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Abyss of Dagath - Dev Workshop: System Changes and General Quality of Life


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52 minutes ago, SDGDen said:

i just said it *shouldnt* be balanced around steel path. 

"Most people playing the game" has to be measured against people concurrently playing the game over-time. There's alot of players that almost entirely play steel path, unless there's some invasion or event with formas or similar. Even if you statistically find more players waddling around pre steel path, you have to assume that most people who have played the game for years and are still playing it and loving it, spend most of their time playing it in steel path. Imo, the game could use a third difficulty, maybe 1000+ so that we can skip the early disruption levels and jump straight to the double loot. Personally I'm not too keen on running a mission for 40 minutes before it starts to really pay off. Just because how easy steel path is at this point, with the new incarnon weapons like torid, steel path has become the new ez mode, if it already wasn't (which it kindof was if you brought proper loadouts). That said, I look at the shield gate change as an opportunity to diversify my builds. I think it's exciting. :)

Ps. Please DE, add a countdown/counter displayed vividly centre-screen or similar to denote the shield-gate timer. Please DE, please. 

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9 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

Yeah, Tenno shields shouldn't be bypassed by toxin damage.  Procs, sure, absolutely.

Even procs still insta-kill in plenty of scenarios (they do 50% damage per tick) if you're just building for shields and only have base health (the point of a large shield build). Toxin procs can deal bonus damage to our shields for all I care, but we can't have bypassing mechanics if the devs want build diversity. Or...

  • Toxin damage can bypass our shields, but can't drop us below 2 health if we have shields up
  • Etc...

Anything but a high chance of being literally one-shotted.

13 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

Forgive me if you already know this, but Hildryn's health is immune to damage as long as you have Overshields.

I know. It also doesn't matter in practice. Want to use an ability besides Pillage? Dead. Enemy does mixed damage like a lich? Dead. Other incoming damage sources? Dead.

And it doesn't change that this does nothing for the other 50+ warframes.

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vor 8 Minuten schrieb lukinu_u:

Except it's a mod instead of a being free, which is totally fair given the advantage it gives.

That is completely wrong. If you don't play an invis or invinc frame, suriving via shield gate is the highest possible skill ceiling, so just from a gameplay perspective alone, it's not free.

But it's also not free from a mod perspective. You need Brief Respite, forgoing any other possible aura mod. Depending on your efficiency and frame, you also need 2-3 Augur mods, 2 are possible on a secondary, another has to be slotted into your warframe at minimum, worst case you need 2 augur on the frame. So the price for shield gating is actually already pretty steep and now the builds are getting even tighter and more cookie cutter, because we have to give up another warframe mod slot, depriving those frames relying on shield gate alone by even more build choices. 

Edited by TeenieSlasher
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4 minutes ago, KitMeHarder said:

Even procs still insta-kill in plenty of scenarios (they do 50% damage per tick) if you're just building for shields and only have base health (the point of a large shield build). Toxin procs can deal bonus damage to our shields for all I care, but we can't have bypassing mechanics if the devs want build diversity. Or...

Sure, but they're by definition not as common as toxin damage is, and they give a little time to react.  Maybe the onset time should be a little longer though, or, as you suggested, not take Tenno hp to zero.

But I'm fine with shield-reliant frames still having to worry about particular missions more, and having a little incentive to use health/armor mods.  (As well as Rolling Guard, DR, etc., but there is plenty of incentive to use those anyway.)

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I'm not sure about some of those Duviri Nightwave Challenges. An animal spawning to rescue is inredibly random, and not consistant like the echo lures in normal open worlds.  Playing a game of Komi seems like it would take a while unless you can just lose on purpose quickly. And personally i'm terrible ay playing the Shawzin, so having a challenge require that doesn't seem too good. I thought the point of these optional side objectives was so players can pick and choose which ones they want to do.

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Break Narmer Mission Improvements:

One of the biggest frustrations in the Break Narmer Missions for me is, when I get the challenge to do the mission in 15 minutes. It is impossible to do the missions in 15 minutes and also finish all the other challenges in the same run. So whenever this comes up, you immediately know, that you have to do it twice, if you want all to complete all 6 challenges.

Maybe the improved movement speed might help with this, but i doubt it. IMO the 15 minute challenge should be removed, but with the improved movement speed, it might also be enough to increase the time limit to 20 minutes.


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May I make a request for a HUD armor indicator for all warframes? Currently I think only Atlas has an in-mission armor indicator as part of his Rubble passive, but a universal armor indicator would be super helpful when using other warframes with armor-scaling effects such as Frost's snow globe or Gara's Vitrify.

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I love the spirit of the base-stat-modifying mod changes, but the base stat numbers on Lavos (who is the one I immediately looked at) seem... off.

440% of 200 is 880, so 600 + 880 = 1480 (old)

100% of 540 is 540, so 540 + 540 = 1080 (new)

The armor changes may help offset this (for bi or triumbral), but armor is generally much less commonly invested outside of exactly triumbral and even then I think you end up losing eHP out of this because the power of slashing Vitality from 440% to 100% (or 550% to 130%, or 770% to 180%) is too strong to also be cutting the final max HP with a way worse than 4:1 ratio.

Surely there's a typo or an error in there, right? And there's supposed to be a net BUFF in that HP value and not a net nerf, right?

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EDIT (x2): Did the recalc, but I'm going to put it in another post because the data is so huge and I did some changes. So forget this post ever existed!

Ran the numbers:

