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Thanks for Watching Home Devstream #12/ Devstream #152


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These are my thoughts as I was watching the DevStream. Keep up the good work! 💖 See you next month!


In the opening, the questions Rebecca was asking Steve, Geoff, Scott, and Sheldon were not fair. She could have told them ahead of time what topics to prepare answers for. Her putting the guys on the spot served only to sabotage my confidence.

The harness system of Railjack 3.0 sounds like an excellent change. Void Storms sound cool. Connecting game modes is promising. Suggested name for the harness system: C.R.A.D.L., Cooperation ReAction Destruction Locomotion.

Good to know that the team does not like the huge gulf between melee vs guns. I'm glad there's a +90/-10 guns/melee in their plans. I hope the end results are balanced. Can we get pitchfork melees? lol

I hope riding the Ghoul Saw can be activated easily. Looking forward to it.

Good question about the "is defense/mobile defense the core game mode?" I hope they incorporate more modes.

The Third Orb into new Trials? Sounds good.

Corpus Liches are not being released in spring? Now I know.

Yay no more purple Lotus! lol

Looking forward to Sevagoth. AKA Dr.Jeckel and Mr.Hyde. Definitely makes me think of Razor from Geshin Impact. I'm excited to see the new wrist mounted cannon.

I'm surprised the team didn't want to touch rivens. If guns are going to get buffed, then the riven locks should be in development too.

I hope the pets/companions system gets tweaked.

Not thrilled with the list of questions. Too short. But some of them were very good.

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Lovely stream!

Comment on the puzzle thing, if yall go with it, can it revolve around the enemy?

Like i play warframe to beat stuff up and that alone, so if there had to be a puzzle it would reall be nice if it was about figuring out what combo to use on an enemy or enemies, what angles everyone should be attacking it from, whens the perfect time for everyone to attack, figuring out who should be watching your back while you deal with something, who should be counter attacking and what not

Things like that as opposed to old raids where you just search and stand on buttons. I was a fan of raids but it was for the team coordination challenge, not the puzzles themself.

Eidolons are like 1/4 of what i mean by a puzzle based enemy. Im rating it 1 out 4 for complexity in comparison

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Absolutely excited for these changes. The Harness is a superb idea! A lot of the reasons I would usually go Railjack solo/with real life friends, or not go at all, is precisely due to the fact that there's very little chances of finding a team with an actual good RJ. This should enable me to matchmake much more often.

I also love the Arcane/Orphix Venom inclusion. Still, I hope the grind to reward ratio are better balanced this time between pc and consoles.

And the plan to release the new quest on all platforms? Yes please! Keep that system running forever, by me.

Keep up the great work!

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A good and very informative devstream, although I must admit I'm not sure what to think about the avionic respec and change.
On one hand this will make it less dependent on the host, but at the same time lessens the connection to the railjack itself.
How will this handle battle avionics? Will each person have their own to launch from the ship, or will it be somehow tied to all party members?
Looking forward to seeing more detail in the march dev workshop.

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I love melee.   But yeah non AoE guns just cant compete.   Mag/ammo counts to low,  damage to low vs someone who obliterates stuff with abilities or melee,  game to laggy/other factors making you miss shots.   

promoting a gun/melee style of play is a horrible idea.   If I have to smack something with melee to improve the damage/effectiveness of my GUN that means the enemy is already waaaaaaay to close.   So that style of mod is absolutely garbage in my mind.    Guns just need raw increases.   Better base multi, base damage,  some kinda homing ability.   

not sure what the heck the hate on melee speed is.   If you use 3-5 mods for speed who cares??   You are sacrificing other things.   (I dont mind slow animation for the visuals.     The smart thing would be to make speed act like multi,  the animation speed never changes..  one swing just counts as multiple..........  I would love that and I only use 1 speed mod per melee)


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I watched the live stream longer than 30 mins but did not recevie the Umbra Forma Blueprint drop! 

At first the screen also showed the notice of how much time was left to drop, after a while I came back and the notice was gone. I refreshed the page and there was no indication, then the live stream ended and I didn't receive any drop. But I watched for over 30 minutes!

