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How Do You Choose to Support Your Team?


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2 hours ago, Joezone619 said:

Its funny how many "support" abilities can actually be detrimental...

-Wisp haste motes can run people out of ammo faster, say goodbye to most AoE weapons.
-Dante's overguard stops frames with shields from using rage mods.
-Limbo is Limbo.
-Mesa's shooting gallery is the bane of Chroma's existance.
-And anything that heals or keeps someone from dying is nice... until they get that 1 bug that shuts down any ability to fight or use powers until they die.


I agree with WISP haste actually. Weapons with strong recoil also suffer from this

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Usually if I feel like playing support, I’ll gravitate to Trinity for keeping my teammate (typically my partner) alive and status effect free; stuff like DoTs are so easily the silent killer and even if you know they’re there, there’s not a lot you can do aside from roll each tick, so one of my main focuses is on cleansing DoTs so that she can keep fighting fit, especially if she gets blasted by things like an Arson eximus (when playing multiplayer I’ll typically consider the Silence I’ve subsumed over Trinity’s three to stop Eximi from casting abilities)

I wish our health and status was a little more front and center so I don’t have to keep glancing away from the action to know whether she needs a heal or not. I love playing support, and this game has an excellent combination of being a healer while also contributing to the fight, and I’d appreciate a bit of an easier time keeping an eye on teammates while fighting

edit: Also, I’ll often opt for gigantic range so as to not have to worry about being so precise about my ability casts; particularly when playing on Switch instead of PC, it’s a lot harder to keep up with situational awareness of where she is and what she’s doing due to the nature of console controls making it harder to track things in general, so instead of customising my own frame’s movement or systems, I’ll opt for large range and then just throw abilities out knowing they’re going to have a much higher chance of connecting regardless of where she is in the area

Edited by Merkranire
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I often play Warframe solo, especially when I am tired or value efficiency. So usually when I do actually play public, I am much more conscious, aware and alert to others. I'll quickly assess team composition, different players, identify if we have some newer players, or older players, players using meta or off meta, a fast paced team, or a slower paced team, a friendly communicative team, or a friendly quieter team, potential conflicts in play styles, etc. 

I generally like to help players that may be struggling for whatever reasons. Unfamiliarity with a Warframe or weapon, or maybe they are just tired or having a bad day. I tend to be accomodating. So if my team is going fast or hard, I can go fast and hard, or if they are slower and more explorative, chill, etc, I am as well. 

Depends on the mission type as well, I'll be much more observant of others in Arbitrations, Elite Deep Archimedea, places where death has certain consequences. I generally like team work as an idea, helping others etc I am quick to revive others. Beauty of playing with other players right? As opposed to playing solo which as mentioned, I also often do. 

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4 hours ago, Joezone619 said:

Its funny how many "support" abilities can actually be detrimental...

-Wisp haste motes can run people out of ammo faster, say goodbye to most AoE weapons.
-Dante's overguard stops frames with shields from using rage mods.
-Limbo is Limbo.
-Mesa's shooting gallery is the bane of Chroma's existance.
-And anything that heals or keeps someone from dying is nice... until they get that 1 bug that shuts down any ability to fight or use powers until they die.

They fixed some these recently though:

Haste motes, try speedrunning public PT that's the worst with archgun ammo cooldowns.

Rage got changed, no longer a thing.

Limbo is Limbo, well. . . yeah with some exceptions like vs. Jackal because DE design decisions. There is no way that DE does not know about Limbo's Limbo's limbo. I'm with you this should be high up on DE's list instead.

Vex Armor got changed no longer a thing see, Rage.

Rare bug anyways.

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@_4shes, great story that's great to hear. 

I almost exclusively play solo until EDA came out and when given some of the warframe/weapon/debuff combinations, it's only the kindness of public teams that make it possible to complete a run.

My friend was forced to play Limbo in an EDA and he was very careful not to Banish, but still in his first two runs, all three teammates instantly disconnected when they saw him.   That's six different people that took one look at Limbo and just said, "No".  Thankfully, teammates in his third run took pity on him and they completed the EDA.