frame EHP (no Mods) EHP (w/ Mods)
ASH 1489 (+489) 3367 (+493)
ASH PRIME 1827 (+615) 4339 (+636)
ATLAS 1696 (+546) 4563 (+506)
ATLAS PRIME 2843 (+887) 7853 (+772)
BANSHEE 1240 (+440) 2738 (+493)
BANSHEE PRIME 1277 (+452) 2886 (+512)
BARUUK 1193 (+436) 2731 (+509)
BARUUK PRIME 1434 (+540) 3316 (+654)
CALIBAN 2028 (+753) 4771 (+880)
CHROMA 1566 (+516) 4045 (+506)
CHROMA PRIME 1665 (+540) 4440 (+512)
CITRINE 1682 (+539) 4247 (+513)
EMBER 1277 (+452) 2886 (+512)
EMBER PRIME 1497 (+547) 3389 (+639)
EQUINOX 1277 (+452) 2886 (+512)
EQUINOX PRIME 1453 (+491) 3402 (+519)
EXCALIBUR 1406 (+481) 3404 (+512)
EXCALIBUR PRIME 1499 (+499) 3774 (+493)
EXCALIBUR UMBRA 1499 (+499) 3774 (+493)
FROST 1869 (+669) 4514 (+740)
FROST PRIME 2059 (+759) 4894 (+873)
GARA 1307 (+457) 3009 (+506)
GARA PRIME 1482 (+494) 3557 (+501)
GARUDA 1499 (+499) 3774 (+493)
GARUDA PRIME 1628 (+528) 4292 (+493)
GAUSS 1708 (+633) 3873 (+746)
GRENDEL 2747 (+372) 8319 (-863)
GYRE 1800 (+700) 3858 (+873)
HARROW 1708 (+633) 3873 (+746)
HARROW PRIME 1898 (+723) 4253 (+879)
HILDRYN 4134 (+1584) 8856 (+2396)
HILDRYN PRIME 4519 (+1702) 9814 (+2517)
HYDROID 1596 (+571) 3784 (+645)
HYDROID PRIME 2028 (+753) 4771 (+880)
INAROS 3888 (+38) 11232 (-665)
INAROS PRIME 5427 (+1402) 15678 (+3241)
IVARA 1118 (+418) 2432 (+502)
IVARA PRIME 1516 (+597) 3284 (+763)
KHORA 1655 (+536) 4208 (+516)
KHORA PRIME 1930 (+649) 4929 (+666)
KULLERVO 3341 (+253) 11253 (+772)
LAVOS 2495 (+145) 7420 (-819)
LIMBO 1060 (+360) 2378 (+380)
LIMBO PRIME 1277 (+452) 2886 (+512)
LOKI 938 (+338) 2072 (+389)
LOKI PRIME 966 (+347) 2184 (+403)
MAG 1488 (+588) 3172 (+749)
MAG PRIME 1647 (+622) 3626 (+759)
MESA 1188 (+388) 2701 (+389)
MESA PRIME 1285 (+411) 3020 (+407)
MIRAGE 1005 (+365) 2220 (+424)
MIRAGE PRIME 1305 (+485) 2980 (+577)
NEKROS 1170 (+410) 2598 (+452)
NEKROS PRIME 1647 (+622) 3626 (+759)
NEZHA 1335 (+523) 3290 (+641)
NEZHA PRIME 1436 (+548) 3693 (+656)
NIDUS 1388 (+263) 4440 (+444)
NIDUS PRIME 1788 (+344) 5850 (+627)
NOVA 1060 (+360) 2378 (+380)
NOVA PRIME 1277 (+452) 2886 (+512)
NYX 1240 (+440) 2738 (+493)
NYX PRIME 1467 (+542) 3266 (+645)
OBERON 1492 (+498) 3557 (+512)
OBERON PRIME 1577 (+521) 3898 (+529)
OCTAVIA 1127 (+377) 2649 (+392)
OCTAVIA PRIME 1307 (+457) 3009 (+506)
PROTEA 1647 (+622) 3626 (+759)
REVENANT 2207 (+882) 4746 (+1139)
REVENANT PRIME 2387 (+962) 5106 (+1252)
RHINO 1776 (+651) 4144 (+759)
RHINO PRIME 1838 (+663) 4391 (+746)
SARYN 1577 (+521) 3898 (+529)
SARYN PRIME 1693 (+543) 4363 (+509)
SEVAGOTH 1237 (+427) 2869 (+464)
SEVAGOTH'S SHADOW 1516 (+758) 4203 (+831)
STYANAX 2547 (+997) 5747 (+1246)
TITANIA 1240 (+440) 2738 (+493)
TITANIA PRIME 1414 (+483) 3247 (+526)
TRINITY 1240 (+440) 2738 (+493)
TRINITY PRIME 1647 (+622) 3626 (+759)
VALKYR 1707 (+607) 4968 (+627)
VALKYR PRIME 1837 (+637) 5486 (+627)
VAUBAN 1127 (+377) 2649 (+392)
VAUBAN PRIME 1369 (+469) 3256 (+493)
VOLT 1610 (+610) 3478 (+740)
VOLT PRIME 1647 (+622) 3626 (+759)
VORUNA 1665 (+530) 4070 (+497)
WISP 1158 (+383) 2773 (+386)
WISP PRIME 1369 (+469) 3256 (+493)
WUKONG 1785 (+560) 4551 (+512)
WUKONG PRIME 1982 (+639) 5036 (+605)
XAKU 1354 (+574) 3161 (+876)
YARELI 1610 (+610) 3478 (+740)
ZEPHYR 1859 (+659) 4107 (+740)
ZEPHYR PRIME 1915 (+677) 4329 (+768)

So for the most part the frames are all getting a boost to their EHP, but Grendel, Inaros, and Lavos lose EHP after Mods*.
*-The Mods in this case are a max-rank Vitality, Redirection, and Steel Fiber

If you want to see the FULL data dump, reveal contents...

