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Update 33.5: The Seven Crimes of Kullervo


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15 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

That's funny and all, but then you still have Nourish (arguably the best Helminth by a long shot) - which is already nerfed and still the best. So... want DE to double nerf it?


I left out Nourish exactly for that reason.  And because the really powerful version of it happened very recently compared to Gloom and Breach.  But yes, while the other two are more egregious for never having their injected versions nerfed, injected Nourish is still too strong IMO.

15 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

Jokes aside, nobody is using the recent additions. There was no justification for pre-nerfing them by 50%. It's just, as always, DE having no clue about the balance in their game and just rolling the numbers roulette.

Not a joke really.  The "tongue sticking out" was just a wry admission that I knew nerfing Gloom etc. wasn't your goal and that approach is not one we're going to agree on.  But I do agree that the  injection nerfs have mostly been heavy-handed, really going back to reworked Pull.  This is dramatically highlighted by the continued strength of some older Helminth injections, but isn't contingent on them.

Edited by Tiltskillet
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Yeah I'm sure those arcanes totally weren't ready on Duviri launch and totally aren't implemented now to extend the time until players are done with duviri and this totally isn't a repeat of what you did with aotz

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The incarnon changes kinda killed the whole incarnon thing to me. And it was one of the most fun I had with this update, the most fun being the randomness of loadouts ("Mastery over the Tenno Arsenal" at last, plus new players can try all the stuff without the commitment of building the weapon). Only Carmine Penta being preferred over Secura Penta was awful on this update. I'm a collector, and Carmine Penta is trash for me, but it's a unique variant, don't make me sell it, please.

Tangent aside, yes, shooting a dead body and gaining charges was beyond wrong and it needed fix. It was fun. But it was broken and it needed fixing.

But being able to count multishots on headshot meant that Galvanized Multishot mods played a stronger role in keeping damage up since they also kept incarnon activation rate up. Not only that, shotguns (and secondary shotguns) got really powerful at close range, where you could land all hits square on an enemy face and have half charge just from that.

Please consider either reverting to the old method while fixing the body shooting and increase the number of charges needed on weapons that have innate multishot a bit, or reducing the charge cost to activate. There is no point to incarnon being able to bring these weapons up to SP standard if the activation rate gets slashed like that holding them back.

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26 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

This is dramatically highlighted by the continued strength of some older Helminth injections, but isn't contingent on them.

Meanwhile Decoy is still... Decoy.

DE said they wanted to buff the abilities that were (and still are) complete trash, or did I imagine that? Is it really always only nerf nerf nerf until everything is garbage, to the point that I won't even bother with the Helminth altogether anymore?

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13 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

Meanwhile Decoy is still... Decoy.

DE said they wanted to buff the abilities that were (and still are) complete trash, or did I imagine that?

Haha, yeah.  And Decoy is only one example.

Honestly,  I no longer remember if they actually said that about Helminth.   Or if we were just hoping it was implied.

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Decreased the chances of an owned and Mastered weapon appearing in Teshin’s Cave back to back if you own less than 10 weapons in that category (Primary, Secondary, and Melee). 

  • For example, if you own less than 10 Primaries total, the odds of the same owned and Mastered Primary weapon appearing in the Cave has been decreased. Teshin’s Cave offers the opportunity to experiment with your Arsenal, this change maintains that goal and prioritizes variety. 

You know, I'm fairly sure that excessive and non-consensual "opportunity to experiment" is what is already making this mode slightly less fun than pulling teeth. Rather than fixing it, you've made it even worse for a tiny subset of unlucky players. Big L.

Edited by Kattefjaes
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I am REALLY not fond of the new warframe event being time limited. You guys need to cool it with the FOMO, the grind for incarnon already has me burned out.

I am REALLY FOND of the Rhino change to overguard. This is EXACTLY what he needed! Being able to see exactly how much iron skin I have left instead of guessing based off a microscopic percentage number. If there were an audio cue when overguard runs out like there is for shields, that would be even better!

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I can't believe there is still no option available to replay The Duviri Paradox quest itself. Like, you made all the cinematics and the whole customizable Drifter just for us to experience it once? With The New War you at least added the feature later in the Echoes update, what suddenly happened now?

This really grinds my gears the most in the whole Warframe: the inability to replay any quest I want whenever I want, with random quests locked after one try. Considering how DE is getting more and more focused on lore and storyline, this is just plain frustrating and incredibly sad.

