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Dev Workshop: Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack


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12 hours ago, Raptoreagle2000 said:


the other thing I’m not sure is the changes to mission structure. Will all railjack missions require Tenno on the ground doing something? 

They intended the answer to be "yes" from day one. That's why we had to keep blowing up those pulse turbines and missile batteries, that's why you had to board crewships a few times before you could unlock the megalaser. Don't pretend you didn't see this coming

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Looking forward to this integration of Railjack – looks promising. 

As I grinded the Railjack in its first iteration on X-box, with all its bugs and avionics/wreckage not being marked – farming for Void hole (when it was good) we focused on making my friend Railjack the best for starters and later, when I got the right MK3 guns, engine, reactor and shield array I repaired those (later valance a few times) to make mine a maxed out Railjack, with maxed out Intrinsic and today I have nearly 500.000 DIAC in excess.

I have no idea if I have completed at least 30 Wreckage or not. If it means that I have repaired, valance and dismantled more than 30 then yes, but if it only means I have repaired or valance then I don´t know, and I have no way of telling. 

But I would call myself an early adaptor of Railjack and I should be eligible for Tier 3. 

So DE we need clarification on the meaning of : 

Player has completed at least 30 Wreckage: Tier 3

Or you should change this to be measured on your Intrinsic level or something that is more clear for us as players to see if we are eligible or not. 

One thing for sure I’m not going to repair a lot of stuff I don´t need and then dismantle it, that's counterproductive, and its not in yours or your players best interest. 

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Thought I'll weigh in on this, stuff that I like and stuff I don't. Probably not much more needed opinion than any other, but I'll at least know that I did my part and analyzed it as far as feedback goes.

14 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

First thing’s first: if you have yet to build your Railjack as part of the Rising Tide Quest, the cost of ship components and the time it takes for each one to build has been dramatically reduced (the difference in cost will be part of our early adopter compensation below). Simply put: less Grind.

In general, less grind is alright but Railjack wasn't much grindy to acquire. It had an okay mission and gave me something to do while seeing the progress build up. You've found overall issue, then tried to tackle it in a thing that didn't contribute to an issue I am afraid.

14 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

It’s almost paradoxical that as a Free to Play game we don’t put these new items in the Market. There really isn’t a good reason, either, and players with Platinum - whether bought or traded - really have made it clear they’d like the option to buy new items.

Not at all. It's paradoxical when Free to Play games put items up for sale for real money. While microtransactions are common and are the lifeblood of Warframe like they are of many other games, it wasn't paradoxical at all. On that note, people want new things on the market, yes, but railjacks aren't that often mentioned. Thankfully the change isn't big either way, or I'd be worried.

14 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

We hope that reverting back to the familiar Modding screen will help lessen the learning curve for new players. The shift to personal Mod loadouts should also allow for a more consistent gameplay experience, including public matchmaking.

Kinda reluctant about that part. "More consistent gameplay experience" isn't as good as "varied gameplay experience" I had so far by flying on various railjacks with varied avionics for different approaches to fighting and specialization. Right now this "consistent experience" suggests simply "you'll get the same stuff with the same set of playes everywhere unless you will get out of your way to play it differently", no need to adjust. Avionics didn't take long to get used to - in many ways it was similar to mods in its inception, it's the flying itself, different type of battlefield and mechanics that had to be learned during battles that needed one to learn a bit - but that's because it was new, interesting things, not just reheated old stuff. I'll see how it'll work in practice.

14 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

For added convenience, the Plexus can be Modded in several locations: in your Dry Dock terminal (like before), in the new Dry Docks found in various Relays (accessible via Fast Travel), and even in your own Orbiter!

14 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

One last stop before you’re ready to go: the Dry Dock. If you don’t have access to a clan Dry Dock, fear not! Publicly available Dry Docks can be found in the Second and Third tier relays (Saturn - Kronia and Pluto - Orcus relays on PC) on each Platform..

These are very good change. In general, any aspect of management of a railjack that isn't dependant on dojo is good. I wonder now though if a dojo' dock will offer any functionality unique to it or it will become redundant by these changes. It may look nice, but given how much space it takes, I probably won't care for it anymore if it is to be just a big decoration.

