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Anyone else breaking mentally trying to farm legendary arcanes?


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I've gotten bored of the same "event" rewards recycled for 4 years now. Scarlet Spear spoiled players to expect an Energize farm every new event, which is pretty lame. I don't get burned out on farming these events because they have no personal scoring and no new event weapons. They may as well be running Dog Days right now honestly.

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No, I've had those arcanes forever.  The only arcane I'm missing is bodyguard.  I've been trying to complete my codex instead and didn't realize how inconsistent that content is.  I need Condrix scans. 

Bring back Scarlet Spear!  Why can't DE update the codex?  Who is this mysterious 9th acolyte?  Why aren't the call points anywhere in the codex?  Why is Helios so lazy?

Edited by Lord_Drod
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If you're not enjoying it then stop farming them. In all reality the Arcanes from the event are VERY overrated. Energized is easilly replaced by dozens of other options for managing energy while the other ones of value (Avenger and the status immunities) are very cheap.

Plus you can always just abandon farming them from the event and farm other Arcanes to turn into Vosfor. It'll take longer to max one out that way but your sanity will thank you.

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9 hours ago, ReddyDisco said:

No, i got all my arcanes during scarlet spear.


Same. I just got another copy and sold it from the casual play i've been doing for a few days. I'll probably get one more to sell and buy the cheap ones for vosfor. I did use this even to finish up a few arcanes. From this to the Arcane Gatcha I'm so close of having them all maxed out.

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3 minutes ago, PR1D3 said:

Same. I just got another copy and sold it from the casual play i've been doing for a few days. I'll probably get one more to sell and buy the cheap ones for vosfor. I did use this even to finish up a few arcanes. From this to the Arcane Gatcha I'm so close of having them all maxed out.

I made like 10 maxed arcane energizes during that event, sold most and gifted a few to my clanmates. that event was the best lmao.

Edited by ReddyDisco
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