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The Seven Crimes of Kullervo: Hotfix 33.5.6


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Ye I have to do hours of completely useless content to finally play SP again on a free weekend. Thanks...

Edit: Okay it wasn't "hours" but still, why did you have to put this requirement on these nodes? Completing every Duviri node in normal mode unlocked SP again

Edited by Samhel
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1 hour ago, Roble_Viejo said:

Not working. 

I guess I will miss the Incarnon Adapters of this week.


From the patch notes:

"in order to unlock Duviri on The Steel Path now, you may need to replay and complete The Circuit (complete at least one stage) and Lone Story (complete all stages, including defeating the Orowyrm) on their normal difficulty"

Should work fine if you do this.

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hace 1 hora, [DE]Momaw dijo:


From the patch notes:

"in order to unlock Duviri on The Steel Path now, you may need to replay and complete The Circuit (complete at least one stage) and Lone Story (complete all stages, including defeating the Orowyrm) on their normal difficulty"

Should work fine if you do this.

Nope. Im already Rank 10 on Normal Circuit. Still not working.
I played the Lone Story and the Duviri Experience too. Not working.

I restarted the Game, I even restarted my PC. Im counting this
week as a week lost. Hopefully this gets patched on Monday
or hey, maybe this requirement is removed altogether. 

Edited by Roble_Viejo
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SP Duviri is absolutely bugged, I've done all three on normal; the circuit, the duviri experience, the lone story. Still blocked.

Many others in the forums have even done full circuit on top of the other nodes with picture proof, let alone just one round, only to find they are still locked out.

Finishing on all normal absolutely does not unlock Steel Path for a large number of players.

edit: the full the lone story and the full duviri experience, including killing the wyrm and leaving through the portal before anyone asks.

Edited by GangrenousGremlin
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2 hours ago, Roble_Viejo said:

Not only that, but it is BUGGED

I completed the WHOLE 10 LEVELS 
of Regular Circuit and I still CANT 
play Steel Path Circuit.....

Why did DE made this change? 
Probably to keep players logged in 
as much as possible, like always is


So, have you done one round of the lone story?


I did a regular round of duviri, and a circuit regular round, and was locked out.  Out of frustration I redid the "just the story" and it unlocked.  While frustrating...at least you get 10 pathos clamps.  It's kind of like getting a kick to the shins as a prize...but it does unlock.

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hace 1 hora, master_of_destiny dijo:


So, have you done one round of the lone story?


I did a regular round of duviri, and a circuit regular round, and was locked out.  Out of frustration I redid the "just the story" and it unlocked.  While frustrating...at least you get 10 pathos clamps.  It's kind of like getting a kick to the shins as a prize...but it does unlock.

I played all 3 Duviri Modes
Circuit, Experience and Lone Story

Im just gonna play something else for the weekend,
hopefully this gets fixed on monday 

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Yeah this is such bull lmao. Already had played it and had it unlocked and now its all locked?

Living that beta experience still more than 10 years later 😂N😂S92PG6DB52


Everything is locked for me. I've done the quest. Already played a bunch of experience and circuit, all in SP.
Just tried one level of circuit in normal. SP is still locked. I've no clue how to unlock it.
Do i have to fvken play the WHOLE circuit (10 levels?) in normal just to access what I already had access to before?
Absolutely no respect for people's time. Blatant BS,



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13 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

If people want an exhaustive run down of what the problem was, here it is:

The game internally keeps track of which map nodes you have Completed. This should be obvious to every Tenno, if they think back to the process of filling out Navigation with filled nodes. In order to play Mars, you need to work your way down through Earth, through the Relay, across Venus, through another relay and then there you are.  Leaving a trial of Completed map nodes behind you that connects you back to the start point. There is a difference between playing a node, and Completing it.

  • Bug 1: Playing the Duviri Paradox quest line did not automatically complete the Duviri Experience map node. This means that if you played The Circuit or Lone Experience, they also never got counted as Completed, because they didn't have anything to connect to. You're not allowed to complete map nodes out of order.  It was actually possible to avoid the entire issue by doing The Duviri Experience (normal) first, then the Lone Story and The Circuit (normal), but that's the only way it worked and obviously a lot of people didn't do this.
  • Fix 1: Automatically mark The Duviri Experience node as Completed for anybody that has finished The Duviri Paradox quest line. This creates your bridge-head into the Duviri region and allows The Circuit and Lone Story to be Completed when you play them because now they have map adjacency.


