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So...what exactly is Soulframe about?


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same here, just giving me a “something’s not right unable to blah blah blah and a idol” 

i try to register it again with the same email and i got a “already registered “

im now kinda worried about it lol

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God damn I love DE for this quirk. They love putting scripts on languages. This one is a very straightforward alphabet switch but the stuff in WF can get tricky as it's phonetic (sic), as in less about the letters and more about the sounds you make while saying the word. The word "Quantity" in Solaris is spelled as "k.u.aw.n.t.i.t.i" and "agility" in Tenno is "A.J.IH.L.IH.T.EE" 

This poem was a joy to crack. 

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vor einer Stunde schrieb cl0ud14:

same here, just giving me a “something’s not right unable to blah blah blah and a idol” 

i try to register it again with the same email and i got a “already registered “

im now kinda worried about it lol

Could be a server problem but if the links are broken we might have dead accounts if de doesnt do support right now

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honestly, it kinda looks like a Warframe/Elden Ring baby, especially the whole starting out with nothing, not even clothes and then becoming a powerful warrior.  the scenery also gave me serious early game Limgrave vibes, but in a good way. I pray to every god on every pantheon there is that this will be different enough from warframe, without losing the things that make warframe great (like the satisfying combat).

my inner pessimist screams with doubt, but all any of us can do is give it a chance when it comes out: there's no reason why a developer cannot have two online services co-exist simultaneously (though I've never seen it done on any grand scale). 

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Just finished my own translation and checked forums to see others thoughts.

Felt like being inside `The Gold-Bug` story by Poe.

Towards the end of the poem you really start reading symbols as text.

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10 hours ago, Chanvil said:

When Day Wrought

Night They Did Arrive

Not Sea Nor Hoof But

From The Sky

Knight Maidens Strong

Rode To Face Them

Yet Not A Sword Was



For Within That Night

Songs Were Cast

And We Who Heard The

Cost Our Past

Our Virtues, Love And

Spirit Fled

So Hollow Was The



Now Mothers Send

Their Children There

To Ode’n Castles

Crowning Air

Returning Spies To

With Souls So Twisted



New Industry Demands

The Earth

Our Verdant Fields

Bled Grey Of Worth

The Beasts Of Feast

Now Lost To Famine

Great Alca’s Flesh

Stripped Raw


While Hope In Us Has

Come To Rust

Strange Kin Remain

With The Alca’s Trust

Cross Distant Shores

Old Souls Arise

Relic Wolf And Bear,

And Faun


Those We Pundered

Now We Seek
For Ancient Ties That

Withered Weak

To Cast A Bargain

Entwining Fate
And Reforging Honored


To The World.

So basically as I understand it, there was this down to earth primitive society living hand to hand with the animal spirit-like creatures (but occasionaly hunting tgem). And then these suspiciously Orokin-like female knights arrived on spaceship-castles from the sky, cast some kind of enslaving spell on them and started to take their children to their ships to make them into their spies. All this supposedly to strip the world from its resources and keep its people and Spirit creatures protecting it at bay. And the premise of the game I assume is that some of the old spirits arise in a distant land and form a bond with you (the player character) so you together can take on the knights and drive them away.


I swear whatever DE are having out there, I want some of it too.

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I hope they will keep the good parts from Warframe and improve it in this new game. The fantasy way is not a bad choice but hard to make a good fantasy game. There will be different limitations which could force them to do things they does not wanted or makes them better by making better story, more facial improvements on characters, large living world and good meele parkour combination what could make the game interesting. I am wondering if they stick with gender locked classes in this title or we can freely choose / create whatever character we want and we only getting powers. 

I think it is better to them to start a new project because making the same game over a decade could burn people out same for players and devs. I will miss the faces whom appeared in the devstream but hopefully new people will also shown off and I hope Rebb will make the game more close to the gamers so more content will be what we players wished for. For Soulframe I wish the best to Steve and the team, hopefully they will make more partnerships in the future to help them make a good fantasy game.

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"This email is already registered." is the only thing showing up for me when I type in my credentials. 

If someone genuinely took my email, that's pretty messed up, however this is not the case since I have not received any emailed information about signing up. 

My only hunch is that DE plans to have those of us signed up on Warframe, to have our accounts linked to Soulframe. It would seem pretty right for them to do that, but at least warn us about such a thing, because right now it only seems that my credentials won't work, and I won't be able to reserve my name, 

That is unless they report saying that our accounts are linked. 

Hopefully something comes to light soon about this, cause I genuinely stayed off the site all of yesterday to ensure a smooth sailing today. 

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Welp, good morning everyone, it's the man who sits in Q&A most days helping new players, now coming to you all now for a little assistance. 

Went to Soulframe.com, input the secret code to gain access to the site, scrolled down after viewing some of the imagery, input all of my credentials, and now this is the onlything showing up when I hit the "Sign Up" button: 

"This email is already registered" 

Am I completely stupid or should I be using a completely new email? 

If DE was going to say that our Warframe / Soulframe accounts would be linked, that would be the one reason why I cannot register on the site. 

However, I have information about friends registering perfectly fine with their warframe email addresses. 

And right now, I'm in a complete slump as I would like to register my name and also be ready to receive any updates on the game. 

I even made a completely new email, brand new as of minutes ago, and tried it, same message...

is there something I'm missing?

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I haven't been able to register my envoy either. The first phase went through, but the email confirmation link doesn't work for me. I tried re-registering, but now it says my email is already registered. I'd really hate to miss the window to register name. I'm guessing DE has had issues network wide for both Warframe and Soulframe sites and Warframe game itself.

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Just now, Vlaun said:

I haven't been able to register my envoy either. The first phase went through, but the email confirmation link doesn't work for me. I tried re-registering, but now it says my email is already registered. I'd really hate to miss the window to register name. I'm guessing DE has had issues network wide for both Warframe and Soulframe sites and Warframe game itself.

At least yours went through, I can't even receive an email as my "account was already registered" without my knowledge, and I have received no email about anything or anyone doing it without my knowledge. 

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