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Dev Workshop: Koumei & The Five Fates - Companion Reworks


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3 minutes ago, rubywings239 said:

Are beast type companions going to be taking up two slots now like robotic types? Or will it work like exalted weapons

"When you start the game you will automatically receive a Beast-specific weapon for each of your Beast companions. This does not take inventory space or cost you any resources. "

Edited by Plasmaxyz
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3 minutes ago, matt11mz said:

I don't think that's a heavy assumption. Seems like there's two paths:

1. Just as said, toxin won't combine, ever. Viral, Gas, and Corrosive are out. You can run something like Blast + Electric + Toxin Helminth Charger instead of Blast + Corrosive.

2. The 50 toxin is the only thing that can't be removed. Modding for toxin buffs it as normal, but viral would become Viral + Toxin. A Viral + Heat + Slash + Toxin build comes to mind.

Either way, seems like a nice unique buff.

Toxin not being combined can be seen as useful if the mutt was a good status spreader initially, which it sadly isn't. So hopefully the Trample + Strain Fever buff aid it in the damage department. 

If the second option as you say occurs, then this is a great scenario indeed. 

My overall anger is driven toward the thing not getting any CC/CD/SC buffs, which everything else got. 

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8 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Ghost (SHADE Sentinel):

  • When you move out of range of enemies, there is now a 3 seconds grace period before the invisibility effect ends. If you move back within range of enemies, invisibility will be sustained.


Can we get 5 seconds instead of 3?

Plus, you do realize that sentinels (and only sentinels) cannot attack while invisible from any source? Can we have an attack precept that allows attacking while invisible please?

Also the augment for Ghost is very underwhelming (3 second damage buff on a very long cooldown).

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RE: sentinel weapons

Some are really interesting revisions, like how Cryotra is now something completely different rather than "Artax++". Others have some nice stat boosts.

However, changes that are "increased damage"—particularly with the Deth Machine Rifle, Burst Laser, and Laser Rifle—feel a bit lacking. The main issue being that they all deal some damage to a single target with middling support stats.

This is fine for Warframe weapons because the player can feel the difference in things like fire rate and projectile travel time. On a sentinel, the player gets none of that feedback. For the most part, we only see the end result.

I think there's some missed potential for those weapons to have a little extra spice added to them. DMR at max spool guarantees heat procs every 10-20 shots. Laser Rifle having innate radiation. Burst laser targeting multiple enemies at once. Etc. Something that makes them a little more unique from each other, like many of the other sentinel weapons are. See e.g. the Multron becoming an AoE.

Just a few pennies.

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Can you give a pass to Vaporize (deth cube precept)  so it works best with his signature weapon? the fact that to make it work you need a secondary weapon is sad, also description is outdated and states nowhere that the base damage is amplified by weapon mods.

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I think the Rework of Charm to split it, and split the affinity and resource buff into separate buffs and separate mods is excellent. However, if your goal was to neutralize unfun player behavior where it used to be we had to wait for charm to give a resource buff to collect resources, while you have succeeded in regards to resources, you have left the affinity bonus in Charm under the former conditions you wished to remove. I'd say it might be warranted to separate the affinity bonus as well, and just leave a status chance + status damage bonus behind in it's place in the Charm mod. Maybe call the affinity focused mod Spike Retriever, and keep it at double instead of triple bonus.

I recall it being mentioned on a devstream that resource costs were calculated to factor in Charm pre-Koumei update. While the change isn't in effect yet, it'll be interesting to know if, after some unknown period of time, if resource cost calculations need to be adjusted for blueprints, lab research, and especially dojo decorations (especially oxium!).

However, it seems one change is indirectly unlisted here from Charm in this dev workshop, the Rare Resource Drop, which I hope isn't removed from Charm and was simply unlisted. That buff has literally saved me a run or two of running Hepit, Void for Argon Crystals. Please let it not be so that I must rely only on a Retriever mod triggering after finding a argon deposit!

