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i feel like dante is too good ?


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When surveyed by DE themselves the majority of players report valuing build customization, gear balance, cooperative missions, and difficult content, and a majority of players feel that powercreep should be avoided.







This is reality. The game has powercrept to the point where the consequences can't be ignored or hand-waved away, and it's obvious to anyone paying even a little bit of attention. The starting level for content in quests and on the starchart is getting higher and higher. DE says out loud that they have trouble developing content that challenges us, and they're constantly inventing new ways to counter player power like Damage Attenuation or Overguard or random gear or no gear at all. Console hosts can't even spawn enough enemies to match the current level of player power, for one player let alone four! And it's becoming more and more common to see complaints that some players feel they don't even get to play anymore because one person can hog the entire game to themselves. The AoE and AFK nerfs were made in part because of this very problem!

All that really seems to have changed is that this majority of players aren't putting up with the tired "just play solo" retorts anymore.

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It actually seems like (good players, anyway) have the opinion that much of the content is actually underpowered, and deserve reworks rather than just  nerfing the one good thing and calling it a day- like the response to the nourish changes, where DE's nerf announcement was met with a wall of underpowered or zero equip rate helminth abilities that needed buffs.

1 hour ago, Ventura_Highway said:

Nerf the Forma forges times!

They actually did this to let you self regulate or wind back the forma build timer if you forgot one day, the 23hr change was universally lauded as good

1 hour ago, Ventura_Highway said:

Nerf those chance of me not getting an Archon Shard

I'm not sure if you remember the release, but you literally could go months at a time and get zero tau shards because there was no bad luck mitigation- and the subsequent systems have you regularly destroying your shards for upgraded or combo variants, so to not add this would have been utterly absurd 

1 hour ago, Ventura_Highway said:

And most importantly nerf any Warframe that someone else can play and make me feel irritated!

If I mained Limbo, I'd have been upset about scarlet spear but that was like 7 years ago

Edited by Kaiga
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I think this is just observing a bias. People are most often going to comment when they have a change to suggest, and you're more likely to remember something you disagree with than something you agree with.

Whether something needs a buff or a nerf is within the context of what those changes imply for the landscape of the game, and being quite transparent, the game has gotten to quite the mindless stage these days, with endgame being a laundry list of weeklies to keep you strung to the next update.

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2 hours ago, Waeleto said:

you won't find this sentiment anywhere else, not in-game chat or reddit or twitter or discord, it's just here.

It's pretty common on game forums in general as far as I've seen.

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Sometimes nerfs are needed to keep the power level in reasonable control. Otherwise future content will always have more and more unfun mechanics like hard dps limiters and total CC immunity and it will be very hard to design new enemies and game modes that will be engaging for the players. Look at Fragmented One boss fight. Without the limiter it would go down in couple of hits unless it had hundred of millions of hp, on top of having energy drain, power nullification and soft timer cap.

At the same time, you can't just buff all other things. Nourish and Eclipse were just too convenient to use instead things like Sentient's Wrath or other direct damage ability even if they would have superior numeric values.

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i find it funny because they are complaining about what is actually something you can put on any frame via helminth... Garuda does the "slash proc Explosion" thing better with expedite suffering since she doesnt just combine all the slash proc damage into one hit, but can make a slash proc off of that hit...


it ramps up stupidly high and fast and can hit 1mil + with just a few casts.

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3 hours ago, Rathalio said:
4 hours ago, Prof-Dante said:

Did you encounter a bug with Dante that causes massive frame rate drops?

???? Excuse me sir, but this is quite a silly question

Not silly at all, it's a real criteria for nerfs. Happened to Nova way back when, and I think to Mirage at one point too

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I see more people in fear saying Dante is going to get nerfed than people actually saying he needs a nerf.

And throughout my time on the forum I tend to see people begging for buffs way more than nerfs, it's always "just buff not nerf".

Power shouldn't go out of control, we can have a power fantasy but if things go way too far we start getting content that's designed around the most busted stuff that exists leaving what's not busted unable to play said content.

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3 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

Not silly at all, it's a real criteria for nerfs. Happened to Nova way back when, and I think to Mirage at one point too

Then you can't really call that a nerf, it's more of a fix. And the initial question was about debating if Dante should be considered "OP" or not and then maybe deserve a nerf.