14 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Which is to say - your Crew will help you out provided a Tenno cannot!

The aspect of the railjacks I look most forward to. I hope that the idea of being able to crew the ship with converted liches as superior crewmembers wasn't scrapped. If we talk about seamless integration, it's liches which seem to be kinda detached from regular gameplay after conversion.

14 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Speaking of Shield, Engines, and Weapons (Armaments and Components), we have significantly reduced the Resources required to build options from the Wreckage you acquire. Simply put, yet again, less Grind.

Now, here I can somewht agree - these parts were the ones grindy. At the same time, I wonder about how players who went through all this when railjack was just new and grinded it all before several price reductions came in will feel about it. Some unique decoration for effort put in to max out various pieces of equipment and material refund could salve a bit of annoyance.

14 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Now for the “Early Adopters” information. Whether you’re someone that’s already ‘finished’ Railjack or have just a couple of hours under your belt - we have a variety of bundles you may be eligible for!

This is nice, but what do you mean by "Complete wreckage"? Repaired it? For example, I played a lot, got my railjack maxed out but I didn't repair that many wreckages - only the stuff I really wanted or needed. Does that mean I am not eligible for any decent rewards because of being picky with what did I repair? If that's the case, I confess I will be more annoyed and feel scammed than if there'd be no rewards at all. Something like acquired wreckages, spent resources and so on would be much better metrics.

14 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Since Avionics are now treated like regular Mods, Dirac (the upgrade Resource for Avionics) is being converted into Endo, for a more cohesive upgrading experience.

A nice, little change. Since endo keeps being useful for longer, it piles up far less than dirac which at some point is just numbers going up and up.

14 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

This area is essentially no more - all of the ship’s vital functions have been compressed into a single smaller space, to reduce traversal time between stations.

That's good. Personally, I just hoped for that area to have more cool, little things, be they functional or customizations for decoration, but if there's nothing in the plans for that, I'll take faster navigation of the ship's interior.

14 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

In a pinch, crafting more ammo in the cargo hold will replenish the stockpiles of all Tenno aboard, so dedicated Engineers can still make a huge impact on gameplay. It’s the best of all worlds!

I am afraid it's too optimistic and sadly wrong. Late-game railjacks already have engineers become redundant - people just teleport to the cargo hold, craft what they need and leave and only if there's some resource lacking which, again - late game rarely ever happens for anything but the Tunguska cannon (and even that can be done away with through avionics) unless someone flies several missions back-to-back without rebuilding ammo stores in the meantime.

14 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

One other important change to note about the energy economy - as part of the transition from Railjack-based Avionics to player-based Harnesses, Battle/Tactical abilities will now be fueled by Warframe energy, and Flux Energy will be completely removed from the game (any Avionics that relate to it will be converted to Endo)

A very bad change, a very unwise change. "Holy crap what are you doing" change. Expect people to just build a handful of highest max energy warframes into batteries and scoff at those who just wanted to fly around using whatever warframe. I enjoyed the fact that so far in the battle I was to rely more on a ship I was merely a crewmember of (even if it was my ship). Now between Plexus and various aspects of railjack being dependant on warframes, the novelty of railjacks is gone. "Streamlined, consistent gameplay experience"? Maybe, but so would be "we deleted all weapons from the game, you now have one rifle, one sword and one warframe". Doesn't mean it would be fun.

I'll be honest, if my railjack stats have to depend on other players, then you simply force me to fly alone. Guess now there's more of a reason to wait for those NPC crewmembers.

14 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

This includes the removal of the Gian Point node. A decision that was not made lightly, but in the interest of improving the variety of missions played we felt it was a necessary step.

Painful, but as someone who farmed that myself I can't say that it's unexpeected. I do hope however there will be missions concentrated on idea of shorter-lasting but much more challenging battles in the future. Something to make even high-level railjacks require some skill and consideration but for decent reward. As a player who finished most of what this part of mechanics has to offer, I won't be interested much in replaying missions otherwise.

I look forward to new campaign/story missions and corpus equivalent of liches, still hoping those liches will be more meaningful and have greater role when they're converted.

