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Mastery Rank 30 catastrophy


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On 2020-10-11 at 2:04 PM, Norm_von_Dolbit said:

The latest devstream brought some pretty good news, especially glad to hear that old systems would be revised. However, the news about what rank 30 would be like shocked me.
UP to rank 30, players do not receive ANY significant or new advantages / opportunities over players of a lower rank, even the latest innovation - Helminth, is now available from rank 8, which is a joke. As a result, we have a situation where <30 rank NO SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES AND BONUSES AT ALL. > = 30 all of a sudden the player has something that is not available at a lower rank.

Uuuuh, what did they say? You're not very clear on this. You get to rank 30 and how are you different from rank 1-29 exactly?

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On 2020-10-11 at 7:04 AM, Norm_von_Dolbit said:

The latest devstream brought some pretty good news, especially glad to hear that old systems would be revised. However, the news about what rank 30 would be like shocked me.
UP to rank 30, players do not receive ANY significant or new advantages / opportunities over players of a lower rank, even the latest innovation - Helminth, is now available from rank 8, which is a joke. As a result, we have a situation where <30 rank NO SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES AND BONUSES AT ALL. > = 30 all of a sudden the player has something that is not available at a lower rank. I would understand this if rank 30 was something easily achievable, but this is far from the case, with such an attitude you DEVALUE the work and achievements of ALL players who are below rank 30. You are either rank 30 or you are nobody.
 I am very upset about this situation and consider it critical.

ADDED: I think i need to note that i don't want to take away upcoming rewards from MR 30 players, i think that lower ranks needs to be adressed too. Also i'm against elitism.

Farm your way to MR30, it only takes a few months. That's what I plan to do, will probably take me even less being at MR18 already. 

There needs to be a big reward for getting there. There should be. I am pleased with the reward and plan to grind my way there. 

I am not saying I love elitism, but MR30 is a big milestone, I don't see any issue with having a big leap in rewards, nor do I see it as a critical issue or agree that you are a "nobody" if you are not MR30 just because you don't have what they have access to. 

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Just now, Tesseract7777 said:

Farm your way to MR30, it only takes a few months. That's what I plan to do, will probably take me even less being at MR18 already. 

There needs to be a big reward for getting there. There should be. I am pleased with the reward and plan to grind my way there. 

I am not saying I love elitism, but MR30 is a big milestone, I don't see any issue with having a big leap in rewards, nor do I see it as a critical issue or agree that you are a "nobody" if you are not MR30 just because you don't have what they have access to. 

I think there are too many event specific weapons to get to MR30 in a few months. Even if they come to Baro, I'm pretty sure it'll take more than a few months to get it all. 


I personally think they need to avoid really special and unique rewards for MR30. I think what they've chosen to do is great. It gives things that are valued to a lot of end game players that are still obtainable to <MR30 players. Umbra forma, riven slots etc. Those in my opinion are great rewards for MR30. 

A unique emote and emoji makes perfect sense. It just gives you something to show off your accomplishment without having something that every players going to need or want.

The hood ornament I thought was a great choice as well because MR30 introduces the new customization as well as giving you a unique reward for it, that doesn't make <MR30 miss out on something huge.

The buff is an amazing idea. It's a direct bonus for the MR30 player, and a potential bonus to all other players. You don't even have to reach MR30 to gain benefits of it. 

I think they've handled MR30 well, still yet to see what legnedary ranks are. So not sure if I'll be completely happy with the system yet. But, I'm already looking at it as a great thing, even being someone who was heavily against MR30 specific rewards before the announcement. I don't like exclusive rewards that require that amount of work to achieve, but these exclusive rewards changed my perspective on these kinds of systems. 

If Legendary ranks give you a milestone reward token to skip the days needed to obtain it I would be beyond happy with this system. Playing the game to get to MR30+ for these rewards makes a lot more sense to me than logging in every day and not necessarily playing the game. It would feel much more like a milestone if I actually did something to get there. 

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1 час назад, Ishredpapers сказал:


Uuuuh, what did they say? You're not very clear on this. You get to rank 30 and how are you different from rank 1-29 exactly?

