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Anndddd it's already October.


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7 minutes ago, Mak_Gohae said:

5 meters is a rank 0 vac now according to wiki.

I bet you everyone is now going to be complaining about the range nerf and are going to ask for the 3 mod breakup.


Not everyone.

Some people like myself are sane and happy with the change.

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6 minutes ago, RequiemForHarambe said:

I remain in the school of thought that this game should never have had lore.


I like the lore. Warframe has a really interesting visual aesthetic that benefits greatly from further fleshing out via lore, similar to Dark Souls. 

5 minutes ago, Pendragon1951 said:
6 minutes ago, RequiemForHarambe said:


Or it should have all been written up before the game was even in beta instead of this making it up as you go...

I don't think DE's making it up as they go. There was way too much foreshadowing of TSD for years before for that to be the case. (Corrupted Vor's rants, Ember Prime codex entry, Rhino Prime codex entry, etc).

I think they've got a general idea but they're refining it over time.

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3 hours ago, [DE]Steve said:

Later in October, The Corpus version of Rathuum is hitting PC. This game mode will be called 'The Index'. With it you'll get glimpse of Nef Anyo again! 'The Index' will feel a bit more classic DE in that it'll have an introduction to a new game mode with an Operation (clans rejoice), some Endless emphasis, and an event weapon!

So.. this is the reason many profit rewards on corpus siege invasion in Ceres - Ludi this month XD


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Just now, (XB1)GeckoGenesis said:


I just wanted to know whether or not he has suffered the pain of writing out the code.  If you've done something like that before, then you would understand why it's taking an update like this so long to come out, especially for a small development team. 

Stop falling back on the "oh they're smaller than other teams" excuse. If you are motivated you get the job done. Destiny was created by Bungie a big AAA developer and it still flopped.

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Something... something.

60% is about Vacuum changes, 25% is about The Index, 10% is about console folks and 5% is about TWW being delayed again.


To be fair you've been waiting longer for this than the War Within

No, i didn't. To be fair, i was waiting for weapons ammo pool and those hilarious 10-30% Status mods changes longer than i'm currently waiting for Damage 3.0



Vacuum rework is great and all (really, that's the first step), but, in fact, doesn't resolve the main issue why players don't use the other Sentinels that often and i don't think that things will change if those Carrier's «carrying additional ammo/ammo mutation» powers will be released with the new vacuum -- this is not my case, but i've read and seen threads, opinions etc. And i agree with some of them, like taking another look at

  • Shade (why do i need this LoS-locked slowpoking thing if i can just use my dog, arcane, Focus or any related frame? Heck, Shade would be much more useful if i could just throw it at the enemies)
  • Dethcube (was its Vaporize designed to cut enemies' fingernails?)

Not even talking about Sentinels HP/Shield/Armor stats which are all inferior to... Carrier! Prime!

Anyway, demonstrated Vacuum changes are good and balanced (unless you suddenly want to balance it harder like SotD). I have no issues with collecting the loot w/o current Vacuum, so the new one will definitely come in handy.


Now about the Corpus Arena.

I loved this mode when it was added, though, playing it more left me with thoughts that this is just a waste of time, a boring waste of time where you fight cheese with cheese. Limited number of enemies at once, affected by number of players, but even with 4 players it's desert. And rewards locked behind the RNG-wall. Now let me guess, the most cheesy faction will get a cheesy reinforcements? Executioner-like mobs with unbreakable Null-/Dispell-field and oneshotting Supra/Detron? Osprey versions of Bursa, Techs with Lanka and jet-packs?

I really hope you, guys, are going to make it more FUN & rewarding and less cheesy & boring (like this, or this, or THIS. I am just sayin'!).

Welp. I'm hoping that the weapon is Flux Rifle Vandal/Supra Vandal/Lanka Vandal or Wraith Twin Gremlins, Kohm Wraith, Ogris Wraith.


And now about The War Within.

Clearly, the War Within is here, just look at the war within the community, it's happening.

