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Anndddd it's already October.


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4 minutes ago, Keruvinde said:

I'm sorry but this is past the point of ridiculous. If and thats a big IF, TWW releases in november I will only be logging in for rewards, other games are coming out and my job ramps up in November with some great overtime, will want to play those first. Index? I hate rathuum, I'm not building chroma or saryn because it's stupid, new Kela boss fight however was great.

Thats the negative, now heres the positive, I like the change to vacuum though the range is shorter than id like but still good. Also mentioning after TWW you will be looking into the splitting of updates and breaking it down and seeing what was good and bad about it for the future is great. Much bourbon, have as much as you like, but don't overdo it =p


As always, good luck and have fun everyone.

It'll probably release in December, just in time for Christmas. I really don't expect to see it anytime before then.

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42 minutes ago, [DE]Steve said:


My last big Dev Workshop was in June and that means time for a follow up. What did I tell you last time? Our summer plans. What we were hoping to achieve with splitting out Updates. Where are we now? What's next? What's going on? Where's the last part of the update, 'The War Within'? How much Bourbon has been consumed?
You're asking me the same questions I'm asking myself. My team has been stupidly patient as we look back at Second Dream and scream 'we need to repeat that'. The pressure has been on all summer. We've had a summer of content and fixes go out, but the hype for big older brother (which we've hyped a lot) War Within just makes everything we've done feel… just less. Really I'm here to lay out October for you so you can get just excited about what's coming soon on PC.
This week on PC we bring you 'The Vacuum Within'. To be fair you've been waiting longer for this than the War Within, so maybe this is the real best of the year deploy. No, we're not having 3 Mods make up Vacuum. We changed it. Vacuum is going to be passively built into every Sentinel, no Mods required. It will have a range of 5 meters which in practice looks something like this WIP (pro-Lotus skills hitting an enemy behind the locked door):


Later in October, The Corpus version of Rathuum is hitting PC. This game mode will be called 'The Index'. With it you'll get glimpse of Nef Anyo again! 'The Index' will feel a bit more classic DE in that it'll have an introduction to a new game mode with an Operation (clans rejoice), some Endless emphasis, and an event weapon!

On PC, you can look forward to 'The Vacuum Within' this week.
On PC, you can look forward to  'The Index' in October.
On PC, you can look forward to War Within more than a month away.  
And for Console Tenno,
The Long Shadow Tactical Alert is hopefully coming in October.
An interim build before The War Within that will include the Corpus style Rathuum.
Once The War Within is out our crazy 'break apart Updates' to bring you content faster will be heavily analyzed to see what it achieved. Many of our content creators appreciated us breaking things up for coverage purposes, but even that isn't enough to keep them around if the content itself didn't hit the mark.

So there's a glimpse, an overview, a few paragraphs that explain what's going on here these days. It doesn't do the team's passion justice, but giving you all information is the best way for us to work together. We'll talk more on the Devstream Friday, everyone.




Thanks Steve x)

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Well, I'm relieved that you'll be taking some time to reflect on this process moving forward so that you may appropriately temper your ambitions to match your abilities.

I'm not even angry anymore, I just laugh to myself and shake my head. It's not a good standard when disappointment becomes routine.

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12 meter current vacuum on carrier to 5m vacuum on all sentinels?

lol, gg

And I thought Reb said the original deadline was by the end of september, if not, a push into october? Now it's november apparently? There are no words I can say really.

And pushing the update near holiday season? When all of these new games come out? good luck m8, really hope you guy pull your stuff together.

Edited by Guapscotch
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we're not having 3 Mods make up Vacuum. We changed it. Vacuum is going to be passively built into every Sentinel, no Mods required.

So you can hear us, that's good! That's really good! Finally we are getting a semi-universal Vacuum! It's a good start!