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13 minutes ago, (XBOX)Calvindk said:

So DE we need clarification on the meaning of : 

Player has completed at least 30 Wreckage: Tier 3

Or you should change this to be measured on your Intrinsic level or something that is more clear for us as players to see if we are eligible or not. 

I'm also in the same situation, farmed every intrinsic (just to clarify i have every intrinsic rank 10 and 1024 additional intrinsics for command , am i eligible for tier 3? guess not)  land better roll weapons and components before valence transfer was a thing , never bought slots because repairing things cost an arm and a leg so I won't get the tier 3 wich I deserve, but someone that started after the reduce of the build cost and increase of drops with half of time and intrinsics will get tier 3, makes no sense .

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About energy: this may be a good chance to experiment with a fixed amount+passive energy regen setup.

It would limit ability spam (which can absolutely render turret fire redundant) and offer another railjack upgradable stat to grind for that isn't tied to specific warframes and warframe builds.

Unless you plan on balancing our enormous energy reserves with extremely scarce orb drop-rates, which ofc doesn't address pizza spamming.

Rest of the changes look very promising.

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I agree with many others that the current metric for the early adopters isn't a good way to gauge how invested/how much effort a person put into railjack.

If I were to come up with a solution I would use a milestone approach with tiers being based on how many milestones a person has reached.  Some of the milestones used could be:

  • Has built their own railjack (required to receive rewards).
  • Has 1 equipment slot filled with Mk 3 gear
  • Has 2 equipment slots filled with Mk 3 gear
  • Has 3 equipment slots filled with Mk 3 gear
  • Has 4 equipment slots filled with Mk 3 gear
  • Has 5 equipment slots filled with Mk 3 gear
  • Has 6 equipment slots filled with Mk 3 gear
  • Has 1 intrinsic category at rank 3
  • Has 1 intrinsic category at rank 7
  • Has 1 intrinsic category at rank 10*
  • Has 2 intrinsic categories at rank 3
  • Has 2 intrinsic categories at rank 7
  • Has 2 intrinsic categories at rank 10
  • Has 3 intrinsic categories at rank 3
  • Has 3 intrinsic categories at rank 7
  • Has 3 intrinsic categories at rank 10
  • Has 4 intrinsic categories at rank 3
  • Has 4 intrinsic categories at rank 7
  • Has 4 intrinsic categories at rank 10
  • Has 5 avionic grids at rank 3
  • Has 10 avionic grids at rank 3
  • Has 15 avionic grids at rank 3

This is a rough list off the top of my head and milestones can be added or removed, but I believe this approach would allow you to consider a player's entire railjack profile rather then just their wreckage, which can be 'gamed' by repairing a bunch of low cost Mk 1 gear assuming that Mk 1 gear is counted towards the total.


* I chose ranks 3 7 and 10 for the intrinsics because rank 3 and 7 are required to progress to Saturn and the Veil respectively and 10 for those who completed the tree.

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Will we be able to farm Riven Transmuters in railjack as well?
If not, allow us to buy them from Palladino at Iron Wake (for Riven Slivers), or at least for platinum in the Market, or make them tradeable from other players.

I really don't want to be forced to do eidelon hunts just to get transmuters, please give us an alternative!

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Looking good so far, but I’m a bit concerned about modding and scared about being ´´forced’´ to forma, but otherwise doesn’t really bothers me.

Stamina removal is great, especially with recent change that made sprint last like 3 seconds.

I’m also concerned about how useful will our mates be, I don’t want my crewmates (liches) to be as useless as normal mission, especially if their purpose is just to constantly break stealth.


Kinda concerned about energy use, it’ll probably force us to run big-pooled frame with dispensary.


Finally I’m concerned about the wreckage rewards part, I’m among the people that played and grinded RJ from the beginning, but the 30 wreckage part needs to be reviewed, I feel like I’m being punished for not waiting valence system and thus not making me eligible because I had the best components before valence hits the RJ.