Didn't wait for it and wasn't hyped, not currently waiting for it. But i'm laughing... and crying. It is... just sad.

I'm gonna just copy-paste what i said once before (...what i said many times):

DE, please, stop tease, hype us and set deadlines for stuff that simply isn't ready at all. You already did split the last part in two and yet it's still not enough time to polish and make a stable build for Part III? By doing so you're putting yourself in a very, VERY,  V E R Y  salty situation, especially when your community is growing really fast.

...and please don't bite off more than you can chew. Amen.


Of course, teased graphics features like volumetric lighting, dynamic grass and fog and textures are good, especially for players who can run it w/o noticeble impact (are these a reason of delaying TWW?), but let me show what is going on:

You made players hyped, you set deadlines, you did splits, you made delays for months and yet you're making another delay. For a quest. Not for a mode, not for a game's mechanics or system rework. A cinematic quest with the tileset.

MEANWHILE in your game:

The only 2 «somewhat» end game things:

  • the Focus -- was added => nerfed => balanced => tweaked => CD got changed by 5s w/o any explanation and official word => Focus forgotten and currently is dusting.
  • the Raid or Trial or whatever the name is: good, popular, almost without bugs but dilluted by useless 40% Resistance arcanes => NM mod with rare arcanes only => dilluted by hilariously useless rare resource BPs => received Anti-Fun Police drones reinforcements => rare resource BPs are additional reward => bugs => more shiny bugs => TJV => MOAR shing bugs => bugs, bugs, bugs => Crs reward got cut without any reason, explanation or official word at all... again. Resistance Arcanes are still trashy so no one uses them.

Archwing mode => added => a few tweaks => forgotten => AW exclusive event => forgotten => about a year later it received some updates and QoL changes => forgotten => new AW, movement and missions => forgotten.

Nightmare missions => added => forgotten for a long time => suddenly got a few mods => forgotten => SC3.0: what nightmare missions? => NM Raid & Alert missions only.

Missions that were good at start, but due to changes became bad, boring or abandoned like Hive (high-rate constant spawn was heavily reduced), large map Interceptions (ironically the most abused map suffered no damage from changes), Mobile Defense (remember its glorious spawn rate?) or removing tileset objects due to leechers and abusers that makes less fun for players that don't abuse anything and play the game while not really punishing leechers or making their life harder.

Mods, weapons and mechanics: existence of 10%/15%/30% Status and bandaid mods, hilarious balance in terms of weapon balance (Spamulor? Tonkor vs. Ogris? Telos Boltace?) and ammo pool (Opticor? Viper?), weapons killed by Damage 2.0 or that Status per sec thing. Channeling system. Sniper Rifles overhaul that feels more like a nerf, so players barely use SRs nowadays. Broken armour scaling and damage caps.

Adding something without proper and obvious QA that leads to putting a spoke in player’s wheel or breaking something further. Like an infinite enemy spawn within player's view range or AFK system screwing over Private/Friends Only game, or breaking Exterminate mission while chasing Focus farmers down or changing Excavation temporary breaking the mode or the Fusion Core alerts and those 10 Void Traces alerts OR  the most recent example which is Zenistar, a 300d weapon with an O B V I O U S exploitable feature that was changed once it became available.

This is just what came to my mind, but the list goes on and on. Of course i called things that aren't OK for a long time while you also made good improvements, changes and additions. These are really critical to notice.

Welp... Different priorities, i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Just now, Cpl_Facehugger said:


I like the lore. Warframe has a really interesting visual aesthetic that benefits greatly from further fleshing out via lore, similar to Dark Souls. 

I don't think DE's making it up as they go. There was way too much foreshadowing of TSD for years before for that to be the case. (Corrupted Vor's rants, Ember Prime codex entry, Rhino Prime codex entry, etc).

I think they've got a general idea but they're refining it over time.

and that's my point, the refining should already have been done

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Just now, (XB1)GeckoGenesis said:


I just wanted to know whether or not he has suffered the pain of writing out the code.  If you've done something like that before, then you would understand why it's taking an update like this so long to come out, especially for a small development team. 

