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Call of the Tempestarii: TennoGen: Hotfix 30.2.2


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10 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

We just noticed that this happens in Defense missions where there is a finite wave count, i.e. "count down until you win"  rather than Endless defense where you count up and go as long as you can.

Does that explain what you are seeing? Have you observed team mates automatically disconnecting in other circumstances?

This also happens after fixed-length Interception missions, such as the recent Anniversary Alerts.

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14 hours ago, Slayer-. said:

Can we please get this old bug fixed, it's very distracting while playing, it happens whether I have weapon skins active or not. It even happens while I'm in my orbiters arsenal. :( 


This happens because you changed the weapon's type by equipping a skin, but you didn't choose a compatible holster style.  The Scindo Prime is an Axe and uses different hand and holster positions than a Greatsword but you changed the weapon type to a Greatsword by using the skin. If you go into Holster settings and choose a Greatsword holster position, this will fix your weapon being out of position.

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Џабе сте кречили - see bugs, bugs and more bugs -

Do you fix something, or only get words that is fix and not do noting - and don't tell me that i make post. Your people think that they solve something and they don't do noting.

Test before make fix then apply

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I'd like to repeat my comment to the last Hotfix:

Going down in the Archwing doesn't work with the TranqRifle equipped.

And while I'm at it:

Playing an Emote for NW works when triggered from the gear wheel but not from a bound key.

Both on PC. Regardless of that: Thanks for the Hotfix! :)

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New Wisp augment - is like an alternative for gameplay.

First of all - augment have incorrect description. You placing 3 reservoirs for a price of 2(3) and these reservoirs counts as 3. This make me happy from one side, because before placing reservoirs i need to make some actions for str buff and theremore saving 2-3 seconds (5-15 sec from searching another mana on the floor). From other side - i can place only 2 combo reservoirs or 1 combo reservoir* and 3 simple ones.
*This have a bug: if you have placed one simple and try to spawn two combo reservoirs - first one combo will be removed, instead for ones in countmeter.

I playing Wisp, and this is my mainframe for a long time, so my words have a meaning. My build is not a absolete, but have only good reactions from players (even from those who play on Wisp).
This augment need a rework or another describe. Why rework, you have to say? Because if this augment do, what it describes - it will be OP and useless in same time. For a limit of 6 res. we can place both health and speed in 3 places. This is fairly balanced on any mission, even on Interception and Distruption. With this augment Interception will be a little unconfortable for two point, not just one, and on Distruption you need only place them in center of both rooms and there we go.
If this augment work like said on description - you can control all 4 points on interception (and place another two in any place) and all 6 spawnpoints on Distruption. In any other missions - they not make any sence. People, why you need 6 combo reservoirs? Where you place it?

Possible rework is not a minus for str, range or buff time, 'cause this augment never be used in any builds.
My word is - Wisp can place only combo reservoir for a x2-x3 of energy price. Ability will have a cooldown of 10 seconds and x0.75-x0.5 placing speed. Reservoir limit is raised to 9.

For some reason reservoirs count dissapear, if Wisp enters Null-Barrier. DE, please, move count to buff section or any place from ability's bar. Thank you.

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- Chargers have no charge animation anymore, they just port
- Nidus love-spreading and chair interaction broken
- PSA brightness change thread
- color palettes messed up / too dark / suddenly too saturated
Edit2: Please also make the orbiter clean again. I need no tinted, smudged and stained glass parts (I'd like them clean like the RJ platform and operator area), no floating dust particles and  certainly no wear an tear in the cockpit (even though I have that set to 0) or on the ramp. Stop that.
Edit3: De-arch Titania's back...

Details in the seveal posts/threads, just wanted a reminder here.

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On 2021-05-13 at 7:06 PM, SordidDreams said:

since my exilus slot is already occupied by the mandatory Primed Sure Footed

This is not the fault of the augment. It may be a lame QoL augment, but it's bad enough to be an exilus mod. Primed Sure Footed frankly shouldn't be an exilus as it's far beyond the usefulness of other exilus mods. Again, not the fault of that mod either that the knockdown system is immensely unfun and unforgiving in this game.