  • Bug 2: The Duviri mission select screen was not preventing people from choosing a mission on Steel Path difficulty when they didn't have the underlying node Completed on normal difficulty. So a lot of people were playing on Steel Path Circuit even though the underlying normal Circuit node- or indeed ANY node in Duviri- never got marked as completed. THIS is why it appeared that there was no problems... Except this resulted in people never getting their completion rewards for doing all Steel Path Duviri nodes. You were able to play the nodes, but they weren't Completing because you didn't actually have proper access to them.
  • Fix 2: Change the UI in Duviri mission select to obey the same rules implied everywhere else in the game: You can't play the Steel Path version of a mission if you didn't play the region's Normal difficulty first.

I hope this explains the course of events to your satisfaction. We aren't trying to hide or mislead the community about anything.  Nor are we taking away progression:  That progression was never registered in the first place and we fixed a bug that made the game simply not care about your lack of true progression (and as a result, blocked you from getting your Steel Path trophies). I understand that people are frustrated by this and we can only apologize.  Game development is already very difficult, development of a live game that evolves without ever shutting down is doubly so.

To reinforce: As per the patch notes, to solution to regain access to Duviri's Steel Path difficulty after hotfix 33.5.6, is play and complete The Lone Story and do 1 round of The Circuit, on normal difficulty.

The second bug sounds more believable than the first bug, that is until you take 5 minutes and read some of the responses here. You have multiple players telling you outright that DE's proposed solution DOES NOT WORK. Let me repeat that.


Your proposed theory for how the second bug is possibly occurring has another major flaw. It assumes that everyone with this bug has not completed the normal mode for at least one of the three, circuit, lone, or the full experience, nodes. However, I at the least know for a fact that I completed each node on normal mode in the first day.

So no, your explanation is not satisfactory and is easily proven flawed. Plus it does not help DE's case at all if they ignore all the players who are telling them that DE's solution did not work for them. Based on your theory and the input from others testing your proposed fix, I think the real bug occurred when the kullervo event was removed. If I had to put money on it, my guess would be that it is an issue with node completion, but one that is tied to the now done event. Since the kullervo event had both normal and SP versions, I bet that for some reason they were treated as nodes. After the event was done and removed, the game might still be looking for that kullervo node, or it caused the completion status of the normal nodes as not finished. Those other two bugs you proposed might exists, I wouldn't even be surprised if they did to be honest. However those do not explain how your fixes aren't working for some people, and how others like me (who should not have the bug due to already have done all the nodes in normal mode) experienced the bug.

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6 часов назад, m0b1us1 сказал:

Since the kullervo event had both normal and SP versions, I bet that for some reason they were treated as nodes. After the event was done and removed, the game might still be looking for that kullervo node, or it caused the completion status of the normal nodes as not finished

Not likely, since I had never played the Lone Story (neither normal nor SP), thus technically I have not completed all nodes on normal, but I was able to play SP before these changes.

Also, I have played Duviri Experience (full session) -> Circuit (1 round) -> Lone Story (full session) on Normal difficulty, and the SP mode unlocked for me.

I had never touched Kullervo's Hold.

Edited by bl1te
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16 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Sorry, to be clear, this is not accurate. You only need to complete 1 round and then you can leave as far as marking the map node as completed.


This is not true. I've already run one round of normal circuit, and SP is still locked.

It still fails to address the very clear and reasonable statement that (even if what you said were true, which it isn't for many players) we don't want to spend the time to re-unlock content that has multiple ways of being shown as previously cleared. This is a whole new level of disrespect for your players' time and investment in your game.

Edited by Tonberryc
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11 minutes ago, Tonberryc said:

This is not true. I've already run one round of normal circuit, and SP is still locked. It would be great if you'd actually check your own game before shaming your players on public forums.

AND one completion of Lone Story on normal.


They are saying go do one round of standard circuit AND one completion of Lone Story on normal.

How are so few of you understanding this?

This also goes for @BloodRaevn, @Roble_Viejo, @us5353, @GangrenousGremlin, @Pixydis and the rest.

[DE]Momaw has stated that it has to be done again because it wasn't checked off properly in the first place on the backend. This entire part of the system has been separated from the star chart in a different manner than others before it, so it's taken some tweaking to get it right. Better it's iterated on than ignored.

tl;dr: you need to complete one normal circuit and one normal lone story again for it to be unlocked, due to how the system records the completions.