KAVATS: New players struggle a lot to obtain Kavat Genetic Code. This is contrary to the Kavat Incubator Upgrade Segment being very quickly obtained from Dojo or from Hyekka Masters. I think this situation can be changed to better accomodate newer players. Instead of ONLY giving them the option to hunt for invisible kavats on Deimos (or special devstream drop alerts), have them also have the option to capture Vasca Kavats for Kavat Genetic Code. This can be influenced not only based on the type of Vasca Kavat captured (and can work with the lore of Vasca Kavats' genes being changed in more advanced stages), but the amount dropped can also be influenced by the quality of the capture. You may want to adjust the rate and amount dropped from feral kavats on Deimos to reward the more challenging hunt better. Vulpaphylas shouldn't drop any Kavat Genetic Code though since they're practically a whole different sub species.

This rewards newer players for engaging in conservation, encourages practice at it, and offers newer players more companion options after Howl of the Kubrow. Speaking of which, you may also want to introduce wild Kubrows to hunt in Cetus as well during the daytime, maybe also they can give eggs at some percentage chance for each capture. This helps Cetus conservation feel more full when compared to Fortuna and Necralisk Conservation. Would require more floofs though!

Edited by DrLego
minor old text removed
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Really strongly urge DE to reconsider the new Charm mods being Beast-exclusive. This is the exact same course they already charted with Vacuum, going from Carrier-exclusive to Sentinel-exclusive to finally available to all companions with the introduction of Fetch. Can we please just skip the middle step this time? Let Sentinels boost drops!

The rest sounds pretty great tbh! Though some of the precept changes sound a bit underwhelming.


  • Acidic Spittle (VIZIER Predasite):
    • Increased the projectile speed and accuracy, and always applies Corrosion status to its target now.


Not sure the lack of Corrosive status was what was holding this one back (looks at literally every other single-target pet precept getting changed to hit an area).


  • Coolant Leak (Robotic Companions):
    • Formerly slowed enemies down by 10% when they were within 3 meters as a constant aura.
    • Now hits enemies within 10 meters with 40 damage and 3 stacks of Cold status, with a 10 second cooldown.
    • Changed from cost of 4 Mod points and no ranks, to having a base of 2 Mod points and 3 ranks.


5 capacity just to slow enemies in kissing distance?


  • Crescent Charge (CRESCENT Vulpaphyla):
    • Lifts target into the air, and throws that target at another nearby enemy doing damage of 20% of its Max Health plus the Vulpaphyla's weapon damage in a 5 meter radius.
    • Removed the Vulnerability effect since it becomes much harder to capitalize on when the enemy is getting thrown around, and replaced with 5 stacks of Puncture status on affected enemies.


I have no idea if this will end up being good. But man will it be be funny so job well done!


  • Dig (SAHASA Kubrow):
    • Your Kubrow can now dig up Heavy Weapon ammo packs if you need them.


Awesome, but the need to be out of combat for this precept to even activate is still crippling.


  • Infectious Bite (MEDJAY Predasite):
    • Spores now explode immediately if they absorb more damage than the victim has Health, and inflict a portion of the absorbed damage in a 3 meter radius (100% at max rank).


Excuse me? A 3 meter radius? For attacking an enemy chosen by pet AI within 3 seconds?


  • Paralytic Spores (MEDJAY Predasite):
    • The initial damage now scales off the pet's equipped weapon. In addition to staggering enemies, now applies 5 seconds of 50% slow, and enemies are open to melee finishers.


The Cooler Acidic Spittle


  • Scan Matter (OXYLUS Sentinel):
    • The duration and cooldown time for showing resources containers and mining locations has been removed, the effect is continuous now. Additionally it now breaks open one container within 60 meters every 3 seconds and automatically collects the contents.


Sigh. Please just fold the mining locations into Scan Aquatic Lifeforms and give him a new precept that doesn't completely suck.


  • Survival Instinct (SLY Vulpaphyla): This Precept has been completely reworked.
    • Formerly reduced enemy accuracy against your Warframe until your next attack.
    • Now, when you bullet jump it creates a decoy which draws enemy fire for 1.5 seconds. 5 second cooldown time after creating a decoy.


