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Nekros: Changes Coming For 15.12


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When will this ability be finally looked at as anti-tenno, anti-squad, anti-strategy.

Having multiple NPC's in the battle doesn't make them being good or worth, just like all of the useless specter features.


More NPCs (the shadows) means:

- more mess and confusion on the battle for the tenno

- shadows blocking passages and escape routs.

- shadows in defense block the view of the pod, block the access to pod, when this is getting attacked.

- they get in front of the players view blocking the shots; it works both ways ppl, they not only are bullet sponges for the enemy but also for our shots too.

- they usually are useless AI wise, and also in damage, I don't think this buff will do much of a change.

- to call this ability an ultimate is pretty bad, since terrify is 100 times better as an ultimate ability, then shadows.



To make shadow of the dead, an actual useful ability, or worthy of being an ultimate, it needs changes, real ones.

Like perhaps reducing the shadows to only 3 or 5, but each actually is strong, powerful, and reliable.

Or to change the way it works, only because it was thought up as an ability, doesn't mean it is actually tactically beneficial.

And besides limbo idiotic abilities, I consider this shadow ability as being the worse ability in all the game, cause it will work against the players, as I have seen so many times, the nekros die, or the team die, or the mission failing, because shadows were summoned.

I disagree. Now that the health and damage will scale with and out do the enemies, it could be very strong in high level play. You do need to pick your targets wisely. When using him for T4D in the past my team and I would let the Nekros kill the heavy gunners, MOAs, and attack drones. With this now you could have a high DPS meat shield for your pod. If they added an increased aggro draw to the shadows it would be even better.


Imagine 10 T4 heavy gunners that do 5x damage with 4x health guarding your pod (using +100 power strength for ease of numbers). That should work great even in higher waves.


Plus the strategy has always been to build high strength, low duration for a shadow build. That fixes the problem of them blocking you, and you can quickly get life orbs from them if there aren't many enemies.


Edit: I forgot to mention that I am very excited about the changes, I previously quit using Nekros because desecrate spam was boring.

Edited by drft240
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We are planning on releasing the first pass of changes to Nekros in 15.12 (on PC today!).

This just in: one thing that may make it into the first pass today (if not today, then second pass will likely have this):

- Adding the ability for players to walk through Shadows of the Dead clones.

Also of note: dev-experiments are ongoing for bullets to be able to go through Shadows of the Dead Clones.


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Wonder if it'd be possible to turn desecrate into an ability similar to Ember's WoF, where you have a casting cost and then it does its thing in a specific range for a specific duration while using energy/health, which can be toggled off.  Would certainly playing Nekros less annoying given how many times you have to spam desecrate due to corpses not sticking around long.

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Desecrate needs to change. Tying a warframe to a game mode such that Nekros becomes a must have WF on it is not good from any point of view.


Please remove Life support from desecrate pool. If not that then reduce the drop chance to near zero.


Make poll about it I think it will solve the problem (maybe most will want it to stay, who knows).


If anyone is telling me, dude, spawn rates are broken so we need desecrate... well the answer lies in that very sentence. The problem is in spawn rates and should not be solved by giving a warframe a power indispensable in a game mode.


Please tell me playing an entire game where you have to do nothing but press 3 while your teammates are killing everything is fun for every nekros player! Please tell me that's true and I will stop talking at once. Until I can play nekros in a survival because I WANT TO or my powers help A LOT, not just ONE power but AT LEAST 2-3 of them, then I will play him. Yes soul survivor helps thanks for that.

removing life support from the desecrate pool will not remove the ability to increase drop chance for more stuff.

3 will still be pressed. nothing will change. 

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This just in: one thing that may make it into the first pass today (if not today, then second pass will likely have this):

- Adding the ability for players to walk through Shadows of the Dead clones.

Also of note: dev-experiments are ongoing for bullets to be able to go through Shadows of the Dead Clones.


oh, that's very nice!


Any plans to make shadows more aggressive in general? They don't seem to be very enthusiastic about being brought back from the dead to work for a tenno.

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oh, that's very nice!


Any plans to make shadows more aggressive in general? They don't seem to be very enthusiastic about being brought back from the dead to work for a tenno.


They seem quite enthusiastic to me--whenever I bring Grineer back from the dead, they all start shouting my name!

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Let these changes sink in. Get feedback, fix bugs if any in the reworks. 


Nekros round 2 would be solely a rework of Desecrate.


It's a touchy subject which will undoubtedly stir the emotions of the players. So it should be treated exclusively, instead of jumbled with other changes. 


MAKE A POLL, not just a PSA. Give us a way to give input, but which can also be measurable. 


BE FLEXIBLE. Even if it changes the way you envisioned it originally. 



Which way would you prefer the new desecrate to effect?


