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An option to kick someone out of the party before entering mission


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Can we PLEASE have an option for the party host to kick players before the mission starts ? i can't count how many times i had to create a new party and find player to invite them again because someone was being a jerk and we can't kick them

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23 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

Can we PLEASE have an option for the party host to kick players before the mission starts ? i can't count how many times i had to create a new party and find player to invite them again because someone was being a jerk and we can't kick them

No, someone will use it to abuse based on race, gender, and nationality! Are you having trouble with vicious AFKers?

Edited by Sporthand
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3 minutes ago, Sporthand said:

No, someone will use it to abuse based on race, gender, and nationality!

Do you know how many people I've encountered in the entirety of my time playing this game that I could identify even one of those traits of?
One. One single person. And only because they were using the in game voice chat function that nobody knows exists and I'm not even sure still does. They were like a 40yo woman grinding for Vauban parts to sell on the player market, back when Vauban had all rare parts, and I respect the hell out of them. That was a fun mission.

Also abused how? If it's out of mission you can achieve the same result on a public squad by... leaving the squad. Where leaving the quad becomes a really annoying solution is when you're playing with a friend and you need to disband and re-invite your friend every single time someone goes afk in their orbiter without leaving first. Which is often and I've been guilty of doing this several times cus it's just easy to ADD tab out in the loading screen and get distracted by youtube. I've even done this loading into a mission a few times, I am so sorry.

And the only real solution to that without kicking is just not going into public mode which isn't really a good option for a few mission types in the game. Most notably fissures and arcon hunts.

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1 hour ago, Sporthand said:

No, someone will use it to abuse based on race, gender, and nationality! Are you having trouble with vicious AFKers?

I hope this is a joke.  If not please explain to the audience how anyone would be able to tell any of that stuff about another player.

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For context, Imagine i'm hosting a khora/wisp/nekros/speedva sp fissure and we already have a wisp and a nekros, someone recruits a player from chat without specifying what the party needs and they player can either only play nekros/wisp or doesn't have any of the above frames and just wants to afk with revenant now no one from the party wants to switch and the person that was recruited doesn't want to leave, what am i supposed to do ? this is just an example of many and i'm in no way asking for this to be applied in mission or circuit just when i'm sitting in orbiter recruiting 

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34 minutes ago, Jorak_Falconstar said:

I see Volt = Kick

I see Limbo = Kick

it can be abused.

To be a bit more specific. Not while the mission launch timer is going. The issue this person is having is that they have a bad experience with a player, finish the mission and want that player to leave their squad so they can start another mission without that player but with the rest of their squad, instead of needing to disband it and reconnect with the others.

This doesn't need to be able to be used to kick players out of a mission que to solve this issue.

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3 minutes ago, PollexMessier said:

To be a bit more specific. Not while the mission launch timer is going. The issue this person is having is that they have a bad experience with a player, finish the mission and want that player to leave their squad so they can start another mission without that player but with the rest of their squad, instead of needing to disband it and reconnect with the others.

This doesn't need to be able to be used to kick players out of a mission que to solve this issue.

EXACTLY, and i'm also talking about specific farms that require a specific team comp like sp survival or sp endo farms, these missions typically wouldn't have a volt or a limbo in them

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This is too easy to abuse. Look at Payday 2. I remember the host wanted to be a funny guy and kicked everyone in the game before we were about to cash in. 

Instead of a kick option, a better suggestion is an "Avoid this player" option so you won't get matched with the same person ever again.

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)Hellsteeth30 said:

Booting the *expletives* who spawn into the circuit lobby, then grab their stuff before anybody else can grab some and bolt through the portal sounds nice.


Or the guy who just has to check the mod loadout on every weapon before choosing because they never bother to look at what frames & weapons are in the circuit before entering & then decide it would be a good time to check their intrinsicts for 5 mins & then gets grumpy when the others start.

Are you that guy?

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Yeah, all they would need to do is have the "kicked" person get a "host left, squad disbanding" message and they literally wouldn't know the difference. The Host could have the option to 'kick'. Just hit escape/menu, move your cursor over to the player you want to boot and scroll down to the 'kick player' option.

Occasionally me and a friend play and it's a pain to do a fissure or something, then wait for the other guys to take a clue and leave. We end up just leaving and reforming by ourselves but it's completely unnecessary.

I don't see how it would get abused, if you're in a LFG chat there's no reason you should get booted, and if you're in a random queue and loading in it wouldn't apply (I think this would only be the Lobby, not a mission kick) so the only reason anyone would get 'kicked' is if they were taking their sweet time on a partial pre-made squad. And again, as long as DE didn't make a message like "NOBODY LIKES YOU, GO AWAY!" lol then nobody would know the difference.

