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Newest Wave Of Incarnons Will Be Purchasable With Platinum

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I really don't see a problem with it. If people want to use plat to skip the timegate then by all means.

They've had this in the game for years already. Warframes, weapons, Prime Warframes, Vault. This is just 1 more item added to the list where you can choose to skip the time-gate if you wish.

It's not like your using plat to skip all Circuit tiers completely. 

Plus platinum isn't that hard to come by with the in-game market. 

So with that in mind. No issues with it. 

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DE's stated reason is that adding these Incarnums is most likely going to fall onto an active cycle for other inc adapters.   Now DE was saying it would take 6 weeks before new inc adapters would show up in the list....   that part I dont really understand.  Inc Adapter sessions are a week long...  so even if other stuff is active, new adapters should show up the week after.  So 7 day wait at MOST...   I dont know why it would have to go the entire inc adapter cycle of 6 weeks.   They make it sound like they cant break up the 6 week cycles and rotations which could be true.....  I think they could drop an updated cycle list pretty easily.....

But anyways with the knowledge that you would have to sit through all the other incarnum adapter rotations before you got to see new ones would you really be ok with waiting 6 weeks??   Or would you rather have a buy now option?

You can call DE liars,   you can wait/buy the new adapters,   or....this has already been floated out there....

When we are off doing the stupid Steel Path Circuit we should just being earning points or some crap so we can just goto a vendor and BUY the adapters WE want with the points we earned.    No waiting for certain weapons to be in rotation.... they are ALL always in the store...  (and you wouldnt be able to buy points or adapters with plat if that even matters to people,   What do you care if people have adapters on crap or not??)


I am extremely underwhelmed by adapters and inc weapons.   I can wait even though i got 22k plat lol.   

(i'd also like to see an SP circuit path that is nothing but duviri arcanes :)   )

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16 minutes ago, (PSN)haphazardlynamed said:

Mostly because they try to maintain a more "ethical" stance to the microtransactions, skirting the edge so they don't get the controversial "Pay to Win" label.

I'd say the paid icarnons are going a bit too close.....

It's really not though. 

Consider the effort it takes for players to get to the point where they have incarnons accessible. It's a considerable amount of time.

You need the MR level, SP unlocked etc. Multiple requirements that you can't skip with platinum. 

Considering you can pretty much acquire any warframe with plat on day 1; I'd say that's more P2W then incarnons. 

And if they're reasonably priced: Time spent in trade chat saves you some $. I'd say that's more then fair.

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purchasing stuff is to skip collecting it, and literally the entire game is just collecting stuff for no reason.
i honestly don't really care. i'm going to choose to collect things because if i Buy everything there goes almost all of the Content and so i just wouldn't be playing. if someone else wants to spend Money to log out of the game, uh, i mean. idunno i guess they can do that. they're kinda just hurting themselves by doing it anyways.

it literally doesn't affect your or me as a Player if someone else bought something. so who cares.
what matters is whether the experience of collecting something yourself is a somewhat reasonable experience, and is revolving around parts of the Content that are enjoyable rather than tedious. as that'll determine whether you can play the game to get stuff, or if you'll "have to" Buy it.



also, Circuit and Duviri play fine in my experience? well, i haven't tried Duviri Experience in Multiplayer, that's Content that i prefer to play alone.
i suppose a couple times out of my binging over the past Week, i've had the main/side Objectives get confused. generally abandoning the side Objective and starting it again will resolve this, though.
Circuit works fine for me though. all the Players i encounter are even courteous and give everyone a couple Minutes to pick their stuff before we go through the Portal.

my only gripe about the Multiplayer experience would probably be that IMO Rune Marrow should share to the Squad when picked up rather than everyone having to run over to the same spots to pick it up themselves.


1 hour ago, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:

I am extremely underwhelmed by adapters and inc weapons.   I can wait even though i got 22k plat lol.   

