gender warframes they would only do it if they were to explore a given theme more. Granted it did take over 6 years since saying that for it to start happening, but it's not like they haven't thought about it before. Why is vauban the only one allowed to have a specific theme?

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2 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

I think its a waste of a Warframe slot to be honest. She is what everyone wanted Vauban’s rework to be (especially the turret) and so is essentially a gender-swapped Vauban 2.0.

All her abilities could easily have been given to him and there would be no need for her.

I believe that the whole gender swapping thing, would be more of a waste of resources from DE. It would not be possible according to lore anyways.

Plus, there are other similarities in between warframes already, and people really just pick Protea and Vauban to nit pick? How about Frost and Gara? or Valkyr and Garuda? or Excalibur and Baruuk? Or Volt and Gauss? All of em are pair of warframes that share something in common, so i do not see why complain about Protea being a "female" Vauban, when Vauban, actually has a solid kit, hes the techno wizard, while Protea, will be the Engineer.

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20 minutes ago, Annnoth said:

Why is vauban the only one allowed to have a specific theme?

I never said that. You can have different themes for frames. But when a frame is very blatantly just a rehash of an already existing theme, then it becomes a problem as it makes the original version completely redundant. Protea is everything people wanted for the original Tech frame.

There was simply no need for Protea as all of her abilities could have been given to Vauban and it would have been awesome. 

What worries me is that this is a sign of things to come. Maybe this will become a trend and eventually the older frames will have their themes rehashed and subsequently made redundant in the future. I mean DE can only keep making frames for so long before they eventually circle back to the originals.

11 minutes ago, Yakhul said:

Vauban, actually has a solid kit, hes the techno wizard, while Protea, will be the Engineer.

The only solid abilities he has are Vortex, Bastille and maybe the new orbital strike. His first two abilities are useless and this is not something that is argued about. His grenades are simply memes and his rollers are worthless.

Those frames you mentioned in pairs have just enough to differentiate themselves from each other, albiet they are still very similar I’ll grant you. But its DE aren’t even trying to be subtle anymore. Protea is a point for point rehash of the engineer tech wizard theme that Vauban was designed around. They might as well have just released Protea as a special one-time gender-swapped skin for Vauban for all the subtly she has.

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Doesn't really stand out as interesting to me but I'm not really the target audience for it I guess.

But TBH rarely any of the new frames have gottten any interest from me for a long time other than Baruuk (even got his super amazing new Tennogen) and as far back as Nidus and Nezha which are two of my favs. So there's been a lot of missed pitches for me. Wish they'd just make the frames I actually do like, or wish I could like, better instead. Like Hydroid, Ash and Volt (Volt's rework is amazing and I love him but his skins and deluxe makes me very sad). Revenant is okay but not much to look at and his spin could have been an awesome Gantz tier aimed laser instead but oh well.

So anyways. High porbability that she's getting maxed for MR and perma-shelfed like Grendel (doesn't even have Sumo skills), Gauss (As a Volt main I don't see the point), Wisp (I love when others play her but not for me, personally), Hildryn, Revenant, Garuda (extremely pointless frame), Gara (step'n on my fav Frost's turf) and Khora (step'n on poor Hydroid's turf). And Octavia unless I want to play Baby Shark.

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12 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

His first two abilities are useless and this is not something that is argued about. His grenades are simply memes and his rollers are worthless.

I take it you do not know about the augment Tesla Bank? or how he can lock enemy spawns with Flechette Orb? or how he can artificially increase the range of Bastille with Tether Coil? or how he can boost his own damage, on top of his passive already, with Overdriver? Only useless power of Vauban is Vector Pad. Some people have found a way to use it, but overall, compared to the rest of his kit, is pretty useless, so yeah, there is point of argument when it comes to Vauban entire kit. He no longer is a 1 button frame and requires at least one more brain cell to play properly outside of just spamming Bastille and vortex.

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I think her 3 is made irrelevant by the gear wheel, arcanes, operator, the list goes on. They also require standing in the same spot a lot less.

I think her 4 is made irrelevant by her 3 (and the list above.) Why do I want to rewind for ammo/energy/health when the alternative is getting those things WITHOUT now being 3 rooms away from the action. Yes, it can save you from death, but I'd prefer to play a normal tankier frame, or just run adaptation, than keep slowing myself down going backwards in case I die.

Her 1 looks fine, moderate CC, a defensive buff that requires testing to judge. As long as the shield duration is solid.

Her 2 looks decent, but I just don't see the fun in summoning something that does all the killing for me.


All in all I'm really ready to just level her to 30 and never tough her again.

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9 minutes ago, Yakhul said:

I take it you do not know about the augment Tesla Bank? or how he can lock enemy spawns with Flechette Orb? or how he can artificially increase the range of Bastille with Tether Coil? or how he can boost his own damage, on top of his passive already, with Overdriver?

I do know about those yes. My opinion does not change however.

1. Tesla Bank. I have always held the opinion that if an ability needs an augment to be viable, then there is something wrong. 

2. Flachette Orb is very situational and not as useful as other dedicated lockdown abilities.

3. Tether Coil extending Bastille’s range does make it useful as an ability. All it does is add another bit of range to an already good one, which can also be achieved by simply adding more mods.

4. Overdrivers damage boost just isn’t great. There are much better frames out there like Chroma that give much better bonuses. 

Like I said, Vauban only really has three useful abilities and unfortunately the rest are just cack. 

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32 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

I never said that. You can have different themes for frames. But when a frame is very blatantly just a rehash of an already existing theme, then it becomes a problem as it makes the original version completely redundant. Protea is everything people wanted for the original Tech frame.

There was simply no need for Protea as all of her abilities could have been given to Vauban and it would have been awesome. 

What worries me is that this is a sign of things to come. Maybe this will become a trend and eventually the older frames will have their themes rehashed and subsequently made redundant in the future. I mean DE can only keep making frames for so long before they eventually circle back to the originals.

I dunno, regardless of what people wanted from a tech warframe, vauban is vauban and protea is not vauban. Vauban is a highly CC/utility focused warframe they added damage/buffs to later because pure CC stopped working in warframe, that's his identity whether its good/effect/people are satisfied or not.

Protea has next to nothing in common with that outside of 3 abilities being deployables. Damage/Defense, pure damage with maybe some minor cc if it staggers or procs heat/electric, support, defense/damage/utility. At least that's from what I've seen, could be wrong. So to say there's no need for protea and give her abilities to vauban is really not doing justice to the fact that vauban is still his own warframe.

If anything will make vauban redundant, it's the fact he's primarily a class of warframe that's fallen off over the years and might continue to see less use going forward as he has no direct damage blocking capabilities like other defensive frames. It all depends on where the game goes in regards to frequency of CC resistant enemies.

Edited by Annnoth
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13 minutes ago, Yakhul said:

spamming Bastille and vortex.

Problem is, he still is only used for those two abilities as they remain his only truly useful ones. His strike is nice but its just spicy flavouring on top of abilities that didn’t really need it honestly.

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I'm an engie main in TF2, so I'm at least cursorily excited, if only because she's got a sentry and a dispenser.


Looking forward to having lime-green coloured Volts and annoying Ogris users steal all my energy before asking me for a refill :).

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