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1 hour ago, blackgu4rd said:

Still no option to disable Drifter quick ranged and enable automatic ranged/melee swap like for Warframes?

Having to swap weapons as Drifter is incredibly clunky and counter to how the system works everywhere else in the game.

they fixed that  weeks ago

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28 minutes ago, TheEternalJester said:

Is it just me, or are we being punished for running the special node? Losing half the clamps for wanting to run it on non-SP?

The special node is just there for Joy and Envy. This is just to maximum the amount of testing during the new content's teething period. 

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5 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Captain Vor Arrives In The Undercroft
To those Tenno traversing the Undercroft, there is a chance you happen across one of the Tenno’s oldest foes. Captain Vor is guaranteed to spawn in all instances of Exterminate missions in the Undercroft.

His health increases for each additional member in the squad. He must be defeated to successfully complete the Undercroft mission. 

On defeat, Captain Vor will drop Rune Marrow and has a chance to drop the Vor Sigil.

Undercroft Exterminate Mission Change: 

  • Slightly reduced the number of enemies required to exterminate (scales with number of players in squad). 

Undercroft Defense Mission Changes

  • Reduced waves from 5 to 3. 
    • In an effort to decrease the length of Defense missions in the Undercroft, we’ve opted to reduce the number of waves to complete.
  • Increased enemy spawns and added Eximus units to defeat at the end of the mission. 
    • With the wave reduction, we want to maintain a level of challenge throughout the mission by ending it with a bang. 
  • The Defense Target will now regenerate its Shields to full in between waves. 
    • In light of the increase in enemy spawns and the addition of Eximus units, we wanted to ensure the target wasn’t in any immediate danger of being destroyed right on wave reset. 


Why vor? bet its a mere Rune Marrow, why not 1 clamp? chance to give 1 clamp

Hope extermination has enemies reduced or better spawn bc scales with number of players can be ,full squad same number as before ,(we didnt fix anything)

Glad its 3 waves, and somewhat more enemies but dont go overboard as making stune/spam enemies making us the players not be able to play

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31 minutes ago, SQLOwns said:

they fixed that  weeks ago

I loaded into the game and checked all the new keybinds available before commenting, to confirm that it's still not.

Maybe you're conflating this with a different issue? This isn't a bug, it's a "feature". For which I'd like a toggle.

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5 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

If you own multiples of a Warframe or Weapon (e.g. two Khoras), the one with the most Forma installed will appear in Teshin’s Cave. 

This is nicer but I'd like to have the option to select which duplicate Warframe or variant. For example, I have Excalibur and Excalibur Umbra and I play both. Both are modded and forma'd differently. I'd like to try Excalibur in SP Circuit, but you force me to play Umbra.

EDIT: Another example: I now play with both Braton Prime and Braton Vandal and plan to have both made Incarnon. I used to play with only Vandal but SP Circuit forced me to play Prime. Now that I have both, I'd like to be able to choose between them.

Edited by nslay
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5 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Added “The Steel Path” option to the Simulacrum enemy settings. When enabled, enemies will have an additional +250% Health, Armor, and Shields. 
  • Added a skip button to the Circuit reward flourish after unlocking tiers and returning to the reward path screen. 
    • To address players getting “stuck” watching the reward flourish for a long time if they had unlocked a bunch of tiers. 
  • Hovering the reticle over the Drifter Melee weapons in Teshin’s Cave will now trigger a pop-up that provides its description. 
    • To help inform players before they commit to purchasing it.
  • Added stat buffs from Helminth Invigorations and Archon Shards to the “Configure” screen in Teshin’s Cave. 
4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Undercroft Exterminate Mission Change: 

  • Slightly reduced the number of enemies required to exterminate (scales with number of players in squad). 

Undercroft Defense Mission Changes

  • Reduced waves from 5 to 3. 
    • In an effort to decrease the length of Defense missions in the Undercroft, we’ve opted to reduce the number of waves to complete.
  • Increased enemy spawns and added Eximus units to defeat at the end of the mission. 
    • With the wave reduction, we want to maintain a level of challenge throughout the mission by ending it with a bang. 
  • The Defense Target will now regenerate its Shields to full in between waves. 
    • In light of the increase in enemy spawns and the addition of Eximus units, we wanted to ensure the target wasn’t in any immediate danger of being destroyed right on wave reset. 