frame bE(o) mE(o) +Flow (old) bH(o) mH(o) +Vitality (old) bS(o) mS(o) +Redirection (old) bA(o) mA(o) +Steel Fiber (old) EHP (old) Mod EHP (old) bE(n) mE(n) +Flow (new) Energy +/- bH(n) mH(n) +Vitality (new) Health +/- bS(n) mS(n) +Redirection (new) Shields +/- bA(n) mA(n) +Steel Fiber (new) Armor +/- EHP (new) EHP +/- Mod EHP (new) Mod EHP +/-
ASH 100 150 300 150 450 1110 100 300 740 100 100 210 1000 2873.666667 100 150 300 0 355 555 1110 0 170 370 740 0 105 105 210 0 1489.25 489.25 3367 493.3333333
ASH PRIME 100 150 300 150 450 1110 125 375 925 175 175 367.5 1212.5 3703.083333 100 150 300 0 355 555 1110 0 265 465 930 5 185 185 370 2.5 1827.25 614.75 4339 635.9166667
ATLAS 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 450 450 945 1150 4057.666667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 475 475 950 5 1695.833333 545.8333333 4563.333333 505.6666667
ATLAS PRIME 175 263 525.5 175 525 1295 150 450 1110 475 475 997.5 1956.25 7080.875 215 265 530 4.5 450 650 1300 5 355 555 1110 0 500 500 1000 2.5 2843.333333 887.0833333 7853.333333 772.4583333
BANSHEE 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 100 100 210 800 2244.666667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 105 105 210 0 1239.5 439.5 2738 493.3333333
BANSHEE PRIME 175 263 525.5 100 300 740 100 300 740 125 125 262.5 825 2374.166667 215 265 530 4.5 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 135 135 270 7.5 1276.5 451.5 2886 511.8333333
BARUUK 200 300 600 75 225 555 100 300 740 175 175 367.5 756.25 2221.541667 200 300 600 0 80 280 560 5 170 370 740 0 185 185 370 2.5 1192.666667 436.4166667 2730.666667 509.125
BARUUK PRIME 200 300 600 75 225 555 125 375 925 225 225 472.5 893.75 2662.458333 200 300 600 0 80 280 560 5 265 465 930 5 240 240 480 7.5 1434 540.25 3316 653.5416667
CALIBAN 125 188 375.5 100 300 740 175 525 1295 275 275 577.5 1275 3891.166667 140 190 380 4.5 170 370 740 0 450 650 1300 5 290 290 580 2.5 2027.666667 752.6666667 4770.666667 879.5
CHROMA 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 350 350 735 1050 3539.666667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 370 370 740 5 1566.333333 516.3333333 4045.333333 505.6666667
CHROMA PRIME 200 300 600 100 300 740 100 300 740 425 425 892.5 1125 3928.166667 200 300 600 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 450 450 900 7.5 1665 540 4440 511.8333333
CITRINE 120 180 360 135 405 999 100 300 740 250 250 525 1142.5 3733.916667 130 180 360 0 300 500 1000 1 170 370 740 0 265 265 530 5 1681.666667 539.1666667 4246.666667 512.75
EMBER 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 125 125 262.5 825 2374.166667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 135 135 270 7.5 1276.5 451.5 2886 511.8333333
EMBER PRIME 150 225 450 100 300 740 125 375 925 150 150 315 950 2750.333333 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 265 465 930 5 160 160 320 5 1497.333333 547.3333333 3389.333333 639
EQUINOX 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 125 125 262.5 825 2374.166667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 135 135 270 7.5 1276.5 451.5 2886 511.8333333
EQUINOX PRIME 165 248 495.5 125 375 925 100 300 740 150 150 315 962.5 2882.916667 200 250 500 4.5 265 465 930 5 170 370 740 0 160 160 320 5 1453 490.5 3402 519.0833333
EXCALIBUR 100 150 300 100 300 740 100 300 740 225 225 472.5 925 2892.166667 100 150 300 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 240 240 480 7.5 1406 481 3404 511.8333333
EXCALIBUR PRIME 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 300 300 630 1000 3280.666667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 315 315 630 0 1498.5 498.5 3774 493.3333333
EXCALIBUR UMBRA 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 300 300 630 1000 3280.666667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 315 315 630 0 1498.5 498.5 3774 493.3333333
FROST 100 150 300 100 300 740 150 450 1110 300 300 630 1200 3774 100 150 300 0 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 315 315 630 0 1868.5 668.5 4514 740
FROST PRIME 100 150 300 100 300 740 175 525 1295 300 300 630 1300 4020.666667 100 150 300 0 170 370 740 0 450 650 1300 5 315 315 630 0 2058.5 758.5 4894 873.3333333
GARA 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 150 150 315 850 2503.666667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 160 160 320 5 1307.333333 457.3333333 3009.333333 505.6666667
GARA PRIME 150 225 450 120 360 888 100 300 740 190 190 399 988 3055.706667 175 225 450 0 245 445 890 2 170 370 740 0 200 200 400 1 1481.666667 493.6666667 3556.666667 500.96
GARUDA 120 270 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 300 300 630 1000 3280.666667 140 240 480 30 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 315 315 630 0 1498.5 498.5 3774 493.3333333
GARUDA PRIME 160 360 600 100 300 740 100 300 740 400 400 840 1100 3798.666667 220 320 640 40 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 420 420 840 0 1628 528 4292 493.3333333
GAUSS 150 225 450 100 300 740 150 450 1110 175 175 367.5 1075 3126.5 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 185 185 370 2.5 1708.166667 633.1666667 3872.666667 746.1666667
GRENDEL 150 225 450 350 1050 2590 25 75 185 350 350 735 2375 9182.166667 175 225 450 0 895 1145 2290 -300 95 95 190 5 370 370 740 5 2747.166667 372.1666667 8318.666667 -863.5
GYRE 160 240 480 100 300 740 175 525 1295 100 100 210 1100 2984.666667 190 240 480 0 170 370 740 0 450 650 1300 5 105 105 210 0 1799.5 699.5 3858 873.3333333
HARROW 100 150 300 100 300 740 150 450 1110 175 175 367.5 1075 3126.5 100 150 300 0 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 185 185 370 2.5 1708.166667 633.1666667 3872.666667 746.1666667
HARROW PRIME 125 188 375.5 100 300 740 175 525 1295 175 175 367.5 1175 3373.166667 140 190 380 4.5 170 370 740 0 450 650 1300 5 185 185 370 2.5 1898.166667 723.1666667 4252.666667 879.5
HILDRYN 0 0 0 75 225 555 450 1575 3555 300 300 630 2550 6460.5 0 0 0 0 80 280 560 5 780 1780 3560 5 315 315 630 0 4134 1584 8856 2395.5
HILDRYN PRIME 0 0 0 100 300 740 475 1662.5 3752.5 300 300 630 2816.666667 7297.333333 0 0 0 0 170 370 740 0 880 1880 3760 7.5 315 315 630 0 4518.5 1701.833333 9814 2516.666667
HYDROID 125 188 375.5 100 300 740 125 375 925 225 225 472.5 1025 3138.833333 140 190 380 4.5 170 370 740 0 265 465 930 5 240 240 480 7.5 1596 571 3784 645.1666667
HYDROID PRIME 150 225 450 100 300 740 175 525 1295 275 275 577.5 1275 3891.166667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 450 650 1300 5 290 290 580 2.5 2027.666667 752.6666667 4770.666667 879.5
INAROS 100 150 300 550 2200 4620 0 0 0 225 225 472.5 3850 11896.5 100 150 300 0 1910 2160 4320 -300 0 0 0 0 240 240 480 7.5 3888 38 11232 -664.5
INAROS PRIME 125 188 375.5 575 2300 4830 0 0 0 225 225 472.5 4025 12437.25 140 190 380 4.5 2015 3015 6030 1200 0 0 0 0 240 240 480 7.5 5427 1402 15678 3240.75
IVARA 175 263 525.5 75 225 555 100 300 740 100 100 210 700 1930.166667 215 265 530 4.5 80 280 560 5 170 370 740 0 105 105 210 0 1118 418 2432 501.8333333
IVARA PRIME 200 300 600 75 225 555 150 450 1110 125 125 262.5 918.75 2520.625 250 300 600 0 80 280 560 5 355 555 1110 0 135 135 270 7.5 1516 597.25 3284 763.375
KHORA 125 188 375.5 125 375 925 100 300 740 275 275 577.5 1118.75 3692.291667 140 190 380 4.5 265 465 930 5 170 370 740 0 290 290 580 2.5 1654.5 535.75 4208 515.7083333
KHORA PRIME 150 225 450 125 375 925 125 375 925 325 325 682.5 1281.25 4262.708333 175 225 450 0 265 465 930 5 265 465 930 5 345 345 690 7.5 1929.75 648.5 4929 666.2916667
KULLERVO 150 225 450 325 975 2405 0 0 0 325 650 1007.5 3087.5 10481.79167 175 225 450 0 805 1055 2110 -295 0 0 0 0 550 650 1300 292.5 3340.833333 253.3333333 11253.33333 771.5416667
LAVOS 0 0 0 200 600 1480 100 300 740 450 675 1170 2350 8238.666667 0 0 0 0 340 540 1080 -400 170 370 740 0 575 675 1350 180 2495 145 7420 -818.6666667
LIMBO 150 225 450 100 300 740 75 225 555 100 100 210 700 1998 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 80 280 560 5 105 105 210 0 1059.5 359.5 2378 380
LIMBO PRIME 175 263 525.5 100 300 740 100 300 740 125 125 262.5 825 2374.166667 215 265 530 4.5 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 135 135 270 7.5 1276.5 451.5 2886 511.8333333
LOKI 150 225 450 75 225 555 75 225 555 100 100 210 600 1683.5 175 225 450 0 80 280 560 5 80 280 560 5 105 105 210 0 938 338 2072 388.5
LOKI PRIME 175 263 525.5 75 225 555 75 225 555 125 125 262.5 618.75 1780.625 215 265 530 4.5 80 280 560 5 80 280 560 5 135 135 270 7.5 966 347.25 2184 403.375