Felarx is my baby 🥰

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I have mixed views on this. Lets say hypothetically DE decided paying for Incarnons was off the table entirely. How would they release these new Incarnons? So my original assumption was that when they implemented this system, they already knew what they could do. Like hypothetically they could add in options each rotation. Like instead of 5 a week, you were offered 6. Or potentially add in another weeks worth, or other ways. Each can have pros and cons. Like if you add another whole week, then players who come across this system later, may have to wait longer for certain Incarnon weapons they really really want. Like almost two months is kinda... Still, you also want to consider the idea that with new updates, people will want the new content and rewards as they will be playing a bit more. Like new Incarnons? Thats exciting, but then oh wait... have to wait another 6 weeks before they are available. Would kind of be a let down to many, and anti-hype. Surely there can be a more elegant solution though? 

So in this hypothetical, lets reintroduce Plat into the equation. I don't personally consider this P2W, but I don't think I need to, to be critical of it. Does feel a little gross in a way thats hard to articulate exactly or pin down. Like I understand the game needs ways to monetise, and its also not my job to understand or know how to best do that, but I do think its a little predatory when certain systems overlap. Specifically time gated content, new content, anticipated content and FOMO lite aspects. I also often like to talk about player agency as well. Going to quickly switch to another system I though could be better before I come back to my main point. 

I thought the new Drifter melee weapons were... a bit odd. Again, not a game Dev, grain of salt disclaimer all that. I would have figured introducing a new massive environment and mode, with new Drifter combat, could be ambitious, but a bit risky. I'd think the ability for players being a bit weary to such gameplay, would be to give them easy access to finding ways to best enjoy the new mode and combat. So I personally thought the new Drifter melee weapons were a bit overpriced as far as Pathos Clamps. Especially given thats also the resource required for new Incarnons. Granted again, some player agency, plus if players really wanted to, they could grind out fast Duviri runs and get new melee... but I kind of thought that was odd, since what if players weren't enjoying grinding out so many Duviri/Orowyrm fights... Easy burn out potential. On the other hand, if access to Drifter melee weapons was cheaper/easier, (like maybe if you could preview them against the training dummy etc) well players would find a melee weapon they enjoy a lot more than Sun and Moon, so the idea of doing much more Duviri and with more variety would become more appealing. Pathos Clamp pricing made me think they were trying to encourage players to buy such weapons with Plat though... Well that and the fact when you are in Teshins cave and go to select them, the game outright gives you two options, buy with Pathos Clamps or buy with Plat. Subtle after all is spelled with an s/. 

So my own idea, would have been separating the Drifter and  Warframe versions of the weapon, make the Drifter version easier to get, and Warframe version as it is. Still incentivises players to spend Plat to get them, for Warframe use and to skip all those Duviri Resources you would need, but giving players the options to enjoy the new mode with less burn out. Sampotes for example, is super fun, especially when you stack melee speed Decrees, but I can't really recommend it, its very slow, potentially polarising. 

Back to Incarnons, I'm not against monetisation efforts, this is a free to play game, I know what I am getting into, but ehh, this feels a lot like "Want the new thing? Well you can wait for 6 weeks... Or you could buy it... with Plat, and get it right now!" plus "Its a new update, hey Wisp Prime Access is out, you have Plat right? Why not just get the new thing now? Do you really want to wait 6 weeks?" and again, I know its not deliberate or consciously designed that way (I employ good faith on such things) but thats how things can end up seeming, without proper foresight or good solutions to problems that should have been easy to anticipate. Its a bit like if they delayed Wisp Prime relics for 3 weeks, so people who brought her with real money could have her right away, but those who didn't had to wait. 

That also being said, I am also surprised all Incarnons weren't already available for Plat. I personally wouldn't necessarily be against that either, but I figured/assumed that they didn't offer that because they perceived they value of engagement from players grinding to get materials worth more, but maybe that perception is different now? Also if they were, I'd personally rather wait. I don't really view anything as FOMO if I have to wait a month or so , but I also understand just because I steeled myself against subtle and potentially predatory tactics around gaming monetisation systems, they can exist and that I'd like DE to stay on the more respectable side of it. Which I still think generally they are. 

TL;DR Not the worst thing ever, definitely feel a more elegant solution could be found. Does feel a bit ick, I'm not personally too opposed, but I don't like the precedent this could set. Would rather all people just either have to wait to get the items, or if its purchasable with Plat, people aren't time gated, especially on release, which given the nature of Incarnons, is a bit tricky sure, but DE designed the system, so... 