It will have a range of 5 meters

And that's not ok. At all. From 12 to 5? This is not a deal. Vacuum was 12? Vacuum will be 12, end of story. This is not something you can just nerf because you feel like it. I mean, you can, as you can make mistakes. This nerf would be a mistake. We are already slowed down by searching every locker and every corner to find stuff we (might) need, we have to be at least careless to have left something on the ground the way this is. I repeat, Vacuum nerf is a mistake as much as adding hot water to beer.


The Corpus version of Rathuum is hitting PC [...] in October.

Wait. It's that really necessary? I mean, a part from the fact that I don't like the Grineer's Rathuum, thanks for the effort, but why it's out already a new version of it, Corpus style, when the War Within it's coming out in more than a month? Are you pushing out a side project to get more time to refine the WW? That's cool, but a weapon each week is better in my opinion, and less time consuming I hope.

That said, thanks a lot for let us know this timeline. Do it more often in the future, please. Knowing is better than nothing at all for weeks.

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Dear @DeSteve, can you please stop delaying everything?

I mean, I get it, you want to get out something that is worthy of this hype, but you're killing us.

The community (and I among them) voted for nice, big batches of updates that are filling and as bug-free as possible, as opposed to 'rapid fire' updates. That is not a decision that I regret -yet! But you're cutting it close.

Here's a bit of advice; can you write down what you want going for an update before you start working on it? So far, every time there's been an update, there has been someone in the team going "AHA! Eureka! We can also add this!" and you ADD IT. And by the time you've added the new thing, someone else has gone "AHA! Eureka!" again and you add it againThis is counter productive.

How long have you teased and hyped us on War Within? At least 4 months, and I think closer to 9. I could have been a father by then!

For every god's sake; please, write down what you want in an update and stick to it. Nothing wrong with having 'EUREKA!' moments (we all love them, especially if they give birth to weapons such as the Zenistar), but you can save them for later updates, avoiding the aggravation the entire community is going through.

For example, just now. The Index, WHY? WHY NOW. Why not after War Within? You never teased at it, never promised it, never even hinted at it. Yet you commit resources to it that you could have commited to something else.

See where I'm going?

You've completely lost sight of what War Within was, of the entire event that was supposed to come with Fissures (you DID promise an event way back when, when the Void would 'explode', but you let us down).

All you do is aggravate us (or me, at least, since I'm not the community, merely part of it). You tease and hype us, but guess what? The hype is dead. I have stopped caring about War Within. Frankly, it can come next year and I won't care, because that's how far you're pushing us. Is that what you want? For us to stop caring? There's only so much you can hype and tease before it becomes a joke, and not a good one. Or need I point at Duke Nukem For(n)ever again? THAT is what you're ending up with. Empty promises of 'soon' and 'be patient'. Patient for what?! You're not even working on it! You're working on completely different things! AGAIN!

Look, this might sound angry -and I am angry. But I have a reason to be angry. You've spent more than a season just teasing us and telling us 'soon'. The joke has ran its course. Buckle down on it, Steve. Stop being distracted by Titania's butterflies (also known as the 'ooh shiny!' syndrome) and buckle down on one thing at a time.

Though, frankly, if you want your programmers to do something, have them work on animations -most melee animations are horrible on a scale I can't even describe.

Ideas are good and all. Love them. This game has some of the best ideas I've seen work in games. But most of your Syndicate melee weapons were a flop. The Focus system was a flop. Endo was nice -loving it. As are sculptures (and really, why limit them to Orokin, why not make Grineer, Corpus, Infested or Tenno 'treasures' that can be traded in for different rewards, such as resources or credits?).

But War WIthin seems like this overly bloated thing that's going to be a huge mess for all of us.

Focus and balance, DE. Focus on what you promised and balance size and hype.

For all that's worth; the Vaccuum rework is needed, even if the range is minute to the current 12m. Maybe bump it up to 8m?

Sincerely, Lyravain.