MAG 125 188 375.5 75 225 555 150 450 1110 100 100 210 900 2423.5 140 190 380 4.5 80 280 560 5 355 555 1110 0 105 105 210 0 1488 588 3172 748.5
MAG PRIME 175 263 525.5 100 300 740 150 450 1110 125 125 262.5 1025 2867.5 215 265 530 4.5 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 135 135 270 7.5 1646.5 621.5 3626 758.5
MESA 100 150 300 125 375 925 75 225 555 100 100 210 800 2312.5 100 150 300 0 265 465 930 5 80 280 560 5 105 105 210 0 1187.75 387.75 2701 388.5
MESA PRIME 125 188 375.5 135 405 999 75 225 555 125 125 262.5 873.75 2613.125 140 190 380 4.5 300 500 1000 1 80 280 560 5 135 135 270 7.5 1285 411.25 3020 406.875
MIRAGE 150 225 450 80 240 592 80 240 592 100 100 210 640 1795.733333 175 225 450 0 100 300 600 8 100 300 600 8 105 105 210 0 1005 365 2220 424.2666667
MIRAGE PRIME 150 225 450 80 240 592 110 330 814 175 175 367.5 820 2402.533333 175 225 450 0 100 300 600 8 210 410 820 6 185 185 370 2.5 1305 485 2980 577.4666667
NEKROS 100 150 300 100 300 740 90 270 666 100 100 210 760 2146 100 150 300 0 170 370 740 0 135 335 670 4 105 105 210 0 1169.5 409.5 2598 452
NEKROS PRIME 125 188 375.5 100 300 740 150 450 1110 125 125 262.5 1025 2867.5 140 190 380 4.5 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 135 135 270 7.5 1646.5 621.5 3626 758.5
NEZHA 150 225 450 125 375 925 50 150 370 190 190 399 812.5 2648.583333 175 225 450 0 265 465 930 5 85 280 560 190 200 200 400 1 1335 522.5 3290 641.4166667
NEZHA PRIME 0 0 0 125 375 925 50 150 370 250 250 525 887.5 3037.083333 0 0 0 0 265 465 930 5 85 280 560 190 265 265 530 5 1435.75 548.25 3693 655.9166667
NIDUS 100 150 300 150 450 1110 0 0 0 300 450 780 1125 3996 100 150 300 0 355 555 1110 0 0 0 0 0 350 450 900 120 1387.5 262.5 4440 444
NIDUS PRIME 125 188 375.5 175 525 1295 0 0 0 350 525 910 1443.75 5223.166667 140 190 380 4.5 450 650 1300 5 0 0 0 0 425 525 1050 140 1787.5 343.75 5850 626.8333333
NOVA 150 225 450 100 300 740 75 225 555 100 100 210 700 1998 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 80 280 560 5 105 105 210 0 1059.5 359.5 2378 380
NOVA PRIME 175 263 525.5 100 300 740 100 300 740 125 125 262.5 825 2374.166667 215 265 530 4.5 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 135 135 270 7.5 1276.5 451.5 2886 511.8333333
NYX 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 100 100 210 800 2244.666667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 105 105 210 0 1239.5 439.5 2738 493.3333333
NYX PRIME 150 225 450 100 300 740 125 375 925 125 125 262.5 925 2620.833333 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 265 465 930 5 135 135 270 7.5 1466.5 541.5 3266 645.1666667
OBERON 150 225 450 125 375 925 100 300 740 175 175 367.5 993.75 3044.791667 175 225 450 0 265 465 930 5 170 370 740 0 185 185 370 2.5 1491.75 498 3557 512.2083333
OBERON PRIME 175 263 525.5 125 375 925 100 300 740 225 225 472.5 1056.25 3368.541667 215 265 530 4.5 265 465 930 5 170 370 740 0 240 240 480 7.5 1577 520.75 3898 529.4583333
OCTAVIA 150 225 450 100 300 740 75 225 555 150 150 315 750 2257 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 80 280 560 5 160 160 320 5 1127.333333 377.3333333 2649.333333 392.3333333
OCTAVIA PRIME 175 263 525.5 100 300 740 100 300 740 150 150 315 850 2503.666667 215 265 530 4.5 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 160 160 320 5 1307.333333 457.3333333 3009.333333 505.6666667
PROTEA 150 225 450 100 300 740 150 450 1110 125 125 262.5 1025 2867.5 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 135 135 270 7.5 1646.5 621.5 3626 758.5
REVENANT 125 188 375.5 100 300 740 225 675 1665 125 125 262.5 1325 3607.5 140 190 380 4.5 170 370 740 0 635 835 1670 5 135 135 270 7.5 2206.5 881.5 4746 1138.5
REVENANT PRIME 150 225 450 100 300 740 250 750 1850 125 125 262.5 1425 3854.166667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 725 925 1850 0 135 135 270 7.5 2386.5 961.5 5106 1251.833333
RHINO 100 150 300 100 300 740 150 450 1110 225 225 472.5 1125 3385.5 100 150 300 0 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 240 240 480 7.5 1776 651 4144 758.5
RHINO PRIME 100 150 300 100 300 740 150 450 1110 275 275 577.5 1175 3644.5 100 150 300 0 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 290 290 580 2.5 1837.666667 662.6666667 4390.666667 746.1666667
SARYN 150 225 450 125 375 925 100 300 740 225 225 472.5 1056.25 3368.541667 175 225 450 0 265 465 930 5 170 370 740 0 240 240 480 7.5 1577 520.75 3898 529.4583333
SARYN PRIME 200 300 600 125 375 925 100 300 740 300 300 630 1150 3854.166667 200 300 600 0 265 465 930 5 170 370 740 0 315 315 630 0 1693.25 543.25 4363 508.8333333
SEVAGOTH 125 188 375.5 100 300 740 90 270 666 150 150 315 810 2405 140 190 380 4.5 170 370 740 0 135 335 670 4 160 160 320 5 1237.333333 427.3333333 2869.333333 464.3333333
SEVAGOTH'S SHADOW 100 150 300 100 300 740 50 6.25 226.25 450 450 945 758.3333333 3372.666667 100 150 300 0 170 370 740 0 85 280 560 333.75 475 475 950 5 1515.833333 757.5 4203.333333 830.6666667
STYANAX 150 225 450 100 300 740 250 750 1850 250 250 525 1550 4501.666667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 725 925 1850 0 265 265 530 5 2546.833333 996.8333333 5747.333333 1245.666667
TITANIA 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 100 100 210 800 2244.666667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 105 105 210 0 1239.5 439.5 2738 493.3333333
TITANIA PRIME 175 263 525.5 125 375 925 100 300 740 125 125 262.5 931.25 2721.041667 215 265 530 4.5 265 465 930 5 170 370 740 0 135 135 270 7.5 1414.25 483 3247 525.9583333
TRINITY 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 100 100 210 800 2244.666667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 105 105 210 0 1239.5 439.5 2738 493.3333333
TRINITY PRIME 150 225 450 100 300 740 150 450 1110 125 125 262.5 1025 2867.5 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 135 135 270 7.5 1646.5 621.5 3626 758.5
VALKYR 100 150 300 100 300 740 50 150 370 600 600 1260 1100 4341.333333 100 150 300 0 170 370 740 0 85 280 560 190 630 630 1260 0 1707 607 4968 626.6666667
VALKYR PRIME 150 225 450 100 300 740 50 150 370 700 700 1470 1200 4859.333333 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 85 280 560 190 735 735 1470 0 1836.5 636.5 5486 626.6666667
VAUBAN 150 225 450 100 300 740 75 225 555 150 150 315 750 2257 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 80 280 560 5 160 160 320 5 1127.333333 377.3333333 2649.333333 392.3333333
VAUBAN PRIME 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 200 200 420 900 2762.666667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 210 210 420 0 1369 469 3256 493.3333333
VOLT 100 150 300 100 300 740 150 450 1110 100 100 210 1000 2738 100 150 300 0 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 105 105 210 0 1609.5 609.5 3478 740
VOLT PRIME 200 300 600 100 300 740 150 450 1110 125 125 262.5 1025 2867.5 200 300 600 0 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 135 135 270 7.5 1646.5 621.5 3626 758.5
VORUNA 100 150 300 150 450 1110 100 300 740 190 190 399 1135 3572.966667 100 150 300 0 355 555 1110 0 170 370 740 0 200 200 400 1 1665 530 4070 497.0333333
WISP 200 300 600 100 300 740 75 225 555 175 175 367.5 775 2386.5 200 300 600 0 170 370 740 0 80 280 560 5 185 185 370 2.5 1158.166667 383.1666667 2772.666667 386.1666667
WISP PRIME 200 300 600 100 300 740 100 300 740 200 200 420 900 2762.666667 200 300 600 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 210 210 420 0 1369 469 3256 493.3333333
WUKONG 120 180 360 150 450 1110 100 300 740 250 250 525 1225 4039.166667 130 180 360 0 355 555 1110 0 170 370 740 0 265 265 530 5 1785.25 560.25 4551 511.8333333
WUKONG PRIME 130 195 390 150 450 1110 120 360 888 275 275 577.5 1342.5 4430.75 145 195 390 0 355 555 1110 0 245 445 890 2 290 290 580 2.5 1981.5 639 5036 605.25
XAKU 153 230 459.5 97 291 717.8 89 267 658.6 137 137 287.7 779.89 2284.303533 160 230 460 0.5 269 469 938 220.2 239 329 658 -0.6 145 145 290 2.3 1353.683333 573.7933333 3160.733333 876.4298
YARELI 200 300 600 100 300 740 150 450 1110 100 100 210 1000 2738 200 300 600 0 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 105 105 210 0 1609.5 609.5 3478 740
ZEPHYR 100 150 300 150 450 1110 150 450 1110 100 100 210 1200 3367 100 150 300 0 355 555 1110 0 355 555 1110 0 105 105 210 0 1859.25 659.25 4107 740
ZEPHYR PRIME 150 225 450 150 450 1110 150 450 1110 125 125 262.5 1237.5 3561.25 175 225 450 0 355 555 1110 0 355 555 1110 0 135 135 270 7.5 1914.75 677.25 4329 767.75