Also I am not sure if they announced when the Echos update would happen? If its the same as Wisp Prime release, then thats actually in the middle of a whole new rotation of Incarnon weapons (week 1, aka Braton, Paris, Lato, Skana, Kunai), however if it releases the week before (Wed 19/Thur 20), then potentially the week after would be a new rotation, a week 7. If it is the Wisp Prime week, well... Not that synching the week better eliminates all the issues, but eh. 

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It's only the 5 new incarnons that have the option to being bought for plat.  They said it several times in the devstream. Not all of them - only those new 5.

(If the time-skip doesn't work, it's at 29:30)


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Incarnions for plat isn't an issue IMO, but I do wish they'd allow it for all of them.

Having the option to not have to wait for weeks to get the adapter you need is a convenience that I'm sure many players will welcome. As long as platinum can still be earned in-game, I'm hesitant to say this is anywhere close to P2W. We've always been able to buy weapons and Warframes with plat, but as long as none of those things are exclusive to platinum purchases, I think we're still in the green.

The day when I can name a weapon or frame that can ONLY be bought with plat is the day when I start worrying about P2W and predatory monetization strategies.

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This is not a pay to win model but a pay to skip model. The game was like this since the beginnings. DE defined and mastered the art of a pay to skip model introducing resources ramifications, time gates and time sinks on almost everything. This is accentuated too with the RNG. DE creates some sort of discomforts in the game so people consider the route of purchasing these bridges as a fast forward over the tedious. 

DE market has revenues, that's why they can get away with it. However the game remains average but fun. Great games are based on the pay to play model. For me this one is more safer despite the shenanigans we've seen lately. Pay to skip the time sink is not new. It is a good market model for IOS phone games and the next step in the evolution of this game, for better or worse. 

I stopped playing for a while and probably never come back if the game doesn't improve graphically and increase in size. I would be busy playing Starfield and games that addresses the next generation other than sticking to a retro game like Warframe. As I said before, this is not a bad game but looks like DE found comfort on a game that is better aimed for multi platforms such as the iOS phones and gaming phones. This is not my interest. I think that gaming should be for free time and for PC and consoles, in my opinion. 

I had a lot of fun with Warframe and still get into it only fridays few hours only. It had its time and was good for the intended purpose. 

Well, it doesn't matter if Incarnons are for sale or not. I think people is wise enough where they should spend their time as adults and prioritize their money on their responsibilities. Games are disposable and secondary. This is more than obvious. I get worried when developers thinks that games could be a second job. This is when I pack my luggage and go Jetblue elsewhere. 

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I personally don't think there's inherently a problem with it. Though, they probably shouldn't be purchasable unless you've unlocked steel path since that's where you would normally unlock them, and by then you should have powerful weapons at your disposal anyway so it shouldn't really make much of a difference. And they should be 100% transparent in game with the rotational rewards, it should be very clear that it is available in the rotation and when so players know that it's not their only option. 

26 minutes ago, (PSN)Cargan2016 said:

who is going to want to farm gorgon adapters

I'm going to get 2 for differing builds. I don't care about its stats (plus incarnon will make that better) it's just one of my favourite weapons. 

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28分钟前 , (PSN)Cargan2016 说:

considering the weapons being added and being considered are among worst in the game cause honestly who is going to want to farm gorgon adapters there are feather dusters more dangerous than that POS

Post your feather duster builds. 

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While the adapter is weapon specific, it's no different than an arcane adapter or an exilus slot adapter.

You can say that this one grants a vast upgrade to the weapon, but a new player can already buy a prime access that will grant them the weapons necessary to conquer early game faster, i mean anything is better than an mk1 braton right? Heck, Prime Fulmin is comming soon, these even bypass any MR requirement to be used, you just buy your way into it.

DE Balances player retention with monetization and trading, it's obvious that certain things are made so that they can only be purchased, while other things are only meant to be farmed.
This keeps cosmetics exclusive and makes players unable to buy their way to the top.