Just saiyan. I mean people act like there were zero updates all year and it's been a fairly good drip feed of new gameplay and improvements. But the main course that's been the carrot on the stick all this time is seemingly always going to be outta reach and people are getting fed up with being teased. And the quest that was teased after that even farther away.

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5 minutes ago, PapaFragolino said:

If you don't want to keep discussing you have the option to not post, a way more decent way to end a discussion than straight up insulting someone for no reason.

Nope, what I'm saying is there are solutions to your problem. Instead of being impatient and complaining about something that is out of your control, you should do something that is worth your time. Ask yourself this: would Digital Extremes be holding onto the update if it weren't in their absolute best interest to do so?

And, for the record, Digital Extremes has the best track record for community involvement and update times, quality of life fixes, things like that. Complaining about an update that has been (so far, only ten months in the making, while considering the fact that they have been releasing gradual updates and fixes along the way) is nothing short of selfish. Also, I say only ten months, because just because they claim it will be over another month, doesn't necessarily make it true. They've said it might come sooner, but ultimately they are human beings and they cannot see the future.

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7 minutes ago, robbybe01234 said:

Threads and thoughts like this are a symptom of the true problem.  That the core game loop isn't polished enough or refined enough to retain attention.  I would focus less on rushing to get new things and instead focus on the root of the problem, that of loose core gameplay.  

The problem is that since the second dream, DE now feel obligated to continuously reach a WOW factor with each new quest. A ridiculous bar they've set themselves because it's killing the game.

Before we got regular updates with the occasional dialogue quest and that was great. New content came out and just when players had finished it, some more comes out. 

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5 minutes ago, LorianTheElderPrince said:

Stop falling back on the "oh they're smaller than other teams" excuse. If you are motivated you get the job done. Destiny was created by Bungie a big AAA developer and it still flopped.

Fallout 4 the biggest flop of the century too

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I wonder if we'll get enough content before TWW arrives, that we'll hit MR23? The syndicate melees did a nice bunch for us. Some Mk. 15 versions of older weapons (15 signifying halfway to 30) would be easy enough to release, without having to do too much modeling work. Just a smidge of a damage rework for the new versions, and maybe a tiny proc of some kind to give them something different from the base or Mk. 1 models.

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3 minutes ago, LorianTheElderPrince said:

Size doesn't matter (Wink wink). It's the dedication and the speed someone is willing to work at. You could have a group of 100 lazy Devs and then you have a group of 50 highly motivated Devs. Which one comes out on top?

As someone who has experience developing games, and as someone who knows how the business behind the scenes works, the reason games get rushed/are of poor quality is because of investors/higher-ups. Remember the flop that Spectres of the Rail was? That was because DE had to meet an investor deadline. Sonic Boom was rushed due to Sega's deals with other companies.

As for the game development side of it, yes, a motivated team can get things done fast and still deliver quality, they may have extremely high quality standards, and every time they go through and test the quest, it doesn't meet those standards. Game development is a lot of trail and error, and it's also about innovation, because if the War Within were to be something we've already seen, and if it weren't to bring anything new to the table, then it would be quite a disappointment. 

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And at this point if you guys want an honest opinion for what you might have for a safe bet for TWW, Expect a fancy quest like TSD, and you cant really get worse from there. Dont buy into the hype, it feels like at this point, DE jumped the gun on hyping the game and now are delaying it to at least come close to expectations. I'm not saying im right, im just making a guess on it from this rate.

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

Just saiyan. I mean people act like there were zero updates all year and it's been a fairly good drip feed of new gameplay and improvements. But the main course that's been the carrot on the stick all this time is seemingly always going to be outta reach and people are getting fed up with being teased. And the quest that was teased after that even farther away.

Yes, and sure, those updates were small, but they were fun!  Makes me even more excited for the TWW. 

I'll probably slowly start to get impatient and go insane like most people on this thread after I've completed my little list of Warframe goals.  Currently building Nekros Prime!  YAY! 

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