Edited by Rathalio
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2 hours ago, Vilmera said:

i guess it's not about opinions he's disagree with, rather about behavioral pattern kinda "if i dont' like it - it deserves nerf. no matter what"

Both of the above are just two ways to perceive the same reality.  In reality, there are people we disagree with.  But if we want to engage in self-serving fantasies, then we can dismiss the stated rationale of the people we disagree with and instead imagine that they're just nasty brutes trying to get their arbitrary way.

So I'm personally hoping that your guess is incorrect and that OP isn't getting it twisted.

Edited by UnstarPrime
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It's simple; There is a period after a Warframe's launch, up to 3 months historically, where DE can decide something is too weak, too strong, or 'functional' enough to leave alone.

From eleven years of watching DE release new things, the common agreement is that when something releases that's stronger than average on day 1, it's likely to get a nerf.

It's also a really standard click-bait. 'Don't Nerf This' is directly equal to 'This is powerful, come see why!'

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4 hours ago, UnstarPrime said:

With respect, let people have their bad opinions.  Or respond to their bad opinions with your good opinions.  But it seems unhelpful to make an entirely new meta-thread about how some people on the internet have opinions you disagree with.

the problem with this train of thought is the devs read this, think everyone wants nerfs when the silent majority are just in game having fun, and nerf everything until we are stuck with the same old S#&$

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4 hours ago, Waeleto said:

It's really fascinating that there is a select group of people on the forums who CONSTANTLY ask for nerfs to almost everything and what's even funnier is that you won't find this sentiment anywhere else, not in-game chat or reddit or twitter or discord, it's just here.

There's always going to be subsets of a group with a niche opinion, but in my experience the majority of players ask for buffs or reworks / changes way more frequently than nerfs. That said, this sentiment is not unique to forums:




Maintaining a balance of strong yet useful abilities and weapons is always going to be a back and forth - some things should be nerfed and others buffed, and neither is inherently "better" than the other from a gameplay balance point of view. That said, players tend to respond more negatively towards nerfs, so there's a lot more outcry when it happens. Realistically though, they cannot keep buffing every single older or underpowered ability or the game will reach a point where power creep has scaled so far that it's laughably easy (it already has in some areas, but it's usually specific builds or abilities that are problematic), and also that's a LOT of dev hours to commit to bringing everything "up to par" with more modern abilities vs just nerfing the problematic play styles. Ideally they'd do both over time and try to maintain a nice balance of fun yet challenging content, but there's no perfect way to do this that pleases everyone (i.e. maintaining the "power fantasy" people love yet also not trivializing the challenge entirely) - with a player base this large, every single change is going to upset at least one person, and there's going to be a lot of conflicting proposals.

In the end, it's ultimately up to the devs themselves to decide what this balance should be, and what their vision of the game should look like. We can voice feedback and concerns, whether it be buffs or nerfs to whatever content, but the majority of it is not going to significantly influence their changes. Player input is important, but players are not game designers for a reason - people could ask for eclipse to be 1000% and reworks of 20 different frames, but it doesn't make them reasonable or healthy changes for all players and play styles. It's a lot more complex than one or two forum posts or opinions, and it's not always as simple as "nerf crowd vs buff crowd" or "majority is always right" - the degrees of change and opinions of players vary wildly and are not always binary, and it's a lot to consider when choosing what to modify and how, but should just be a guideline and not implemented directly as stated.

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6 hours ago, Rathalio said:

I don't remember DE ever nerfing a Warframe directly

Oh you sweet summer child.

Limbo, wukong, chroma and khora have tales to tell you

Edited by Kaiga
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Yeah how dare people have differing opinions! /s


Seriously though when considering that DE is a company that actually takes and implements feedback you should expect other players to share their opinions for what they want with the game. Just because some players want something that you don't want doesn't mean they should be silenced. And if you can't handle differing opinions you might want to find some hold in the ground or echo chamber to crawl into instead of a place where differing opinions are common.

Also you're not going to find many, if any, opinions that disagree with the majority audience on any platform that allows censoring. Reddit for example gets to censor out opinions the thread doesn't agree with via downvotes by auto-hiding said posts. Even if there's setting to disable posts getting hidden in such a manner it doesn't change the fact that this system allows for majority opinion to rule and other opinions to get shoved aside. We've nearly seen the same system with these forums when we had multiple reactions where players would dismiss/parrot posts solely based on their reactions.


