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July 16 PSA: Game Connectivity issues + Websites down (Resolved)


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Hello Tenno! 

We are actively investigating login issues currently being experienced - For those of you unable to be in the Duviri Amphitheater rest assured we will make up for it in some way once we everything under control. 

6:00 PM ET Update:
We're seeing traffic slowly return - we're continuing to investigate! 

6:01 PM ET Update: 

We are also aware that warframe.com is down and are looking into that. 

6:28 PM ET Update:

We are still investigating some lingering sign-in issues - hang tight Tenno! 

6:46 PM ET Update:

We are still investigating warframe.com and soulframe.com being down - thank you! 

7:06 PM ET Update: 

Website issues persist for both sites - we're still looking into it! 

7:17 PM ET Update:

Connectivity issues in game seem to have been resolved! We are still watching closely for any other issues.

8:09 PM ET Update: 

Still navigating some choppy waters, Tenno! We were stable and then another flood happened that is affecting site stability. Working on it! 

8:47 PM ET Update:

We are seeing some stability regained for both sites - still working away though! 

9:23 PM ET Update: 

We're still riding the rollercoaster of stability (literally up and down with connection status) with the websites.  The team is still plugging away at it on it but understandably it has been a long day for them and we may have to rely on our temporary fixes for the time being. But for now, we keep investigating! 

10:05 PM ET Update:

We are looking stable on all fronts now! Thank you all for your patience. 

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I'm logged in.... But the Theatre is... Well.... Moving along Slowly.... Confirm if this is Normal because I don't know ?👀

👀and Now I can't Log Back in the Game.... Which I guess is to be Expected.... They did say the Server was going down for maintenance... 👍

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1 minute ago, AltruisticAnathema said:

Just a heads up, it would not let quite a few people claim their twitch rewards for the day even after twitch said we could

yeah that's me, It's such a bummer. i was so hyped for Titania. do you when the drops will arrive? 


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I was in the middle of a void fissure mission with a group and the game decided to have a network not responding moment at the end.

Even decided that I didn't have a relic equipped when I clearly did from the start.

The game even decided to not only lie to me about not having a relic equipped but also stole said relic from me at the end of the mission.


How I know the game stole my relic is it was the only Axi I had that had void traces in it when I equipped it and now it is no longer in my inventory yet I didn't get a new prime part or anything from it.

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The ampitheatre is a nice idea, but until you can implement it in a way that doesn't cause your servers to explode, you should just not do it.  I'm sure it's cool to be able to be around thousands of other Tenno all watching the livestream in-game, but those of us who don't want to take part and instead want to enjoy their weekend playing the game are also being impacted by it.

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For anyone who still didn't get drops, I relinked my account for the couple minutes that the Warframe site came back up and I got them. You may want to try it when the site comes back up, just disconnect the Warframe account from Twitches "manage connections" tab, and re-link it from the Warframe site.

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Stuck at the "checking for updates" stage. 
Timeouts after a bit.

Think I'll give the server hamsters time to rest and try again tomorrow.

Congratulations on Tennocon.
Hope they let you lot have a break now too.


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4 minutes ago, Cellbound said:

So, stress test performed before...was completely useless ):<

I was Thinking the Same Thing....

They should have done that Test when The New War was still Hot and Fresh....

Primed Chamber is not Good Enough Bait to bring all the Lost Tenno Back for a Stress Test... 😝

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6 minutes ago, BlazingCricket said:

managed to log in mod a frame and weapons then crashed and couldnt log back in all while my tennocon relay ticket burns away

What do you mean your relay ticket burns away? You have 6 days and 16 hours from now on to buy what you need. 

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6:00 PM ET Update:
We're seeing traffic slowly return - we're continuing to investigate! 

6:01 PM ET Update: 

We are also aware that warframe.com is down and are looking into that. 

6:28 PM ET Update:

We are still investigating some lingering sign-in issues - hang tight Tenno! 

6:46 PM ET Update:

We are still investigating warframe.com and soulframe.com being down - thank you! 

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Lil' tip for next year, don't dump a few hundred thousands of players out of a relay at the same time let them gradually trickle out it avoids the whole you know crash and burn scenario. Cause my game crashed after I got dumped from the Amphitheatre. 

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