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What are some gamemodes that you hate, dislike, think could do with changes or etc?


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Might just be me but I feel like as a whole, Gamemodes don't typically get brought up a whole lot unless we're talking about something that's trending. I typically enjoy Non-Endless gamemodes so I (personally) will focus my own opinions around Endless. You of course don't have to. Maybe you really dislike the non-endless gamemodes.


When I first started Warframe, I disliked Endless gamemodes period. The only exception being the Void where a single key could give you as many Prime parts as you could endure before the switch to Relics, but that was less of me enjoying the gamemodes and more of me making the most out of what I could get.

Overtime, newer Endless gamemodes have come out that have changed my perspective and some gamemodes when done right are satisfying to me to play. My favourite Endless gamemode currently is Disruption, even before the recent QoL changes. But now that they exist, it's solidified it for me. You can manipulate the Rotations to your own benefit and the rotations are as fast as you can reasonably manage. It's a mission that I feel engaged in when playing.

Void Flood is another example of one I like. A mission that takes away the hard requirement for needing to kill as efficiently as possible and just lets you focus on one of the more fun aspects of Warframe, the Parkour and gives a reason to use Crowd Control.

But several of the "Classic" Endless gamemodes are in my opinion, not so enjoyable at least to me personally. I know for a lot of players Survival can be almost peaceful and tranquil. Out of the three Classic endless modes, I'd have to say I enjoy Survival the most for that same reason but depending on my mood it can also be my most hated since Survival can be incredibly boring. Overall it's a good gamemode for just relaxing and going on autopilot while you listen to an audiobook or something.


Interception and Defense on the other hand are kinda the opposite. While Interception does account for Solo play, a rotation feels slow even when locking down all four nodes while also having to micromanage each one. Defense is...strange. I understand DE not wanting to throw the entire wave number at you all at once but even with frames specifically designed to nuke the map the enemy spawns always feel so slow. Making it take just as long as Survival if not longer with each Wave lasting roughly a minute.


Overall I feel like my enjoyment of Endless gamemodes has a habit of being a mixture of "How long is a rotation?" and "How engaging is the mission?"

And while I am fond of more engagement in Endless missions like Disruption. There is a gamemode that I unapologetically hate with my very soul because it involves too much micro-management.

Infested Salvage. It's basically just Interception with one less point but even more micro-managing. You have to kill to get drops to charge the beacons, you can only hold three charges at a time, but each beacon can consume three each, requiring at minimum two for them to function, and if you're not inside of an active beacon, you're slowly punished overtime for it. It might just be the mechanics of the gamemode but I swear it takes longer for a single rotation to complete. And with the recent Gift of the Lotus alert, it requires THREE rotations compared to Interception alerts/sorties requiring TWO. Even with a competent nuking squad the gamemode still felt awful to play.


I feel like because of Survival, "5 minute rotations" are sort of the standard, but even certain gamemodes that attempt to emmulate that, like Mirror Defense, end up taking longer than 5 minutes due to the intermission period. But that's nothing compared to the nightmare that is missions like Sanctuary Onslaught requiring "Double Rotation" for each single Rotation. For some strange reason I find Sanctuary Onslaught more fun than Survival despite being the same gamemode but I think it's mostly due to the constant spawn rates. Increasing the individual rotation in SO and ESO but reducing it to requiring 4 Portals would make the gamemode as a whole more rewarding to play.

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My general issue with some game modes is the pace of it. All game modes should be 5 min per rotation. With time going shorter of longer depending of how effective you are(or ho lucky with tilesets one gets)

Missions should get bit smaller tilesets. So we dont run in situations that its 2 mins of object defending and 3to 5 mins of waiting to enemies to arrive form other side of the map.

Or in survival missions that is trying to find enemies, not you actually trying to survive by not dying , and keeping life support up.  Camping strats are effective, camping is reserved for defense mission , where you stay near the objective.