And for a key on field names:

frame Warframe Name
bE(o) Base Energy Old
mE(o) Max-Level Energy Old
+Flow (old) Max-Level Energy with Max Rank Flow Mod Equipped (Old)
bH(o) Base Health Old
mH(o) Max-Level Health Old
+Vitality (old) Max-Level Health with Max Rank Vitality Mod Equipped (Old)
bS(o) Base Shields Old
mS(o) Max-Level Shields Old
+Redirection (old) Max-Level Shields with Max Rank Redirection Mod Equipped (Old)
bA(o) Base Armor Old
mA(o) Max-Level Armor Old
+Steel Fiber (old) Max-Level Armor with Max Rank Steel Fiber Mod Equipped (Old)
EHP (old) Effective Hit Points with No Mods Equipped (Old)
Mod EHP (old) Effective Hit Points with Max Rank Vitality, Redirection, and Steel Fiber Equipped (Old)
bE(n) Base Energy New
mE(n) Max-Level Energy New
+Flow (new) Max-Level Energy with Max Rank Flow Mod Equipped (New)
Energy +/- Change in Max-Level Energy with Max Rank Flow Mod Equipped from Old to New
bH(n) Base Health New
mH(n) Max-Level Health New
+Vitality (new) Max-Level Health with Max Rank Vitality Mod Equipped (New)
Health +/- Change in Max-Level Health with Max Rank Vitality Mod Equipped from Old to New
bS(n) Base Shields New
mS(n) Max-Level Shields New
+Redirection (new) Max-Level Shields with Max Rank Redirection Mod Equipped (New)
Shields +/- Change in Max-Level Shields with Max Rank Redirection Mod Equipped from Old to New
bA(n) Base Armor New
mA(n) Max-Level Armor New
+Steel Fiber (new) Max-Level Armor with Max Rank Steel Fiber Mod Equipped (New)
Armor +/- Change in Max-Level Armor with Max Rank Steel Fiber Mod Equipped from Old to New
EHP (new) Effective Hit Points with No Mods Equipped (New)
EHP +/- Change in Effective Hit Points with No Mods Equipped from Old to New
Mod EHP (new) Effective Hit Points with Max Rank Vitality, Redirection, and Steel Fiber Equipped (New)
Mod EHP +/- Change in Effective Hit Points with Max Rank Vitality, Redirection, and Steel Fiber Equipped from Old to new