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7 hours ago, Roble_Viejo said:

Not only that, but it is BUGGED

I completed the WHOLE 10 LEVELS 
of Regular Circuit and I still CANT 
play Steel Path Circuit.....

Why did DE made this change? 
Probably to keep players logged in 
as much as possible, like always is

For me I also needed to do the 2 "extra" rounds of the normal circuit, not just the regular 10 rounds.  12 rounds of the circuit + doing the Lone Story = 6-8 hours of grind.  I also did another round of the "full experience" in order to be sure, but I won't count that as I needed to get more bane anyway.

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1 hour ago, iPathos said:

AND one completion of Lone Story on normal.


They are saying go do one round of standard circuit AND one completion of Lone Story on normal.

How are so few of you understanding this?

This also goes for @BloodRaevn, @Roble_Viejo, @us5353, @GangrenousGremlin, @Pixydis and the rest.

[DE]Momaw has stated that it has to be done again because it wasn't checked off properly in the first place on the backend. This entire part of the system has been separated from the star chart in a different manner than others before it, so it's taken some tweaking to get it right. Better it's iterated on than ignored.

tl;dr: you need to complete one normal circuit and one normal lone story again for it to be unlocked, due to how the system records the completions.

I literally stated that I had completed ALL nodes, including lone story which I had mentioned at least 2 times in my initial comment. I had gone over and completed them all AFTER the hotfix too so the solution is again, absolutely not as simple as you suggest.

Eventually it did start working for me, I could not tell if it was simply random or because I had initially done the nodes solo on my first two attempts post hotfix and multiplayer the third time round but the first thing I did when the update came was replay ALL nodes on normal and they did NOT UNLOCK, after having finished all.

You are assuming way too much and taking a far too patronizing tone given the fact you are just wrong here.

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If you're going to make The Lone Story a requirement to play SP circuit how about actually telling us in game? "Normal mode for this node must be completed first" doesn't really #*!%ing cut it, and it's incredibly frustrating to clear normal mode only to be given the same message.


edit: I completed every duviri node in normal mode and every duviri SP node is still locked. Boy do i love the idea of waiting another 6 weeks to get these incarnons again

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42 minutes ago, _Connor said:

If you're going to make The Lone Story a requirement to play SP circuit how about actually telling us in game? "Normal mode for this node must be completed first" doesn't really #*!%ing cut it, and it's incredibly frustrating to clear normal mode only to be given the same message.

Did you read the patch notes? They're already aware of that issue and have stated that they're currently working on having the pop-up message specify which missions you still need to complete in order to unlock Steel Path Duviri.
This change will be implemented in the next update.

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I was doing Solo Steel Path Circuit all good until I went into the next mission then I find out I can't use warframe skills or go to operator, by the time the enemies killed me to fix the BUG they destroyed the defence objective and Mission Failed. :angry: You need to be killed outright by letting the timer run down then do a full revive to fix bugs in Circuit.

Can't wait until critical mission bugs are fixed then I'll enjoy myself more, I'm loving Duviri but mission stoppers are frustrating, I wouldn't mind on any of the other mission types I'd get myself killed reset the Warframe and back into it but to happen on Defence really sucks.


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Completed 1 stage of circuit, completed Duviri Experience and then, after reading this thread, Duviri solo story and finally SP Circuit is open again. Now just hoping I have time today to complete this week's rotation. 

At this point I fear for next DE "fix" which may (you know it will) lock SP Circuit again.

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hace 15 horas, The_Android dijo:

2 "extra" rounds of the normal circuit, not just the regular 10 rounds.  12 rounds of the circuit + doing the Lone Story = 6-8 hours of grind.

"We are forcing all players to grind for 6 hours just to access the missions they were already playing" -DE

At some point they gotta realize their players are not losers,
they actually have lives to live and things to do, smh....

I wanna clarify that I actually really like Duviri, but enough is enough

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On 2023-07-07 at 5:26 PM, [DE]Megan said:

The Seven Crimes of Kullervo: Hotfix 33.5.6

Small hotfix to address the following priority issues.

How about fixing host migration in Circuit making it broken/bugged/unfinishable? That should be the priority, right? Right?