They will add something that can be ACTUALLY considered as a reward, for mastery rank 30. Befor MR 30 there are no ACTUAL rewards, just QoL boosts. Buff for affinity\damage\credits e.t.c. is a real thing, 3 umbra formas is a real thing. Thats how.

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20 минут назад, Tesseract7777 сказал:

Farm your way to MR30, it only takes a few months. That's what I plan to do, will probably take me even less being at MR18 already. 


Oh god how i love comments like this.
>there is a problem
>just ignore it


There needs to be a big reward for getting there. There should be. I am pleased with the reward and plan to grind my way there. 

Yes it needs to be a big reward, absolutely agree, i said otherwise?


I don't see any issue with having a big leap in rewards

Leap can be between something and something. Before MR 30 there are NO ACTUAL rewards. There is no leap, reward will be introdused for the first time.

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1 hour ago, NecroPed said:

I think there are too many event specific weapons to get to MR30 in a few months. Even if they come to Baro, I'm pretty sure it'll take more than a few months to get it all. 


I personally think they need to avoid really special and unique rewards for MR30. I think what they've chosen to do is great. It gives things that are valued to a lot of end game players that are still obtainable to <MR30 players. Umbra forma, riven slots etc. Those in my opinion are great rewards for MR30. 

A unique emote and emoji makes perfect sense. It just gives you something to show off your accomplishment without having something that every players going to need or want.

The hood ornament I thought was a great choice as well because MR30 introduces the new customization as well as giving you a unique reward for it, that doesn't make <MR30 miss out on something huge.

The buff is an amazing idea. It's a direct bonus for the MR30 player, and a potential bonus to all other players. You don't even have to reach MR30 to gain benefits of it. 

I think they've handled MR30 well, still yet to see what legnedary ranks are. So not sure if I'll be completely happy with the system yet. But, I'm already looking at it as a great thing, even being someone who was heavily against MR30 specific rewards before the announcement. I don't like exclusive rewards that require that amount of work to achieve, but these exclusive rewards changed my perspective on these kinds of systems. 

If Legendary ranks give you a milestone reward token to skip the days needed to obtain it I would be beyond happy with this system. Playing the game to get to MR30+ for these rewards makes a lot more sense to me than logging in every day and not necessarily playing the game. It would feel much more like a milestone if I actually did something to get there. 

Maybe it will take me a little longer than I think, but I don't mind. Those who prepared themselves earned this, so I don't see any reason they cannot have it. 

That being said, I agree with your overall post. I feel like the OP's only real issue is that he cannot do blessings until MR30, at least if I am interpreting correctly, but I feel like DE already fixed that particular FOMO by making it so the MR 30 can bless players at the relay, so it's not JUST the MR30 benefiting, anyone from any rank can benefit, and the MR30's get to feel like elders providing boosts to the whole community, and it really helps provide more of that connected "MMO" feeling, despite the missions only having four players each. I really think it will be a nice addition to the game. 

And if OP is just hung up on the three umbral forma idk, I mean, they are qol but you don't NEED them for any content, so I just don't see them as being that important. Those who reach MR30 get a nice little leg up on some extra umbral forma, but I can do any endless content in the game with any frame with no umbral forma at all. It's just a nice little qol for equipment. 

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1 minute ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Maybe it will take me a little longer than I think, but I don't mind. Those who prepared themselves earned this, so I don't see any reason they cannot have it. 

That being said, I agree with your overall post. I feel like the OP's only real issue is that he cannot do blessings until MR30, at least if I am interpreting correctly, but I feel like DE already fixed that particular FOMO by making it so the MR 30 can bless players at the relay, so it's not JUST the MR30 benefiting, anyone from any rank can benefit, and the MR30's get to feel like elders providing boosts to the whole community, and it really helps provide more of that connected "MMO" feeling, despite the missions only having four players each. I really think it will be a nice addition to the game. 

You might get lucky with newly released weapons overtaking the loss from missed event weapons so i'm sure it's still easily achievable in the near future. And yeah, those who have been here for everything would deserve to get this feature before anyone else who hasn't been here for the long haul. 