I mostly don't bring a warframe into a team mission with support in mind.  My thinking is that the most useful I can be to the team is to be able to kill effectively and not die repeatedly. 

However, when my friends specifically invite me to help the them with some hard content, I have a Vazarin Focus / Voracious Metastasis Hildryn load out that I bring.  This allows me to bring lots of energy, a little extra shield and shield recharge, instant revives, and protective dashes.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

I often play Warframe solo, especially when I am tired or value efficiency. So usually when I do actually play public, I am much more conscious, aware and alert to others. I'll quickly assess team composition, different players, identify if we have some newer players, or older players, players using meta or off meta, a fast paced team, or a slower paced team, a friendly communicative team, or a friendly quieter team, potential conflicts in play styles, etc. 

I generally like to help players that may be struggling for whatever reasons. Unfamiliarity with a Warframe or weapon, or maybe they are just tired or having a bad day. I tend to be accomodating. So if my team is going fast or hard, I can go fast and hard, or if they are slower and more explorative, chill, etc, I am as well. 

Depends on the mission type as well, I'll be much more observant of others in Arbitrations, Elite Deep Archimedea, places where death has certain consequences. I generally like team work as an idea, helping others etc I am quick to revive others. Beauty of playing with other players right? As opposed to playing solo which as mentioned, I also often do. 

This, I love! Adapting to the group is a great way to increase squad survivability and overall fun factor. If everyone is on the same page, then the flow and mood automatically uplifts. 

I remember, about 6 years ago, I accidentally joined a built pub squad due to a squad member suffering from a bad connection. They asked if I wanted to run the special alert interception sortie mission with them and then, when their friend gets back online, they would break the squad and reform their original crew. I agreed and we instantly synced and dominated the run, coordinating loot rotations and me using my extended range and duration Ice Wave Impedance setup to slow everything to a crawl. Back then, we had no shield gating so slow enemies was great DR. They loved the CC and made sure I had plenty of energy to contain the tile. As a newish player, it was my first, really strong squad link up and I was hooked ever since.

Everyone knew their ish and we all enjoyed the hell out of that mission, and several more. It just goes to show that understanding supporting your squad can go a long way to really enjoying more elements of this game!

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15 minutes ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

This, I love! Adapting to the group is a great way to increase squad survivability and overall fun factor. If everyone is on the same page, then the flow and mood automatically uplifts. 

I remember, about 6 years ago, I accidentally joined a built pub squad due to a squad member suffering from a bad connection. They asked if I wanted to run the special alert interception sortie mission with them and then, when their friend gets back online, they would break the squad and reform their original crew. I agreed and we instantly synced and dominated the run, coordinating loot rotations and me using my extended range and duration Ice Wave Impedance setup to slow everything to a crawl. Back then, we had no shield gating so slow enemies was great DR. They loved the CC and made sure I had plenty of energy to contain the tile. As a newish player, it was my first, really strong squad link up and I was hooked ever since.

Everyone knew their ish and we all enjoyed the hell out of that mission, and several more. It just goes to show that understanding supporting your squad can go a long way to really enjoying more elements of this game!


Nice! Thats the spirit! 

Good team mates can enhance an already good game, into something a bit more special. Its also obviously fine to more neutral missions with others, as well, especially in Warframe. What you describe, happened to myself recently as well, with the new Jade Ascension mode. I am decently fast at finding Sister Beacons, and killing the Sister that spawns, and knowing the best timing to use the boosted vials. Came across a duo that had a Nekros and Titania (at the time, I didn't realise that the Nekros was giving us double drops on Arcanes), but they were happy to have someone who could kill the Sister fast as well as help out with Beacons. They were very communicative and friendly and after each mission, instead of disbanding would ready up. I decided to stay, since why not. Usually the fourth person would leave and we would find another, but eventually that person also started to stay as well, and we had a really nice, friendly well organised team. We were extra efficient, but more importantly we were having a good, chill time too. Occasionally someone died to a Jade Eximus, but it was all good. Our clear times were fast and we were getting double Arcanes (I had no idea until I read the patch notes later). 

