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Are you excited for Broken warframe?

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I literally don't even care about it anymore. at first I was like ok... but now I could hardly care what they do with it.

I did actually submit a kit for its abilities. Maybe if it turns out to be similar to what I wanted then I'll care a little more about it 🙂

Edited by (PS4)i7081277
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vor 46 Minuten schrieb phoenix1992:

Memes should stay in the meme world.

Memes cna be doen right tho Clem and John Prodman are canon now thanks to that.

It just needs to be done right, this tho is not how it should be done.

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2 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

Memes cna be doen right tho Clem and John Prodman are canon now thanks to that.

It just needs to be done right, this tho is not how it should be done.

John Prodman is no joke son.

But yes, memes in meme world. Never said that something having a comedic value should not exist either.

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At first I was not happy but I`m slowly getting use to the idea because of how it looks (besides the bloody peg leg) as for the abilities I said it has to be unique (harrow level of uniqueness)

So here are my ideas I`ve submitted for him to have tell me what you think.


Broken warframe

Passive: When health reaches zero, he explodes, brakes apart and is able to put himself back together.

·       The broken parts are his head, body, arms and legs.

·       You control the head and must move around to find your body parts and put him back together.

·       His body parts are marked on screed and on map.

·       Allies and the revive mod can also revive you.

·       The timer for him to be revived will still be displayed, if the timer reaches zero you will lose a revive point and have half of your health on revival.

·       If you are able to find all your body parts in time, he will gain and extra 5 seconds of invulnerability.

·       Explosion will damage and knockdown nearby enemies in a 15m radius.


Unique feature:

·       Enemies killed by him will glitch and shake uncontrollably.


1st ability

You target and shoots a crystal shard at an enemy. When killed the enemy will explode and shoots shards hitting nearby enemies.

Energy: 25



Damage - 700

Explosion damage – 1000


Duration: 30 seconds


Range: 50 metres

Explosion radios – 15 metres

·       Can be used in the air.

·       This is a one-handed ability.

·       Visually a crystal shard will stick out of the enemy to show it`s affected by the ability.

·       When killed it will shoot shards at nearby enemies and killing that enemy will continue to spread the effects.

·       Enemies killed by this will have a 100% chance to be dismembered and will take twice as long to disintegrate.

·       Each time enemies are killed by it, the damage will keep increasing.

·       Enemy hit will receive a small stagger.

·       Requires direct line of sight to a small part of the target to cast.

·       When the shards hits new enemies, it will not refresh the duration on the ability.


2nd ability:

When active it produces debris on himself giving him protection. When shields are hit the debris brakes off, when health is hit, his body starts to break away bit by bit until there is nothing of him left making translucent.


Energy: 50

Strength: 50% dr

Power strength decrease: 50%

Duration: 10 sec


·       Holding the ability will absorbs any dead bodies around converting it into debris armour.

·       Each dead body part absorbed will give him an extra 5% DR to a max of 30 DR.

·       The debris absorb range is 15m and cannot be increased by range mods.

·       Visually the breakdown of the debris and the frame is symmetrical.

·       Visually you are 20% translucent.

·       In this state he cannot take damage however his will only be dealing 50% of his full damage.

·       More power strength will give you more DR and less damage and Less power strength gives you less DR but more damage.

·       Ability can be deactivated.

·       (Synergy) using the 1st ability can be used to give you a better chance to receive more DR.


3rd ability:

When active the first enemy you damage will drop a special ammo pack. When picked up, it will enhance his and allies guns each ammo pick up will increase the weapons fire rate, increases ammo mix, reload speed and a chance to trigger explosions on enemy kills.


Energy: 75



Fire rate – 30%

Ammo Max increase – 300

Explosion damage - 700



Explosion 7m 


·       Enemies killed will have a 100% chance to drop ammo.

·       The first (glowing) ammo you pick up will give you 30% fire rate, ammo max of 300 and 60% reload speed.

·       Any ammo picked up after that will continue to increase you and allies fire rate.

·       One ammo pickup gives you 30% fire rate each time.

·       The glowing ammo cannot be picked up by uni vac.

·       Every time you reload, no matter the distance, ammo will be drawn to you however it won`t increase your ammo capacity.

·       You will receive 60% reload speed but is not affected by power strength.

·       When you have 10% of ammo left, enemy kills will trigger a damaging explosion.

·       Each kill at this point will increase the explosion range by 1m to a max of 15m.

·       This ability will end when you have 4% ammo left.

·       Ability can be deactivated.


4th ability:

He arms morphs into weapons. Every enemy he kills will make him grow in size increasing his health, shields damage and sprint speed.

