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Bard Warframe Speculation, Discussion and Feedback Thread


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On ‎2‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 5:16 PM, NewAgeDoom said:

Guitar. Solo. 4th.

I had an idea to expand on this in a previous thread (Yes, I know I'm quoting myself, how meta). Maybe have it be something like Chroma's power changes, where if you adjust the tuner stuff they've revealed, it changes what kind of instruments she uses for her abilities?

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2 hours ago, Stoner74 said:

Well it's good new. That means no one will play that frame. 

At the same time i feel like its going to be EXTREMELY annoying if you have more than one bard frame in a squad.  

It's time for trolls to have new toys to play with. 

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45 minutes ago, Sitchrea said:

For anyone interested in how modes work:

I'll add this into the OP as well.

Unfortunately, my visceral response to the name is "Okra"...as in my parents used to feed me that snot-covered vegetable called Okra.

Cool music theory lesson, though.  My father was a pro musician early in his life...kinda neat that he played with the Supremes, Pointer Sisters, and won the 1970 Stage Band Nationals with the 1'O'clock Band and North Texas State with Lou Marini.  Cool post.

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I honestly wouldn't mind if she had 2/4 of those skills as point defense skills like they are.. but I really would like having actual skills for when I'm moving around too. It slows missions down so much when you're running about having to throw down area fields every few steps. Wastes a lot of energy too

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Watching that rough bit of gameplay at the end of the Devstream where they showed off her abilities I am extremely disappointed that DE didn't bother to give her a faster throw / projectile more suited to the general pace of the game. 

Vauban and now Bardframe have an issue where the slow-ness of their deployables after being tossed don't mesh well with the general "run and gun" style of play Warframe has, only really coming to full use in missions where they can comfortably sit in one or two areas for longer periods of time such as Defense or Survival.

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43 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

I feel like we should talk about the ability visuals more.

Seriously, there's enough visual clutter already. This is going to be HUGE. Imagine more than one Bard, too.

Furthermore trying to hit those little weak points on those invincible eximus enemies while 3 other bards are wuub wubbing with psychedelic energy colors ...oh the joy :facepalm::awkward: 

edit: I need a drink 

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Ah. I'm not too digging the particle effects from her powers. I know it's all subject to change and improvement, but some things need to be said.

Going by the order of her abilities:

  • I hope her deployable balls are placeholder until special models are in place. Or if balls remain, look distinct from Vauban's.
  1. No qualms about the ball effects matching your music, but that giant "sound barrier" showing the range should be toned down a bit. Looks very distracting, like the Pacify & Provoke aura effect but more annoying.
  2. Jam - the inward ripple effect is cool. I would recommend making it more translucent and actually ripple like a wave up and down depending on the music.
  3. I can't actually see its visual effects, but I could tell Rebecca used it because of its ball and additional beats from the music.
  4. Amplifier - has potential to create lots of visual clutter. Like her 1, the energy bars when moving to the beat, somehow have a grayed area that kinda detract from her default pink color. The placeholder Ivara Prowl / Nekros Desecrate aura "wall" effect hopefully looks better later on.

Really digging her agile animations though. I can see Danielle grooving every time!

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Just kind of curious as to what music people will be trying to reproduce when our new Bard eventually goes live. My personal challenges noted below...

*Edit: I'm sure the sequencer is limited and will not allow full versions of the songs, but rather repeating sections of each song


Nirvana "Tourrete's"



Primus "Mr. Krinkle"



Botch  "To Our Friends In The Great White North"



Khachaturian "Sabre Dance"



SpongeBob opening and closing themes





Edited by DaftMeat
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