Was a really great night. Think we stuck together for about 2 hours, runs were all around 5:30. Loots of loot because of the Nekros, I got to use my Lich hunting skills to great effect. Fun times. Since then, have also had plenty of matches with teams that disbanded after one mission, and plenty of those were great too, with some great or funny interactions too, but yeah. 

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So recently, I’ve been playing a lot of Revenant, Dante, and Jade. Since Dante and Revenant have great survivability and do great overall damage, sustaining the squad over long endurance missions(especially arbitrations)is very easy. Jade does do well in both these areas(still not 100% confident since she’s still a new frame)but what I like about her kit most when supporting the squad is her buffs and her 3rd ability. Having a way to move while reviving a teammate does wonders when your screen is cluttered with Jade eximus units.

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vor 12 Stunden schrieb _4shes:

I'm curious cause today, I was struggling to stay alive with a Warframe I wasn't too familiar with and after getting downed a couple times, the Citrine that revived me started following me around and kept me from dying, which was quite nice cause they didn't have to but they chose to. So now I'm wondering if people who play support or provide it, actually pay attention to their fellow Tenno as much as that Citrine did.

Do you keep an eye on your teammates? Are you aware of who's struggling? Are you conscious of keeping your buffs active? I know there's people who play Support frames because of the self-sustain and not to actually support but if you do actually go out of your way, how and why?

(Mind you DPS frames can still support players by making sure the threat doesn't exist in the first place too)

I actually almost always play support because it's just worth it. And I play 99.99% of the time in public. So why should I play solo there?

At the moment I'm playing with necros. It's worth it in my opinion because I can defend objects very well and people don't have more loot, but more precisely: more ammo! That brings a lot of advantages. I also have def aura gloom with 46% slow. That alone reduces ranged damage drastically. Or on Monday I played in SP circuit up to level cap. That was very easy and I only got a str buff, so even more slow.

I used to play with wisp for a long time. However, I don't see much advantage at the moment if people don't play with mele or unlimited ammo. Because in the group, loot warframe like necros is needed.

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I support my team by playing rhino with over 200% roar. Nothing like a bunch of damage to help the team. Also have nourish... though I'm rethinking it as almost 200% viral screws up status weighting quite a bit... but both together works so well! 

When someone goes down, I stomp, res and activate nourish for them. They get energy, damage, and almost all enemies are cc'd.


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15 hours ago, _4shes said:

I'm curious cause today, I was struggling to stay alive with a Warframe I wasn't too familiar with and after getting downed a couple times, the Citrine that revived me started following me around and kept me from dying, which was quite nice cause they didn't have to but they chose to. So now I'm wondering if people who play support or provide it, actually pay attention to their fellow Tenno as much as that Citrine did.

Do you keep an eye on your teammates? Are you aware of who's struggling? Are you conscious of keeping your buffs active? I know there's people who play Support frames because of the self-sustain and not to actually support but if you do actually go out of your way, how and why?

(Mind you DPS frames can still support players by making sure the threat doesn't exist in the first place too)

It depends on the activity. I'll bring revenant with mesmer shield augment for certain situations or if radiation is a concern. 

Other then that it depends. If I know for a fact 1 or more tenno in the squad could use help I'm generally willing to go out of my way to bring support. 


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There are multiple ways , and it really depends on the loadout I am using at the moment , some are better than others at supporting.

Some of my most used means which I don't normally see in the game.

1) Nezha with warding halo of shame. I usually keep the warding halo augment to give to my companion but if any player goes down they get a halo and everyone knows about it :D

2) Equinox shield drip : I have a lovely balanced equinox build that works well both in day and night form , if the players are not performing well I stay in night mode and keep giving them shields instead of focusing on nuking.

Then there are the typical things , like overguard frames (dante , frost ) , status resistance frames (titania spellbound ) , buffs (wisp motes ) etc. which don't need any specific explanation.

