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Update 33.5: The Seven Crimes of Kullervo


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I get about two hours between getting home from work and having to sleep. It’s really disappointing to know that there will be nights I am time locked out of being able to play this content due to the mood cycles. Really wish you had learned from eidolons by now and considered people having lives :(

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48 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Starting today with the release of Kullervo in this Update, each new Warframe we release from this point on will increase the number of purchasable loadout slots by 1.

  • With Kullervo, we’ve updated the number from 20 to 21.



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58 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Undercroft Defense Mission Changes

  • Reduced waves from 5 to 3. 
    • In an effort to decrease the length of Defense missions in the Undercroft, we’ve opted to reduce the number of waves to complete.
  • Increased enemy spawns and added Eximus units to defeat at the end of the mission. 
    • With the wave reduction, we want to maintain a level of challenge throughout the mission by ending it with a bang. 
  • The Defense Target will now regenerate its Shields to full in between waves. 
    • In light of the increase in enemy spawns and the addition of Eximus units, we wanted to ensure the target wasn’t in any immediate danger of being destroyed right on wave reset. 

Make this GLOBAL! Or at least for all special defense mission types.

58 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Go full throttle with Gauss Kresnik. His fiery collection includes the Gauss Kresnik Skin, Bolide Syandana, and Acceltra Caduceus Skin.

Gauss Kresnik Skin
Fire courses through Gauss Kresnik. Gain momentum with his thermal energy.

Bolide Syandana
Gauss Kresnik’s signature Syandana proves he can stand the heat.

Acceltra Caduceus Skin
Acceltra Caduceus turns up the heat of battle.

Meanwhile Akarius cries in the corner with dual wielded pistols at missing out on the chance to get a new skin, I am really hoping it gets some much needed buffs to account for getting hit too hard during the ammo update, hopefully during Gauss prime release.

58 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Give your Kaithe Gauss Kresnik’s singeing style. This collection includes the Aethon Chamfron, Saddle, and Tail.

Actually looks cool ngl.

58 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Prior to this change, the Hata-Satya was part of the following list of Augment Mods that had no interaction with their weapon’s Incarnon Form - this is their current status: 

  • Kunai’s Stockpiled Blight: It is intended for the Mod not to interact as it specifies Magazine capacity and Kunai’s Incarnon Form uses charges to fire, not ammo. 
  • Latron’s Double Tap: We are investigating functionality and will share the outcome. 

The factor that you don't label the Soma one as a bug is very concerning. If all interactions in the game point to it being able to interact but it doesn't it should be labelled as a bug and be communicated as such in outside material not as a whoopsie daisy we forgot. The scattered justice one came with a BS excuse and I see we are continuing that trend.

58 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Made the following changes to Teshin’s Cave weapon randomization logic: 

  • Decreased the chances of an owned and Mastered weapon appearing in Teshin’s Cave back to back if you own less than 10 weapons in that category (Primary, Secondary, and Melee). 
    • For example, if you own less than 10 Primaries total, the odds of the same owned and Mastered Primary weapon appearing in the Cave has been decreased. Teshin’s Cave offers the opportunity to experiment with your Arsenal, this change maintains that goal and prioritizes variety. 
  • Lowered the odds of weapons that you’ve already Mastered and sold appearing in the Cave. 
    • If a player has Mastered a weapon and sold it, it is likely they are less eager for it to appear in Teshin's Cave. So the odds of those weapons appearing has been decreased to increase the player's access to unowned and unmastered weapons.
  • If you own multiples of a Warframe or Weapon (e.g. two Khoras), the one with the most Forma installed will appear in Teshin’s Cave. 
  • Weapons with numerous variants will now properly cycle through those options.
    • Prior to this change, only one variant would ever appear in Teshin’s Cave even if you owned others. For example, if you had both the Prisma Machete and the Machete Wraith, it would only ever choose the Prisma Machete. Now, it will properly cycle through the variant options. 
  • Variants of owned weapons with Incarnon Geneses installed now take priority over all other variants. 
    • For example, an MK-1 Braton with an Incarnon Genesis install will take priority over a base Braton Prime. If the Braton Prime does in fact have an Incarnon Genesis installed, it would then take priority. 


Still isn't enough but better than nothing. This now just incentivizes me to sell all my useless weapons that I grinded hard for and mastered but don't want to sell which is not something I want to do.

I'd say there needs to some influence we can instill on rather than having to micromanage our inventory and selling off weapons we really don't want to but have to in order to properly play new content with weapons that can kill. Plus it doesn't mean that we have to follow with whatever behind-the-scenes formula is if I do want sell off my weapons just for a chance to get stuff that can kill.

The factor you can still straight up get a loadout that cannot kill the final boss is insulting period, and also the reason why damage attenuation needs to be changed,

58 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Increased the amount of Credits awarded from the later stages (11+) of the Steel Path Circuit from 1,500 to 50,000.

No amount of credits is ever a good reward to get in SP, REMOVE THEM. The reward for credits in SP is the credit drop chance booster we get in SP, not getting screwed over by getting more credits instead of a proper mission drop.

58 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Made slight changes to Caliban’s default colors - you shouldn’t see much of a change but you may want to revisit your current Caliban fashion to set it to your liking!

I really hope this isn't going to be the most amount of attention one of the Warframes that has been rising up in the ranks to be reworked is going to get.

Edited by XHADgaming
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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Method: Controls what upscaling method is used to upscale the rendered image to the display resolution. The available methods currently are FSR2.2 and DLSS (NVIDIA-only if supported).