Or armageddon mission its great concept but in the end you spend more time running from A to B, than defending the object and c rotation varries from 25to30mins, depending ho good or lucky with enemy killing you are. And after you get the hespar blade, you can forget about gamemode as whole.

Or that some endless modes suffer from insufficient scaling.Defense, excavations. Where after a while its 1 tap from other side of tileset if enemy see the objective.

Over all i wish that rotation rewards had some more rewards in general with had like 0.002% chance so its like something to try and get, and cant be bought or traded. But also then it would lead to more diluted loot where sometimes its bad.

  People got so used to use plat to skip grinds of rng, that even remotely having to face one is met with outrcy of how hard it is or how there needs to be pitty systems.

We need gamemodes worth doing, not just done and forget or minmax the crap out of it. Going as far, rolling for proper bounties, proper tilesets and so on.

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Dunno about hate, but there are a lot of old ones that could use some TLC.

Capture. Am I crazy or did we used to have Capture missions with multiple targets? Like back in 2013. I know there was a time when they didn't just sit around the next room over fingering themselves while we catch up, they booked it. Bring that back. Capture them or lose.

Spy with a 4th vault, give that 4th guy something to do. And don't always spawn joining players on the host's position which is almost surely going to be inside an active vault.

Mobile Defense where the timer reduces by a small amount by completing literally any task that isn't sitting around waiting for the timer.

All non-endless missions should have small optional secondary objectives, like a single Spy Vault in an Exterminate or a Capture target found during a Rescue. Do the objective, get a second mission reward roll.

I'm not sure what should be done with Interception, but when you really break it down it's just a game of shoot-the-guy-on-the-console. You can ignore everything on the map and just kill the one guy pushing the button. Side objectives? Hacking puzzles? idk.

Defense could do with some more interesting objectives, whether that's things we're defending or characters like Chipper.

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Orphix... (I bet all of you forgot that mode even exists).

Though saying that, I don't necessarily hate it. But as a primarily solo player it is an absolute pain to play because the mode is poorly balanced for people that aren't in a full squad. DE just shoved it into Railjack and left it to die.

Void Cascade is a mode I really enjoy though and is probably one of the most rewarding endless missions in the game. Especially with the addition of Omnia fissures. But again, being a solo player, the mode can become unmanageable because it often requires you to be in three places at once. I wish DE would tone it down for smaller squads.

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Any gamemode with an objective you have to collect/interact with, with the exception of one: Please make Murmur Eyes the standard for objective collection please! If I am in an alternative state I should still be able to collect an objective item or insert in a console period. There is one incredibly obvious outlier for this interaction but there are other fringe situations that also fall in the same boat that needs to get addressed.


Railjack gamemodes, add proper archwing support. Making them usable in the open space would be enough to prevent it from being totally useless outside of fringe situations. Some people might also say make RJ/AW truly doable in a Railjack without needing to go into a central ship. But I'd rather say make it so that there isn't such a harsh step up after Neptune proxima, this is the only reason why Nu-Gu-Mines is my sleeper node.


Alchemy, throwing vials is tedious already noped out of it. I'd change it so it automatically starts the heating process then you throws vials to the crucible to cool it down faster. If not that, then please at the very least remove or heavily reduce the squad scaling penalty on this with the way it is set up it severely punishes certain players. Side Note, this gamemode made me realize that realize that a neglected feature in Warframe is transmutation like, you have this whole update around laboratories yet you can't even use it to touch on an existing mechanic in the game called transmutation?


Excavation, fix excavator hitbox please. . . . . It is really annoying how much it exists when I am sitting on it, I think the devs have commented to me saying that well it is intended and that it isn't noticeable but that is not my case since it is very clearly bugged and able to be tested every time. Update the rewards tables for excavation it is pathetic, if we can get a solid chunk of relics in mirror defense then we should also be able to in excavation.


Plains of Eidolon/Fortuna, make permanent night-time/Thermia Fractures a possible thing.


That's quite a list but I think that covers most of the big ones that are on the not-so great side but not enough for me to hate them list.