It is said in the Campaigns page:


First I was told that the Arcane that I had worked so hard to farm are now already worthless, and now I'm told that we won't give you this precious Umbra Forma reward even though you watched more than half an hour of the live stream, isn't that too cruel for a player? 

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1 minute ago, Neugier2020 said:

I watched the live stream longer than 30 mins but did not recevie the Umbra Forma Blueprint drop! 

At first the screen also showed the notice of how much time was left to drop, after a while I came back and the notice was gone. I refreshed the page and there was no indication, then the live stream ended and I didn't receive any drop. But I watched for over 30 minutes!

It is said in the Campaigns page:


First I was told that the Arcane that I had worked so hard to farm are now already worthless, and now I'm told that we won't give you this precious Umbra Forma reward even though you watched more than half an hour of the live stream, isn't that too cruel for a player? 

I saw a thing at the beginning saying we have to  unlink and relink our accounts to twitch drop 2.0.................

Im worried I wont get the umbra either but I havent checked yet.  

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1分钟前 , (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ 说:

刚开始我看到一件事,说我们必须取消链接并将其重新链接到twitch drop 2.0..。


I did it a long time ago, and I have received the drop Octavia Noggle days ago. But there was a problem with today's drop Umbra Forma , and I didn't receive it.

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I don't know if changing Railjack modding will be welcome. Right now, you can build you railjack as you want with different mods and reactor.

I can understand the change on forge for revolite, but, how that will change the engineer role? 

New railjack modding, will It change the HP/armor/shield each player see on railjack?-It has no sense on It.

What will happen with railjack armaments?

Originally, railjack was supposed to be different with normal modding, so adding forma systems, along with level system on railjack; how that will affect the system with reactor/shield/engines differences?

If we want to have different builds, with different engines/shields/reactor and different mods, will this be similar to kuva weapon as you  forma a reactor and then you add mods to It? or how this will be?

It would be nice to have at least the actual Railjack UI, even If it is added the forma system to It, as railjack is different from the rest of the game.


How will Intrincsic system will change? I'm saving some intrinsic (I didn't level up some levels when It was announced the commander Intrinsic) to level up completly the commander Intrinsic when It appears in the game.


I think the main problem on railjack is the ingame content and how to get some railjack parts as Its only appear in some specific missions (zekti mk3). Maybe, allowing a faster way to get some railjack part and adding the contect to connect with warframe (that the void missions anounced today) can be enough to be more playable.


Furthermore, will OpLink be used on railjack more? I think that It could be used in new mission (like old Raids) where OpLink is used and Railjack is needed. Railjack could be used for endgame missions in addition with Oplink, that needs squds to be in contact.


When It is supposed to be released Duviri Paradox? It is the update many people are waiting and It could be nice to see some are related, If it is not related with "Call of the Tempestary".


Finally, shouldn't devstream delayed in time to explain MORE new incoming content that weren't able to do it well once every 2 weeks?

It wasn't announced too much today, and broke down our hopes to get "Call of the Tempestary" early. As the new adventure was announced on January when Orphix venom was released on consoles, many people think this update was nearly finished to launch on March, when Orphix Venom finished on consoles.


It would be nice to set Spring/summer Tags when main adventures are announced to be the next one. 


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I STILL haven't gotten my Octavia noggle from this weeks twitch drop. I also have not received the Umbra Forma yet, though the stream only recently ended so it might just be delayed. 

However, the Octavia Noggle was days ago and I still haven't gotten it in-game yet. I perfectly linked up and even re-linked when you guys said we needed to. I would very much appreciate a fix on this.

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18 minutes ago, Neugier2020 said:

I watched the live stream longer than 30 mins but did not recevie the Umbra Forma Blueprint drop! 

At first the screen also showed the notice of how much time was left to drop, after a while I came back and the notice was gone. I refreshed the page and there was no indication, then the live stream ended and I didn't receive any drop. But I watched for over 30 minutes!

It is said in the Campaigns page:


First I was told that the Arcane that I had worked so hard to farm are now already worthless, and now I'm told that we won't give you this precious Umbra Forma reward even though you watched more than half an hour of the live stream, isn't that too cruel for a player? 