Like for me personally I find that the powercreep has steadily killed most of my interest in the game. Since it's caused effectively all gear, present and future, to be glorified cosmetics with how casually anything can decimate all content on offer. Why should I spend a few hours farming a new weapon/frame/upgrade system when the only thing it does is give me a new weapon/frame model to play with and have my damage overkill enemies even harder? And it's in my opinion, and is something that has been observed over the game's history, that this lack of valuing gear/content is going to be the ultimate death of the game where fewer and fewer players will be willing to actually play the game if they can't finish months of content within a few sittings.

Now if your opinion differs then great, go ahead and make suggestions to DE and argue for/against other opinions on the forums.

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3 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

the majority of players report valuing build customization, gear balance, cooperative missions, and difficult content, and a majority of players feel that powercreep should be avoided.

That's a very odd framing of the data you have there. (Which mind you, was sourced here on the forums, which is not indicative of the entire player-base. Namely, it's often where bored (disgruntled) vets hangout in large part). And outside of just how the numbers are framed, there's also different interpretations people could of have had when it comes to the questions.

  •  You said a "majority" of players say powercreep should be avoided
    • But there's only a mere 0.2% difference. And I'd argue that the players that don't have an opinion one way or the other, basically don't care about what you'd call "powercreep" either. As that's the way the game is already progressing (and has progressed for a minimum of 8 years, likely more), so if they aren't against it, they're defacto for it. Making "powercreep avoidance" crowd the stark minority.
  • The rest of the categories, while technically they have majorities by definition (the right-most value below), they're actually quite close.
    • Gear Balance: 45.6% vs 54.4%
      • To put it into perspective, I believe I put a 3 out of 5 here. And I choose that because I don't care if a gun from 9 years ago is nothing but mastery fodder. And I'm completely fine that the Tenet Livia completely overtook the Pennant as the best 2-Handed Nikana, as it was 19 months later and that's also how the business model works. But in contrast I still think frames like Caliban should not be left as complete dog water and they need help.
        • But it's mostly a stance of leaving things be or implementing buffs, as 90-95% of the nerfs in this game are unwarranted IMO. (Examples of ones that were warranted was the Cold Ward+Xata's Whisper interaction and the infinite 12x combo.) Though with the combo, IMO innate combo should have been buffed to regen significantly faster after the nerf.
    • Coop Missions: 46.5% vs 53.5%
    • Difficult missions:  38.6% vs 61.4%
  • And finally we have "Build Customization", which I feel a portion of people likely interpreted it as "should 'cookie cutter' builds be addressed" (which as a concept I disagree with). But I likely gave it a 5, but I viewed it as, yes I want more systems like Helminth, yes I want archon shards, yes I want millions of mods so I can pick the best and likely near never use the rest of them, yes I want more impactful gear like a 3rd gun I can summon via the gear wheel, etc...
3 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

This is reality. The game has powercrept to the point where the consequences can't be ignored

This community never uses this word correctly. "Powercreep" is when a new piece of gear make an old piece of gear basically worthless, and as such makes the time and resources put into the gear now wasted. For example, it's when DE gives us the Soma Prime or Supra Vandal and then eventually they give us the Burston Incarnon and there's no reason to go back from a meta perspective. (But that is the game's business model, and so as long as there's a decent window of time between when it happens (i.e. Livia's 19 months), I'm cool with this.)

What people like yourself incorrectly call "powercreep" is actually progression. And progression is literally the entire premise of this game. It's the bones, it's the flesh, it's the blood, it's the everything. The premise of gradually making your account stronger and stronger, taking on new engaging and "challenging" content. Systems like archon shards, literally a buff to everything and anything, no frame left behind. Helminth, a massive buff to your entire account except for fringe cases like Rhino IMO. And it goes on and on and on. And yes, enemies have also gotten copious amounts of progression along side us. A game mechanic that tries to nerf me will always be more fun/a fun puzzle compared to the devs nerfing me.

3 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

DE says out loud that they have trouble developing content that challenges us

Because IMO they're constantly hounded by players that don't understand the genre and/or don't understand the vision/development cycle this game has had for the past 8+ years (arguably 11 years if we consider all you needed was a  Trinity "slave" to accomplish the same thing (so fun for that Trin)).

