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Stop throwing hate at DE because they're doing something new.


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2 hours ago, Felsagger said:

Would you return to it once you get the pertinent items? NO.

Hence, throw away content. It's a content island. 

Covid is a valid excuse. 


Now they DO NOT HAVE EXCUSES. They must fix the systems they have and make the best out of them. 


Let us test that theory of yours. 

In what condition of maintenance is PoE? 

In what condition of maintenance is Deimos? 

In what condition of maintenance is Fortuna? 

They become content island and a THROW AWAY once the content is done. 

Case closed. 



I will repeat this over and over again. 


YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE COMMON SENSE ON THESE FORUMS. How many times I have to repeat this to YOU. ':P


Wow - bold and CAPS 

You my friend need to calm down.

I hope you're only a youngster as the entitlement is dripping from you - "I'm right, you're wrong, waaaa" is a childish attitude.   Realise you are not god, you do not speak for anyone except yourself, and other people having a different opinion about a video game for crissakes is absolutely fine.

As you seem to want to champion common sense, you should perhaps start with yourself.

And certainly, don't presume to know what I will or won't do, that's just arrogance - fitting for these forums though so you fit right in.

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3 hours ago, Vaml77 said:

Let's be realistic and less passionate.....it's a horrible update in every way.


I'll be realistic, I disagree with your opinion in every way.

Now, who's right?  You or me, considering both are personal subjective opinions.

I have no problem with people personally not liking the update.   I wasn't keen on Zariman and avoid Kahl completely.   I don't claim to speak for the entire player base though with sweeping generalisations based on not an awful lot.

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1 hour ago, --END--Rikutatis said:

The last 2 updates were 100% WF, lua's prey and mirror defense. The one before that was 50% WF, archon hunts vs kahl. And before that, Zariman was 100% WF.

Zariman yes. The others? Not at all.

  • Luas prey is one single survival mission. We already had lots of survival missions, so nothing new there.
  • Mirror defense is... a defense mission. We already had lots of those. Nothing new. The tileset is even recycled.
  • Archon hunts are reskinned sorties. That's neat, but we already had sorties.
  • Duviri is random missions with random gear using random mods, then experiencing a random game breaking bug, losing all rewards. So nothing new in the slightest.
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i dont have hate for the update, for me its another content locked island ill play and move on from *shrug*

though IMO its more restricted than prior others (POE,  vallis, railjack ect) in that content within is more specialized and dosnt allow the actual core of much of the games known mechanics (mods and customization) and uses prior preexisting mission setups in undercroft with "new" rewards(thats just rng missions not actually something new besides the small map area, plays the same so i can do that elsewhere and earn relics + other stuff )

realistically, steal path adapters are about the only reason id play this content, and IMO that stuff should be isolated to the vendors already using incaron aka Zariman content island, least then it makes sense.

imo incanron are a better solution to say rivens. they build up overtime and are a situation/case by player use, so in that sense Im happy to pickup old weapons and adaptor them to make them viable/fun 

I think its a fun mission to complete and learn more about the story and lore, but its not something that affects the rest of the present game for 99% of the content we do already. im more likely to just go run relics or onslaught then to go play duviri SP other than to get the adapters and be done with it , i dont have a lot of time/energy anymore due to chemo treatments. so i have to play in bursts  and when im up to it. rather play what i already enjoy personally .w .

im sad as i was at least hopeful another warframe would drop so i could have something to toy , play with but there is always next update. but i got su/moon and ive wanted to have a dual nikana for a LONG time so bucket list check xD

the overall feel of duviri is nice for fast travels via horse , but the gameplay almost feels demo ish , and is more how i see soulframe functioning in the future, fantasia land with nature about in twists and bends 


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1 hour ago, (XBOX)Hyperion Rexx said:

Realise you are not god, you do not speak for anyone except yourself.

Spoiler: Duviri is actually a low key jab at all the moody Dominus Thrax people in this community, eventually being forgiven for a greater trade off bigger than them.

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1 minute ago, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

This. The Circus randomization is ****ing cringe. 

Man, thanks to you, I reminded of something: it's always the same dudes that both spit the negative and keep it going. Some of you guys haven't been satisfied with the game in years and I definitely get that old "Life is Rio" vibe from you all. So, it's CLEARLY to me that it is not the game that's the issue, it's whatever is going on with you guys and whatever u realistic expectations you all have. 

I'm also starting to understand why DE doesn't listen to you guys. 

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I enjoy the core Warframe experience and have done so for many years. Every one of these experimental updates is basically 'huh, that's neat' and then waiting for what comes next.

Like, the most impactful update for me in recent years was Deimos. The Helminth completely flipped things on their head and allowed me customization that wasn't possible before. The next one after that was... I guess Archon Shards? Maybe Focus 3.0?

