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Cross Save / Cross Play / Cross Platform / Cross Progress / Account Transfer / Account Migration Megathread


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4 hours ago, Shadowswarm18 said:

At least they're working on it.. thanks man :)

Don't hold your breath. They've been trying to make it for six years, and even gave up for an entire year. They've only just recently re-started negotiations for it, in the hopes that a new console generation will make Sony and Microsoft more open to the idea

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Cross-save/cross-progression has always been something DE has been interested in, because many players simply stop playing when they decide to switch platforms and find out they have to start all over again. Those are lost customers, which is lost revenue. DE has a financial incentive to have cross-save/cross-progression.

Microsoft and Sony had been staunchly opposed to cross-save/cross-progression for years, because to allow that meant less incoming revenue for them. Right now, you pay for a subscription to their service, you buy their console, you buy their controllers and other peripherals, and you have to buy plat thru their store. Each and every transaction is money in their pockets. The idea was that if you play on PC and want to play with your Xbox/PS buddies, you have to give Microsoft/Sony a huge chunk of money for the privilege, not to mention to recurring subscription fee. Furthermore, you don't get to keep your progress so you'll be more inclined to spend a ton on platinum in order to buy your progress back. Again, more money for them.

Now, in 2016 Microsoft changed their position on cross-save/cross-progression, starting with Rocket League. Sony in October 2019 officially stated it would allow any developers to support cross-platform play.

Minecraft and Fortnite allow for cross-platform play, as does Apex Legends and War Thunder, though I dont know about cross-save/progression. World of Tanks allows crossplay between Xbox and Playstation, but not PC. However crossplay is far from common, and I'm not sure there is any game our there that is truly 1-account, any platform.

It's not really an issue of technical difficulties: the studios own the games and you log in to their servers regardless of platform. Some will cite the version difference between PC and consoles as being a restriction, but that's only a problem if the PC update is pushed before the console version passes cert. Yeah, that means PC players have to wait for the console guys before an update can go live, but that's not a technical problem. All they need to figure out for cross-save to work, apparently, is how to register three different login credentials to a single account, so that you can log in on PS with your PS info, Xbox with your Microsoft account, and PC with whatever email/password you have registered. That, to me, seems to be the likely sticking point with proper cross-save.

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they really need to add it, or even just account migration. i am willing to pay for account migration! i stopped playing warframe because friends moved on and new friends dont have consoles, so i cant play with them on pc, i also wanted to switch to pc because its better then my console and i dont want to start from scratch because thats actually not just time down the drain, but cash too. ive bought several of the prime access and to see my fashion frame go down the drain is a shame. not about to double 2160 hours on warframe and a couple hundred dollars to get back where i was, id rather that time and money get pilled onto what already exists but whats the point in that on console when id just be playing solo and without friends on pc?

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Long story short: suits gonna suit. Epic pulled it off with Fortnite because they have the money and moneymaking power with the world's third most popular form of communication. Rocket League has such obvious mass appeal that Sony eventually figured out they were losing money by keeping their players locked out. Minecraft is a global phenomenon that appeals to just about everyone, and MS has, again, money out the butt.

DE is no small potatoes anymore, but they are relatively tiny and WF is a fairly obscure game in comparison. Not to mention WF just hit 7 years on PS4, so those contracts are comparably ancient. There's probably some clause in there about how each platform needs to get a feature if any OTHER platform does. See how Switch had a grace period for PC account transfers on launch. The forum mods have made it pretty clear that there's some sort of "respect" issue about allowing freely transferring accounts.

At this stage, I can almost guarantee it's not an issue of technology. Might get muddy with multi-forma builds, especially if your builds aren't in sync between platforms. But that's a databasing problem. The real issue, as far as I can tell, is getting Sony to get on board with cross-save. Microsoft has fairly reliably shown that they're making the Xbox more as a convenience for their customers (building a PC is only easy if you're good at it and patient), and Nintendo hardly has the monopoly on gaming it had in the 90s. Sony, meanwhile, showed pretty much constant arrogance through the PS4's lifespan, and while they're showing some sense with the PS5, time will tell.

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56 minutes ago, (XBOX)GrouwBer said:

Ok. not cross save but why not a time to sync up accounts ?

99% of the playes that want to transfer are just inative so saying

"consoles don't want to lose players " isnt a good argument to me.