I agree, I feel like this adds a fresh new layer to the connection between players without needing any direct connection. 

The only problem I really see with MR as it is (and potentially what the OP is partly saying) is the lack of rewards between MR30 and the highest riven requirement (Not sure if anything else requires higher MR). But, at the same time I find the bonuses provided between levels for standing increases, extra loadouts etc. a good little bonus along the way. I feel we don't really need every MR level providing a spectacular reward. 

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13 минут назад, Tesseract7777 сказал:

I feel like the OP's only real issue is that he cannot do blessings until MR30, at least if I am interpreting correctly, but I feel like DE already fixed that particular FOMO by making it so the MR 30 can bless players at the relay, so it's not JUST the MR30 benefiting, anyone from any rank can benefit, and the MR30's get to feel like elders providing boosts to the whole community, and it really helps provide more of that connected "MMO" feeling, despite the missions only having four players each. I really think it will be a nice addition to the game. 

And if OP is just hung up on the three umbral forma idk, I mean, they are qol but you don't NEED them for any content, so I just don't see them as being that important. Those who reach MR30 get a nice little leg up on some extra umbral forma, but I can do any endless content in the game with any frame with no umbral forma at all. It's just a nice little qol for equipment. 

I thought i wrote all quite clearly.
I will try to explain as simply as i can:
1. There were NO rewards for MRs.
2. DE will add reward, so for the first time in the history of MR it will have ACTUAL reward.
3. Problem is that they adding reward only for MR30.

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7 minutes ago, Norm_von_Dolbit said:

I thought i wrote all quite clearly.
I will try to explain as simply as i can:
1. There were NO rewards for MRs.
2. DE will add reward, so for the first time in the history of MR it will have ACTUAL reward.
3. Problem is that they adding reward only for MR30.

1. There are rewards for increasing MR already, you just don't feel there is enough reward in comparison to MR30. It is a fact that you get increasingly qol as you rank up through MR, those rewards are actually rewards, even if you deem them inadequate. 

2. I disagree with your assessment of the situation, you are free to disagree with me of course and I respect that.

I don't personally think the disparity in rewards is an issue -- certainly not a pressing one.

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10 минут назад, Tesseract7777 сказал:

It is a fact that you get increasingly qol as you rank up through MR, those rewards are actually rewards, even if you deem them inadequate. 

I do not "deem", it is obvious gap in value between old "rewards" and upcoming ones is enormous. Good luck deeming that +1000 standing limit and +100 fissure limit is somewhat comparable to buff for affinity\damage e.t.c.

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17 minutes ago, Norm_von_Dolbit said:

I do not "deem", it is obvious gap in value between old "rewards" and upcoming ones is enormous. Good luck deeming that +1000 standing limit and +100 fissure limit is somewhat comparable to buff for affinity\damage e.t.c.

It's your opinion so deem is the perfect word. It just means you regard or consider the situation in a specific way -- A way I personally don't regard or consider the situation.

You also have said there are not any rewards at all. 

This is objectively not true. There are rewards, even if you "deem" them inadequate. 

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On 2020-10-11 at 4:04 AM, Norm_von_Dolbit said:

As a result, we have a situation where <30 rank NO SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES AND BONUSES AT ALL. > = 30 all of a sudden the player has something that is not available at a lower rank. I would understand this if rank 30 was something easily achievable, but this is far from the case, with such an attitude you DEVALUE the work and achievements of ALL players who are below rank 30. You are either rank 30 or you are nobody.
 I am very upset about this situation and consider it critical.

ADDED: I think i need to note that i don't want to take away upcoming rewards from MR 30 players, i think that lower ranks needs to be adressed too. Also i'm against elitism.

It's a little odd how big the jump is in rewards from MR 29 to 30.  But great rewards for new stuff we all will be able to do doesn't strike me as elitist, nor does it make me think more rewards are needed for stuff we've already done.  

Since you don't want the MR 30 stuff changed, that's what it boils down to, right?  More rewards all around.  What rewards do you want exactly?  

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19 minutes ago, xcrimsonlegendx said:

I seem to have missed the catastrophe part.