Tentatively excited to mess around with this. So the Vulpaphylas are now kind of specializing into Defensive Support (Sly), OffeSupport (Panzer), and Damage (Crescent). That's cool.


  • Volatile Parasite (Predasites):
    • In addition to its built in damage, Volatile Parasite now explodes for 100% of the damage absorbed while it is attached to the victim, with an additional 1.4x multiplier if the victim dies before the Volatile Parasite expires.


The Cooler Infectious Bite


The new behaviors for all the S#&$ty sentinel guns sound pretty cool. Looking forward to messing around with the Fortuna weapons soon, or at least Cryotra, Multron, and Tazicor (I already love Helstrum). Vulcax staying at 20% crit chance still sounds too coin-flippy to be worth running even with 14x base damage. At least it will fire twice per century instead of once per century now.

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8 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Pets would previously follow behind you while moving, which made it harder to notice them around

Pets are reeeeally hard to notice while playing Titania.... Point being, we need to be able to have active companions during Razorwing. Completely losing out on a major game mechanic on one frame while using their "ultimate" is a massive problem.

8 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Charm (SMEETA Kavat): The resource and credit pickup multiplier has been removed from Charm and promoted to being its own separate precept Mod (Loyal Retriever,) equippable on all Beasts.

You've created the same problem. Just now instead of people only using Smeeta, they'll only use beast companions and ignore robotic. This is Vacuum's history literally repeated all over again. Just let all the Retriever mods work on all companions.

And does this still work for things like Kuva Siphons? AKA sources that don't conventionally "drop" their resources, but were still affected by Charm.

8 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

that was counter to Warframe’s speed and fluidity

Ironic, given your upcoming nerf to Wukong is purposefully designed to completely strip away that build's fluidity.

8 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Loyal Retriever (Beast companions): Provides a passive 13% chance that each resource or credit pickup will be doubled. This effect is always active: there is no cooldown, no duration, no waiting for it to be ready.

I'm going to take a wild guess and say Charm is the reason only robotic companions could use Manifold Bond? Now that that's been changed/reworked, all companions should be able to use Manifold.

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I assume that things may be subject to change, so I'm hoping for this, but could it be possible to update Medi-Ray and Shield Charger to make it that the sentinel can still use it's weapon while either mod are in effect? Currently when Medi-ray/Shield Charger is active, the sentinel will no longer shoot their weapon until after said mods expire and go on cooldown.

Edited by (XBOX)calvina
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2 hours ago, Waeleto said:

Please remove the out of combat restriction on that one

I'm hoping the new posture mods might allow this.

9 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Pacifist Training: Your pet will not attack enemies unless they strike it with a melee weapon first. Useful if you value your pet's supporting features rather than its claws and teeth. Also gives a 50% Evasion bonus to your pet to keep it safe.

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You must make Loyal Retriever, Prosperous Retriever, and Resourceful Retriever equipable on all companions, not only beasts, or introduce equivalent versions for sentinels. It's obvious and non-optional. The whole point of this was to remove the "wrong option" nature of companions other than Smeeta, and although this expands the number of correct companion options significantly, it still leaves several companions (every sentinel) as a wrong option.

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Great rework and something we've been asking for 8 years 


Pacifist Training: Your pet will not attack enemies unless they strike it with a melee weapon first.


But overpowered sentinel weapons like Verglas enable full-afk automated play, (particularly together with Duplex bonds spawning many centinels that play for you.)

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Absolutely loving all of these changes so far and at long last I can bring my Huras Kubrow out of retirement and using him full time. I love it <3

I do have a few things to point out though as feedback for these changes:

  1. I noticed a lack of mentions to Vasca Kavat precepts and Venari in her entirety. Are there any plans regarding those two?
  2. Will Manifold Bond still be locked to robotics? I feel like a big factor that allowed Sentinels to be as useful as they have become is the fact that they have access to this mod (not entirely but a big factor at least).
  3. To follow the most common feedback so far, wouldn't Loyal, Prosperous, and Resourceful Retriever be better off equipped on all Companions instead of just Beasts?
  4. I'm not sure if it was mentioned, but was the new fur system mentioned for this part of the Companion rework?
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This is nice but, it is leaving the Sentinels in a weird place. So weird that they still need a mod To Be Able To Use their Weapons....