This is excellent.


4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Incarnon Geneses Removal:
Cavalero can now remove Incarnon Geneses in the Chrysalith on the Zariman! 

Removing an Incarnon Genesis will return it to your inventory, but you will not be refunded for the original resources used to install it. 

Fair, thanks.
With that said, maybe have Cave weapon choice prioritize Incarnon Adapter over Vanilla < Wraith/Prisma < Prime?
(Unless it already does, idk, cba to farm for Incarnon Adapters I'll never use.)


4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

General Incarnon Geneses Changes & Fixes: 

  • Added “Owned” and “Installed” Icons to Incarnon Geneses you own / have installed in the Steel Path Circuit Rewards selection screen. 
  • Soma (base and Prime) Incarnon Genesis Changes: 
    • Soma Prime’s Incarnon Form fire now triggers the “Hata-Satya” Augment Mod’s Critical Chance buff. 
      • Prior to this change, the Hata-Satya was part of the following list of Augment Mods that had no interaction with their weapon’s Incarnon Form - this is their current status: 
        • Kunai’s Stockpiled Blight: It is intended for the Mod not to interact as it specifies Magazine capacity and Kunai’s Incarnon Form uses charges to fire, not ammo. 
        • Latron’s Double Tap: We are investigating functionality and will share the outcome. 

Again, excellent.
And thanks for the communication re: other augments.


4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Updated the description for Furis’ “Stormburst” Evolution I perk to better explain how it is triggered: 

Oh, yeah, that's a kinda important detail. ty for that.


5 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Starting today with the release of Kullervo in this Update, each new Warframe we release from this point on will increase the number of purchasable loadout slots by 1.
    • With Kullervo, we’ve updated the number from 20 to 21.  
  • Teshin’s Cave offerings can now be previewed in the Star Chart before entering Duviri with the Rank 4 “Warframe Abundance” Opportunity Drifter Intrinsic unlocked.
    • The display will also show the amount of Forma installed on the active offerings.
  • Added ability to fully customize Drifter controls in the settings. Select the Customize Key Bindings option under the Keyboard/Mouse section.and navigate over to the Drifter tab. 
  • Added a “Complete” icon to the mini and detailed maps in Duviri after completing main and side objectives. 
  • Added “The Steel Path” option to the Simulacrum enemy settings. When enabled, enemies will have an additional +250% Health, Armor, and Shields. 
  • Added a skip button to the Circuit reward flourish after unlocking tiers and returning to the reward path screen. 
    • To address players getting “stuck” watching the reward flourish for a long time if they had unlocked a bunch of tiers. 
  • Hovering the reticle over the Drifter Melee weapons in Teshin’s Cave will now trigger a pop-up that provides its description. 
    • To help inform players before they commit to purchasing it.
  • Added stat buffs from Helminth Invigorations and Archon Shards to the “Configure” screen in Teshin’s Cave. 
  • Dax Eximus and Heavy units can now be Mercy killed in the Undercroft!
  • Dax enemies can now be affected by multiple stacks of Status Effects! 
  • Dax Gladius can now be knocked out of their blocking stance a little quicker now! 
    • They were previously immune from being knocked out for 3 seconds at the start of blocking. That has been reduced by half!
  • The confirm button to Refine a Void Relic is now defaulted to update immediately to Radiant without having to select it from the rank grid. 
  • Updated all of the Drifter Melee weapons to better explain their functions (bold indicates edits): ...
  • The Drifter’s Guiding Hand ability will now track Shrine Pieces in the “Assemble the Shrine” objective in Duviri to make them easier to find. 

Once again, all excellent.

Will go over the fixes when I can see straight.

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5 часов назад, [DE]Megan сказал:

We want to ensure that you matchmake with players who have completed at least 1 full Spiral.

Sorry if it was asked already - so are you planning to make it cost 0 (zero) in Solo mode?

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8 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

1) Kullervo’s Hold. Accessible via the Duviri region in the Star Chart, 5 Pathos Clamps

2) Undercroft Survival Mission Changes

  • Slightly reduced drop rate of Life Support capsules from enemies.
    • Since Undercroft Survival does not last longer than 5 minutes, it does not need to use the same rules that let players stay indefinitely in an endless Origin System’s Survival mission. As long as players are killing enemies and activating Life Support towers when needed, this shouldn’t cause any problems!


