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Nidus discussion Post Devstream 84


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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Knight Raime said:

Titania says hi.  Also I don't consider it a big deal at the present.  Since titania's is easily forgotten and nidus's doesn't effect anything in his kit at all save for using his 4.  it might as well not exist if DE goes ahead and releases him as is.

Titania is nowhere even close to being anything like what I'm describing. Getting buffs off people is not having a unique resource.

I don't know why people insist on drawing this conclusion because I made something up as an example. I'm thinking of something like WoW Warlocks' old Burning Embers, as an example of a unique resource. Getting buffs by using an ability on people is not a resource.

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Just now, AdunSaveMe said:

Titania is nowhere even close to being anything like what I'm describing. Getting buffs off people is not having a unique resource.

I don't know why people insist on drawing this conclusion because I made something up as an example.

both ideas require the use of an enemy. hence the line being drawn.

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14 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Knight Raime said:

both ideas require the use of an enemy. hence the line being drawn.

That's a really, really stretched basis for a comparison.

Guns and abilities both use enemies to make numbers. Does that make them the same? That's the kind of comparison that's being drawn here.

Besides, they're not even that similar in terms of gameplay. Nidus' abilities require enemies to do something, but so do most of the abilities in the game. The difference between Nidus and Titania is a) Nidus doesn't need to spam an ability on an enemy before it becomes effective, only to charge his 4th and b) Nidus actually has kit synergy, and abilities that aren't counter-productive.

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2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)SilverWolf198 said:

I would imagine not all of this is final. They'll hopefully want to see what the community thinks about his abilities and if any changes are needed, they'll go from there.

Most likely.  Which is why I hopped on this morning and made a thread with feedback.  Though it seems most are rather against any input at all unless it's patting DE on the back since he's not out yet.

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I think we should wait to start hitting him with the Balance Tenderizer until we know what he can do with corrupted mods and Rage. No shields, health regen, and high armor means he's going to be an energy power house when properly modded. His CC is perfect for gas procs too, so coupling him with a weapon like Pox, Mutalist Cernos, Torrid, or pretty much any conventional explosive is going to be extremely effective. Do we know if they had modded Nidus at all for the demonstration?

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Will whichever mod is merging and renaming threads just stop?

I made a thread talking SPECIFICALLY about this unique resource mechanic, and the possibilities it brings to the game. I did not make a general discussion thread about Nidus. Why are you doing this?

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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12 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

Will whichever mod is merging and renaming threads just stop?

I made a thread talking SPECIFICALLY about this unique resource mechanic, and the possibilities it brings to the game. I did not make a general discussion thread about Nidus. Why are you doing this?

Annd there goes your thread.

So whats this thread about now? General thoughts? Lore and how his prime ties into it all? Adjustments to stats and skills? Letting OP know what he is saying could bring the wrong crowd (even though its not originally directed at him but lol merges)? The new mechanic the frame uses without any specific talk about the frame itself?

Edited by VermillionScourge
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Just now, ChuckMaverick said:

Yep, three (at least) very different threads, all merged into one mush.

I'm normally keen to see redundant threads merged, but this decision has even me shaking my head.

I mean, my thread mentioned Nidus. But it was about the mechanic he has, and what it brings to the game. It was less about Nidus and more about a new type of resource and a new type of mechanic for future kit design.

They could at least notify us. If my post was Nidus-y enough to warrant merging, great, tell me about it, don't just silently rename it, TWICE, and merge it into a bunch of other threads. Kinda rude.

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My two cents. I feel like several things should happen. Firstly, he should have a beefy armor star. Also his health regen should be % base if he has a smaller health pool than inaros. 

Atleast one ability should be able to heal uim. Maybe his 2 should heal a % based on the amount of enemies tethered, or he should gain health as an enemy linked by his 3 is damaged. Secondly, the stacking should change a bit. His ultimate should cost 2 stacks to activate and he should get increasing effects if he has 3 or 4 stacks. When he activates his ult it should consume all stacks and grant his ult that buff.

He should also get stat boosts if he has more than 2 stacks. So 3 stacks and he gets an armor buff. 4 stacks and he gets a bigger armor buff plus a movement speed buff and probably a power strength buff (nothing too insane)


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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Knight Raime said:

I'd also like to see him passively resist toxin damage.