I also calculated what I call "Naked EHP" (your EHP after your shields have been stripped) both with and without the three big mods. In that case Lavos was the only one losing "Naked EHP" when no mods were equipped, and Grendel was the only one losing "Naked EHP" when mods were equipped.

But in conclusion, it's generally positive for all frames.

Edited by (NSW)Probably_Asleep
going to just repost
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Just while Hildryn's name is on the table... don't run away, this isn't a rework, I promise, just one small issue and a bunch of potential small-scale solutions.

I appreciate that Hildryn's personal shield gate is going up in time as a result of these changes to continue cementing her as the apex example of shields, but even with shield resistances getting buffed, Hildryn will continue to have an issue of 'three fourths of her kit are turned off and crucial combat time must be spent reactivating them if all her shields get shot off.' This is especially deleterious given one of those abilities is an exalted weapon, which should by all rights be a weapon she utilizes regularly.

This issue becomes more and more prominent the higher level enemies you deal with, and make it incredibly difficult to utilize any portion of her kit that isn't Pillage and only Pillage after a certain point. Obviously the changes to damage resistances help within steel path star chart range, but endurance range is pretty shot all the same, especially in the Circuit where you don't have to do crazy endurance durations to hit ridiculous enemy levels.

I have a few different thoughts on my mind as to how this could be addressed with relatively minimal effort:

  1. Given that the direct benefit of Haven for Hildryn herself is pretty much nonexistent - that it pretty much is just there to buff allies and for enemies to ignore outside of increasing the cost, maybe in this modern day of Overguard existing, enemies killed whilst linked by Haven can give, let's say, 60 Overguard to Hildryn? Making this an augment would feel like such a band-aid, and would make it pretty much a mandatory mod, I hope this gets considered as base Haven functionality given there's basically no reason to use it outside of obscenely low level content and high level players are pretty individualistic and typically out of range.
  2. Alternatively, energy orbs could give Hildryn 'mini-gates' that act as consumed charges, operating in a similar manner to Mesmer Skin or Health Conversion charges, that prevent her shields from being damaged by enemies below the 500 point, and have a short duration before the next charge can be consumed. The shields could still be consumed by abilities, of course, but anything to shore up actually being able to continue using more than just one ability in her kit at high levels would be exceedingly helpful, and actually running out would be more down to player forgetfulness and tactical awareness.
  3. Maybe her abilities simply only turn off once her shield gate ends, while during her shield gate ability costs are free, giving her a three second window to Pillage before everything shuts down.
  4. Perhaps energy orbs could function as a 'reserve battery', which might operate similarly to Nidus' 'Undying' or a version of the Sentinel's "Guardian" precept: Hildryn could hold up to 5 charges of Reserve Battery, which would instantly bump Hildryn's shields back up to 300 every time they hit 2 shields with a 0.1 second shield gate. Reserve Battery could also be consumed by Toxin attacks attempting to bypass her non-overguard shields, maybe? Although I admit that is pretty similar to the second idea, just more complicated, maybe...

There's a bunch of options to achieve the same result without a full rework. Just food for thought.

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vor 7 Minuten schrieb --Q--ProjectX:

The only complain here is that the new shieldgate mod should be an exilus.

Apart from that terrible thing, the rest is amazing 🫡😀

I dont think it should be an exilus mod. Exilus mods are usually movement related or give some other form of QOL, but dont (significantly) alter WF stats.

The new shieldgate mod DOES significantly alter how the shield stat plays, so it should not be an exilus mod.

Edited by x-cessive
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3 hours ago, MobyTheDuck said:

Yeah, I can respect that. My problem here is that this Shield Gate exploit was used to AFK leech, I've seen many people using this to be able to AFK in a corner of the map when paired with a slow or stun.

I hardly see anyone use shield gate to justify AFK leech, if any at all. Heck if I wanted to afk leech I'd do any other method than shield gating that requires constant attention. Invis, Drifter crouch, high EHP etc.

Shield gating abuse requires you to literally stare at your shield bar and press the roll key than ability key the moment it breaks, which is the complete opposite of being AFK.

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vor 8 Minuten schrieb Ardhanarishvara:

Just while Hildryn's name is on the table... don't run away, this isn't a rework, I promise, just one small issue and a bunch of potential small-scale solutions.

I appreciate that Hildryn's personal shield gate is going up in time as a result of these changes to continue cementing her as the apex example of shields, but even with shield resistances getting buffed, Hildryn will continue to have an issue of 'three fourths of her kit are turned off and crucial combat time must be spent reactivating them if all her shields get shot off.' This is especially deleterious given one of those abilities is an exalted weapon, which should by all rights be a weapon she utilizes regularly.

This issue becomes more and more prominent the higher level enemies you deal with, and make it incredibly difficult to utilize any portion of her kit that isn't Pillage and only Pillage after a certain point. Obviously the changes to damage resistances help within steel path star chart range, but endurance range is pretty shot all the same, especially in the Circuit where you don't have to do crazy endurance durations to hit ridiculous enemy levels.

I have a few different thoughts on my mind as to how this could be addressed with relatively minimal effort:

  1. Given that the direct benefit of Haven for Hildryn herself is pretty much nonexistent - that it pretty much is just there to buff allies and for enemies to ignore outside of increasing the cost, maybe in this modern day of Overguard existing, enemies killed whilst linked by Haven can give, let's say, 60 Overguard to Hildryn? Making this an augment would feel like such a band-aid, and would make it pretty much a mandatory mod, I hope this gets considered as base Haven functionality given there's basically no reason to use it outside of obscenely low level content and high level players are pretty individualistic and typically out of range.
  2. Alternatively, energy orbs could give Hildryn 'mini-gates' that act as consumed charges, operating in a similar manner to Mesmer Skin or Health Conversion charges, that prevent her shields from being damaged by enemies below the 500 point, and have a short duration before the next charge can be consumed. The shields could still be consumed by abilities, of course, but anything to shore up actually being able to continue using more than just one ability in her kit at high levels would be exceedingly helpful, and actually running out would be more down to player forgetfulness and tactical awareness.
  3. Maybe her abilities simply only turn off once her shield gate ends, while during her shield gate ability costs are free, giving her a three second window to Pillage before everything shuts down.
  4. Perhaps energy orbs could function as a 'reserve battery', which might operate similarly to Nidus' 'Undying' or a version of the Sentinel's "Guardian" precept: Hildryn could hold up to 5 charges of Reserve Battery, which would instantly bump Hildryn's shields back up to 300 every time they hit 2 shields with a 0.1 second shield gate. Reserve Battery could also be consumed by Toxin attacks attempting to bypass her non-overguard shields, maybe? Although I admit that is pretty similar to the second idea, just more complicated, maybe...