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Apologies if this seems to be long-winded and a little wingy but I loved the idea of rail jack ever since its first teaser being a lover of multi crew combat in other games such as space engineers and although it had problems it wasn't far from being an amazing part of the game. With the much needed different mission types and some slight changes, it would have been perfect it meant so much when grinding for new systems and combining them to make your railjack more effective such as a reactor that took me weeks of constant grinding to get the best one then again to combine to max its stats to make my railjack the best it can be, but now the railjack isn't the focus of these missions its the warframe. again tieing everything to one person instead of sharing the roles on the ship instead of the intrinsics defining the roles of the crew there is no crew I wouldn't be surprised if we see the majority of players abandon the railjack to use archwings, more so than they already did and give up hosting sessions to just do every railjack mission solo as a lower-level player cant with there now limitations, operate a max tier railjack as effectively basically becoming a hindrance instead of currently being an advantage.

I thought we would see changes like being able to at the end of a mission being able to use the arsenal in the rail jack and the small table in the center of the room behind the bridge to outfit the railjack and your warframes for the next mission without having to travel back to the dojo making long mission runs more fun but now that room has been essentialy removed and the idea of the railjack being a seperate entity like your landing craft is being turned into a part of your warframe rather than an extension of it.

I see very little good in the main railjack changes more just adapting a unique concept into the same gameplay as every single mission in the game the smaller interior definitely wasn't needed and maybe could have been solved by adding a scout variant of the railjack with a smaller health pool and smaller loadout as it voids the need for the teleport intrinsic as well as making it feel less like a big ship you're in control of being more like a slightly larger landing craft instead or a warship.

The main changes hit especially hard for newer players with missing specific avionic mods and starter Railjack weapons even lower-tier warframe builds (Energy builds) making them when joining a mission not being able to utilize ships systems like advanced weapons more effectively only being a hindrance to more veteran players instead of being able to utilize the owners more thought out build being able to benefit from the systems and weapons to be an effective crew member. the game will fall again to the meta of a high-level player joins he blasts through the mission essentially solo and the newer player doesn't really get to experience the game until they have got to that level which by that point they've gotten bored of the tedious grind.

In my opinion, the majority of changes that will be implemented mainly to split the railjack experience not only destroys the concept of a crew but makes the rail jack itself pointless they might as well of removed the rail jack and just had you use your landing craft outfitted with weapons as with everything separate like with every other mission where is the concept of a crew if everyone has to micromanage there own stuff this will probably also mean if someone is in there arch wing and grabs resources it wont be given to the whole crew aswell.

Again sorry this is a longwinded winge and a moan but I thought as they keep saying it a unique/ different experience to the rest of the game its doesn't make sense to make it less of that this feels like railjack is being turned from this amazing multi-crew combat experience to 4 people in the same boat. and don't get me wrong there is a lot in this update I love but the main part for me that got be back into warframe was this crazy idea of a completely different element of gameplay being the railjack in this free to play game and was hoping it to become more not less.

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I usually dont post, but i dont think the early adopters railjack is OK.


Wreckage is not indicative of how many hours we've spend on that mode. maybe it would be better  a combination of avionics, intrinsics, and MK3 gear equipped.

Also, tier 3 should add some kind of statue to show on our orbiter, since endgame is fashion frame!

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2 hours ago, GrimKonstantin said:

I normally don't do much in the way of feedback for dev workshops since I prefer to see your vision first before I make judgement, but all things considered, I feel the need to point out some major issues. I'll separate them according to section, and I will try to offer solutions, not just criticisms. A warning to players reading this, it is a raid-boss level wall of text and meant for the devs. I welcome replies, but don't expect short. Trigger warning: math.

Also, I would like to note that I talk about progression rollback of the players. In all fairness I should point out that this does NOT affect me personally, I have been playing the game for over 7 years and have well over twelve thousand hours logged in (with close to 8 thousand being in mission) I have the spare forma, endo, and credits to cover the cost of the proposed changes. That being said, the game should NOT be balanced around players like me. While I will be fine regardless of if changes are made, I foresee a lot of sub MR25 players feeling robbed and maybe even leaving because of it.

What will happen on login?