Most people will want their Sentinel to shoot anyways, why not have a mod that Disables shooting instead/lowers the aggro range until it disables it?

It honestly feels real dumb losing a mod slot for something so trivial on Sentinels, while Beasts get HUGE Damage Buff, all of them can duplicate loot now AND their Vacuum range is bigger.....

THINK please!

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9 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Beast weapons will gain affinity and rank up, but they will not contribute toward your overall Mastery.

Please reconsider this approach, it is not only inconsisten with other already available companions (Hounds) but it's also not pretty for something to have a level up requirement and grant nothing from it


9 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

The resource and credit pickup multiplier has been removed from Charm and promoted to being its own separate precept Mod (Loyal Retriever,) equippable on all Beasts

This is a big issue, it is History repeating itself in fact, Vacuum already went through this process and it was completely unnecessary from the get go, please let's skip all the hassle of discussion to further prove the point that these series of mods should be available to all companions, not just beasts or robotics.

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Only 3 sentinel weapons actually changed functionality...all 3 sound like they are worth checking out.   Especially Tazer.   

Did Pet Team take Bond mods into account when touching up sentinel weapons?  I cant tell which if any of them will be able to trigger Tenacious Bond.  It would have been nice if Pet Team would have told us what the weapons were intended for. 

  •  Hound bubbles still block shots like old frost...you do realize this yes??  

Smeeta charm was a nerf a contradiction.   I'm pretty sure charm could multiple loot by more than x2 before.  (no boosters).   You also said hey its not right that people felt forced to use Smeeta so we are making the new mod available to all.....beasts....  ummmmm....  all you did was slightly enlarge the pool of critters.   How about ALLLLLLLL pets??   Give us that freedom of choice thing you were talking about?????????


My beasts never got to use offensive mods except bite/swipe and that was just to trigger other stuff.   I totally appreciate beasts getting weapons for offense though and to help trigger Manifold Bond.    But Sentinels and now Beast slot space was already extremely limited.  Beast weapons don't really solve anything,   and they sure as hell don't do jack for sentinels/moa.   Sentinels/Moa/Beasts just need 2 more slots.  

ALL pets should have gotten an Aura slot instead of beasts getting a posture slot. +2 slots and Nobody could argue they don't have room or capacity.  And I think choices would still have to be made on what to equip.  


I really hate different breeds having different stats on their weapons.  The point of different breeds is all about their specific precepts.  And why are Smeeta so garbage in base damage?? 


Territorial Aggression actually had a purpose.   It helped you find and scan wild kavats.  And or pacify wild animals.  Turning it into a killing mod was kinda... unhelpful. 


Overall though I think these changes will be a net plus.    Wyrm feels like one of the worst pets now.   He doesn't really do anything special.  Negate status?? oOoOO.   Taxon was my first pet in Warframe and he still hasn't been primed??  The Artax was a great weapon utility wise.  Back as a newb the laser would tell me where enemies were because I had no radar mods,  later it was awesome for disruption missions.   It got a revamp so I am scared to see what it has become.  

>>>>> How about moving sentinel pets to float off to the side of the opposite shoulder the camera is on??  If your camera is on your right shoulder then your sentinel pet should fly on your left side and vice versa.   Shoulders = bad.  RIght above your head = SUPER BAD.   Pets being in your field of view when you have a spear or mining laser equipped = SUPER EXTREMELY BAD.  


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2 hours ago, Waeleto said:

Please remove the out of combat restriction on that one.

That's one of the most important changes I was hoping for, especially because they talked about how the game is designed to be fast paced (and the Charm buff for Resources went against that).

I know having to stay out of combat in order for my Sahasa to dig something I need is not the end of the world, but it does break that "fluid gameplay" they talk about.

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