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Angels of the Zariman: Dev Workshop PREVIEW


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I'm really skeptical about that new Void Dash. While I do kinda agree that it can be difficult to use at times, it's one of the few things where there's actually something like a "mechanical mastery". Maybe there's better wording, but like getting it down to muscle memory and gaining experience in feasible moves. It's possible to do some incredibly fluid (and pretty cool feeling) movement even in very constrained environments. Similar to how a good Nova player can be very precise with their portals even in normal missions, while inexperienced players will get stuck with every other portal.

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8 minutes ago, Voltage said:

We're coming full circle to the same debate all over again. The UI overhaul, blink nerf, melee attack speed, self damage, etc.

the UI overhaul was needed the game UI reeked of early 2010 UI. Blink nerf was eh? Making every archwing actually usable was a good change that just become further better with railjack and intrinsics. Melee attack speed? Not sure what this means. The problem with self DMG is that this game was never built around us only the enemies where in say Team fortress 2 it was built around both. The biggest issue of self damage was your teammates moving in front of you as soon as you shot with only you being punished. Nightwave still in an iffy spot. Its gotten better and i think its more fun then old alerts. Theres more incentive to do it then Alerts, especially for those juicy legendary arcanes.

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1 minute ago, 60framespersecond said:

it's one of the few things where there's actually something like a "mechanical mastery". Maybe there's better wording, but like getting it down to muscle memory and gaining experience in feasible moves. It's possible to do some incredibly fluid (and pretty cool feeling) movement even in very constrained environments.


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Just now, ant99999 said:

Zenurik isn't just "viable". It (combined with other methods we have) almost invalidates the Energy as a resource. I can't remember the last time I actually had troubles maintaining energy balance.

Zenurik doesn't do this though. I've been running Naramon for a long while now because energy has become so trivial, especially with x100 pads and Helminth. They already nerfed Zenurik once back in the day, it's just that other schools are basically pointless besides Naramon's Melee Combo Passive in general missions.

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7 minutes ago, Voltage said:

Faster and further with current Void Dash. Next?

Oh yeah. Nothing more fun than having to dash through your Lavos (who can't abuse shield gating) every 5 seconds to prevent him from being evaporated by level 5000 Steel Path enemies. That's not disorienting in the slightest! 🙄

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1 minute ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

Oh yeah. Nothing more fun than having to dash through your Lavos (who can't abuse shield gating) every 5 seconds to prevent him from being evaporated by level 5000 Steel Path enemies. That's not disorienting in the slightest! 🙄

And the changes to Void Dash would affect that how? You'd still be dashing the same amount.

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Just now, ShogunGunshow said:

There's very little cool here. They said it wasn't changing any mechanics, so just ... number buffs, or slapping +% whatever stat onto them.

Which likely won't do much.

The sandstorm augment is getting range from when it was accidentally put into the main game a few weeks ago. A few others got changed to until it was reverted.

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4 minutes ago, (XBOX)TheWayOfWisdom said:

And the changes to Void Dash would affect that how? You'd still be dashing the same amount.

If the new version can help you control how far you dash instead of just being a fixed distance, then that would help tremendously.

And while we're at it, I hope they fix the collision detection as well. I've lost count of the amount of times I've dashed through my Warframe only to have it not activate Protective Dash. So frustrating.

1 minute ago, mikakor said:

if you are trash, you do that. if you're good enough, you aim slightly downward and tadaaaa, you only traveled a minuscule distance and your lavos is healed :D neat, huh ?

Read what I just posted above. 👆

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What a stacked Devstream. Really good stuff. I'm very much looking forward to all of it, but here's some feedback:

  • The new Gamemode that got showcased is exactly what Warframe needs, but its focus on Mobility will be trivialized by Wukong's Cloud Walker.
  • We need a Dev Workshop on the Void Dash changes asap. Detailed explanation of how it works and gif comparisons of before-after.
  • New Eximus Units seem great but still too squishy. Also a bit visually noisy, their Particles could be toned down and their Red Outline removed.

But other than that, I'm very excited now.

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3 minutes ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

Read what I just posted above. 👆

i did. and i can't see anything different. 