General Incarnon Geneses Changes & Fixes: 

  • Soma (base and Prime) Incarnon Genesis Changes: 
    • Soma Prime’s Incarnon Form fire now triggers the “Hata-Satya” Augment Mod’s Critical Chance buff. 
    • Increased Status Chance and weighted total damage slightly more towards Slash Damage. 
    •  “Fresh Havoc” Evolution IV perk 1: 
      • Increased the damage from +4 to +6 on reload from empty. 
      • Changed stacks from 3x to 2x. 
    • “Elemental Balance” Evolution IV perk 2 has been replaced with “Fatal Aflection”:
      • +40% damage per Status affecting target. 
    • “Zeroed In” Evolution IV perk 3: 
    • Increased Critical Damage from +0.4x to +0.6x. 
  • Melee Slam Damage Mods (such as Seismic Wave) now affect the Furax Incarnon Mode’s AOE Heat Damage on Heavy Slam attacks. 
  • Fixed Bronco Prime’s Incarnon Form “Max Charges” showing 40 instead of the intended 20. 
    • It was always 20 in mission, this was just a description error in the Arsenal stats!
  • Fixed the Evolution IV description of the Prisma Skana’s Incarnon Genesis stating 30% Status Chance increase instead of the intended 20%.  
    • It was always 20% in mission, this was just a description error in the Arsenal stats!

First of all, this update is generally great! Overall, you've done a great job.

There are a small number of things that could need another look at, however (as per the quoted parts):


The reason for this - not being able to do it unless you've beaten the Orowyrm once - could've LITERALLY been the unlocking mechanism for this objective. Instead, you're just causing a grind-ception (something we REALLY don't need more of). It feels completely unnecessary and punishing to have this cost slapped onto it. If it was a small amount of ANY other Duviri resource, I honestly wouldn't bat an eye. But pathos clamps are already the hardest resource to come by, there was absolutely no need to make it even worse.


First of all, the drop chance is not reduced "a little". It's seemingly not even a quarter of the chance it used to be. Completely unnecessary, and made solo SP Circuit unnecessarily stressful (especially if you wanna grab the 3 decree fragments). Please revert? I really don't see the point of this seemingly heavyhanded nerf. And if nothing else:

PLEASE SHOW THE CHANGE IN NUMBERS! I really don't trust the words "a little" after trying it out today!


In general, Geneses stuff needs WAY more in depth changes than this (see my link below for a really thorough feedback on everything about Geneses evolutions etc).

Most notably, far less restrictive requirements for many of the effects to function. In particular, requirements like "only melee" need to be abolished, and other like "with overshields / X energy" need to be rethought so you can use them with all Warframes (Remember that Hildryn, Lavos, Nidus and Inaros exists?).

And all the with "X armor" or "Y energy" and such, why can't you make them segmented (So instead of 100% effect only at 450 armor, how about 10% effect per every 45 armor?). You guys just did that with some of the new Decrees, which is great, and I think the Incarnon upgrades would benefit immensly from such segmented functionalities too.

Anyway, on to more specific feedback to the update notes:

  • The Soma changes don't seem to be that big? You know, considering it is arguably worse than the base gun? I expected way more critchance (maybe with a little bit less base damage and multishot to compensate) so it makes more sense and is in theme with how the base gun functions. Hata-Satya functioning in Incarnon mode is nice though.
  • Furax Slam is still an absolutely worthless attack. Going from ~100 damage to ~300 damage via the Seismic Wave mod is a really laughable "upgrade" if nothing else is changed about it. I mean, enemies in steel path have MILLIONS of health, what is this minor slam effect supposed to actually contribute with? Did you guys forget to add a functionality on it or something? Like a vortex-effect? Noticeable damage? Anything?
  • Incarnon Bronco REALLY could've benefitted going from 20 shots to 40. It's currently one of the weakest (non-melee) Incarnons, so doubled Incarnon charge could've been a nice little useability boost.
  • I know the Prisma Skana thing was a description fix - But could you unnerf the previous Skana evolutions please? It's already a painfully bad Incarnon... ESPECIALLY the Prime version.

As mentioned above though, here's the far more thorough Incarnon feedback:


Edited by Azamagon
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