Not a good argument but it is the reason none the less.  Though I don't see why it would not allow more pc to console copies like each system got when warframe was first ported over.  I didn't have a switch when warframe was ported over, I have one now, I would pay for another copy of my account on switch if they ever did that again.  People have been asking about it for years, and though they never have ruled it out completely they also have never done it a 2nd time to any platform.

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15 minutes ago, (XBOX)GrouwBer said:

"consoles don't want to lose players " isnt a good argument to me.

Then go and say "it isn't a good argument to me" to Microsoft and to Sony.

It is them that you have to convince. Not us forum-goers. Not DE.

Here. Go to talk to Microsoft and write them this in an email. I've just typed it for you.

"Hey Microsoft. You are wrong for not wanting to lose players. I, RandomInternetPerson#19726, am correct in saying that you are wrong. Now allow us to transfer accounts, because my arguments are very good and very thorough. I am sure I have now succeeded in convincing you. Thanks in advance for making this happen."

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the issue of tennogen still exists
DE has already paid the tennogen creators upfront to have their skins available on consoles for platinum
but the majority of the money they make comes from PC players who directly purchase their skins
it would be unfair to the artists especially those who did not agree to having their skins available for platinum
not to mention the amount of free to play players that would complain about not being able to have access to skins that the console players could get for free (even considering their less active trading system)

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best case scenario DE can convince all the artists to have their skins available exclusively for platinum on PC as well as consoles in return for increased upfront payment or some other compensation
worst case scenario all console players have their skins refunded for platinum which they may have not wanted since their intention could have been to only spend enough money to purchase the skins and not anything else the platinum could buy

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37 minutes ago, Dhrekr said:

Then go and say "it isn't a good argument to me" to Microsoft and to Sony.

i dont think its fair to say that consoles will lose players
many people prefer to play on consoles regrdless
in fact all of my friends play warframe on consoles despite some of them having made PC accounts before then
if DE could just synchronize the games updates properly there should be very few issues as far as i can see
its also possible that consoles could gain players from PC as PC players can also move over as well, as long as no single platform holds a non-subjective benefit over others it could work out

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3 minutes ago, HelNite said:

i dont think its fair to say that consoles will lose players


Then you join OP and go to talk to Microsoft.

Here. I'll write a suggestion for you.

"Hey Microsoft. You are wrong for not wanting to lose players. I don't think you will lose players. I have thought about it for two minutes and I am quite confident I am right. I, RandomInternetPerson#19727, am correct in saying that you are wrong in being afraid. Now allow us to transfer accounts, because my arguments are very good and very thorough. I am sure I have now succeeded in convincing you. Thanks in advance for making this happen."

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43 minutes ago, Dhrekr said:


Then you join OP and go to talk to Microsoft.

tbh i might not know what im talking about since i dont have a complete idea of what it takes to allow cross save for the game but do try to read my post again a second time very slowly and carefully

its understandable if microsoft is afraid of losing players but you are making it sound like it is a 100% guarantee
 maybe you should be talking to Microsoft

Here. I'll write a suggestion for you.

"Hey Microsoft. Your gaming device is an inferior model and I, RandomInternetPerson#19728, am correct in saying that you are wrong in thinking that you should continue to allow cross platforming with your product as you have done for many years with many games since it is inferior to PC gaming, this is definitely not my opinion that has been disproven by the fact that many of your games are already cross platform and played on your own platform as a majority such as the Halo series but is rather an undeniable fact and is not due to more people owning a PC than your console in the cases where it is not true. You should never allow people to transfer accounts ever again or you will definitely and without doubt lose all of your player base. In fact you should stop producing products in the first place. Thanks in advance for listening to and implementing my cultured and professional business advice."

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1 hour ago, HelNite said:

but do try to read my post again a second time very slowly and carefully


You gain nothing in telling me any of that stuff. I gain nothing in reading it. It is highly irrelevant to me.


This discussion has to be aimed exclusively at Microsoft and Sony. If you think you have something compelling or convincing in this argument, tell it to Microsoft or Sony.

(Who am I kidding, I fully expect you to vomit a seven-paragraph long attempt at "convincing" me.)

(As if I disagreed with you on the fact that Account Transfer wouldn't harm the platforms.)