Knockdown and PSF are the root of your issue. No exilus in the game comes close to immunity from all knockdowns including your own. The mote augment is on par with other exilus, but obviously not the PSF outlier. You might as well make the exilus a 9th slot for anything if PSF sets the bar.

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Hey DE. Can you guys readjust the zetki weapon drop rates for railjack's grineer missions. The outriders are only dropping reactors, shield generators, but no weapons. This is pretty annoying to players who are trying to collect everything.

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13 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

This happens because you changed the weapon's type by equipping a skin, but you didn't choose a compatible holster style.  The Scindo Prime is an Axe and uses different hand and holster positions than a Greatsword but you changed the weapon type to a Greatsword by using the skin. If you go into Holster settings and choose a Greatsword holster position, this will fix your weapon being out of position.

I did not know that. Thank you.

I have Greatsword Standard and then the other two Hip and Reverse which I would have to buy so I need to use the Greatsword Standard, I will try it out.

Edit: @[DE]Momaw
Wow such a simple fix, pity it doesn't tell you that when you buy the skin, it would save a lot of us the visual pain it caused because others have had the same problem, I'll edit my post to include your post.

Again Thank You.

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12 hours ago, VhwatGoes said:

This is not the fault of the augment. It may be a lame QoL augment, but it's bad enough to be an exilus mod. Primed Sure Footed frankly shouldn't be an exilus as it's far beyond the usefulness of other exilus mods. Again, not the fault of that mod either that the knockdown system is immensely unfun and unforgiving in this game.

Knockdown and PSF are the root of your issue. No exilus in the game comes close to immunity from all knockdowns including your own. The mote augment is on par with other exilus, but obviously not the PSF outlier. You might as well make the exilus a 9th slot for anything if PSF sets the bar.

I mostly agree that PSF is a total outlier, but IMO it shouldn't be a mod at all, and knockdown resistance should be a built-in feature of every warframe, 0% at rank 0, 100% at rank 30. Same thing with other QoL mods that never see play, like jump height, sprint speed, and such. Just remove those and add their effects to the frame as it ranks up. I came to this realization when I played the Nihil fight, which I actually really liked; since stats are irrelevant in that and it's all about mobility, I just made a special Zephyr build with all the mobility mods. And you know what? It was huge fun to zoom and dash and jump and glide around like that! But in normal content you can't do that because you need your power mods. This comes down to the same basic mistake as the Wisp augment, balancing power against QoL, which should never be done as a matter of principle.

As for augments, a huge number of them are a result of DE's faulty thinking along the lines of "this ability needs a design change, but instead of just making the needed change, let's implement it as a mod that costs a slot". I think they think this gives players more meaningful choice or something? In reality it's of course only annoying and frustrating. Either way, if it were up to me, a lot of augments would meet the same fate as the QoL mods mentioned above, they'd just be removed and their effects added to the base functionality of their respective abilities. For the rest, do what they did for QoL mods and implement a special augment-only slot; there's even a blank space that would be perfect for it right next to the exilus slot. And this time make sure not to foul it up by including things like Drift mods.

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Railjack is as broken as it ever was might be even more!!!

To get to the Drydock takes ages without ability to ESC and quit the damn thing. Then when host decides to leave during the mission, mouse sensitivity goes over 9000 without ability to ESC into menu to re-adjust it.

Is there a chance that this crap will ever be fixed to the point where one can enjoy few games after work without any random stuff breaking?

I know I know this kind of critique is not constructive, since it does not provide you guys with ways to reproduce the issues.

I disagree. Play RailJack yourselves with random players, you will reproduce all the issues and more yourselves. If I can encounter all the nonsense on RailJack while only playing couple of games in that mode a week, so everyone else can. I don't think I'm that unlucky

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1. When new UI will start to show label "found" on Endo? I'm tired to guess what I found from caches.

2. Achievement "Kill it with fire" still doesn't work.

3. Achievement "Ride or die" doesn't work on my account even though I have max standing with Ventkids (132k out of 132k). Probably because Ventkids reputation bugged.

4. We still can't carry datamass and use Shedu simultaneosly.

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