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I just wish they'd reduce the slog of Netracells. I like the mode as a concept, but it's not tuned well. I can think of a couple different ways to handle this too:

  • Reduce total kill count by about 30-40%, which just speeds the whole process up in the simplest way possible.
  • Don't reduce kill count. Instead:
    • Make taking out the Necramites optional.
      • Instead of halting progress, they simply reduce the progress by 50% while they're alive (doesn't stack with multiple).
    • Add incentive to take out the Necramites, by having each one instantly reduce the progress meter by like 20%.

Ultimately, it's unlikely that DE will do this however. They've ignored the plethora of feedback that echoes this sentiment since the mode first released.

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1 hour ago, PublikDomain said:

All non-endless missions should have small optional secondary objectives, like a single Spy Vault in an Exterminate or a Capture target found during a Rescue. Do the objective, get a second mission reward roll.

Oh I'd love this. In a similar vein, it annoys me that in Syndicate Sabotage missions (or Syndicate missions that would spawn optional supply cabinets) refuse to spawn them, in place for the Medallions. Just let me have my cake and eat it, please.


Also I completely forgot about Void Armaggeddon's existence. It could have been fun and had potential, but DE used their anti-AFK philosophy on a TOWER DEFENSE gamemode.

Ok, I get it. Make the turrets stop working/firing if you AFK, but why am I spending resources on a temporary tower? It just kinda defeats the point in my opinion. Let the turrets be permanent and we can either replace them (100% refund in case the Squad isn't co-operating with each other well) and let us upgrade them to be competent as the levels increase.

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You didn't like endless missions except the place designed for them aka the Void? Survival came out with The Void.
The only previous endless mission was Defense and that was on community request which likely started the whole idea.

I hate spam missions. Doesn't even matter what game mode it is. My brain shuts off and I'm just going through the motions.


2 hours ago, Numerounius said:

Update the rewards tables for excavation it is pathetic, if we can get a solid chunk of relics in mirror defense then we should also be able to in excavation.


They actually nerf'd Excavation twice because it was too rewarding at the time.
You could have 3 drills up at once and thus blow through a whole rotation fast. It was the #1 key and R5 farm until they staggered drill spawns.

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I like endless missions. Well, I like survival and disruption. 

Conjunction survival is awesome. I was a void dweller living in ani/mot for the longest time but having mini bosses, acolyte and sentients all spawn at the same time made me move to Lua. Omnia fissures on conjunction survival was just icing on the cake. I'm not entirely happy about the direction of the game right now but I still log in to check for Circulus omnia fissures. 

I had high hopes when new endless missions were announced with zariman release but they were all a chore to play imo. Same goes for new Deimos endless missions alchemy and mirror defense. These are my least favorite missions because we could have had more enjoyable endless mission types and instead we get tedious busy work.

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I dislike anything that has a fixed timer that cannot be changed. It removes all player engagement by just telling you "ok sit here and wait". Meaning, you put a "bad" player and a "good" player together, they both have to spend the same amount of time doing whatever. I want skill of some kind to allow me to speed it up and be faster if i'm better at it. 

Tridolons are the perfect example of this. The better you are the faster you can do it. Tho i'd have no idea how to implement this to regular mission types.

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7 hours ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

Orphix... (I bet all of you forgot that mode even exists).

I didn't. Because when it comes to Arcane Energize, I'd so rather run Orphix than Eidolons. But now that Vosfor is a thing, yeah, now I can forget about Orphix.


My least favorite thing to do in this game -- and I know I'm alone here -- is fissures. Ignoring practicality, they absolutely suck doing solo; either stand around when spawning in until the first audio alert or get moving only to hop around the first group of enemies waiting for them to get corrupted and hope it syncs up. Worse in public though, since it's mostly follow the leader but in a drunk driver sort of way while trying to get to extraction in less than a minute. No matter which mission type or how you try to go about it, there's always a problem, and it's never a fun time.


So much beautiful wonderful ideas in this thread to make missions better! I wanna play THAT game.

