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Question about Ordis and counting stars


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"Ordis has been counting stars, Operator. All accounted for."

Question is how would Ordis know that all the Stars are counted for? since we were asleep and he was nothing short of a ship wreak before we fix him up.

How long were we asleep and would Ordis take this into count when he counts the Stars?

Or if all Stars are counted for, did us Tenno not sleep at all, and this is all like the Matrix and the Tenno are yet to wake up?

Fun Fact: On average, a supernova will occur about once every 50 years in a galaxy the size of the Milky Way. 


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Captain Pedantistm here.

"To be counting stars" is an idiom for "spacing out", "get lost in thoughts".

"All accounted for" is, in fact, a joke, a play on the idiom to make it into a quasi-productive activity.

It is his way of sayin "I was doing jack sh!t", he did not actually count stars.

Yours trully, Captain Pedantism.

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40 minutes ago, Firedtm said:

Fun Fact: On average, a supernova will occur about once every 50 years in a galaxy the size of the Milky Way. 

Yeah..no, otherwise the galaxy would already be dead. Not every star goes supernova, so there is no average to study, an average can't even be defined with our current level of tech.

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13 minutes ago, (XB1)Rez090 said:

Yeah..no, otherwise the galaxy would already be dead. Not every star goes supernova, so there is no average to study, an average can't even be defined with our current level of tech.

No, they're right, current estimates are 2-3 per century within our galaxy. The galaxy is still here because it's got a hundred billion or so spares. At one every fifty years, it'd take 5 trillion years for the Milky Way to run out of stars... unless I dropped a zero somewhere.

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Back when the Dry Dock became available, Ordis sent out a message about finding the schema for it in the red shift data from his latest routine star count and mentions scanning it first to make sure his sensors were working. So I think he is literally counting stars but for an advanced piece of Orokin tech that we leave alone a lot while on mission, literal star counting might be the equivalent of doing nothing. 

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56 minutes ago, (XB1)Rez090 said:

Yeah..no, otherwise the galaxy would already be dead. Not every star goes supernova, so there is no average to study, an average can't even be defined with our current level of tech.

with Hundreds of Millions Billions of Stars, the Milky Way Galaxy will not be running out of Stars any time soon...


1 hour ago, (XB1)CaligulaTwily said:

I just assumed that Orokin technology was powerful enough to literally see the edge of the universe. So Ordis can actually see every star in the universe, can keep track of them. Could probably count every star in a few minutes, does it in-between our 5 minute missions for fun.

if the Tech that was powerful than he would be seeing Stars going Supernova all the time.

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17 minutes ago, Firedtm said:

with Hundreds of Millions of Stars, the Milky Way Galaxy will not be running out of Stars any time soon...


if the Tech that was powerful than he would be seeing Stars going Supernova all the time.

Plus I'm pretty sure more are forming as well, and any that go nova would just be accounted for under the "Stars that have exploded" category.  Heck, wouldn't surprise me if he had running odds on when stars were going to go nova.  The trouble will start when one day Ordis says "Ordis has been counting stars.  Several have gone missing in the recent weeks.  In scans of my damaged memory banks I have reconstructed worrying information that suggests plans for an Orokin weapon of terrifying power that would almost certainly result in similar events."

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to be fair, there really isn't much for Ordis to do outside of missions; Helminth manages the Life Support systems, we handle the decorating and earning funds to keep the ship running. this is why he needs to be given a Warframe or Mech of his own that he can control, so he can join us in the field and embrace his older self once more!

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10 hours ago, (XB1)Rez090 said:

Yeah..no, otherwise the galaxy would already be dead. Not every star goes supernova, so there is no average to study, an average can't even be defined with our current level of tech.

Don't forget that new stars are also forming while old ones die out.

To say nothing of how long it takes for a star to go through its life cycle. Our own sun is 4.5 billion years old, and is only about 1/3rd of the way through its lifespan. For reference, the current estimates for the beginning of the universe place it only about 13.8 billion years ago.

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Got to love discussions like this.

Reminds you of just how truly mind boggling huge the universe is.

The Milkyway isn't even considered a big galaxy and yet count billions of stars - and that's just the stars before counting the planetary bodies as well...

But, yeah, I'm pretty sure Ordis has power required to do a simple headcount and anomaly detection based on Orokin data and calculations. 😁

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