  • NVIDIA RTX Minimum Driver Version Requirement: 512.15  

I'm so happy you guys added DLSS support, but it would be perfect if you allow sharpening to work for DLSS too, it looks a bit blurry even in quality mode. nonetheless, it boosts my frames a lot.

Edited by kiritochan18
to make it more clear.
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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

As part of our ongoing work to improve the performance of Warframe while using DirectX 12, you can now find a new setting in the Launcher which we’ve turned on by default:


Enabling "Shader Cache" should improve the performance of the game if you are using the DirectX 12 renderer. By storing shaders that have been prepared by the game for future use, loading times and micro-stuttering behaviors seen during gameplay should be reduced, especially on older CPUs.

  • Applies to both the "Classic" and "Enhanced" mode in DX12. DX11 is not affected.
  • There is a small increase to the amount of storage space used by the game. 

This feature is new and experimental, so let us know if you see anything very strange happen to the game's visuals with "Shader Cache" enabled. Or just let us know if the performance of the game is noticeably better!

Im lost, didnt the game had cache shaders ON before?, i mean the stuttering and fps drops after a fresh install or drivers update were secured at least first 30 min of gameplay running all the maps and open worlds

I have no idea how your engine works, but i not have stuttering in any game even at first run warframe its only the case and doesnt matter what settings i use, the stuttering its just there

Ryzen 3600, 6600xt, 16gb ram and game installed on HDD disk



On DX12 these black/grey outlines looks terrible, and its like that since forever (its not from this update)

Edited by Danielw8
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Tidal Surge bug is still not fixed.


On 2023-05-29 at 2:05 AM, Zabyr said:

Also, don't forget to fix bugs with Hydroid's abilities:

"Tidal Surge"



On 2023-05-10 at 4:41 PM, Xenokis said:


The problem that has been occurring since shortly after Duviri's release, where Hydroid's Tidal surge cannot be cancelled in mid-air, has not yet been fixed.


The same problem is happening with Lavos's Vial Rush.


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55 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

We want to ensure that you matchmake with players who have completed at least 1 full Spiral.

You essentially receive the 5 Pathos Clamps back from the mission due to fighting the Orowyrm at the end.

I get that but
with how many things that require clamps it does become a bit annoying to spend 5 clamps just for a chance at the fight
perhaps a similar pre-requisite like new undercroft like "have x decrees to be able to initiate the fight" would've been better

Edited by --SA--sBinadero
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And still no fixes towards mag locking her abilities and melee from casting 4, or certain weapons not benefitting from multishot, or loss of functionality due to sync issues for clients(the one where you can only moonwalk and jump). And plenty of other old bugs

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

As part of our ongoing efforts to convert Deluxe Operator Skins to make your Drifter look as dashing as ever, the Operator Harrier Collection and the Saita Prime Suit are now available for the Drifter! 

I really hope the Emissary comes soon!! 

One infested player can hope... T_T

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Hi, tnx for the update.
Just a quick suggestion/question;

  • If you own multiples of a Warframe or Weapon (e.g. two Khoras), the one with the most Forma installed will appear in Teshin’s Cave. 
    As a player with multiple maxed warframes it was fun not to know which warframe  i am gonna  get in Teshin cave and now it's kinda weird because everytime i load in, i already know which build i will have for the upcoming run.
    Is it possible to make it optional for people who like the random factor of it?
    Thank You
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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Captain Vor Arrives In The Undercroft

To those Tenno traversing the Undercroft, there is a chance you happen across one of the Tenno’s oldest foes. Captain Vor is guaranteed to spawn in all instances of Exterminate missions in the Undercroft.

Please tell me he has another monologue. I'm going to be so disappointed if he doesn't.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

You can now collect Duviri plant resources right from the comforts of Teshin’s Cave with the new SPROUT (Self-Perpetuating Regular Operation for Utilizing Terrain) system. 

Grow and Cultivate in Teshin’s Cave:
Every 20 hours, 6 random plants from Duviri will grow and mature for harvesting in Teshin’s Cave. Simply approach the planters located in the room between your Kaithe and the mirror to cultivate resources from these fully grown plants.

The growth timer resets once you collect the resources from Teshin’s Cave. Check back once the plants have matured again to harvest, rinse repeat! The resources harvested can immediately be used to purchase wares from Acrithis if you happen to come across her in the Duviri Landscape. For the launch of this update, the plants are already fully matured and waiting for you to collect them. 

If you enter Teshin’s Cave with a squad, each individual squad member has access to their own plants and will see their growth progress. 

Witness Growth in the Dormizone:
VERD-IE (Vegetation and Environment Regulation Drone - Independent Element) is tasked with taking care of your plants in the Dormizone while you are away conquering Duviri - what a pal! The Dormizone provides a look at how your plants are growing in Teshin’s Cave before committing to entering for harvest. 

What about all my empty plant pots in my Orbiter?

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Great . Thank You ! However 5 pathos to get into Kullervos hold is crazy expensive even if its , as said above , to ensure at least one circuit has been completed . Cant this be done as /at a software level like when the game checks eligibility for arbitrations?

Edited by Kirgit2019
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Time-Limited is mentioned 9 times, and Time-Limed is mentioned once, for a total of 10 references to expiring content.

Wasn't there supposed to be a shift away from time-limited FOMO content due to it's predatory/psychologically abusive nature?


Well, I've done the orowyrm fight before, so I know better than to give two hoots about this new warframe or whatever. The "Duviri Experience" is an unpleasant one.

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Thanks! Looking forward to getting Kullervo!


Anything on the multishot bug where it doesn't apply to hitscan explosions? (eg incarnon braton, incarnon burston)



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