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The price of Heirloom skins is incredibly disappointing.


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5 minutes ago, Oberick said:

Does the Developer or Publisher set cash shop prices? Given DE just had to apologize for Wayfinder cashshop pricing you would think they wouldn't try another scummy anti-consumer tactic so quickly.

I don't think we know how much control Tencent chooses to exercise over DE. For all we know they let them have free rein for a while and it's only now we're starting to see them turn the screws.

Or, it could be all DE, and they could've f***ed up like they did with regal aya. 🤷‍♂️

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It's really weird to me, I've been stewing over today's... decision for a bit.

The more I learned of it, the more astounding it became. I learned of it in-game, and then the FAQs about it, then the forums.
The conclusion I reached baffles me, and I hate it. The precedent this sets flies so in the face of what DE led me to believe was the MO (since the days of Ash Prime being available from the Void Keys), that I"m concerned this behaviour will be what makes me leave. Even as recent as last year, leaving WF was inconceivable to me.

I am in awe that this is a thing we're having to talk about.

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7 hours ago, V2lkyr said:

Did DE get these amazing deal ideas from Activision Blizzard?

No because you don't need them for the content and , when broken down, the costs are itemized properly. This pack is all about looks only and some of these comments are just extremely and laughably overdramatic. I do understand the frustration though.

That said, I think it would be a good idea to break up the package but I also think this is similar to the founders pack idea: "support the start of the next 10 years and receive these exclusive items."

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Fashionframe ain't just a joke. Cosmetics are part of the experience. We accept a certain amount of monetization of them because they're not explicitly gameplay, so it's the generally agreed upon route to fund free-to-play. That's seen as fair. 

Metaphorically holding a gun to the cosmetic's head and demanding you pay up by x date or you'll never be able to get them again is, you know, not fair. It's not like there's an opportunity cost to making the skins available again at some point in the future, there's no production costs after they're finished being made.

It's just psychological manipulation, plain and simple. It's the kind of thing DE used to try to avoid. They just offered a good product, you paid for it with plat so DE gets paid whether or not you traded for it, and that was it. 

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3 hours ago, Testostzzet said:

Consider: A friend invites you to a party celebrating your friendship, and tells you they're supplying all the food. You eat, you have a great time, etc. Then they tell you if you want to stay further, you need to foot the rest of the bill, and that bill is four times higher than any dish you'd ever have bought knowing the price ahead of time. Do you NEED to eat more? No. Do you NEED to participate to enjoy the night you've already had? Of course not.

But now imagine your friend just said up front that certain dishes were something you'd have to buy, and that they'd be unusually expensive. Well hey you know what, maybe you're ok with spending a little extra on your friend to support. F- it, right? It's been a good run so far.

It's that initial context and setup that matters. More importantly, all this could be avoided if you could get the dish without all the weird little scallops in it. Sure, DE isn't our "friend," but I'd argue that their relationship with their community is better than most, and that means this warranted a little more foresight if they didn't expect people to feel stung. We've all played the same game. We all watched the same Tennocon stream just now. I think it's pretty fair to say the hard-working devs at DE have deep feelings on this relationship too. It's OK to have a dialogue about how this, and further promotions, could be handled better.

The whole context with the "party" just sounds like a typical "Party for the Rich" that actually makes a profit off by upscaling things to ludicrous levels.
All in an effort to say "We're friends, right? C'mon, buy a few!"

To that? I'd say "Friends don't charge me 100 bucks for a plate of sliced deli meat with some garnish and a fancy toothpick."
And that's precisely what I'll say here. "DE shouldn't charge me 70$+ for some skins that have a false-sense of lofty power to them."

Remove the FOMO? Give means for it to come back?
Sure. I can skip it and let others enjoy it.
Lower the price? Remove the excess garbage?
Sure, I'd consider dropping some money on it.

Imagine if Nintendo's Smash Bros. DLC for just Mii Fighter costumes costed 100$. A character that is already questionable.
"Oh, you want the Duffelbag Suit Skin? That's only available in the Supreme Pass with HoboMan 3000 and 3D costume of a 2D character for 150$."
People would lose their S#&$! No different here.

A skin like that would be worth no more than 10$ for a BUNDLE.