From that perspective, this update offers, like, a few arcanes, a minor Drifter/Operator damage buff+pittance of health regen, and some incarnons that - from the two I picked so far - seem extremely underwhelming. Can't even melee as the Drifter in the Origin system, a decision that, piling on from the Nataruk in TNW, is getting really annoying. (Either they can use weapons or they can't - stop it with this cognitive dissonance.) And some new melee weapons that are potentially cool.

So yeah, if you, like me, are primarily interested in things that add to the core warframe experience, this update is pretty lean. I wouldn't be surprised if the Companion update coming in the fall has way more of an impact on it than this update does. 

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3 hours ago, CMDRKuixote said:

All of that word salad crying about how bad DE is being treated, yet you summed up the problem in your very last sentence.

Duviri is just FORCING you to mix it up.

That's terrible design. Period.

People should be INCENTIVIZED to play different things, not FORCED. Incentivization is how professionals do it, force is how amateurs do it.

No one's forced to play the game. You bought a computer and downloaded the game of your own volition. 

If the random company that owns its assets doesn't do what you want, you can stay or go. 

After whatever bug fixes occur, the update will still be here and you'll have to deal with it.

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I like what they were trying to do but it falls painfully flat in execution. Aside from the gorgeous art assets duviri is like a student game jam version of elden ring you'd find in a steam bargain bin for under 10 dollars. It's a completely lifeless "open world" with busywork collectibles and a handful of copypaste encounters.

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48 minutes ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

No one's forced to play the game. You bought a computer and downloaded the game of your own volition. 

If the random company that owns its assets doesn't do what you want, you can stay or go. 

After whatever bug fixes occur, the update will still be here and you'll have to deal with it.

I never understood this logic, even though I liked Duviri for the most part, people should still be free to express their criticism and feedback with it, because that's the point of a forum. Nobody is literally forced to play it, but people are going to play it nonetheless.

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2 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

Man, thanks to you, I reminded of something: it's always the same dudes that both spit the negative and keep it going. Some of you guys haven't been satisfied with the game in years and I definitely get that old "Life is Rio" vibe from you all. So, it's CLEARLY to me that it is not the game that's the issue, it's whatever is going on with you guys and whatever u realistic expectations you all have. 

I'm also starting to understand why DE doesn't listen to you guys. 

Ah yes. I hate this game. Thats why ive spent thousands of dollars on it.

Thats also why i spend so much time playing it. (Thousands of hours).

And when i buy wisp prime access and prime accessories for me and someone else day one it will be because i hate warframe so, so much. 


Theres a lot of things i love about this game including this update but that doesnt mean that the randomization of equipment in the circus is a good idea. 


You can disagree and thats fine but dont project a bunch of false assumptions into my mouth.

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2 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

Man, thanks to you, I reminded of something: it's always the same dudes that both spit the negative and keep it going. Some of you guys haven't been satisfied with the game in years and I definitely get that old "Life is Rio" vibe from you all. So, it's CLEARLY to me that it is not the game that's the issue, it's whatever is going on with you guys and whatever u realistic expectations you all have. 

I'm also starting to understand why DE doesn't listen to you guys. 

To me, this says quite a bit.  For any other faults Rio may have, he did accurately point out underlying issues with the game.  Amidst trolling and jokes, yes, but he did make some rather accurate commentary about some of the integral systems of the game which could stand some improvement.

Here's the thing - scrutiny and criticism are necessary.  With that scrutiny and criticism, yes, you'll get petty things reported - but you'll also be better aware of possible icebergs ahead.  Scrutiny and criticism do not mean that someone hates the thing being talked about, nor does it mean that they want it to fail.  Indeed - most of the time it's done from a place of love, wanting the thing they like to be better.

We cannot simply say "Oh, everything's great!" for each update, and hope DE reads our minds for the little issues we don't voice, if only we support them hard enough.  Telepathy via the internet is not yet a thing.  By the same token, it is our responsibility to name what doesn't feel like it's working, and suggestions for adjustment to get it in a better state.

Just like writers need editors to ensure a work flows well, DE does need feedback and critique to improve.  This doesn't mean things like "DE won't let me equip Scattered Justice on my Kuva Hek so clearly they hate their own game," but it does mean things like "Quest objectives in Duviri stop being tracked if we clear a field objective along the way."  This is also why so many players suggested (even demanded) that DE have test servers to test updates prior to them going live.

As I see it, this is very much ideally a collaborative process between DE as devs, and us as players of their game.

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A whole lot of coping in here for DE. This is why we get completely bugged and unplayable updates. It's not ok to accept products in this form. This isn't an opinion and has nothing to do with the direction or choices DE made to gameplay. Don't excuse this behavior on their behalf. This is the most broken update I have seen yet in this game.

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2 minutes ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

A whole lot of coping in here for DE. This is why we get completely bugged and unplayable updates. It's not ok to accept products in this form. This isn't an opinion and has nothing to do with the direction or choices DE made to gameplay. Don't excuse this behavior on their behalf. This is the most broken update I have seen yet in this game.