Arcanon adapters were a farm only mechanic, you really couldn't buy your way, but it seems DE has plans to make it both farmable and a purchasable item, making it similar to the vast majority of the game already.
It can be viewed as a good thing, as "farm only" items are often a retention strategy so that players can't buy and stop playing the game, meaning DE isn't all that concerned atm with players buying the adapters day 1

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4 hours ago, (PSN)haphazardlynamed said:

Mostly because they try to maintain a more "ethical" stance to the microtransactions, skirting the edge so they don't get the controversial "Pay to Win" label.

I'd say the paid icarnons are going a bit too close.....

You can buy credits and endos for absolutely horrid conversion rates with platinum. That ship has sailed.

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too long, didn't read

How does it differ from locking players from certain weapons with Mastery Rank which are available to buy for platinum?

New Geneses are available through fair* grind. What's the matter?

*meaning there is a way to earn them for free. However the tediousness of SP Circuit is not fair to players but that's another topic.

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1 minute ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

You can buy credits and endos for absolutely horrid conversion rates with platinum. That ship has sailed.

Yeah but you can grind endo and credits at a reasonable pace. You can get a fair number of primed mods to rank 8 or 9 without too much trouble.

And how much time that takes depends directly on how much you play and how efficiently you do so. It isnt like theres an arbitrary limit that says you can only max 2 primed mods a week no matter what but you can pay to skip. 

2 hours ago, 0bsi said:

It's only the 5 new incarnons that have the option to being bought for plat.  They said it several times in the devstream. Not all of them - only those new 5.

(If the time-skip doesn't work, it's at 29:30)


Couple thoughts here.

the incarnon weapons in general are the arguably the strongest weapons in the game. They're at or close to the power ceiling (generally). 

Yeah, sure you can buy other weapons for plat but theres not a time gate for any of them. Unless you wanna count vaulted relics for aya maybe but i feel like thats not really a fair comparison because for any weapon to even end up in that pile it had to have been available for quite awhile first. 



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5 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

This isn't new as a concept , it is only new in its scope.

We have always had plat as a way to skip time. Where in the past it was to skip a few hours worth of farms or days worth of build times.

Now it's weeks or months instead.


Do I like it ? No , not at all , but am I glad there is an alternative to having to wait months ? A bit   hopefully it gets applied to all incarnons.

But this is very much digging a moat and charging people to use the bridge situation , though they are also the ones that have made things on the other side of the moat so it's kinda .... Understandable .

You can technically still cross it but it may take longer and you may get wet in the process.

I am only pissed that they seem to not plan ahead with such things.

"They didnt plan it" 


The hell they didnt, says me anyway.


And they can milk this every time new incarnons get added.


Seems too profitable to be an accident.

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12 minutes ago, bl1te said:

How does it differ from locking players from certain weapons with Mastery Rank which are available to buy for platinum?

I'm fairly certain that mastery locks apply to plat purchases as well. It's PA and nemesis weapons that bypass them.

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Bro almost everything in the game is farmable. If you're complaining that other people are able to get it faster well it is their loss, because they lose out the content of the game and it's purpose.


It's not about swiping the card, you can always farm prime items from relics and sell it on the market. Is that too difficult for you? "Oh but i dont have time to farm it", yeah? Well you just answered yourself why some people will even rush foundry items to get them faster. The main problem here is not the fact they are gonna be purchasable with platinum. Literally the whole in game market is like that, you can basically buy almost everything in the market pre-crafted and with an orokin catalyst/reactor installed.


And why the hell do you even say it's pay to win. WIN WHAT? LIKE WHAT DO THEY WIN? Wow they skipped a few weeks until they are in the Circuit rotation. Ok, so what? Maybe the weapons suck. Meanwhile you can farm all the materials for them, and prepare build for them. So please for the love of whoever you do or do not believe in, stop saying it is P2W. Some people have money to spend and that's how they chose to spend it, what do you care? If a player buys platinum with real money that means the whole market platinum number has been increased. And yes, the whole market is based on the platinum they bought, and therefore you will benefit from it if you trade items to get platinum.


I really want to know other people opinion on this. I respect everyone's opinion based on facts and not crybabies. 

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