For 90$? I better be getting 8 different kinds of Signas used on ALL Warframes, an exclusive Ephemera AND the skins!
And it's FOMO? Only a few months to get it? Well, don't I feel respected?


I know DE are only human. Humans are also known to fall victim to the 7 Deadly Sins super easily!

I believe this one is "Greed", no? An aspect where you can always earn more.
What's the little guy when you can make another coin tower?

"Pride" certainly fits the buyers who defend it.
Vanity in the face of a brazen choice, as if to mock those who are "less fortunate".
To flaunt your wealth as if you're untouchable. As if their misery gives you power.

Some may say I exhibit Wrath.
... but the "sin" is only when it's done in excess.

DE has proven time and time again that they have not learned from such mistakes.
Often pushing the letter, so it's only natural to push back.

2 hours ago, NekroArts said:

Remember, I said scare them. Since your perception of "not playing the game until this is resolve will result in killing the game" then good chances are you already lost faith DE a long time ago, and you're only here because of nostalgia, sunk-cost fallacy,

Not quite.

Half of it is because the actual game itself can be rather fun.
I tend to like giving credit where it's due.

Half of it is because I know boycotts where "don't engage" rarely works unless EVERY single player is on board.
Which honestly? If that happens, somebody either has the powers of the Leaders of Legends... or DE has screwed up to the point where it may as well already be dead.
That is to say: Very unlikely.

2 hours ago, NekroArts said:

Destiny 2 (D2) had sbmm in the past and there were debates over keeping or going cbmm. It just kept going on, and on, and on, and on; always theory, but never in practice. When they did switch to cbmm there's was a great honeymoon period, before it all went to hell after. Everyone now knows that the the matchmaking system needed be some kind of mix between connection and skill. They now have a practical history between connection- and skill-base matchmaking and have this lovely tweet.

Ah, the Cobra Effect.

While I can see portions of that in this very issue itself, it's for reasons that ultimately fall on DE.
Problem I see is two things:

  • The price is absurd, being as high as a fully priced AAA game.
    • While yes, the added bonuses COULD offset that-- most of don't want it.
    • In addition, while the Plat -> Deluxe Skin ratio could be similar? We can trade for plat.
    • People often forget that we can trade for plat, making obtaining those normally availably Deluxe Skins far easier.
    • Trust me, I wouldn't have HALF the Deluxe Bundles I do if the trading wasn't a thing.
    • Despite that? The Platinum has to come from SOMEWHERE and that's usually from the people buying it.
    • Prime Access may be a similar price, but it also comes with many other benefits.
      • Such as EXTREMELY large amounts of platinum.
      • Expanding your deployable extractors.
      • Cosmetic-only bundles even have Boosters that last 90 days.
      • Effectively 600 Plat worth of boosters as is... PER BOOSTER.
      • So that's 1200 Plat worth of boosters.
    • I still don't really like having the added weight of the boosters, but I'd say it's something more than just 6 Regal Aya. 
    • If you're gonna slap Regal Aya in there? Could've just made it buyable in Prime Resurgence and told us to buy the Regal Aya anyway.
    • At least in THAT case we could buy the bits we liked, maybe even a bit extra! Who knows, that could've even made more profit.
  • Limiting it solves nothing and gains nothing.
    • "Oh, it'll entice people to buy it so more will do so!"
    • Okay, are we- as a community- forgetting that rereleased cosmetics at certain parts of the year are a thing?
    • There's no reason DE can't rerelease this another time.
    • To announce that they won't is just using FOMO for the sake of FOMO.
    • And using FOMO for the sake of it IS NEVER A GOOD SIGN. That's a carmine red flag.
    • "Anniversary Skin though!" isn't valid. Dex Skins come back every year and we don't bat an eye.
      • No, them being "free" doesn't matter. They still carry the "Anniversary Skin" ideal.
      • That being a celebration of how many years Warframe has been through.
      • This is a monetized thing because it's a bit different. That doesn't mean it needs to permanently vanish.
    • Besides, it still HAS that prestige of being the "10 year anniversary" bundle because if you...
      • Only let it be bought during Anniversary Events, it still retains that feel of "importance" due to such.
      • These skins began production on a great milestone, that doesn't mean it needs to be tied SPECIFICALLY to it.
      • Especially because you can add more skins of the same series every year (which I assume they'll do anyway, let's be real here).
      • If you're gonna make every year have a new "Heirloom" skin? The original loses it's shine anyway.
      • IF ALL ELSE, you can make that little "Prestige Badge" specific to this bundle. I think we can agree that's fair and has still has novelty to it.
    • If you make the new skins buyable ALONGSIDE the previous iterations?
    • That's more choices for people to have.
    • More choices = more people interested in buying AT LEAST one.
    • If you're not interested in the bundle. You're not interested in the bundle, period.
    • Whereas next year? You can have players who MIGHT be interested in the bundle.
    • Maybe that newbie absolutely LOVES Mag, but could care less for Volt.