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45 minutes ago, Dhrekr said:

(Who am I kidding, I fully expect you to vomit a seven-paragraph long attempt at "convincing" me.)

damn right i am except i dont need to convince you of anything nor do i intend to
just going to clear up you misinterpretations (and maybe add my own)

45 minutes ago, Dhrekr said:

(As if I disagreed with you on the fact that Account Transfer wouldn't harm the platforms.)

ok I may be stupid but it seems to me you did exactly that right here:

3 hours ago, Dhrekr said:

Hey Microsoft. You are wrong for not wanting to lose players.

or were you serious about that being sent over to Microsoft as of your recommendation?

45 minutes ago, Dhrekr said:

ou gain nothing in telling me any of that stuff. I gain nothing in reading it. It is highly irrelevant to me.

you seem to not be able to comprehensively read then
but it could be my fault for not being clear enough with my phrasing
so let me spell it out for you
i never stated that Microsoft or Sony will not lose players
i said that you cannot guarantee that they will
especially considering they have done it before without such

45 minutes ago, Dhrekr said:

This discussion has to be aimed exclusively at Microsoft and Sony. If you think you have something compelling or convincing in this argument, tell it to Microsoft or Sony.

this is true but
in case you did not notice i have not disagreed with your idea that this may hurt Microsoft
but instead mocked your wording that (at least to me) seems to imply that you know for an absolute fact how and why the current state of affairs of a trillion dollar company in regards to an indie game is
but maybe i should also remind you that Microsoft has its own application that already allows people to play all of their games (including warframe) on PC without the need for a console

that being said if you were to read my previous posts you would find that i dont exactly think its best for warframe to go cross platform either (albeit for different reasons than you)

hopefully that clears things up and if you still think im wrong lets just end the argument here anyway and agree to disagree about what is and is not expected to be plausible

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34 minutes ago, HelNite said:

you seem to not be able to comprehensively read then
but it could be my fault for not being clear enough with my phrasing
so let me spell it out for you
i never stated that Microsoft or Sony will not lose players

Ok, you got me.

I seriously thought you were being serious. Good prank.


Cheers. I consider this to be cleared up.

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I figured I should ask that question. I mean, I understand if it is a cloud save based on an account, but with the new Consoles, well, I thought it would be nice to be able to transfer said account to another system. 

I mean, I plan to not upgrade, just play all my games from the PC, but literally spent thousands of hours into Warframe, and I fear looking into how much money I spent into it too, but I really don't want to lose all that and start from the begining just because I chose not to have an upgrade in the consoles.

I am sure others have similar stories and me digging around about a roomer I heard involving being able to transfer acounts by January 2021 didn't churn anything up, so I figured I would ask bluntly incase someone else knew.

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On 2020-10-07 at 12:52 AM, Dzacez said:

This is why i cant play warframe anymore... as im not planing on getting a console ever again and really dont want to grind 10months and do all those mandatory archwing/boring quest before i can enjoy the game like i was... not even talking about the stupid amount of money thrown at it... any suggestion for a fast paced pve shooter on pc?

i agree 100%

why cant they just come out and say that publicly that they aren't bothered with cross save. im tired of being in the middle of  "They might release it soon" or  "never happening at all"

If they just come out and say "No, cross save is denied and we aren't going to work on it" i wouldn't mind and i could stop caring about the game and focus on other games, the conformation from de would really help but they keep side lining it.

and im not spending £450 just so i can play warframe with higher graphics, and im not spending 6-7 months trying to get my crap pc account up to date.

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vor 57 Minuten schrieb (XBOX)RazorMuffin03:

i agree 100%

why cant they just come out and say that publicly that they aren't bothered with cross save. im tired of being in the middle of  "They might release it soon" or  "never happening at all"

If they just come out and say "No, cross save is denied and we aren't going to work on it" i wouldn't mind and i could stop caring about the game and focus on other games, the conformation from de would really help but they keep side lining it.

and im not spending £450 just so i can play warframe with higher graphics, and im not spending 6-7 months trying to get my crap pc account up to date.

And that is the biggest issue with todays Online games or Games as a Sevice, is it to much to hassle with consoles and PC updates, instead of a straight game that lasts awhile and its time will be over one day or you can simply replay it without having to relay on it having servers or existing, guess why i still prefer simple singleplayer games still with a quick gameplay and story and nothing that tries to bind me forever to it.

Games need to stop trying to be forever as sad it sounds and people need to accept that nothing lasts forever and even beloved franchises need to die and go at times.

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