Did you relink your accounts like they said multiple times? If so, did you check your twitch inventory? There's a second step to claiming it now.

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8 minutes ago, BionicFreak said:

I STILL haven't gotten my Octavia noggle from this weeks twitch drop. I also have not received the Umbra Forma yet, though the stream only recently ended so it might just be delayed. 

However, the Octavia Noggle was days ago and I still haven't gotten it in-game yet. I perfectly linked up and even re-linked when you guys said we needed to. I would very much appreciate a fix on this.

You have to claim them from your twitch inventory as well.

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9 minutes ago, Neugier2020 said:

I watched the live stream longer than 30 mins but did not recevie the Umbra Forma Blueprint drop! 

At first the screen also showed the notice of how much time was left to drop, after a while I came back and the notice was gone. I refreshed the page and there was no indication, then the live stream ended and I didn't receive any drop. But I watched for over 30 minutes!

It is said in the Campaigns page:


First I was told that the Arcane that I had worked so hard to farm are now already worthless, and now I'm told that we won't give you this precious Umbra Forma reward even though you watched more than half an hour of the live stream, isn't that too cruel for a player? 

Yeah seems like quite a few of us were tricked by the Umbra forma promise. Me personally I got screwed by the unlink and relink thing as I didnt know about it and was just listening to the tail end of the stream when I got up this morning. May I ask why we had to unlink and relink? I understand that Warframe was moving over to a new twitch drop system, BUT this honestly should have been taken care of for us as an automatic thing rather than making more work for us and tripping up folks.

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il y a 3 minutes, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ a dit :

No Umbra forma here on twitch drop 1.0/ps4....   you expect people to rearrange their day so they can watch these and never even bother to tell us we have to upgrade to 2.0 to receive the drops.....     missing an Umbra forma HURTS.  

Yeah they clearly didn't tell us to .... 

Oh crap they did, try again, they ain't here to recall it 50 times a week.

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Stalker Prime AKA Father Stalker

I had posted an idea for the third chapter into Stalker early into Nightwave. This was before Xazu and the reworked Tutorial mission (both of which are perfect for this chapter).

Lore and Mission: The Stalker’s hesitation had cost him an ally. The Tenno had found themselves and with every encounter, they confirmed they’re new found strength. Questions and doubts swirled his mind, until the voice in his head called to him. The events of Second Dream had caused the Stalker’s Operator to reject that they are one in the same, creating a split personally. The mission/content the Tenno racing to save the captured Alad V as the Stalker retraces our steps through key content: Second Dream, the War Within, (new edit: Opening Tutorial) and the Sacrifice before creating his cult of Operator disciples “The Disconnected Flock”, the lost Operators who failed to transference after Alad V’s old experiments (This could also have bonus content if played with Xazu.) Years in the dark has made them crazy.

The point was to fix Tenno from ganging up on Stalker when he pops up in a mission. You could even add the bubble from Orphix Venom to force Operators out of their Frames.

Changes: This Stalker rework is not designed to change the current 2 versions of the Stalker. This is a third evolution.

Against Solo: Stalker appears like normal. His encounter is now broken into stages. After his first weapon resistance is triggered, he gains a short Shield gating to vanish, only to reappear with the hooded Operator fighting alongside him (like Umbra). Defeat the Stalker to finish the fight. The moment another player joins the party, Stalker brings his disciples for party encounter.

Against parties: First I would fix the ratio problem. When Stalker appears he will be accompanied by 8 “Disconnected” disciples. Stalker will be surrounded by a high, spinning glass wall, similar to Gara’s wall, and seated watching on as 4 of his disciples aggressively attacks with melee Prism Amps and powers. The other 4 are hidden throughout the room chanting healing prayers. A ninth hooded Operator stands with him inside the shield wall, watching. Defeating a disciple shatters a wall. After defeating 4 disciples, Stalker joins the fight similar to the Solo encounter. Stopping Stalker at any time stops the assassination, causing any remaining disciples to vanish in smoke.