We can also buy the Grendel Nian Skin and Saryn Yuheng Skins year round.
It's not really that different in principles if you think about it.
Just thought I'd mention that.

By making it come back another time?

  • DE can rake in more cash to fuel their game WITHOUT harming their reputation.
  • Players who can't get it the first time (be it because they're new, absent or simply didn't care at the time) can buy it again another year for the same price.
  • Players who do buy the cosmetics can use them freely, even saying "Hey, if you like this skin? You can get it again when it comes out" effectively becoming a form of advertising for it.

By keeping it exclusive?

  • DE gains a one-time benefit of frustrating players into forking over cash. At the expense of integrity they've been known and risk damaging the game as a whole.
  • Players who can't afford it will either be:
    • Those who didn't care and will write it off as excessive greed.
    • Those who did want it and will mock DE for it. Intentionally or not.
  • Players who can afford it will often fall into those who lord over others for "being able to afford such luxury".
    • They also actively encourage DE to entice them more until the game becomes like every other one out there.
    • Half of Warframe is a large portion of it's gameplay being unique, the other is that the game gives you means to make the most of it.
    • Lose one half? You lose a large reason for playing the game.

Everyone wins by fixing this, including DE!
Unless I'm mistaken, there's no downsides ANYWHERE in here.
None that don't aren't "but FOMO sells!" because the opposite can also apply.

Much like the Cobra Effect!

1 hour ago, ShogunGunshow said:

They used to. DE used to be the type of company that, when they accidentally put a slot-machine in their game with the kavat genetics rerolling, and saw how some people were spending obscene amounts of money on it, voluntarily removed that gambling aspect from the game in a hurry. This was pre-acquisition, iirc.

I don't think today's DE has the integrity to do something like that.

They're welcome to prove me wrong.

Funny thing is? It wouldn't even take that much to fix it either.

Literally just the above can ease a LOT of concern with the bundle.
The price is one thing, it's absurd.
Making it exclusive? That's a whole other can of worms.

I was expecting the "Bundle" when it leaked on the Playstation Store to be "Hey, you can buy this thing you want AND all these other goodies to go with it!"
Other goodies being Platinum, Regal Aya and the respective other doodads.
While the actual skins were buyable with Platinum?
The actual bundle itself has things similar to those supporter packs where it's realistically JUST bonus.

... instead we got the worst-case-scenario and we have to suffer the headache in it's wake.

C'mon DE. We're not asking miracles-- hell, we're ASKING for ways to support the game in a way that helps.
When the community is asking for ways to support it without extra fluff? That's game-decay right there.

1 hour ago, Jarriaga said:

Ignoring the FOMO, would those people be more open if the bundled had been titled Primed Heirloom Collection as it would have signaled the expectation of a direct cash transaction (As opposed to plat) as with each and every single Prime accessory?

The core issue is all the seemingly useless measures to "hype" the skin.
Exclusives are one thing, but this seems more like it's trying to emulate Excalibur Prime and rake in cash through a perversion of why that even worked to begin with.

As a result? Players are appalled. Naturally so, it goes against what we've been supporting DE for.

1 hour ago, PublikDomain said:

because when I buy these premium currencies I'd kind of like to be able to spend them on things.

Yeah, the Platinum and Regal Aya being able to spent on whatever you choose is a MAJOR plus for their sales.
You don't like the current rotation in Prime Resurgence? No problem! You got the Regal Aya until you do choose.

Supporter Packs and THESE bundles are an exact opposite to that.
I never liked the Supporter Packs having exclusives before, this has only strengthened my opinion on them.