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16 hours ago, iPathos said:

[DE]Momaw has stated that it has to be done again because it wasn't checked off properly in the first place on the backend. This entire part of the system has been separated from the star chart in a different manner than others before it, so it's taken some tweaking to get it right. Better it's iterated on than ignored.

tl;dr: you need to complete one normal circuit and one normal lone story again for it to be unlocked, due to how the system records the completions.

Or they could have just leave it alone because it was harmless, or atleast update it in a way where there could be a script ran that auto-completed normal for those who have already done Steel Path pre-patch. This wouldn't be an issue if the people getting affected by this bug wouldn't be missing progress on something available for 7 days every 6 weeks. I only lucked out here because I ran every mode fully atleast once because it was on the profile at first as a node completion.

Of course it's better to fix stuff, but it's getting ridiculous how players are getting the short of the stick more than once with this update due to a disastrous list of bugs. Nobody has been reimbursed for weeks of Resource Boosters not working, the very rare Booster Weekend not applying at all to the content, or the fact Kullervo's Hold in Steel Path wasn't working for a while.

The way things are going almost feels like a game of darts.

Edited by Voltage
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11 hours ago, Voltage said:

Or they could have just leave it alone because it was harmless, or atleast update it in a way where there could be a script ran that auto-completed normal for those who have already done Steel Path pre-patch. This wouldn't be an issue if the people getting affected by this bug wouldn't be missing progress on something available for 7 days every 6 weeks. I only lucked out here because I ran every mode fully atleast once because it was on the profile at first as a node completion.

Of course it's better to fix stuff, but it's getting ridiculous how players are getting the short of the stick more than once with this update due to a disastrous list of bugs. Nobody has been reimbursed for weeks of Resource Boosters not working, the very rare Booster Weekend not applying at all to the content, or the fact Kullervo's Hold in Steel Path wasn't working for a while.

The way things are going almost feels like a game of darts.

I don't disagree, though with the fix already having been implemented I don't think there's a high chance of that being reverted (unfortunately). I was apparently also one of the few who originally did the nodes in the "right" order - as I have not had to recomplete any of the nodes for access to SP versions - so it hadn't come to my attention as an issue before seeing people posting about it.

Perhaps my view on the accuracy of the updates is somewhat skewed, I make many of my own goals for collection or completion within the game so there is always something else to direct my attention towards. I also play a couple of other games with markedly less active and...let's say "devoted" dev teams, thus by comparison it will usually feel like DE are doing well enough - to me at least. 

I wasn't aware of Kullervo's Hold not working at any point, so this is news to me. As for resource boosters not working, this has been a personal gripe for the same reasons. Though due to how I, my clanmates and other friends in-game have approached the content, there's generally been enough of all the relevant resources to go around. Ironically, Pathos Clamps are the single resource I appear to constantly run out of - though I doubt those are ever intended to be affected by resource boosters.


17 hours ago, Slayer-. said:

I was doing Solo Steel Path Circuit all good until I went into the next mission then I find out I can't use warframe skills or go to operator, by the time the enemies killed me to fix the BUG they destroyed the defence objective and Mission Failed. :angry: You need to be killed outright by letting the timer run down then do a full revive to fix bugs in Circuit.

Can't wait until critical mission bugs are fixed then I'll enjoy myself more, I'm loving Duviri but mission stoppers are frustrating, I wouldn't mind on any of the other mission types I'd get myself killed reset the Warframe and back into it but to happen on Defence really sucks.


This... This is a bug I hadn't encountered often before Duviri, but since it dropped has definitely happened several times.

At this point it's at least once per week and usually multiple times, each requiring either some knockback jank or as said, fully dying.

It would be wonderful to see this addressed sooner rather than later, if possible. The only thing I can add to its causes is trying to act too soon after transferring to operator as a client, which is of course ping-dependent. Within the Circuit it's a huge problem too, as that usually calls for quick action to either destroy Thrax ghosts or drop operator abilities.

Expanding on that, can we please have some attention given to Thrax Legatus spectral forms being indestructible unless you're the host? It makes the intended counterplay impossible by any clients and calls for either status immunity, a cleanse or magnetic proc immunity just to deal with the UI scrambling effect (which not all cleanses actually cleanse, either...).

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I had finished circuit, duviri experience and the lone story after 33.5.5. update and I still couldnt access steel path
after finishing it on 33.5.6 as well I am finaly able to do steel path
All it takes is 3 playthroughts, am I right?

Edited by Jannol
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