There's a bunch of options to achieve the same result without a full rework. Just food for thought.

I thought about suggesting a second shield gate for Hildryn that activates at 50% of her max shield, which could maybe solve some of her issues, but i really like your ideas as well -  especially the Reserve Battery. 

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3 minutes ago, x-cessive said:

I thought about suggesting a second shield gate for Hildryn that activates at 50% of her max shield, which could maybe solve some of her issues, but i really like your ideas as well -  especially the Reserve Battery. 

I was literally just about to go back to edit my post to include "5. A 0.1s mini-gate every 1,500 shields, getting potentially up to three from getting overshields over 4500"

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2 hours ago, SDGDen said:

i just said it *shouldnt* be balanced around steel path.

Well it's nice to live in that fantasy land. And we did have that once upon a time. But the moment DE started locking content and drops behind Steel Path, its existence as a 'just for bragging rights' mode got thrown in the dumpster.

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33 minutes ago, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

Ran the numbers:

frame EHP (no Mods) EHP (w/ Mods)
ASH 1489 (+489) 3367 (+493)
ASH PRIME 1827 (+615) 4339 (+636)
ATLAS 1696 (+546) 4563 (+506)
ATLAS PRIME 2843 (+887) 7853 (+772)
BANSHEE 1240 (+440) 2738 (+493)
BANSHEE PRIME 1277 (+452) 2886 (+512)
BARUUK 1193 (+436) 2731 (+509)
BARUUK PRIME 1434 (+540) 3316 (+654)
CALIBAN 2028 (+753) 4771 (+880)
CHROMA 1566 (+516) 4045 (+506)
CHROMA PRIME 1665 (+540) 4440 (+512)
CITRINE 1682 (+539) 4247 (+513)
EMBER 1277 (+452) 2886 (+512)
EMBER PRIME 1497 (+547) 3389 (+639)
EQUINOX 1277 (+452) 2886 (+512)
EQUINOX PRIME 1453 (+491) 3402 (+519)
EXCALIBUR 1406 (+481) 3404 (+512)
EXCALIBUR PRIME 1499 (+499) 3774 (+493)
EXCALIBUR UMBRA 1499 (+499) 3774 (+493)
FROST 1869 (+669) 4514 (+740)
FROST PRIME 2059 (+759) 4894 (+873)
GARA 1307 (+457) 3009 (+506)
GARA PRIME 1482 (+494) 3557 (+501)
GARUDA 1499 (+499) 3774 (+493)
GARUDA PRIME 1628 (+528) 4292 (+493)
GAUSS 1708 (+633) 3873 (+746)
GRENDEL 2747 (+372) 8319 (-863)
GYRE 1800 (+700) 3858 (+873)
HARROW 1708 (+633) 3873 (+746)
HARROW PRIME 1898 (+723) 4253 (+879)
HILDRYN 4134 (+1584) 8856 (+2396)
HILDRYN PRIME 4519 (+1702) 9814 (+2517)
HYDROID 1596 (+571) 3784 (+645)
HYDROID PRIME 2028 (+753) 4771 (+880)
INAROS 3888 (+38) 11232 (-665)
INAROS PRIME 5427 (+1402) 15678 (+3241)
IVARA 1118 (+418) 2432 (+502)
IVARA PRIME 1516 (+597) 3284 (+763)
KHORA 1655 (+536) 4208 (+516)
KHORA PRIME 1930 (+649) 4929 (+666)
KULLERVO 3341 (+253) 11253 (+772)
LAVOS 2495 (+145) 7420 (-819)
LIMBO 1060 (+360) 2378 (+380)
LIMBO PRIME 1277 (+452) 2886 (+512)
LOKI 938 (+338) 2072 (+389)
LOKI PRIME 966 (+347) 2184 (+403)
MAG 1488 (+588) 3172 (+749)
MAG PRIME 1647 (+622) 3626 (+759)
MESA 1188 (+388) 2701 (+389)
MESA PRIME 1285 (+411) 3020 (+407)
MIRAGE 1005 (+365) 2220 (+424)
MIRAGE PRIME 1305 (+485) 2980 (+577)
NEKROS 1170 (+410) 2598 (+452)
NEKROS PRIME 1647 (+622) 3626 (+759)
NEZHA 1335 (+523) 3290 (+641)
NEZHA PRIME 1436 (+548) 3693 (+656)
NIDUS 1388 (+263) 4440 (+444)
NIDUS PRIME 1788 (+344) 5850 (+627)
NOVA 1060 (+360) 2378 (+380)
NOVA PRIME 1277 (+452) 2886 (+512)
NYX 1240 (+440) 2738 (+493)
NYX PRIME 1467 (+542) 3266 (+645)
OBERON 1492 (+498) 3557 (+512)
OBERON PRIME 1577 (+521) 3898 (+529)
OCTAVIA 1127 (+377) 2649 (+392)
OCTAVIA PRIME 1307 (+457) 3009 (+506)
PROTEA 1647 (+622) 3626 (+759)
REVENANT 2207 (+882) 4746 (+1139)
REVENANT PRIME 2387 (+962) 5106 (+1252)
RHINO 1776 (+651) 4144 (+759)
RHINO PRIME 1838 (+663) 4391 (+746)
SARYN 1577 (+521) 3898 (+529)
SARYN PRIME 1693 (+543) 4363 (+509)
SEVAGOTH 1237 (+427) 2869 (+464)
SEVAGOTH'S SHADOW 1516 (+758) 4203 (+831)
STYANAX 2547 (+997) 5747 (+1246)
TITANIA 1240 (+440) 2738 (+493)
TITANIA PRIME 1414 (+483) 3247 (+526)
TRINITY 1240 (+440) 2738 (+493)
TRINITY PRIME 1647 (+622) 3626 (+759)
VALKYR 1707 (+607) 4968 (+627)
VALKYR PRIME 1837 (+637) 5486 (+627)
VAUBAN 1127 (+377) 2649 (+392)
VAUBAN PRIME 1369 (+469) 3256 (+493)
VOLT 1610 (+610) 3478 (+740)
VOLT PRIME 1647 (+622) 3626 (+759)
VORUNA 1665 (+530) 4070 (+497)
WISP 1158 (+383) 2773 (+386)
WISP PRIME 1369 (+469) 3256 (+493)
WUKONG 1785 (+560) 4551 (+512)
WUKONG PRIME 1982 (+639) 5036 (+605)
XAKU 1354 (+574) 3161 (+876)
YARELI 1610 (+610) 3478 (+740)
ZEPHYR 1859 (+659) 4107 (+740)
ZEPHYR PRIME 1915 (+677) 4329 (+768)