  1. "Avionics to Mods" and "Dirac to Endo": a 1 to 1 Dirac to Endo conversion is completely unfair. Because the cost of a maxing an Avionic and the +3 ranks in grid slot to get a max rank Avionic in Dirac is way lower than the cost of ranking a mod with an equal rank. I will use Hyperstrike as an example. It's considered a rare Avionic, and to get it to R7 would cost 3810 Dirac, plus the 2600 for the R+3 gridslot, bringing the total to 6410 Dirac. When converted to a mod, and if it kept parity by having 10 ranks to match the output of the avionic version (7 from the avionic and 3 from the slot) and stayed as a rare mod, it will cost a total or 30,690 Endo AND 1,482,327 credits (compared to the previous 6410 Dirac). So from these numbers if you are to refund the dirac before converting it to a mod, and then do a 1:1 conversion of dirac to endo, you are actually rolling back our progression, which, to be honest, is NOT COOL. The same will happen if you convert them as they stand, to almost as severe a degree, because, using the Hyperstrike example, even if you give me the Avionic at R7 and refund the 2600 Dirac for the slot, it will still cost me an additional 24,280 Endo and 1,298,304 credits to get those last three ranks I had in my +3R gridslot. Suggestion: Use the grid mechanic and allow us to upgrade plexus slots the way we could grid slots and keep all mods at the rank they were when they were intrinsics. This would be the most fair conversion barring a complete rebalance of everything so that the mods we get will give us the same performance after the update as we get now, but if you are going to give me a R4 Voidhole, and then expect me to spend an additional 30,000+Dirac and almost 1.5 million credits to get it back to the same level (the mod version is a R10 in the images, and I am assuming it's rank 10 will be equivalent to the current rank 7), then you better be giving me at least a 1:10 conversion, or else you are, as I said, majorly rolling back my progress.
  2. Meet the Plexus. This isn't as bad a change the previous, but it comes at a price I don't know know if I'm happy to pay, and that is the loss of individuality of the ship itself, in both how it handles and plays. It doesn't fix anything except to shift the problem to a new peice of gear that is just going to add more grind and limit options even more: The Plexus. It is apparent that you will expect us to forma this bit of gear as well and level it each time, but while each forma gives the ability to add more mods, it limits our options in what those mods are going to be, and you still haven't even bothered to fix the polarity imbalance on regular warframes yet, much less anything else. A long time ago (update 15), it even looked like you tried to address the issue when you created archwing mods (e.g. making the toxin mods vazarin instead of naramon) but then you seemed to immediately give up on it and leave everything else as is and then proceed to do the same as you always had from that point on. To add salt to the wound, you are giving us multiple loadouts while at the same time limiting what those loadouts can be (through the forma system) instead of giving them to us earlier when the loadout could be what we wanted it to be due to the higher freedom of the current system. I can't help but assume you will do the same with railjack mod polarities and the plexus, meaning that if I want a dedicated pilot plexus and a dedicated gunner plexus, I'm going to need to have two separate ones because all the gunnery mods will be Madurai, while all the piloting will be Vazarin or Naramon. This is assuming we will even be allowed to have multiple... plexi? plexuses? (which, for the record, is NOT a good solution to the issue). So,  just like the "Avionics to Mods" change (as it stands), you are going to take away something and add more grind to let us get it back. Again, NOT COOL. Solution: Don't know if it is even possible, but instead of just giving us loadouts, have the plexus change states depending on where you are at. If you are in a turret have it switch to the Gunner profile, switch to Pilot when at the helm, and a third state when not attached. When we forma it, the forma selects the polarity for each state differently, so what might be a Madurai in Gunner can be a Naramon in Pilot (similar to how you can choose different abilities per config in Helminth). If you are feeling generous, let this apply to warframes as well, so people like me don't need multiple primes for different builds using Umbral mods. Yes, I know the chances for things to go wrong and bugs to occur ramp up exponentially with this many "moving parts" to code, but I will take dealing with that over homogenized generic Jack of all trade builds that will be the result of this proposed system.
  3. On Intrinsic 2.0: Be consistant. You have 3 nice entries for Archwings (R8 Piloting, Gunnery, and Engineering) they give a nice, well grouped bonuses. With the Necramech additions you took those same bonuses and scattered them at R5, R7, R8, and R9 in 4 slots with substandard numbers on one. While the tank bonus (health, armor, and shields) are comparable (since NM's have much more than AW's, in fact it might be too high), 10% gun damage does not compare to 20% damage (all, not just guns), power strength, power range, AND power efficency. Especially since this was added to balance the much smaller mod pool archwings have compared to warframes when you consolidated the damage balance between two game modes (which necramechs also suffer from). Suggestion: Set the Necramech changes all at R7 intrinsics, and have the R7 necramech gunnery give the same types of buffs as the R8 archwing gunnery, just at 10% instead of 20%.
  4. New Railjack Component: Hull: While not major, it underlines the major issue I have with the proposed changes, you are turning every railjack into the same railjack. There will be, inevitable a BiS hull that everyone will eventually get and since everything else has been moved to the plexus, everything will be the same. If you really want to keep that from happening, I have one suggestion. How hard it will be to implement I honestly don't know, but you remember the original Tennocon Railjack reveal? There was an engineering console where you could control power levels for the ship with this neat triangle slider (as well as other cool features I doubt we'll see), add that control scheme to the ship, have the hull decide the base numbers, but have the console control distribution between Hull, Armor, and a Speed Bonus. Lets say you want the to ships to have, at max what they have now (5060 Health and 3530 Armor), well your current solution means that everyone will get the hull that matches and all have the same amount, but with my proposed system, a player who wants a shield tank can put extra health at the cost of armor and reduce the armor even more and instead give the ship a base speed bonus, or, if you would prefer a simpler UI and caculation scheme, you can just do two sliders: one for either hull or speed bonus and the second for either an armor or shield bonus. This means that even if everyones ship has the BiS hull, they will still feel and play differently.