1 hour ago, (XBOX)Ampathetiic said:

Should we push for the ideal pro-consumer world of buying each item individually for the fair price at which it is valued? Sure, but that's not realistic; companies are going to use tactics to get more money, and you can't do anything to change that. The best you can do is tolerate the practices that are only slightly bad, and get mad when companies do the thing that is really bad. This bundle is one of the really bad things.

Personally? I understand DE has to make money.

I don't understand why they have to make this limited.
They KNOW players WILL buy these and that's not morally wrong.

What's wrong is jacking up the price with bloated garbage and making it time limited.
The former just deters a lot of platers who could buy it a cheaper price.
The latter just says "Nah, the potential for profit down the line is whatever".

If they make more heirloom skins down the line? That would do multiple things:

  1. Collectors see a "set". Collectors LOVE sets. I don't blame 'em, there's a satisfaction with getting everything in it's place!
  2. By selling new skins, you can have the old skins make a comeback as well. Collectors can take this chance to fill up their collection.
  3. Anybody who isn't a collector can still get the skins they want. Be it in the future or now. They're still pretty and that's GOING to sell as a result!

It's not like this is a unique artifact uncovered in the depths of the ocean or something.
This isn't a statue that requires a master craftsman to build.
It's not some fireworks that need highly skilled and incredibly precise hands to manufacture for a yearly event.

It's a bundle of digital goods. In a game that has been updated for the past 10 years and is still going.
All they have to do is flick a switch, maybe write an announcement or two.

The cosmetic has already been made. To make a copy isn't even a problem.
To make it "exclusive" is simply scummy for the sake it. No better way of putting it.

It hurts them as much as it hurts us. Why hurt both of us?
There are no winners if this keeps up.

1 hour ago, Jarriaga said:

To be gone for around 4 years if you didn't buy the Prime access on time. This is FOMO. Being celebratory doesn't change it.

Even if it is? It's a "soft FOMO", as we know we CAN get it again another time.
This is also why people are a bit more lax on Prime Access. There's always another chance, even if it takes a long time to get there, it can still happen.

1 hour ago, PublikDomain said:

Edit: Nevermind that the non-skin contents like the Accolade would piss people off no matter what. This:


Is going to be yucky no matter how it's painted, because having the only way to show that you're a "Ten Year Supporter" being to shell out cash completely ignores all the ways people have actually supported the game. I just bought a $180 artbook but I'm not supporting the game because I haven't paid enough to show it? It's gross.

The accolade itself I fear is the biggest problem of all of this.

It's just so... questionable. It reeks of money-fueled agendas and that's the scariest part about all of this.
Tencent can be greedy, sure. DE should be the ones that decide how that profit is made.

If they're aren't allowed to? Well, you know how Tencent and it's money-machine works.

1 hour ago, Raarsi said:

Seriously, doesn't DE have like a PR team or something that would have enough common sense to point out just how terrible an idea it is to celebrate a milestone that not a lot of online games can claim by charging the consumers that let their company reach that milestone an amount well more than any new game on the market today for a couple of skins--not even frames, just the skins--and then apply the FOMO element to it in order to prey on players that actually would shell out that kind of money?

I've said it plenty of times.

DE's developmen-- No, their ENTIRE STUDIO is an enigma in terms of logic.
Rarely is it for the better though and it shows. Especially repugnant in bundles like this.

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2 hours ago, Darkbring said:

My thoughts exactly. Clearly the skins and skin packs haven't been selling that well, so now DE's trying to create a sense of urgency to make people buy stuff. Disgusting.

It's that same FOMO that makes me disgusted with the players who bought it because of such.

People can buy what they want, but when it actively threatens the game's careful balance?
That's a threat to the game's longevity. People need to smack DE upside the head when this kinda garbage happens.

Ignorance is like maggots.
If you don't take care of it, it's GOING to gouge out whatever makes something tick. Diseasing whatever it eats.
When it's done? It sprouts wings and flies to the next batch, mindlessly reproducing to spread pathogens.

This metaphor applies to things even outside of Warframe-- even Video Games as a whole.
Ignorance may be bliss, but indulgence of bliss is a problem in of itself.
One could say a sin of "Gluttony".