Energy: 0



Damage increase – 5%

Health and shield increase – 5%

Sprint speed increase– 5%


·       You can switch between two weapons, blunt or bladed weapon.

·       You can switch between the two while in combat by pressing the secondary fire.

·       Each of the weapons has their own stances. (also visually body stance)

·       The blunt arms stance is more brutish and hard hitting with knock-backs and slams. Visually he does a side step dodge when using stance.

·       The bladed arm stance has finesse and has fast attacks with slashed.  Visually he does a quicker dodge roll.

·       When active his health and shields will determine how long this ability lasts, it drains shields first then his health.

·       It will drain 10 health/shields a second.

·       Efficiency mods will determine the drain.

·       You can switch to weapons while active but it will still drain his health and shields.

·       Each enemy killed will give him 5% strength, health, sprint speed (to a max of 100% and two seconds of invulnerability.

·       The two seconds of invulnerability cannot be refreshed.

·       The shield gating activates when he has 5 health points

·       Visually he grows bigger by 20%.

·       Ability can be deactivated.

·       Visually when active, his coil veins will change colour by your chosen energy colour.

·       Can be cast in the air.

·       His blade and blunt weapon colour are determined by chosen energy colour.

·       (Synergy) Each debris absorbed into him with his second ability will give him 50 health/shields but won’t benefit from being translucent.

·       (Synergy) the damage will increase his 1st ability and explosion damage on the 3rd ability.


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Not a fun due to first seeing the concept art in a low res reddit post - it looked like lego parts glued together with jizz or bird droppings.

I'd love to see a frame that adjusts itself to adapt to different conditions though.

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb (PS4)Vexx757:

·       You control the head and must move around to find your body parts and put him back together.

Stubbs the Zombie comes to my mind for such, maybe a frame usign his body parts ot attack like Helios does with his Glaive.

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On 2020-05-06 at 6:24 PM, HexOmega111x said:

Interesting. But it should be Ballas once again then. It would be more easy to go with the idea than if it comes from some random unknown crazy guy. 

Not necessarily. Ballas isn't the only Warframe architect, as we know Titania's is still (technically) alive, and we can be pretty sure that Ballas also did not design Harrow. 

There's actually an interesting conjunction here with the Glassmaker, since that is an unearthed Orokin technology, perhaps the broken Frame would also be a rebirth of Frame-forging in the same way. It could be anyone. Would be an interesting twist if it IS the Glassmaker.

For the topic at hand, though: I think I put forth a decent loadout, but I have to say that the theme is pretty awkward. A broken frame, thematically, is difficult to execute without making errors along the way. You can have him actually consist of the parts of other Warframes, but that makes him lose his own identity. If he can take the parts of other Warframes to replicate their abilities, what does he do when alone? And what happens to the frames whose parts he steals? 

Another way to do it is to give him a disjointed kit where none of the abilities fit together well, but that is a gameplay design error that would make him less fun to play. Or you can make a cohesive kit with wildly varying visuals, in which case the theme really doesn't quite 'pop'. I'm definitely intrigued by what could come out of this process, though.

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The abilities i thought of were 

(P.S. accidentally copied one of nidus's abilities, and probably made him op, sorry)

Passive: any melee enemies that attack it gets a random element on them including slash. When grasp is used all damage goes to the enemy or enemies the ability holds

Ability 1: Constrict; Broken warframe breaks off a piece of itself and has it latch on to an enemy limb and tighten until the limb comes off 

Ability 2: Grasp; The warframe uses the orikan branches on it and grab a enemy and drains it of health , holding whatever button to use the ability lets the warframe grab up to five enemies and you can use it on other players and pets to give them and you health 

That's all i could think of for broken warframe

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I’ll farm it level it and then put it way until I get to it. Worried it will be another safe vanilla frame.  I want new riskier powerful frame options.  Higher risk higher reward exciting mechanics, we need more of that. 

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On 2020-05-15 at 10:39 PM, Luciole77 said:

I think that DE could give us the option to be able to customize it. We could choose a skill from any warframe totaling 4.

That isn't a bad idea; have it take a visual cue from the warframes whose powers it is drawing from right?

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I am not excited for it because I don't know its abilities, and even when revealed, if it doesn't fit my melee-rushdown playstyle then I won't get excited for it. MR points and never to be used again, like most other WF's regardless of how good they are.

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On 2020-05-15 at 10:39 PM, Luciole77 said:

I think that DE could give us the option to be able to customize it. We could choose a skill from any warframe totaling 4.