3 minutes ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

If the new version can help you control how far you dash instead of just being a fixed distance, then that would help tremendously.

but that would be the GOOD thing to do. DE isn't known to do the smart move. if anything, it'll probably be extremely limited, and WILL NOT be going as far as a full void energy meter could take us. it's also way less snappy and responsive, period. 

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Also throwing my hat into the 'kill energizing dash already' camp. Well, waving my hat, because I was already here in Focus 1.0.

And pizzas. And Arcane Energize. The only things that should make you stop caring about energy are players playing support frames, or you having to pay some sort of decent opportunity cost. 

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7 minutes ago, mikakor said:

what you're suggesting is bringing Zenurik to the point of the other school, that are "yeah, okay, that's kinda here" kinda S#&$, that you play without ever really using because it doesn't do CRAP.

No, I'm not suggesting that. I am saying that both "buff everything so it is all equally broken" and "nerf everything so it is all equally worthless" are really easy and really lazy ways out.

And I'm emphasizing it because DE have a history of doing both.

What they don't do very often is to actually see what's too much and what's too little and balance the damn system.

Speaking of which, it isn't to leave the old dash be nor it is to bring the one they've shown. It is to make another variation, cause both we've seen so far clearly have problems.

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Just now, (XBOX)TheWayOfWisdom said:

You can already do that. Just look down a bit.
If you have an issue getting that down you can jump to make it easier.

I don't need a frickin' tutorial on how to play this game. I've clocked in over 10000 hours into just the PC version alone. 

The objective truth is the current void dash is unreliable in a number of situations and needed to be tweaked.

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1 minute ago, ShogunGunshow said:

And pizzas. And Arcane Energize. The only things that should make you stop caring about energy are players playing support frames, or you having to pay some sort of decent opportunity cost. 

gotta admit i would dust off my Trinity Prime in a heartbeat if they did that. 

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1 minute ago, ant99999 said:

No, I'm not suggesting that. I am saying that both "buff everything so it is all equally broken" and "nerf everything so it is all equally worthless" are really easy and really lazy ways out.

And I'm emphasizing it because DE have a history of doing both.

What they don't do very often is to actually see what's too much and what's too little and balance the damn system.

Speaking of which, it isn't to leave the old dash be nor it is to bring the one they've shown. It is to make another variation, cause both we've seen so far clearly have problems.

nuance? in my videogames' discussion?? I won't have it. reported.

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Just now, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

I don't need a frickin' tutorial on how to play this game. I've clocked in over 10000 hours into just the PC version alone. 

The objective truth is the current void dash is unreliable in a number of situations and needed to be tweaked.

Seems like you do if you're having issue with triggering Protective Dash without overshooting.

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3 minutes ago, ant99999 said:

No, I'm not suggesting that. I am saying that both "buff everything so it is all equally broken" and "nerf everything so it is all equally worthless" are really easy and really lazy ways out.

well our POV on what's the level of brokenness of Energizing seems... diverging, but fair enough. 



3 minutes ago, ant99999 said:

And I'm emphasizing it because DE have a history of doing both.

more like an history of doing a lot of nerf and way less buff. i can't remember the last time they buffed "oto much" something. 



3 minutes ago, ant99999 said:

What they don't do very often is to actually see what's too much and what's too little and balance the damn system.

 that's the biggest problem, yes. feedback ( like mine ) wouldn't be so abrasive if they gave a #*!% about dynamically updating their game and FAILURES, rather than once in a bluemoon after Jack Frost popped a snicker in a 7friday week. 

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4 minutes ago, mikakor said:

but that would be the GOOD thing to do. DE isn't known to do the smart move. if anything, it'll probably be extremely limited, and WILL NOT be going as far as a full void energy meter could take us. it's also way less snappy and responsive, period. 

Except DE also added this to the post.

19 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Chained-forward traversal is still a valid option, but it has been redesigned. 

Again, you're formulating opinions based on early footage (and let's be honest, Reb isn't exactly a top tier player of this game).

Just. Wait!


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3 minutes ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

I don't need a frickin' tutorial on how to play this game. I've clocked in over 10000 hours into just the PC version alone. 

The objective truth is the current void dash is unreliable in a number of situations and needed to be tweaked.

please voice these "situations" , and i'll tell you each what you're supposed to use in these said situation. Void dash has it's own uses, which are perfect that way. the new void dash will have... NO use. 

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