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2 hours ago, Jarriaga said:

Which is why I say DE shot themselves in the foot by not naming these as Prime accessories. They should have gone the Excalibur Prime route with this.

Plenty of people are upset because it feels like Excalibur Prime again, including some comments from Founders.

2 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

But if you want to talk "precedent", the precedent has been that deluxe skins like these are sold for plat and aren't time limited. Precedent does set expectations. These packs break that precedent.

The same precedence they set when they changed Deluxe Skins to be permanently in the Market in 2015, or when they changed Prime Vaults to include cosmetic only bundles (5 or 6 years ago now)?

Damn, almost like they sorted this out before many of the accounts these people making comments with existed. 

It just feels to me like us older players are slowly being pushed out for a new demographic of consumer who doesn't have the historical context and will just buy into "modern practices" when DE used to be the very model of what a respectful "modern practice" should be.

Edited by Voltage
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1 minute ago, Voltage said:

Plenty of people are upset because it feels like Excalibur Prime again, including some comments from Founders.

Yeah no one should be locked out of getting something in a game just because they started playing later. Especially not a frickin' macrotransaction. 

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Based on their wording to the first question about this collection we can expect more these every year at least.

So if there isn't enough push back get your wallets ready every GiveUsMoneyCon, I mean TennoCon.


Q: How long are these Heirloom Collections available?


A: This set of Heirloom Collections will be available until December 31, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. ET.


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This is kind of hilarious. The "outrage" started because someone mistook an AU Dollar price for a US Dollar price, and when that was discovered and corrected some folks just decided to keep on being Outraged because of baseless future predictions and "precedences".


Anyway you folks have fun, I'm going to go play this Free MMO with its Free Updates and Free Content where i dont have to pay for a "battle pass" for everything. Might have a look at the 3 Free things I got today. Maybe make sure I have space for the New Warframe I can get for Free when the newest Free expansion drops in a month or two. Later I might have another look at the trailers for the other 2 Free expansions and see what kind of Lore Tidbits I can find. Enjoy :)

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54 minutes ago, TheSixOfDiamonds said:

It's really weird to me, I've been stewing over today's... decision for a bit.

The more I learned of it, the more astounding it became. I learned of it in-game, and then the FAQs about it, then the forums.
The conclusion I reached baffles me, and I hate it. The precedent this sets flies so in the face of what DE led me to believe was the MO (since the days of Ash Prime being available from the Void Keys), that I"m concerned this behaviour will be what makes me leave. Even as recent as last year, leaving WF was inconceivable to me.

I am in awe that this is a thing we're having to talk about.

Not sure if this sent the last time I tried so apologies if this is the second time I’ve said this. 
it’s extremely saddening to see WF handled this way and I’ve no doubt this is partially Tencent’s fault, but this doesn’t make DE’s way of handling this FOMO macrotransaction any less egregious. I have to agree with your final sentiment. 

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12 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

This is kind of hilarious. The "outrage" started because someone mistook an AU Dollar price for a US Dollar price, and when that was discovered and corrected some folks just decided to keep on being Outraged because of baseless future predictions and "precedences".


Anyway you folks have fun, I'm going to go play this Free MMO with its Free Updates and Free Content where i dont have to pay for a "battle pass" for everything. Might have a look at the 3 Free things I got today. Maybe make sure I have space for the New Warframe I can get for Free when the newest Free expansion drops in a month or two. Later I might have another look at the trailers for the other 2 Free expansions and see what kind of Lore Tidbits I can find. Enjoy :)

Yeah amazing how they managed to do all of that WITHOUT going all-in on predatory techniques.

Surely nothing bad could ever happen by letting this behavior slide. Definitely won't impact the game significantly years down the road if this becomes the norm. 🤔

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4 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

This is kind of hilarious. The "outrage" started because someone mistook an AU Dollar price for a US Dollar price, and when that was discovered and corrected some folks just decided to keep on being Outraged because of baseless future predictions and "precedences".


