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What I don't understand about Warframe customs


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vor 22 Stunden schrieb supernils:

It's apparently Tenno honor to revive fallen ones. The game provides no incentive to do so (other than they hitting the 4 times limit).

But apparently it's not a custom to say "thank you" when players save strangers XP which I find weird. You even have your hands free when you're down.

This is only because the selection wheel is cumbersome to use on the console and controller.
slow, you die again.
I often see thanks in sortie spy mission. at end with text chat

Edited by (PS4)Qjing
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vor 22 Stunden schrieb (PS4)Hikuro-93:

You could say the same for every optional good action in the game. Imma make it simple:

If the person did a good deed and others were helped because of it the "Thank you" is already assumed without need to further delay the mission. If I mark a sculpture and someone goes there pick it up I already assume he's thankful since he did go pick it up. Same for revives. If I revive you next to a friendship door please don't lose time saying it, just help me open the door and I'll be happy.

I don't do it for the appreciation, but merely to aid. And I expect the same kind of actions from my peers to me, which is already more than a mere "thank you". Actions speak louder than words imho, and it's enough.

Then again, I do live on console-land.

this is so true

and This is only because the selection wheel is cumbersome to use on the console and controller.
slow, you die again.

Edited by (PS4)Qjing
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22 hours ago, supernils said:

But apparently it's not a custom to say "thank you" when players save strangers XP which I find weird. You even have your hands free when you're down.

I don't expect a thank you when I revive someone simply because I know its not really something I need to be thanked for. Like how I don't expect to be thanked for simply not being a complete tosser in real life.

Its just kind of the thing you do without the need for a reward. That's my personal opinion anyway.

17 hours ago, Laxmibai said:

Do good, without expectation of reward. 
It will come to you automatically,

This a contradictory statement.

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If people say thank you when I revive them, cool.

If not, cool.

I do feel like it was much more common for people to revive others and say thank you back in the day, but then again revives were a more precious resource and people also weren't self rezzing themselves the instant they go down.

I generally try to make an effort to revive people, unless it's very dangerous to do so, which is almost never the case anymore with space tweens.

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12 hours ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

That's not cool man lol. You basically just want to reinforce using only Revenant and Inaros, then?

I don't know dude, I am there to farm stuff, reinventing the wheel should not be done at my cost. 7/10 people who join a public squad are trying to get the rewards and those 3 guys who are there to experiment stuff just don't fit in with us. I suppose their cause would be best served if they made their own squads, because as bad as you might consider my goals for doing arbitration to be, their method also harms me so it's nothing good anyway. 


12 hours ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

I'm kinda happy when I see a non easy mode player in an arby. But yes if they're dying repeatedly then that's just them being a bad player so I get it.

I can't imagine how someone dies as Inaros or Nidus in an arbi because they are a bad player? Nopes! They die because they are afk leeching almost all the time. One or two rare cases may be legit now and then, but you can't ignore the fact that a lot of sick demented people exist to spoil your day without any reason. 

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If you aren't using voice chat typing thank you can sometimes cause you to go down again.

Gratitude is implied, nobody sane would be angry about being revived so it is simply assumed that it is a good thing that people are thankful for, like holding a door open for somebody.

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I find people to be gratful pretty often on PC. But then, the keyboard is front and center. I tend to find noobs having trouble in sorties to be the most verbally grateful. Everybody's gotta start somewhere. I even bought a random noob a sniper rifle once, just to let him finish out a sortie, since he was so polite about things.

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5 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

So you are taking it for granted.

Grousing over people not saying 'thanks' and deciding to be upset about it, over just assuming people are thankful...seems taking the 'thanks' for granted is a healthy attitude to me.

IME, gamers who are mad at you for doing something don't hold back - not seen anyone making posts about getting yelled at for reviving teammates...

Therefore, assuming people are thankful and taking that for granted seems quite logical and reasonable. IMO.

Edited by Zimzala
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I think it depends on the mission mostly arbitrations is hard to say thank you expecially when people decide to play with squishy frames for more challange and then get killed they are in the zone of no chill and completly focus on game if it is super low lvls then saying ty won´t hurt.