2. What is different in mission?

  1. Individual resource pools. So many issues with how this is going to be abused by players, but there is a simple solution: have the flux energy based on a warframes max energy, NOT their current energy and it's own resourceaw. As the changes are now, you are turning engineers into the Railjack equivalent of CC: "A nice addition" but completely unneeded in gameplay and who's slot can be filled by someone else with a better skillset (i.e. Plexus loadout). As someone previously stated, engineers currently are the crew equivalent of Trinity, but what I think they were implying but didn't spell out is that they are her equivalent in the game 5 years ago, not as she is now. Don't add passive regen, dont allow us to get more energy for shipboad systems through pizza, make us use the systems you have. Have energy restored through engineering be percentage based, so that a R1 engineer can restore 25% of everyones flux, but a R10 will restore 75% (this will limit "overhealing" as it were). This will make it into something you seem to miss the mark on a lot: making something prefered but not mandatory instead of making something unneeded and with only a marginal benefit. Same goes with ammo and charges, keep it individual, but don't give it a passive regen, or at least only give passive regen when the station is held by an NPC crewmember.
  2. Malfunctions and Hazards. A good start, but needs more. You need to make every role important, not just pilot and gunner. Add hazards that need a set intrinsic level to fix and NPC engineers skill counts as 2 intrinsics per rank (so a 5 dot NPC engineer can fix a R10 hazard). Instead of getting rid of them, have hull breaches skew the ship as vented atmosphere acts as an unwanted vector thrust nozzle. Have fire spread (I nave nightmares about fire on a spaceship and I'm not even an astronaut) as well as the listed changes. Make hazards hazardous, not just inconveniences. Make repairs on them minigames like existing ones. For example, with electircal shorts have the repair be similar to a corpus hack as you reroute the damaged circuits, not just spraying it with Wonderfoam™. Easy and simple do not need to be synonomous, nor do complex and fast need be opposites. Add a little complexity, don't just take it all away for the sake "streamlining".

 That's it, the rest of the stuff I feel I should reserve judgement on until I play it, and while I know there is a LOT of criticism in this post, it is not done in anger or without long thought. It comes from someone who has loved this game for 8 years solid and wishes to continue to do so, but the changes I have discussed feel, for lack of a better phrase, not fully considered. It is my hope that this is what it is listed as and actual workshop where significant changes can still be made, and not just a warning of coming changes despite the feedback they recieve.

@everyoneAtDE ALL OF THIS

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14 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Since Avionics are now treated like regular Mods, Dirac (the upgrade Resource for Avionics) is being converted into Endo, for a more cohesive upgrading experience. All Dirac spent on your Grid will be reimbursed (i.e up to 39,000 Dirac to Endo if you maxed out your Grid), and all existing Dirac stockpiles will turn into Endo on login of Update 29.10.0 at a rate of 1:1.