Weapons and Drops: Stalker's Despair makes a return with a much need buff to its stats. (Why are Hate and Despair higher drops than Dread, when Dread is far better?) Paired with it is a new two-handed Nikana forged from his half of Broken War. I suck at stats so add your suggestions below. Along with the Stalker drops, Tenno will gain standing to buy the melee Prism parts, Nikana blueprint, his Shoulder Guard and others from the Stalker Syndicate preaching in the Relay.

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43 minutes ago, LillyRaccune said:

In the opening, the questions Rebecca was asking Steve, Geoff, Scott, and Sheldon were not fair. She could have told them ahead of time what topics to prepare answers for. Her putting the guys on the spot served only to sabotage my confidence.

Conversely; Rebecca does a lot to prepare for these streams, the guys are literally dropping into them blind and make virtually no preparation that Rebecca doesn't prompt them for.

The fact that any of them, like Geoff, actually come prepared with content is purely down to the prep work that Rebecca does.

The questions she asks at the start are supposed to take advantage of the unprepared nature of her co-hosts, and always have been, and it's why they start off with super-fluffy questions like 'what would you tell your 8 year younger self?' rather than actual hard questions like 'why is X bug still in the game?'.

The way she started actually built up my opinion of her, because so much of her prepared content is super stiff and cringey, but this time she went with softballs first and then built to the actual hard questions as the stream settled.

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just posting this for proof and maybe others will see it.

The umbra forma did not drop but I get this message from twitch saying Error Occurred drop was not claimed. Also, at the same time i get a confirmation on twitch saying that the umbra forma blueprint was claimed. It's a oxymoron situation and I wanted to go ahead and share.


I did not try to claim the umbra forma during the stream. I did notice that twitch. tv/drops/inventory was receiving data that I was on the livestream by showing a % which was increasing before I exited that inventory tab. 



update: The forma was delivered


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10分钟前 , DrinkingRock 说:

Did you relink your accounts like they said multiple times? If so, did you check your twitch inventory? There's a second step to claiming it now.

I did everything. This isn't the first time I watched warframe live stream, I've received previous drops before . I only didnt receive this goddamm precious umbra drop of today !

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Just now, zombi3h3art said:

just posting this for proof and maybe others will see it.

The umbra forma did not drop but I get this message from twitch saying Error Occurred drop was not claimed. Also, at the same time i get a confirmation on twitch saying that the umbra forma blueprint was claimed. It's a oxymoron situation and I wanted to go ahead and share.


I did not try to claim the umbra forma during the stream. I did notice that twitch. tv/drops/inventory was receiving data that I was on the livestream by showing a % which was increasing before I exited that inventory tab. 



update: The forma was delivered


better than i got. i reconnected my account everyday (removing it from twitch and warframe before reconnecting), and i never got anything

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Can you adjust the twitch drops time frame in the future to allow for some overtime to still count towards watch time, really sucks getting to 96% and still having the stream go over long enough to finish out that drop time.  The old twitch drop system would have allowed the drop to still be gotten during overtime. 

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59 minutes ago, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:

I love melee.   But yeah non AoE guns just cant compete.   Mag/ammo counts to low,  damage to low vs someone who obliterates stuff with abilities or melee,  game to laggy/other factors making you miss shots.   

promoting a gun/melee style of play is a horrible idea.   If I have to smack something with melee to improve the damage/effectiveness of my GUN that means the enemy is already waaaaaaay to close.   So that style of mod is absolutely garbage in my mind.    Guns just need raw increases.   Better base multi, base damage,  some kinda homing ability.   

not sure what the heck the hate on melee speed is.   If you use 3-5 mods for speed who cares??   You are sacrificing other things.   (I dont mind slow animation for the visuals.     The smart thing would be to make speed act like multi,  the animation speed never changes..  one swing just counts as multiple..........  I would love that and I only use 1 speed mod per melee)


Absolutely love this idea. Make speed mods act as multi-hit mods so the animations stay the same speed but hit more times. That way you don''t have to program animations to work despite crazy speeds and instead can focus on balancing them for multi-hit.

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