[  ] instant (as currently is)

[  ] over time (would desecrate one or more per tick and tick tick tick) with fixed duration

[  ] over time as a toggle ability (restricts energy regain)



How would you prefer Desecrate targeting to work?


[  ] enchants living enemies, auto-desecrates on death

[  ] targets dead enemies (as currently is)


How would you prefer Desecrate effectiveness to operate?


[  ] Always works, costs more energy

[  ] May fail, costs less (as currently is) but can be recast on same target



How would you prefer Desecrate's energy cost to operate?


[  ] Fixed cost

[  ] Variable cost depending on number of enemies affected





Let us give input, then experiment accordingly with the most voted options. If it meltdowns, then you may never try it again. 


But let me defend the extensive input paradigm a bit more, look at the past events.


DE (Steve) has admitted more than once that bad communication (and a bit of dev panic) cause a ruckus in the community more than once. 


We love when you put up those PSAs, and drool and swamp you with our ideas on the next steps to make it even better. 


You have already seen that bad communication hurts, and I hope that you see the amount of excitement (and concern) that the improved communication gives is a positive force in the community. 


Now if you just put a little bit more guidance to coax the player feedback to come in a more automagically shaped and measurable format, you will also know what you have to do to INCREASE THE GOOD in the player community.


INCREASE THE GOOD.  That's your Mantra.

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This just in: one thing that may make it into the first pass today (if not today, then second pass will likely have this):

- Adding the ability for players to walk through Shadows of the Dead clones.

Also of note: dev-experiments are ongoing for bullets to be able to go through Shadows of the Dead Clones.


Uhm... OUR bullets, right? Meatwall or not, SOTD are distraction more than damage dealers even with planned buff...

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This just in: one thing that may make it into the first pass today (if not today, then second pass will likely have this):

- Adding the ability for players to walk through Shadows of the Dead clones.

Also of note: dev-experiments are ongoing for bullets to be able to go through Shadows of the Dead Clones.


Can we please have faster casting on shadows? Casting shadows usually gets you hurt a lot.

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Overshields applying to Shadows as well would be a nice addition!


Shadows from SOTD should not really care about life preservation. No hiding behind cover. They are undead, for crying out loud. Follow Nekros and go balls out to kill enemies. Anything else is kind of pointless.


Get rid of Terryfy. The way it sounds... Enemies within the reduced radius will run towards enemies outside the radius, which requires you to venture out to kill them. 


How about this... Activation makes the dead awaken, limbs burst from the ground to hold enemies in place. Enemies then focus all firepower and attention on shooting themselves free of their undead captors --  making them easier prey while held.

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I don't feel like SoTD with the current AI, will be much of a change. Most light units just pretend cover behind things and be useless for the whole time.


Though happy to see Terrify is getting a buff, the range decrease didn't really screw it as I expected


What about Desecrate? I feel like that power should have priority over Terrify and SoTD

Edited by CookingFood
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This just in: one thing that may make it into the first pass today (if not today, then second pass will likely have this):

- Adding the ability for players to walk through Shadows of the Dead clones.

Also of note: dev-experiments are ongoing for bullets to be able to go through Shadows of the Dead Clones.




Is 1000 million times better then all those whatever changes in the main tread.


Now also give them like a 50% transparency, so we can see trough them.

Edited by 7grims
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Shadows of the Dead Changes:



- Adding the ability for players to walk through Shadows of the Dead clones.

Also of note: dev-experiments are ongoing for bullets to be able to go through Shadows of the Dead Clones.



That, and that. Definitely something that would make SotD way less annoying. I almost never use that skill unless I hit 4 by accident, often because while it helps a tiny bit to protect Nekros from getting attacked, it also often traps him since the shadows spawn right around him, you have to hop over them and they get in the way of firing back at the enemy.

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Overshields applying to Shadows as well would be a nice addition!


Shadows from SOTD should not really care about life preservation. No hiding behind cover. They are undead, for crying out loud. Follow Nekros and go balls out to kill enemies. Anything else is kind of pointless.


Get rid of Terryfy. The way it sounds... Enemies within the reduced radius will run towards enemies outside the radius, which requires you to venture out to kill them. 


How about this... Activation makes the dead awaken, limbs burst from the ground to hold enemies in place. Enemies then focus all firepower and attention on shooting themselves free of their undead captors --  making them easier prey while held.

I really like the later part of this post of arms coming up from the ground where you cast terrify and grabbing enemies thus distracting them from you. It would be a great thing to cast when your being chased or just trying to get away. I'm all for this:)

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This just in: one thing that may make it into the first pass today (if not today, then second pass will likely have this):

- Adding the ability for players to walk through Shadows of the Dead clones.

Also of note: dev-experiments are ongoing for bullets to be able to go through Shadows of the Dead Clones.




That will be a happy, happy, happy, happy thing.

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