OP isn't close to rank 30 and since rank 30 is getting a few things its utterly horrible because they won't have access to it immediately.
That seems to be the entirety of the issue.
Some players get a few things that OP won't have access to.

And we have no idea how significant the buff will be...I doubt it'll be that large, otherwise it hurts booster sales.
And I am willing to be that it'll be some form of a resource sink...I don't see the booster being completely free either.

So OP is making a mountain out of a mole-hill; and one that we barely know anything about; because he won't be able to use it right now.

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Not gonna lie , I am kinda dissapointed with what was announced as the rewards for sticking around and playing the game for the last 7 years.

  • The 15 Loadout Slots and 30 Riven slots are nice and all, as it does add up to 900 Plat worth of slots, but it's not exactly something you can show off to other players and be proud to wear as a symbol of all the time and effort you put in the game. It's a good reward, but It doesn't have the wow factor of getting let's say an exclusive armor set for your frame / operator or a cool exclusive weapon for your efforts, something you can get in a mission and show off to other players with.
  • Likewise, while giving a hood ornement for liset and an emote is a step in the right direction in terms of giving you exclusive cosmetic stuff you can show off, it's not enough. Steve was already talking about other hood ornaments being added to lisets in the near future, meaning before long it'll be common to see probably even cooler hood ornaments ,and nobody will care about that very first hood ornament that's been outclassed by cooler ones and that's visible for 30 seconds per mission start. Likewise, an emote can only be seen when you activate it on purpose with other players around, unlike a cool exclusive syandana / armor set / ephemera that you can enjoy looking at every second you are playing the game.
  • The relay buff idea is a great idea, but there's way too little know about how it will actually perform to be hyped about it. I fully expect it to be a crappy 30 minute unstackable affinity booster or something... Hope I'm wrong and it's at least a six hours long booster that can stack if multiple MR30s are present at the same relay, but I fully expect it to be a barely usable feature that nobody really cares about just like the short 30 minutes boosters you sometimes get in rare caches and that are already half-consumed by the time you load into another mission after finishing the one you were doing.
  • This one is more of a gripe, but you just made all the Mastery Sigil Ugly / Bugged with the logo redesign... Meaning the reward for finally reaching max rank is a sigil i'm no longer wearing because it looks like a bugged monocolored square on my character no matter what color I choose. Even if it wasn't bugged, it's now looking way less cool than the old MR30 Sigil Was, and looks terrible when used as a ship decoration by using the  <RANK_30>  text in text decoration for ship.
  • You're adding prestige ranks after MR30 anyway, which Was expected, but kinda cheapens the feel of finally reaching the top of the food chain , so to speak. Hopefully the MR30 Rank will still have meaning and all player will not immediately become known as "New Master Rank 1" the second they reach this milestone...




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I'm confused how rewarding reaching MR 30 is elitism.

Either way, there are rewards throughout earlier ranks, and it's not as if the earlier ranks really take all that much time to justify any additional rewards. The first several mastery ranks could actually be achieved within 1 day easily if it weren't for the time gated nature of the mastery rank up tests. It honestly doesn't really slow down until somewhere after MR20. Overtime it gets easier and easier to reach MR 20+ due to more and more weapons to earn simultaneously. Someone starting now can earn weapons from several syndicates at a time, where as starting a couple years ago you had less to earn throughout each time gate.

My partner barely plays the game and she started last year, and she still managed to hit MR 23.

You being only 19 is of your own choice, and in the end, all you're really asking is to be rewarded even more than you have for not actually playing the game... which is why Helminth, and most things have low MR requirements anyways. So many people sitting around MR15 even after multiple years demanding they keep being rewarded and included in content all while refusing to participating in Warframe's progression. If anything, you should be thankful DE constantly keeps everything tied to such low MRs, rather than whining there's finally something tied to higher MR.

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21 minutes ago, TheGrimCorsair said:

DE should remove all rewards from the MR system. There shouldn't be anything to gain from grinding out all the weapons and gear except a little badge that you're MR30.

That doesn't make sense. Plus, it makes sense in lore that you get rewards for it. Besides, all of MR beyond MR16 as of know is all QoL.

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