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Dev Stream 80: Carrier Changes feedback thread [Megathread]


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As the title says, i mean, why they focus on the vacuum that work great instead of fixing the broken shade precept that work when it want or the forgotten deathcube and his "one shot deathly-lazor" that doesn't melt an icecream?

Djiin doesn't worked well and they fix it, wyrm doesn't worked well and they fixed a little.

I think that they should focus on fixing what is broken instead of trying to fix something that is not broken. People use mostly the carrier because is one of the 5 sentinels that aren't broken >>(carrier, djiin, diriga, wyrm, helios)<<, shade and deathcube are the most useless.

They should add to sentinels weapons mods the shared mod mechanics too, so you can use sniper with vulklok or shotguns with the carrier weapon, or they should give to the sentinels a passive that benefits to the user.

Also, vacuum should be an innate mechanic of the game instead of a mod, even if it has to have less range of suction.

Edited by chofranc
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1 hour ago, (XB1)DHG CABO0SE said:

 Ammo sentinal is stupid. I used a bow and have no need for it.

get a kohm/glaxion/synoid gammacor, give it a shot and come again, ammo sentinel is definitely NOT stupid, on the other hand they should't break vacuum, that's why it should be innate to warframes.

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Popular because there are enough time sinks in game without running after every drop like a scatterbrained idiot.   DE solution appears to be to make using carrier more frustrating, which makes one wonder what the heck happened in DE internally to come to the point that they even consider things like this.

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2 hours ago, Genoscythe said:

 having to run over every pickup in a game where rooms are most likely covered in pickups is not really making the game any better nor adding anything to gameplay.


DE hear this.

let us use vaccuum on any sentinel already, so we can actually choose, without sacrificing our sanity and time.

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19 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

DE believes that fixing vacuum will make players use the other sentinels.

They don't even understand that, even with vacuum, the other sentinels are poop compared to carrier because of its survivability and DPS.

(I say this but I still prefer diriga compared to carrier...)


1. Make resources gathering easy not messy, let the resources/ mods and whats not auto gathered into our pockets and Vaccum mods won't be needed..

2. Make other sentinels better, stat-wise and damage-wise.

3. Make Carrier carry things, make it a troly boy (potato), let it can carry a Tenno in bleed out out of harm or make it carry power cells for us or let it extract a VIP target while we shoot things or let it carry us and teleport us from location A to B but this need interaction with it, first press to set the ability and the next press to teleport? more can be done with it! 

RIP Diriga, i loved you :'(

Edited by Prinny13
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So whilst most have been circle jerking and/or warring each other in the forums regarding the current vacuum changes.

I bet a bunch no1 has addressed this thing. Looter. Mainly because hardly anyone uses it so they forgot.

So will this mod be now usable on all sentinels like the upcoming vacuum mods?


Also could the cooldown be removed/reduced or just make this ability to hit changed to an aoe thing? 3seconds cooldown for 1 crate... makes people not use it.

My sweeper prime breaks more crates with +spread without the mod xD It's just ridiculous at this point for a 75k standing mod.

Edited by ScorpioneITA
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3 hours ago, Chipputer said:

I'm curious, can you give me a crash course on those problems?
I'm not asking this to be snarky. I'm genuinely asking. I'd search, but it'd take a while to figure out how to phrase the system, figure out specific games, etc.

a couple easily recognizable ones includes League of Legends and Overwatch.
the issues were put to the extreme there, where some Players - simply by being capable Players and like, not even using Chat other than communicating teamwork - ending up with Matchmaking timing out because almost everybody has them blacklisted for ridiculous reasons.

as i mention, it went to the extreme in those big cases - but that's still the sort of result that can be expected from Players in general, to varying degrees.
RE: these are the results to be expected, just in degrees that varies on a case per case basis.

you can, however - probably get away with it if blacklisting (should be separate from Chat blacklisting) only prefers to not Matchmake together, rather than making it impossible. so you will end up in other Sessions if any are available.

Edited by taiiat
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1 hour ago, chofranc said:

As the title says, i mean, why they focus on the vacuum that work great instead of fixing the broken shade precept that work when it want or the forgotten deathcube and his "one shot deathly-lazor" that doesn't melt an icecream?

Djiin doesn't worked well and they fix it, wyrm doesn't worked well and they fixed a little.

I think that they should focus on fixing what is broken instead of trying to fix something that is not broken. People use mostly the carrier because is one of the 5(carrier, djiin, wyrm, diriga, helios) sentinels that aren't totally broken.

They should add to sentinels weapons mods the shared mod mechanics too, so you can use sniper with vulklok or shotguns with the carrier weapon, or they should give to the sentinels a passive that benefits to the user.

Also, vacuum should be an innate mechanic of the game instead of a mod, even if it has to have less range of suction.

Exactly. If shade was more reliable I would use it rather than leave it sitting in my inventory. 

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Players: We want to be able to have vacuum not be a thing and be able to pick up items that easily on our own!

DE: So...you want vacuum to be even less relevant and us to give you less reasons to use your Kubrows and Kavats?


You'd think after the whole fiasco with the iphone 7, companies would learn that listening to your consumers is vital to your businesses success.

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I don't see any reason to think it'll become universal.  it might as well stay as something to use carrier for along with the new exclusive precept it'll get.

The main change I'd like to see with Looter would be to make it actually respect that I have a 100% noise reduction mod on my Deth Rifle and not alert nearby enemies when Carrier shoots a container.

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2 hours ago, Troll_Logic said:

Maybe keeping you from running out of ammo in a mission is certainly a good enough reason to break vacuum for millions of players.

After all, it isn't like there is an pistol ammo mutation.  Or a primed version.  Or a team ammo restore.  Or medium team ammo restore.  Or large team ammo restore.

The first line in your post is quite ironic.


Anyway. I doubt it would have made a difference.  I don't think the carrier ammo mutation works like the regular ammo mutation.  I remember the devs saying something about it being timed.

Thats the point. Just because it doesnt affect that player it doesnt mean it has no effect.

And the same goes for loot drops. Walk in the general direction the enemy is coming from, ta-da, problem solved for pickups.

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3 hours ago, spacedkadet said:


1 hour ago, bl4ckhunter said:

get a kohm/glaxion/synoid gammacor, give it a shot and come again, ammo sentinel is definitely NOT stupid, on the other hand they should't break vacuum, that's why it should be innate to warframes.

I have and understand it would be useful. But to entirely replace carriers vacuum with extra ammo is unnecessary. It seems like a cheap cop out. It isn't called the holder sentinel but the carrier with a big suction bottom. 

Be honest who's going to use it if it changes? True it would allow me to use other sentinels or pets. But the method they are proposing is lackluster. Maybe give warframes the innate ability to suction to a degree not as much as the carrier. Allow the carrier to keep suction and give it the extra ammo as well.

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lets just face it, everything Vacuum-related just sucks.

OK, now that I have the obligatory vacuum pun behind me, the way I would have done it is this: have Carriers new precept constantly churn out ammo for your current weapons, dropping one ammo module every 10 seconds or so, with a % chance to give health and energy orbs on each drop. Vacuum would become a universal mod for all Sentinels.

"but robotwars, I want to use my Kavat or Kubrow instead!"

OK then, all you need to do is put on the new and shiny "Item Attractor" in your gear slot. it's not a mod, so no builds are affected. when this is equipped, items will be vacuumed to your location just as you like it, and you can run whatever companion you want (or none if you want). everybody wins.


Edited by (PS4)robotwars7
expanded ideas.
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