Frankly this is the worst thing they could do to the frame. It should be unique, and not something that is just “the best/worst/mediocre parts of every other frame” 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Hopper_Orouk said:

He'll probably have some basic skoom powers that revolve around taking his body apart,  seeing all the suggestions so far

Which is really sad and a huge missed opportunity

This entire "community" made warframe is a huge missed opportunity in my opinion 

My suggestion tried to take a small but of that and expand upon it. Basically, the passive was that the frame has 3 independent health bars, each correlating to a body component (head/torso, arms and legs), and his second and third abilities let you individually choose a component to either armor up or explode, while his 1st and 4th were designed to let you regenerate the components of they were destroyed. For each component you had active you’d gain a special set of buffs, but if that part got destroyed you’d be given a small debuff. 

ill look to link it if people want

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For everyone here complaining about prime, who says they HAVE to give it a prime? For all we know they will give us a new variant type we have never seen before or give it an umbral form. Just because tradition is there doesn’t mean they have to follow it to the teeth. Innovation drives progress and they can use this chance to break the mold and do something different and new for this warframe. I don’t know about any of you, but this is a major plus.

Also if you haven’t realized it, the broken theme is literally the MOST flexible theme possible from the voting selection because it can apply in numerous ways. That is because the broken theme is very general and very vague on what it can be and this gives the designers a lot of creative freedom with the frame. Whether this is something you like or dislike is up to you, but it is undeniable that whether or not the final product is something you wanted, it will be made with the utmost creativity possible under the theme guideline of broken.

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vor einer Stunde schrieb (PS4)CommanderC2121:

Frankly this is the worst thing they could do to the frame. It should be unique, and not something that is just “the best/worst/mediocre parts of every other frame” 

It saddens me that people really want such, we saw what happened to Zaws, AMPs and Kitguns, people onyl use the best parts and performe the best, the buildign your own stuff is a nice idea in concept but fails in how it is presented. On top of we have to many weapons already, especially melee, so hard to stand out on such, a Warframe with such would be way to much and fail way to quick with everyone using the same builds proabably, we already have less variety thansk to certain meta already.

The broken frame is nothing i look forward to, uninspired, probably no lore behind it again and just slapped on to be "content", i mean they asked the community for it which can be nice but shows they seem out of ideas if they use such, we need more reworks andn ot more frames to the already overleaking inventory of frames, more connection to the world and its lore, why the frame exists, not conept after concept trown in, look at Baruuk and Hildryn.

I love conepts like aynone else here but enough is enough, DE needs to take it slower, i know it generates money, but so do older frames with real reworks to, this way you only showve newer frames out, make money then leave them and older frames get ignored to, loosing money again.

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10 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

It saddens me that people really want such, we saw what happened to Zaws, AMPs and Kitguns, people onyl use the best parts and performe the best, the buildign your own stuff is a nice idea in concept but fails in how it is presented. On top of we have to many weapons already, especially melee, so hard to stand out on such, a Warframe with such would be way to much and fail way to quick with everyone using the same builds proabably, we already have less variety thansk to certain meta already.

The broken frame is nothing i look forward to, uninspired, probably no lore behind it again and just slapped on to be "content", i mean they asked the community for it which can be nice but shows they seem out of ideas if they use such, we need more reworks andn ot more frames to the already overleaking inventory of frames, more connection to the world and its lore, why the frame exists, not conept after concept trown in, look at Baruuk and Hildryn.

I love conepts like aynone else here but enough is enough, DE needs to take it slower, i know it generates money, but so do older frames with real reworks to, this way you only showve newer frames out, make money then leave them and older frames get ignored to, loosing money again.

Glad you agree with the first point. 

as for the frame concept, Im holding out hope till its abilities are annouced. Lore wise, I enjoy the concept of a warframe who lost their sense of self, and now sees anything, friend or foe, as a tool with which they can use to improve themselves. In my ability suggestion, the fourth ability send out void spears from the frame to hit anything, enemy or ally, and then buff the frames stats based off all you hit. Obviously if you hit allies they weren’t penalized or anything, but that then gives the frame a sense of rule breaking that fit the original meme theme of broken frame, while incorporating the new concept of broken being “a frame physically (and maybe) mentally broken”

Edited by (PS4)CommanderC2121
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While I didn't vote for it as I found one of the other themes more interesting, I'm still looking forward to it, as a concept it is pretty interesting.

1 hour ago, (PS4)KyleXY12345 said:

For everyone here complaining about prime, who says they HAVE to give it a prime?

Because every single frame out there will get a prime, no exceptions. This frame getting a prime won't even be a problem from a lore point compared to others frames(like Valkyr and Revenant), just apply the same logic to the prime, it being made up of parts of different prime frames.

Edited by (PS4)reddragonhrcro
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