Me i always say ty as i can write pretty fast on a keyboard.

I mean this ain´t a big big deal i belive atleast not for me

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 Standing next to someone and holding a button down for 5 seconds or less isn't really a level of effort I expect gratitude for. It's polite, but I'll have moved on and forgotten about it almost immediately anyway.

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I hate when people do things expecting something in return. I'm primarily a vazarin healer, so if they die is becausw they are far from me or was oneshoted by something on high level stuff. Even if I don't have the 8x quick res, if a reammate is more far than 200 m, I don't revive him unless I really can. Under 200 m, is my second priority if we are defending something (old times when I could use those 5 seconds on invulnerebility on defense objectives), if not it's my primary objective. 

I genuinelly think we, players, should revive each other unless someone doesn't want it (bad situation, too far, too trivial to waste time, idk), the option is free, with operator you can do it without (or almost) harm, doesn't hurt "your gameplay" stop just 5 secs (or less) and be kind to someone in trouble. Keeping safe your teammates is also beneficial for the mission itself and the community.

This is a recurrent feeling among some players, and I really feel sad about it, because if that's your opinion on a game, imagine IRL. Some things have the only "reward" about knowing you did good (because that's  an undeniable thing among all human beings) and someone else can be freed from a troublesome situation. Honestly that should be enough, because there is nothing greater to the feeling of helping people, even on the most mundane situation.

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You are a team fighting evil dudes as a team! The sum of the power of it's individual members is the power of the team and therefor YOUR POWER to stop the bad guys, save the day, win the mission! (Even if you could just as well solo the mission, just imagine it to be difficult 😉 ). Reviving is keeping the team strong.

Also, please don't respawn yourself when there is no need and someone is about to revive you, the team might need (you to) respawn with that life later.

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En 8/5/2020 a las 19:32, supernils dijo:

It's apparently Tenno honor to revive fallen ones. The game provides no incentive to do so (other than they hitting the 4 times limit).

But apparently it's not a custom to say "thank you" when players save strangers XP which I find weird. You even have your hands free when you're down.

Nowadays I hit my self revive as soon as I go down, I don't trust anyone to even bother to come pick my sorry ass up, why would they? i'm just being a nuisance by letting myself get killed.

And as long as i've played, i have never seen or received a "thank you" for picking someone up, now that would be weird to me.

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Only time I don't go out of my way to revive are animals, they don't belong on the battlefield.

But if a battle animal is a must have then grab your own khora(grabbing another khora may result in getting whipped and unless you are Harrow I wouldn't recommend it) as she has a kavat.

But I will go out of my way to revive a fallen tenno.

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I don't expect a thank you when reviving.

On the other hand, I've straight up forgotten to say "thank you" sometimes because I'm focusing on the objective / what to do when I get revived / whether I should self-revive / shooting things with my secondary. You're not quite completely helpless in regular gameplay, and I've gotten distracted from time to time.

Also if you do go down often enough, the platitudes start to feel a little hollow. I used to drop "sorry" more than "thank you" when that happened, e.g. Wolf of Saturn Six on Sedna levelling equipment.

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9 hours ago, Zimzala said:

Grousing over people not saying 'thanks' and deciding to be upset about it, over just assuming people are thankful...seems taking the 'thanks' for granted is a healthy attitude to me.

IME, gamers who are mad at you for doing something don't hold back - not seen anyone making posts about getting yelled at for reviving teammates...

Therefore, assuming people are thankful and taking that for granted seems quite logical and reasonable. IMO.


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On 2020-05-08 at 1:35 PM, 0_The_F00l said:

Theres a simple explanation for that.

People can be ungrateful.

and take things for granted (as in the tk need not really be said).


Soldiers know that saving their own is an unspoken given and is it’s own reward in the heat of battle?

And some people are just offended waiting to happen...

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Player gets revived

Player starts typing in "thanks in chat"

Player is downed before they can finish


Its worse if you exclusively use controller or have to deal with virtual keyboards like on console.

The stupid game requires me to open the PS4 virtual keyboard before i can send a message i typed in with my keyboard >.> DE is pants on head awful at supporting input methods.

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