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19 hours ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

I've been playing Dante a lot, so I generally try to make sure my team has at least some Overguard, even in missions that are easy.  If I see that someone no longer has Overguard, I try to give them more and keep a bit of an eye on them to make sure I can keep them protected.  As long as it's easy to do, I really like to make sure my team doesn't have to care about survival and can just focus on going wild.

This ^

I also watch if a teammate goes down and revive them, I still revive pets (an old habit) if I have time when I see a long recovery time.

If I'm playing a frame that gives energy I'll keep them topped up.

I just like helping anyway I can while also killing enemies, sometime I'll point out something I've found or type a tip in chat if it's a new player.

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I don't play Public often - in fact I think Belly of the Beast is the first time I've played not solo on purpose for years. But when I am in a team.

Well, I play as Limbo, so my job is to guard the objective as non-disruptively as possible. But I'm happy to revive players when the need arises and complete side objectives since I run Wrathful Advance to boost my mobility. I also take Unairu which is particularly useful for deleting the shields and armour of the Sister, and that aspect carries forwards for all such bosses if that's relevant.

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Being a support main in all the games I play, I usually played frames who could give some sort of barrier or health. So, I've played Gara for her wall before Nidus for his infested floor, Revenant for energy, Dante for over-guard, Citrine for the DR, Wisp for her buffs and Jade which is just a colossal disappointment as a supposed support frame.

I enjoy being able to shield and heal people or give them buffs to stay alive, which is why I was so disappointed and hurt at what they made Jade into - just another DPS hybrid that's so weak and under-tuned.

Most people don’t even see her as a support at all compared to other frames like Trinity, Dante, Wisp, etc. I'm that person who would run or fly halfway across the map to try and save someone if I'm not also down myself so I commend that Citrine who was actively trying to be that support for someone who really needed it.

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On 2024-06-25 at 8:16 PM, CosoMalvadoNG said:


The funny thing is that according to the majority, Dante is not stupidly strong. I know that overguard is not of much use against high level enemies (1000+), but in normal missions and in sp it is technically playing on easy difficulty if there is a dante in the squad.  In my 11 years of playing this is the first warframe that I feel like the game is too simple for him.

Obviously I'm not demanding nerf or anything but things have to be told as they are.

Dante was double nerfed. He went from good to just ok. He kinda sucks, especially with LOS.

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hace 4 horas, _Eclips3_ dijo:

Dante was double nerfed. He went from good to just ok. He kinda sucks, especially with LOS.

Yes, of course!  I use Dante, but someone has to come and tell me how Dante is, of course...

I understand that the mains don't want it to be nerfed anymore, but lying is unnecessary.

Minimize it more friend. Don't let your fear show. 

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Pick up those that fall (unless its obvious they are not participating), try to keep cohesive with others for spawn density and such.  I'm playing for and therefore using or not using my abilities for my own usages and honestly am unconceded by anyone else's gains or losses from what my powers provide. 

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If you're a support player : Trinity (no brainer)

Another no brainer support

- Harrow's condemn

- Piercing roar (knocks down enemies, enemy damage debuff + damage boost which is nice)

- Mind control (nice for distraction)

- Psychic bolt (full defense strip)

- Pull (stops enemies from attacking for a moment)

Basically any CC or enemy debuff effects are good enough


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The revenant.

Activly checks mesmer stacks on allies. 

Reapplies when someone has one stack left.

The broberon.

Makes sure his aura is active and on everyone. 


The Jade.

Checks party composition to see which aura might be preferable.

No matter the frame.

If my buff icon isnt beside your name.

I get anxiety. (Joke) but i will -go out of my way- to apply them.


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depend on what i'm using at the time.

if im using excal, i'll periodically  blind mobs

if it is a no shield sortie defense mission i'll try apply ivara invisible bubbles to the target and others

using rhino's roar + smite infusion to increase others damage

multiple sonar when using  banshee

icy avalanche when using forst

etc etc....

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