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2 hours ago, (PSN)thowed said:

I hope this is a joke.  If not please explain to the audience how anyone would be able to tell any of that stuff about another player.

I hope, but when you say something in English rather than their local language, you might face the host migration!

Edited by Sporthand
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3 hours ago, PollexMessier said:

Do you know how many people I've encountered in the entirety of my time playing this game that I could identify even one of those traits of?

It depends on the person, some folks are VERY good at easily identifying traits over text or the way they play a game, it's not impossible but even the assumption of what a Player thinks the other player is is enough for a Vote Kick. I can't really give examples as they can be a mixture of things and can also be debunked, as it's all assumption-based.

However, I suppose I can give you the ones that will make someone assume such.

A player only plays Female Warframes

A Player uses nothing but Emojjs rather than text (or adds them each time they type something)

A Player has Terrible spelling or very broken English.

A Player types in other than English/Has a Name that is clearly not English.

Any type of "triggers" or certain words, text, the way the person acts or speaks, Etc.


All are enough for someone to assume something and then be like "Yeah, no Kick"

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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1 hour ago, (XBOX)SwiftBMF said:

Or the guy who just has to check the mod loadout on every weapon before choosing because they never bother to look at what frames & weapons are in the circuit before entering & then decide it would be a good time to check their intrinsicts for 5 mins & then gets grumpy when the others start.

Are you that guy?


Nope, I'm the guy who likes more than 10 seconds to pick stuff up.

Usually done in 20 seconds, then I wait by the gate for 1 minute unless everybody looks ready then off we go.

Bit of common courtesy never hurts, I know most Warframe players are complete *expletives* but I'm not.

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4 hours ago, Sporthand said:

No, someone will use it to abuse based on race, gender, and nationality! Are you having trouble with vicious AFKers?

You know the race, gender, or nationality of other players in a game? I consider myself lucky if anyone in my game types something to prove they are not bot!

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6 minutes ago, Marvelous_A said:

You know the race, gender, or nationality of other players in a game? I consider myself lucky if anyone in my game types something to prove they are not bot!

Not everyone types in English. When you see their local languages or ***** asterisk characters and do not respond to what they are saying, expect to have the host migration!

Edited by Sporthand
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A system based on trust can't be trusted.

Players a while ago submited hundreds upon hundreds of reports regarding me selling an item in trade chat for 50 pl, mods, suport, everyone got involved. Even a warframe.market mod had to deal with fake reports on their website as entire clans were sistematically reporting users there for selling the item.

You're telling me that players will use the kick feature in a respectable manner? Fake reports halt the processing of actual infractions that happen ingame, it clogs the system, it can cause the users to be warned or suspended for the action, keeps a permanent log on your account the moment you create a ticket or a report ingame and in the case of the warframe market moderator, it gave insight on what alliance was doing it, it literally shames and slams the clan general behavior, information that DE and I had was also being experienced by moderator on a 3rd party website.

They knew this, do you think they stopped for a second? No.

So a kick system, with no consequences will only amplify the issue.

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I get the reasoning involved, but eh, the downsides outweigh the positives in my opinion. Some people would just be power trippin. Plus, and people can feel free to point out the flaws or issues and criticise this, but wouldn't a better option be the ability to leave as a group? Sort of like, the ability to designate a special group, like if you have a friend you know you are playing with, but... you also want to play with some randoms. If you get stuck with a random that doesn't realise you are a duo, and they are behaving in ways that are unideal, instead of kicking them... or having to both leave as well... You could have an option to leave as a group, as in the duo group you established (or trio, if you just need one random). 

I too know the frustration of playing with a friend, but having someone AFK/not read the room, or just stay with us and try cancel our plans etc not realising we were friends in a party etc, then having to leave, and rejoin, which doesn't take long, but can be a hassle in certain situations. I personally feel bad about kicking though, because it can be abused and also misconstrued. I think better leave as group options is a better route. I know some other games have it, not sure how easy to implement though. 

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12 hours ago, Waeleto said:

Can we PLEASE have an option for the party host to kick players before the mission starts ? i can't count how many times i had to create a new party and find player to invite them again because someone was being a jerk and we can't kick them

like no ones going to abuse this, as a pc player PS players usually tend to exit the party if we are not  all console, just to give an example.

there's a lot of silly reasons why people discriminate already.

I can see some bias reasons being used to negate party to fellow tenno.

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