The common sense is STRONG with this one. 

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Hating on the new release is not the same as hating on DE like the title implies.... also giving opinions/feedback is not necessarily hating either.

The simple fact is that this update will be incredibly divisive purely by the fact it's focusing on something that isn't the warframes and people have generally speaking not been that interested in non PvE warframe content.... railjack, necramechs etc. 

Then throw in the usual buggy release, clunky drifter melee mechanics along with an 'unpopular' rotation schedule and you just can't expect everything to be positive.

It really doesn't help that it is so different from the rest of the game... even DE said it was inspired by rogue like games which are completely different in playstyle and mechanics to what is normal PvE warframe.... and to be honest, not everyone enjoys having another completely different style of game bolted on to another game.  Personally if I wanted to play a rogue like game, I'd go play a rogue like game....


And this might seem obvious... if we don't tell DE about the bad stuff we can't get rid of the bad stuff.  If DE only get 'positive' feedback,even when they've done bad then we will end up with getting more of the bad in future releases because DE will assume they're doing everything right (they're not).

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2 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

Hating on the new release is not the same as hating on DE like the title implies.... also giving opinions/feedback is not necessarily hating either.....


I stopped reading there because my brain can't process that amount of heavy CONCENTRATED dosage of common sense....



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I don't think the complains for the most part have anything to do with DE doing something new.  Rather, DE doing something new and not testing it prior to launching it.  I would rather wait a year and have something playable, than not and it suck as bad as Duviri is sucking right now.


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1 minute ago, (XBOX)Hyperion Rexx said:

it's always quite sad how these threads, and the forum in general, always dissolves into petty squabbling and name calling.

And yet, in game, folks are actually overall pretty positive and friendly.

Quite the dichotomy.   Probably why you rarely see anyone from de in here.

What name calling am I doing? 

What insult am I typing? Am I breaking any rule when I type about the importance of common sense? 

Am I toxic, vitriolic, a negative NANCY for pointing out things in the game that can improve? 

Am I insulting any Digital Extremes employee here when we are talking about the game? 

Where this perception comes from? Is this the preventive round done by the personnel doing damage control against the INFIDEL, the HERETIC and the user that SOW THE SEED OF DOUBT, too? What is it? 

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1 minute ago, Felsagger said:

What name calling am I doing? 

What insult am I typing? Am I breaking any rule when I type about the importance of common sense? 

Am I toxic, vitriolic, a negative NANCY for pointing out things in the game that can improve? 

Am I insulting any Digital Extremes employee here when we are talking about the game? 

Where this perception comes from? Is this the preventive round done by the personnel doing damage control against the INFIDEL, the HERETIC and the user that SOW THE SEED OF DOUBT, too? What is it? 


Sorry, what?

Did I mention you or even hint at you?   Why are you so defensive?

To be honest, why are you this worked up at all?   I get you don't like the update, that's fine, you're opinion is as valid as mine.   I also get you can't seem to stand anyone having a different opinion on the subject, which is also fine I guess, you do you etc.

And your perception of common sense seems to start and end with only people who agree with your pov can be bestowed that great title.   Huh?

And I have no idea what you're talking about in your last paragraph.   Like at all.   Infidel?   Heretic?   What?

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32 minutes ago, (XBOX)Hyperion Rexx said:

it's always quite sad how these threads, and the forum in general, always dissolves into petty squabbling and name calling.

And yet, in game, folks are actually overall pretty positive and friendly.

Quite the dichotomy.   Probably why you rarely see anyone from de in here.

Most people are in game, you know actually playing the game. We come here when you know, arnt playing so we can give our opinions and point out flaws that could potentially be fixed. I don't see name calling.

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43 minutes ago, (XBOX)Hyperion Rexx said:

it's always quite sad how these threads, and the forum in general, always dissolves into petty squabbling and name calling.

And yet, in game, folks are actually overall pretty positive and friendly.

Quite the dichotomy.   Probably why you rarely see anyone from de in here.

I think the devs pay attention to Reddit more. Even during the last dev stream, they talked about post from Reddit and not GD.

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12 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I've come to realize that the haters are part of the balance, yin to the yang, of Warframe fandom. They can't help what they do, but they play just as much as those that are satisfied. Thus proving every update successful

Imagine opening a successful restaurant and having half the guest go "you're a bad chef, you can't cook and food is terrible! I ate everything off my plate and I'll be here next week! " Time after time.


"The haters". This is the problem. We have attention seeking players like you on DE's left nut disallowing any criticism. Like it's clear what we want: We want to use OUR gear. We don't mind the new island, or new systems or whatever, but just lets us play WARFRAME not DRIFTER. Every game has these idiot fan boys like you and you're actually to blame for DE getting away with this BS time and time again.

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