Go play another progression based RPG like the Borderlands series. IMO you will be engaged and you will have fun (at least people like I do), but you will not find your Dark Souls-like difficultly (or whatever analogy of your choosing) if you use the meta gear, or if someone in the squad is using meta gear. The game is meant to engage you, not challenge you in the endgame.

The main point of fun in these games is constantly getting stronger, it's using the copious amount of systems to create interesting builds (Castana Link-Trinity nuking), it's min/maxing the perfect set up it deal with a problem, etc... And there are plenty of other ways to have fun, fashion, decorating, using non-meta stuff, creating meme builds, etc... But difficulty will never be one of them in this genre in the endgame (try something like Warhammer Darktide instead), as by design all the "difficulty" comes when you first start playing the game and it never comes back. And I like games like this, because honestly, when you put 11 years into a game like you have, nothing is difficult but PvP.

3 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

And it's becoming more and more common to see complaints that some players feel they don't even get to play anymore because one person can hog the entire game to themselves.

9 times out of 10 all of those threads are only complaining about level 30 fissures and nothing else. A mode where DE near forces you to play with other players and the most efficient way to get Ducats is in missions you're massively overqualified for. Are you really going to use this as an example when DE also expects us to do content like Deep Archimedeans? Fissures are a problem of DE's own creation, and every iteration of changes to fissures has done near nothing to fix it.

Edited by KitMeHarder
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hace 2 horas, C11H22O1 dijo:

I see more people in fear saying Dante is going to get nerfed than people actually saying he needs a nerf.

What happens is that they don't understand that DE doesn't nerf or buff based on what the players want if not based on their own criteria as a company and developers.

A nerf to dante? fear?(what I think this post and others before it are really about) it is very possible that it happens, but not because someone asks for it but because it is necessary. In any case DE look at the numbers, not the words of some random players.

hace 40 minutos, Ocerkin dijo:

the problem with this train of thought is the devs read this, think everyone wants nerfs when the silent majority are just in game having fun.

Not work like that.

hace 6 minutos, KitMeHarder dijo:

Because IMO they're constantly hounded by players that don't understand the genre and/or don't understand the vision/development cycle this game has had for the past 8+ years (arguably 11 years if we consider all you needed was a  Trinity "slave" to accomplish the same thing (so fun for that Trin)).

That's another thing, people who believe they have the right and voice to change the genre and future of the game because they invested 100 dollars last month.

hace 10 minutos, trst dijo:

Yeah how dare people have differing opinions!

''I say what I think and others get angry because they don't like it'' Childish behavior that is. The thing is, no matter what X or Y person thinks, DE decides to make changes based on numbers, even if people cry.

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maybe it's just me not reading every part of the forums, but I've not seen any people in GD or the update feedback calling for nerf, only a couple saying Dante *might* get nerfed. which he might, it wouldn't  be the first time DE released something very strong, raked in the money from it then nerfed it once most people had already bought it.

from what i've seen they mostly go off of usage stats and only attack serious outliers: the weapons and frames that people run significantly more than any other, because they're easy; what's the how and why of Wukong's Nerf, one of the most recent in a long line of examples.

either way it's not a big deal. if he gets nerfed, he gets nerfed, the metaheads will move to whatever else they will use instead, and people who just like Dante for being Dante will continue to use him. life goes on.


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37 minutes ago, Kaiga said:

Oh you sweet summer child.

Limbo, wukong, chroma and khora have tales to tell you

If you talk about eximus, they didn't nerf Limbo, they just reworked eximus. It nerfed him indirectly yes but that's not targeted towards Limbo. The only instance where they really nerfed him it was against Sentients specifically during scarlet spear because of how underwhelming it was at the time that sentient were trivialized by the time stop forever. And overall it's some power that has to be under control since how cheesy by nature Limbo's kit is.

They didn't nerf Chroma they fixed some math that weirdly enough had been wrong since his release. I know it's quite silly and a shame but at that time the devs didn't really wanted to nerf him. They wanted to fix him and they were pretty clear on that when it happened.