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Probably unpopular, but I’m not crazy about having to defend anything. These days, a lot of the time, everyone runs off so they can get maximum kills and that leaves me to defend the objective which is not a great experience. Or the opposite where in defense, there are three lazy people standing on the pod casting their abilities or buffs so it falls on me to run around killing so we can move to the next wave. Not a huge deal in the end since I approach every mission expecting a couple of AFK players, so am ready to solo anyway. It’s just not that much fun.

I’d love to see a mode take place on the open worlds where you have to exterminate different camps with enemies that are OP and can one, two, three or four shot you. You would actually have to take your time and figure out how best to approach each camp and finally make snipers useful. Something that has an option where you can choose how many enemies spawn in total. Would probably need modifiers so we can’t just nuke everything from the air and can’t be cheesed with invisibility, etc. It would probably need to be a no abilities mode.

Edited by MutoManiac
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9 hours ago, Numerounius said:

Alchemy, throwing vials is tedious already noped out of it. I'd change it so it automatically starts the heating process then you throws vials to the crucible to cool it down faster. If not that, then please at the very least remove or heavily reduce the squad scaling penalty on this with the way it is set up it severely punishes certain players.

I agree completely. It’s a tedious chore. I never had any intention of returning to it after buying the mods that drop here, but then EDA rolled in and has forced my hand. 

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I dont really hate any specific game mode but there are maps for certain game modes I just hate.

Earth, Mars, Corpus Ship, Io and 1/2 Stephano defense maps are horrible.

However, if I play them as Arbitrations I do not hate them, since at that point I get to control where to fight, which makes them so much smoother compared to the dog turd regular setup of those mission nodes.

Ugh, cant believe I refered to them as dog turds, not even dog turds deserve to be disrespected that way.💩

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11 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

Mobile Defense where the timer reduces by a small amount by completing literally any task that isn't sitting around waiting for the timer.

During a Deep Arch run we had a Mirror Defense and strangely enough we had an option to spawn a necramech boss to fight to lower the timer. So that is very much in the realm of possibility, but as it stand now it's only implemented in one thing. Which is par the course. Also, with your list. You completely forgot about the existence of Hijack and Assault. Both of which only have 2 and 1 tiles respectively dedicated to them.

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imo all missions ( except assassination ) should have endless option allowed to not constantly start over same mission,loading map etc

i dont hate mission types but their loot table drops, the AABC system that is just terrible , there should be just 1 loot table drop from a mission 

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Less the game modes themselves and more the fact that Defense and Interception very often take place on just the WORST &$^#ing maps in the game (the Uranus defense missions and the new Corpus Ship with its damn vertical map design...).

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6 minutes ago, Aldain said:

Less the game modes themselves and more the fact that Defense and Interception very often take place on just the WORST &$^#ing maps in the game (the Uranus defense missions and the new Corpus Ship with its damn vertical map design...).

True that and AI pathing, it didn't help that for archon disruption it took place on the Corpus Gas city tileset which isn't that bad per se but the AI enemies kept getting stuck in every cubby room for all of the ten rounds making it very annoying.

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It's an archaic mode that needs a full rework.

Make it a mode where we play as enemy factions and fight other factions (Doesn't need to be PVP).

Give it a Star Wars Battlefront 2 (PS2, the good one) like starchart/system.

Make it something fun and different.

Right now it's a slog, make no lore sense, and just outright sucks.

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1 minute ago, Aerikx said:


It's an archaic mode that needs a full rework.

Make it a mode where we play as enemy factions and fight other factions (Doesn't need to be PVP).

Give it a Star Wars Battlefront 2 (PS2, the good one) like starchart/system.

Make it something fun and different.

Right now it's a slog, make no lore sense, and just outright sucks.

There was a point where the Invader would occupy nodes if they won the Invasion but sadly DE removed it.

I think it was because it became the meta to let factions take over certain Nodes to turn them into more effective farms than could be found elsewhere for the Corpus and Grineer.

Shame the system didn't allow the Infestation to take over nodes either.

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