Anyway you folks have fun, I'm going to go play this Free MMO with its Free Updates and Free Content where i dont have to pay for a "battle pass" for everything. Might have a look at the 3 Free things I got today. Maybe make sure I have space for the New Warframe I can get for Free when the newest Free expansion drops in a month or two. Later I might have another look at the trailers for the other 2 Free expansions and see what kind of Lore Tidbits I can find. Enjoy :)

You realize some of us making these comments are Founders, extremely old players with already hundreds, if not thousands of dollars worth of purchases, and players who have been supporting and keeping the game going to allow such an opportunity for players like you to enjoy these upcoming updates with the rest of us? 

You're painting a very broad stroke over so many different types of players who have all contributed to this game in one way or another, yet this bundle throws years of good practice and such out the window.

Selling another Founders Pack with a different coat of paint on it is disheartening, and this is coming from someone who has no value in Regal Aya because I've owned almost every good Prime cosmetic since before Prime Resurgence was even a system in the game. There was a time that I couldn't even buy Prime Accessories in a Vault Pack separately.

What you're cheering for about Warframe is built on 10 years of good will, faith, and support from players all around the world who've kept this going on the premise of the game being treated more fair despite the industry standards. If this is the next 10 years of monetization, what makes you think your experience isn't threatened whatsoever? We already see a trend in extremely time-gated rewards to encourage spending to skip them, when the item farms themselves could just be less annoying to deal with.

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1 minute ago, Vortex said:

I paid the price to support the game, if they wanna unlock the skin after 2023 so unlock the founder pack too.

Sure okay.

I don't think you would find many Founders that would actually give a s*** if Excal Prime was made more widely available tbh. But DE wants to stick to their promise, which is the right thing to do I guess as long as there's a Founder out there who still cares about it being exclusive. 

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2 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

Sure okay.

I don't think you would find many Founders that would actually give a s*** if Excal Prime was made more widely available tbh. But DE wants to stick to their promise, which is the right thing to do I guess as long as there's a Founder out there who still cares about it being exclusive. 

The same goes to the Heirloom skins, everyone paid for the promise of exclusivity.

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5 hours ago, (XBOX)YoungGunn82 said:

Why does DE need to do this? Is prime access sales hurting? Couldn’t imagine why that would be…

Of course they are, they "halfassed" pun intended wisp prime design and accesories, now they wonder, I mean outside of the evident debuff to her visuals, the skin looks lackluster to the point most players I know use her OG skins rather than the prime version + their free stuff looks way better than the paid accesories.

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No, you paid for the exclusivity of the 'collection.'

That's the way DE could/should handle it. Very quickly come out and say it's just the bundle itself that has a timed exclusivity. The skins themselves could be available and return at a later date as a part of another collection/bundle or later, individually.

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12 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

No, you paid for the exclusivity of the 'collection.'

That's the way DE could/should handle it. Very quickly come out and say it's just the bundle itself that has a timed exclusivity. The skins themselves could be available and return at a later date as a part of another collection/bundle or later, individually.


A: The Mag and Frost Heirloom Collections are only available now until December 31, 2023, at 11:59 p.m ET. This is your only chance to get these exclusive new Customizations!

The text is very explicit with regard to what is exclusive, I didn't see any place stating what you said.


This is your only chance to get these exclusive new Customizations!

Customization =/= collection.


We paid for the exclusivity, as you paid for it in the past.

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17 minutes ago, prodi1600 said:

Of course they are, they "halfassed" pun intended wisp prime design and accesories, now they wonder, I mean outside of the evident debuff to her visuals, the skin looks lackluster to the point most players I know use her OG skins rather than the prime version + their free stuff looks way better than the paid accesories.

I think the change from void keys to void relics in the long term greatly hurts DE's revenue from prime equipment. Most prime parts are dirt cheap even after vaulting. People pay less frequently for platinum because it costs less to buy from other players and they pay even less for PA because of how easy it is to get it alternatively. Before the change a set of prime warframe could go for 150p minimum when it's not vaulted. I think Ember went for 500P+ after she was vaulted.

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As someone who has played genshin impact and warframe, on one hand, yes i understand why you guys are worried about the future premise of warframe due to the price of the heirloom skins and i do hope and have faith that this would only be a one time thing and would not be a habit.

But on the other hand, i feel like the community is blowing this fiasco a bit out of proportion. From what i see, even after regal aya, DE is still far from some gacha game company and i feel like the team and reb still have some of that integrity in them that i dont see this problem ruining warframe's future.


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