There's a mod for that, and if anyone is going to passively resist toxin damage, it'd be saryn.

1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Knight Raime said:

 For one it should not require 4 stacks to activate.  Instead you can cast it if you have the energy.

Scott already mentioned during the stream they were going to tweak how this worked, combining energy and stacks prereqs.

Overall your suggestions are fairly sound except they did nearly the same with Inaros.  He has a ton of ways to get health and does barely any damage with said abilities.  I'd rather not have another inaros, his 4 currently (as of the small amount we saw in the stream preview) may be the only strong way to regen health but we haven't played him ourselves yet. 

We only saw Rebecca play him for 5 minutes and that was spotty at best, they mentioned a few times that one or two of his abilities weren't completely finished and we were seeing only the basics and not everything he can do.  Which is why its best to just wait.  Yes you can give feedback on what you saw, and they will definitely take it into consideration but there are parts that could play way differently once you experience it yourself.

You say this ability does this but it should do that and they are thinking 'well this person didn't know about this or this so he doesn't realize that that and this happen when using it'  Upon initial observations its easy to miss things just because you would play him differently than rebecca.  Also its unrefined at best, missing pieces that they know exist but couldn't show us.

Also, keep in mind they build abilities around minmax mods so just because it looks slow or has little damage as base it will take mods to make it actually useful.  A problem with a lot of abilities to be honest, and something I wish didn't happen.  Saryn's range is a great example, absolutely pathetic at base, barely decent with normal mods, and great if you push it past 200% sacrificing other stats as you do so.

I want this frame to be awesome too so I would love to see a lot of your suggestions in game, I just think the majority of them would make him quite OP and its unlikely to even be close to your vision.  If you expect the abilities to work how you think they should then you will be disappointed by the real thing 100% of the time.

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I really wish Nidus was gonna be a part of a Red Veil quest instead of Perrin Sequence.

The Red Veil have infested in their relay room. So Nidus would fit there.

The Perrin Sequence are fighting the Corpus. A Perrin Sequence quest should be used to tell us more about the Corpus, and to explore Perrin's fight with the Corpus. It shouldn't be wasted on an infested storyline.

I really wish DE had a dedicated story team that could chart out the lore for the game. Warframe needs it.

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4 minutes ago, Evanescent said:



Well with my tweaks/suggestions, your 3rd Ability could be used to control a Juggernaut for the duration of the ability, if you have MAXED Stacks. :smile:

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13 hours ago, PsiWarp said:

Agreed. Although take a closer look, maggots do nibble on enemies that they don't or can't latch on, doing very negligible damage. Plus they explode after a while, some damage there.

though there are also more than 5 and they distract/cc enemies so that's a plus.

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3 hours ago, Phyrak said:

I dig it

The 1 needs some power to it

On stream it was 145% str and rng and 130 eff and dur - the 1 needs a heap more range and damage to ve viable

A single line can only do so much vs a cone akin to frost

Or as was mentioned somwhere - let the duration add additional damage

Or even both

Side that with low hp regen against level 15s and you're in strife

I couldn't put my finger on what bugged me about his kit beyond a lack of infecting and then it hit me:

Nidas will be successful when he becomes more than just a weaker version of a Prototype/Prototype II morpher.


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Obviously, mine is just an impression as the last time I judged a frame before the release it ended up with me bring completely wrong. Love you, Inaros. 

That said, I fu*CLEM*ing love the look of this infested frame; it reminds me of the old days frames, the ones and only which in my opinion have a truly "warframe style" look(that ended with Oberon imho). 

It doesn't look as skinny as Nekros and a part from being infested you can't really immediately think of a silly theme looking at him(Limbo,Hydroid..); overall, solid looking frame, the infested animation affecting the body is beyond coolness. 

Powers are very hard to judge, I'm happy he has no shields as that alone hints to interesting mechanics,  but I have to admit I wasn't excited by the abilities first look. 

I like the stacking mechanics as it brings something new to the table, but the 4th power seemed to be a bit disappointing to me, like I had to look carefully to understand if anything was actually happening other than the animation and the maggots attaching to enemies without no apparent effects. 

I'm probably missing something huge on his 4th and again, I'm not going to judge until I can extensively test it and read feedback from the community. 

Anyway, I have to say I'm pretty excited for this frame, hasn't been like this since Nova. 

Edited by siralextraffo
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