So for the most part the frames are all getting a boost to their EHP, but Grendel, Inaros, and Lavos lose EHP after Mods*.
*-The Mods in this case are a max-rank Vitality, Redirection, and Steel Fiber

Thanks for sharing this.

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Also uh.

I wonder how these new mods that reduce shield delay combine with Vazarin. 

For those that don't know, Vazarin has a node called 'Guardian Break' where when the shield it conjures is broken, the Warframe enjoys 8 seconds of 150% regeneration rate and a 90% reduction in Shield delay.

If that stacks additively with the mods, that'd be over 100% reduction in shield delay. So basically a shorter Arcane Aegis (8s vs. Aegis' 12), but on demand. But also needs set-up whereas Aegis is automatic.

I guess that's ... okay?

Is Vazarin finally taking its place as the ultimate survival school?

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32 minutes ago, Ardhanarishvara said:

Just while Hildryn's name is on the table... don't run away, this isn't a rework, I promise, just one small issue and a bunch of potential small-scale solutions.

I appreciate that Hildryn's personal shield gate is going up in time as a result of these changes to continue cementing her as the apex example of shields, but even with shield resistances getting buffed, Hildryn will continue to have an issue of 'three fourths of her kit are turned off and crucial combat time must be spent reactivating them if all her shields get shot off.' This is especially deleterious given one of those abilities is an exalted weapon, which should by all rights be a weapon she utilizes regularly.

This issue becomes more and more prominent the higher level enemies you deal with, and make it incredibly difficult to utilize any portion of her kit that isn't Pillage and only Pillage after a certain point. Obviously the changes to damage resistances help within steel path star chart range, but endurance range is pretty shot all the same, especially in the Circuit where you don't have to do crazy endurance durations to hit ridiculous enemy levels.

I have a few different thoughts on my mind as to how this could be addressed with relatively minimal effort:

  1. Given that the direct benefit of Haven for Hildryn herself is pretty much nonexistent - that it pretty much is just there to buff allies and for enemies to ignore outside of increasing the cost, maybe in this modern day of Overguard existing, enemies killed whilst linked by Haven can give, let's say, 60 Overguard to Hildryn? Making this an augment would feel like such a band-aid, and would make it pretty much a mandatory mod, I hope this gets considered as base Haven functionality given there's basically no reason to use it outside of obscenely low level content and high level players are pretty individualistic and typically out of range.
  2. Alternatively, energy orbs could give Hildryn 'mini-gates' that act as consumed charges, operating in a similar manner to Mesmer Skin or Health Conversion charges, that prevent her shields from being damaged by enemies below the 500 point, and have a short duration before the next charge can be consumed. The shields could still be consumed by abilities, of course, but anything to shore up actually being able to continue using more than just one ability in her kit at high levels would be exceedingly helpful, and actually running out would be more down to player forgetfulness and tactical awareness.
  3. Maybe her abilities simply only turn off once her shield gate ends, while during her shield gate ability costs are free, giving her a three second window to Pillage before everything shuts down.
  4. Perhaps energy orbs could function as a 'reserve battery', which might operate similarly to Nidus' 'Undying' or a version of the Sentinel's "Guardian" precept: Hildryn could hold up to 5 charges of Reserve Battery, which would instantly bump Hildryn's shields back up to 300 every time they hit 2 shields with a 0.1 second shield gate. Reserve Battery could also be consumed by Toxin attacks attempting to bypass her non-overguard shields, maybe? Although I admit that is pretty similar to the second idea, just more complicated, maybe...

There's a bunch of options to achieve the same result without a full rework. Just food for thought.


Would be nice if the ones getting slight nerfs had the numbers adjusted to be more in line with the rest.

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Can you please take a look at giving Quality of Life changes for the following?

  • Parazon/Mercy kills: Currently enemies die way too quickly, so it's almost impossible to perform these. The best candidates for Mercy kills are Eximus units, but their Overguard bar makes up the vast majority of their EHP. As soon as Overguard goes down and they become eligible for a Mercy kill, they instantly die to whatever chip damage. Many people have suggested that you just make enemies take a knee and become invincible for five seconds, before properly dying. That would be so much better.
  • Affinity range: The current affinity range is far too low. It's outdated and hasn't kept pace with modern Warframe. Warframe is a fast-paced looter shooter. Players are encouraged to spread out in these large tilesets to search & destroy the enemy. Having such a tiny affinity radius goes against this gameplay design. It's hard to support other players with affinity range based abilities, and it's inefficient to level up gear, because everyone is always spread out! If you want to level up gear, the game actually encourages standing around and leeching, because to get the most out of the tiny affinity range you have to find somewhere central to stand (i.e. between all the allies, away from all the enemies) to leech exp. Make affinity range infinite like in Railjack missions, or significantly buff it.
  • Vaulting: In 99% of cases, when a player performs a vault it's unintentional. I'd go so far as to say it's 100% of the time for most players. There's literally no need for vaulting in today's Warframe, with all the mobility that we have. It's simply a relic of the past and massively outdated. It's even obsoleted by another existing mechanic: wall jumping. If you somehow miss your jump, you can already just use a wall jump to get back up. There's literally no need for vaulting. It frustrates so many players. Please just remove vaulting entirely, or provide an option in the game's settings to disable it.
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3 hours ago, Crevab said:

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 420 (from 400)
Energy: Base Rank - 220 (from 160) / Max Rank - 320 (from 360)


Unless I'm mistake, Garuda Prime is the only Prime to get an energy nerf? But why?

Edit: Upon re-reading the whole list I guess she was a bit of an outlier



Also now is the time to make 190 energy the new floor for Primes. Save Ash, Frost, and Rhino I beg of you

She got an max rank nerf to her energy because of the new math on how energy mods work. without the nerf she would have 1008 energy with just primed flow. With the slight nerf and new math with primed flow she will have 896 energy which still makes her the frame with the most energy with or without primed flow.

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