Wukong has been nerfed yes. It is following their anti-afk policy which is no surprise and well known. (Old Mesa peacemakers, old Ash blade storm, old Banshee quake were changed for that exact same legitimate reason. And it's starting to be very very old changes that don't really compare to modern Warframes designs.) And it is absolutely not similar to Dante's case of debated "overpowered" strength.

Khora, honestly I don't remember exactly what they changed. The only thing I kept in my memory is that again it was against the afk spot in survival missions. Which falls in the same category as Wukong.

And overall we have much more instances where DE buffs Warframes directly rather that direct nerfs. And globally we are in a PvE game, it's a lot more satisfying for everyone to buff something rather than nerfing something like it would be necessary to balance a PvP game. That's why they generally go only in that direction. And it's part of the mission of augment mods, reworks and global adjustments.

That's why I say nerfs are very unlikely in general. They really don't come often and without a strong motivation. Here we are talking about a Warframe that mostly excels at supporting as well as DPS at the same time. Nothing that is about AFK strategies or breaking the game too much. It's mostly just pure powercreep that maybe went a bit too far this time. And globally what's making Dante really strong is his easy access to overguard for everyone and overguard being very OP if accessed easily. Double gating, status & CC immunity are making the difference when this overguard can't break easily at all. If they nerf something they should first touch overguard again tbh. Especially since it's also breaking some other Warframes like Chroma and some synergies involving taking damage on purpose to trigger arcanes and buffs.

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7 hours ago, Prof-Dante said:

Every Youtuber's Thumbnail on Dante nowadays: "PLEASE DON'T NERF THIS DE"

I wouldn't put any stock into what youtubers say; they're only after the likes and the subscribers, and use clickbait not just because it works (on stupid people mostly), but in many cases it's the only way they know how to make videos. it's kinda sad when you think about it.

being as powerful as Dante is, is fine when you have to keep castign his 2 and 3 so often. while the outcome is different, the methods are similar to playing Dagath or Sevagoth, and neither of those two have ever been nerfed. hell, Dagath does Viral damage with her abilities, the most meta damage type besides Slash, and Sevagoth got an augment that's pretty much a straight upgrade, so if anything, the opposite is true: DE want you to nuke the S#&$ out of everything as long as you have to press buttons to do it. it's when you can do it without pressing buttons, that it becomes a problem for them.

55 minutes ago, Kaiga said:

Oh you sweet summer child.

Limbo, wukong, chroma and khora have tales to tell you

those were all justified though:

- Limbo's cataclysm was kinda ridiculous after his first rework, it was never intended to be an AoE nuke, but a zone/AoE power. 

- Wukong and a Zarr were insanely strong at room clearing., anyone who saw that with a brain cell to spare knew it wouldn't last.

- Chroma pretty much trivialized eidolons and other boss fights back when his Vex armor was multiplicative; I know some would argue he could use it back, but going off his new Guardian Armor Augment, DE wants him to tank and provide bonuses for the team, not just himself. it's more a case of a change in design philosophy with Chroma if anything (his 1 and 4 still need buffs though).

- Khora primarily got hit because of the Steel Essence farming that took place when Steel Path first launched: DE didn't want players being able to clean out Teshin's whole shop in a day. 

I don't see why Dante should be nerfed, since he requires players to spam buttons and actually understand his mechanics somewhat; all the other 4 frames mentioned here were doing their OP stuff with one button press. 



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32 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

they're only after the likes and the subscribers, and use clickbait not just because it works (on stupid people mostly), but in many cases it's the only way they know how to make videos. it's kinda sad when you think about it.

Well I didn't want to call DE gullible, but they sometimes listens to them, and get feedback from them.

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2 hours ago, KitMeHarder said:

That's a very odd framing of the data you have there. (Which mind you, was sourced here on the forums, which is not indicative of the entire player-base. Namely, it's often where bored (disgruntled) vets hangout in large part).

Ah, the typical dismissal of official data. The surveys were not only available to the forums, they were spread on the subreddit as well. The 2022 survey was even posted to the sub directly by DE themselves. Please try to get your history right before making excuses. And the survey's sample size is also included: almost 28 thousand people responded to the 2019 survey, and a little over 70 thousand people responded to the 2022 survey. That's quite a lot of bored, disgruntled vets!