Edited by Lyravain
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More than a month away....sheesh. It's bad enough that vets have been starved for content for nearly seven months already. I don't think one event is going to take away from that fact. The feeling of disappointment has become numb to me with this update cycle, I hope at least we get some sentinel buffs along with the vacuum changes, the djinn could really use a bit more armor and hp to take those hits.

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45 minutes ago, [DE]Steve said:

Vacuum is going to be passively built into every Sentinel, no Mods required


45 minutes ago, [DE]Steve said:

It will have a range of 5 meters

NOOOOO! Half of what it is now? Bugger!

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1 minute ago, Guapscotch said:

12 meter current vacuum on carrier to 5m vacuum on all sentinels?

lol, gg

And I thought Reb said the original deadline was by the end of september, if not, a push into october? Now it's november apparently? There are no words I can say really.


On the carrier thing, yeah the range is nerf a bit to put it on all sentinels, but... remember, it's also a passive ability now. Doesn't take up a mod slot, so that balances the nerf some. And I think I remember something from a devstream overview about them considering carrier instead having mods that give the player some kind of ammo mutation, or extra ammo or both or something to that effect. 

I'm disappointed about TWW too. : ( 

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37 minutes ago, (PS4)jonnyblaze1976 said:

Vacuum on all sentinels you say? I like it. What will carriers specialty be after that if you dont mind me asking? 

I would also like to say that i have faith in all you guys at DE and if you keep giving me content  I will keep playing. 

Party on Steve.

pretty sure the plan is Carrier's replacement precept will be boosted ammo capacity/free ammo mutation for your weapons

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Well now we are goin in the right direction, now we only need a Drone which can collect all the loot after mission (not picable items) if you pay some extra credits for it.

Other thing would be what you gona do with Mag passiv now? And how to increes the the vacum radius?

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43 minutes ago, [DE]Steve said:

On PC, you can look forward to War Within more than a month away.  

I'm done. Sorry DE, I've been with you for 3 years and have supported you at any chance I get. But this is unacceptable. It's been 11 months since we had a major content update, and now we have to wait even longer before you stop focusing on TWW and get to working on content that new and old players will enjoy. I'm sorry.

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5 meters? Really?.... Why there's always that need to change things in a way NOBODY asked for? Every single person was asking for an innate vacuum effect for warframes with the same range as now, so they would be able to choose companion freely. You then go and reduce its radious to 5 meters? Why? Why can't there be a time where you accept a needed change without twisting it in some way that affects everyone...

And seriously? Another month? I said back in July that you would end up releasing TWW the same day TSD was released as an anniversary.update. I guess it will end up being true...

What I would like is for you (as in, DE) to tell us what is going on with it? Why is it taking this much time when the first deadline was the last week of June... What's going on?
At this point there's something that isn't working at DE, I've been patient (as many many others) but this is getting way out of hand, explaining why you keep delaying it would help a lot. Instead all we hear is "The team is hard at work" yet we don't know anything as to what's causing the delays.

I don't mean to sound rude, but seriously this was supposed to be released in June/July, yet here we are with a mid/late november (pending more delays), Is it too much to ask for a detailed explanation?

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I'm a very patient guy, but 'another month or so' on top of the wait we've had already?  I'm just, astounded to be frank. Astounded and completely disappointed.

My advice to you all at DE, is to never release a major update like U19 in 'parts' ever again. This update cycle has been mostly lackluster, and I haven't forgot what happened with Specters of the Rail.  It was released before it was ready, and you guys knew that. You spent a good month and a half fixing the bugs that you should've squished while developing it.

Personally, I understand you are all under a lot of pressure, and I know you guys are prone to mistakes.  Again, take your time with the War Within, I can be patient since I am no longer hyped for this content that has been teased for almost half a year now.

Just don't let another mistake like this happen again. I'd rather you guys develop it in secret, instead of teasing it for months on end, with consecutive disappointments lining up afterwards, when you inevitably don't hit those marks you set for it.  I love you guys, and the work you're doing for us. But this has to cease.

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