What about Dirac invested in Avionics? Will the avionics be converted to mods with levels kept the same? Or will the Dirac value be re-imbursed?

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27 minutes ago, (PSN)Ze_LoBoToMiZeUr said:

Finally I’m concerned about the wreckage rewards part, I’m among the people that played and grinded RJ from the beginning, but the 30 wreckage part needs to be reviewed, I feel like I’m being punished for not waiting valence system and thus not making me eligible because I had the best components before valence hits the RJ.

Sucks to be us right?

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Sorry, but apart from the introduction of Corpus missions, there is no reason to be overjoyed at this Railjack change. The developers gave us a combat spaceship with a unique avionics system, but for some reason they decided to turn it into some kind of warframe scrap with the same very outdated (at least in appearance) modification system, and even with the energy of the warframe. Goodbye to the last possible teamwork ... "Useless rooms"? We have an Orbiter inside several times larger than outside, and now the Railjack outside looks like it will be bigger than inside. And since you make it so accessible almost for beginners, why not integrate the orbiter into it, thereby normalizing proportions, and there would be no "useless rooms", and even get rid of the ridiculous connection pipe. Eh, dreams ...

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it's so unbelievable to me that i had pretty much all the ideas myself when i got myself a RJ. specially things like:

having a crew and customizing them, turning RJ mods into Endo, etc...

i wonder though, if you're planing to make us be able to DECORATE our Railjack like how we can decorate our Orbiter?

this is amazing so farm can't wait to try!

Excited Dog GIF by memecandy

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6 hours ago, acevezwing said:

Then what you are suggesting defeats the terms "early adopters". What's the point of naming it "early adopters"? I and several of my clanmates and friends are early adopters but I'm sure none of us met the requirement for said T3 even when we've been there from the very beginning. We picked which components/armaments that we were going to build due to the high amount of resources required to repair them. Even I, who managed to get every single MK III armaments and components (no dupes or bonus variants), am not qualified for T3. I'm not going to be surprised if I hit more than a hundred hours of Railjack since I played it exclusively for weeks after launch and then more after the RJ update. I know those who played Railjack way more but have lesser wreckage repair count than mine. Don't they deserve the T3 early adopters? But hey, just grind it right? You have a few days after all.

How would you measure this without being incredibly exclusive from most "early adopters" though?

Would you rather just get the usual update treatment that gives you a thank you and a pat on the back while they devalue your progression?

I can't really think of a way to measure "early adopter" besides Intrinsics or a date on progression.

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Just watched the video about new features.... I don't quite understand 2 things :


1) Pilot being unable to shoot guns during "sprint".    That's pretty eh.... 

  • If you want to reduce "wobble" caused by pilot's aiming......then you should remove guns from Pilot completely.  Disabling them for Sprint will not help. 
  • If you want to make Pilot's firepower weaker....this will not help either, as Gunners can barely hit sht while RJ sprints. Instead, remove ordnance (rockets) from Pilot's seat.

2) Usage of Warframe energy in its current state.  Crappy idea tbh.

Making accent on consumable spam, zen and specific frame abuse?  Will you ever learn?  Want to make people run only Hilldryn coz she uses Shield instead of Energy?  What about Lavos? No energy whatsoever....will he put RJ abilities on CD or sumthin?   Protea will be one of the top choices too....especially if Rewind would not cancel when you mount Turrets.


Flux is ok.  Keep it.  Maybe give Flux tank to each frame...I dunno.    Cooldowns for RJ abilities would still be better, as people use Vortex/ Salvo spam to quickly clear maps... This alone makes both Gunnery and Piloting pretty meh.



P.S.   I suggest to add CASTER seat.  Whoever sits there, will be able to use RJ attack abilities, such as Vortex, Salvo, Tether and such.  Anything that deals AOE damage.


Because if both Pilot and Gunners will simultaneously spam Salvos, while being Hilldryns with fast shield regen...….Well. Its gonna be BIG META. You will have to Nerf. And it will turn into another S#&$storm....and Im runnin out of popcorn.

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