2 hours ago, KitMeHarder said:

You said a "majority" of players say powercreep should be avoided

  • But there's only a mere 0.2% difference. And I'd argue that the players that don't have an opinion one way or the other, basically don't care about what you'd call "powercreep" either. As that's the way the game is already progressing (and has progressed for a minimum of 8 years, likely more), so if they aren't against it, they're defacto for it. Making "powercreep avoidance" crowd the stark minority.

It is still a majority. And there was also no option to say that powercreep is good, only that it had no impact good or bad or that you were unsure. There is no "defacto for it", that's just wishful interpretation of the data. The group saying powercreep has no impact should include both people who think it's neutral and the people who think it's positive, as there was no option to say that it is positive on its own. The negative group is an undivided 35.24% and the neural and positive groups together make up that 35.04%. Undecided players made up the remainder and cannot be assumed to be for or against powercreep. So unless you're choosing to believe that all of the people saying "powercreep has no impact" are actually saying "powercreep is great and we should have more", I don't see why you think that this minority is actually a majority? Or do you believe that the people saying "we don't know if it's good or bad" are actually saying "powercreep is great and we should have more" too?

2 hours ago, KitMeHarder said:

The rest of the categories, while technically they have majorities by definition (the right-most value below), they're actually quite close.

  • Gear Balance: 45.6% vs 54.4%
  • Coop Missions: 46.5% vs 53.5%
  • Difficult missions:  38.6% vs 61.4%

How convenient that you've chosen to count the neutral response as negative. The people rating Gear Balance as only 1/5 or 2/5 are only 15%. The people rating Gear Balance as 4/5 or 5/5 make up 54. For co-op missions it's the same story: 1/5 and 2/5 only make up 20%, 4/5 and 5/5 make up 53.6%. Only 11.5% rated difficult content as a 1/5 or 2/5, while 61.4%(!) rated it a 4/5 or 5/5. And this trend continues over time, too. In the 2022 survey results DE spelled out clearly what they took from this:


Players would like to see Trials come back, in addition to some more challenging end game content

Huh! And this is, for their part, something DE has continually tried to achieve.

2 hours ago, KitMeHarder said:

"Powercreep" is when a new piece of gear make an old piece of gear basically worthless, and as such makes the time and resources put into the gear now wasted.

2 hours ago, KitMeHarder said:

What people like yourself incorrectly call "powercreep" is actually progression.

You and I both know this doesn't make one lick of difference to what I'm saying. Here, I'll swap the word for you:

6 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

This is reality. The game has powercrept progressed to the point where the consequences can't be ignored or hand-waved away, and it's obvious to anyone paying even a little bit of attention. The starting level for content in quests and on the starchart is getting higher and higher. DE says out loud that they have trouble developing content that challenges us, and they're constantly inventing new ways to counter player power like Damage Attenuation or Overguard or random gear or no gear at all. Console hosts can't even spawn enough enemies to match the current level of player power, for one player let alone four! And it's becoming more and more common to see complaints that some players feel they don't even get to play anymore because one person can hog the entire game to themselves. The AoE and AFK nerfs were made in part because of this very problem!

All that really seems to have changed is that this majority of players aren't putting up with the tired "just play solo" retorts anymore.

See? I'm still saying the exact same thing. Players have powercrept/"""progressed""" far past what the game can handle, and this is having obvious negative consequences on both the game itself and on its development.

2 hours ago, KitMeHarder said:

9 times out of 10 all of those threads are only complaining about level 30 fissures and nothing else.

I think you should read more and generalize less. Did DE refer to fissures when explaining why Wukong and AoE weapons were being adjusted? No? Strange... They just talked about how disruptive this gameplay was and how many people were asking for something to be done about it.

Edited by PublikDomain
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7 hours ago, Waeleto said:

It's getting really tiring opening the forums and only seeing nerf this or nerf that, and i'm not saying stuff getting nerfed is wrong completely in a pve game, the aoe and afk strategies were 100% deserved

Why, per your argument, was the AOE nerf deserved?

Because you personally didn't like AOE?

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vor 8 Stunden schrieb Prof-Dante:

Uh, same with Wisp? Revenant? I don't see why "I see x Frame in every squad" is considered a valid argument for how strong that frame is...Like, come on man. 

Especially when it's a new release. With hydroid prime and his rework I had 3 hydroids in the team all the time 

It's a silly argument 

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