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Umbra warframes [Discussion & Appreciation][*spoilers*]

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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

well his codex says him and the rest of the low guardians , and we know orokin had a caste society 


@(Xbox One)EternalDrkMako

The Dax were given power from the Orokin in exchange for undying loyalty, never to raise Steel against an Orokin. 

What if the Guardians were similar but instead of a component of loyalty but instead "love". 

Perhaps some of the Orokin gave purpose to orphans or people who felt "lost" or "purposeless" in life. Perhaps fragments or leftovers of those who survived the war, those without a parent and the Orokin took them. Perhaps made them guardians but with a exchange of a vow, strong enough to create negative transference when the Orokin were wiped out.

"Who destroyed the Orokin? Your way of life?"

It was all they knew... all they lived for... all they loved. 

Or even children/adults literally raised to be soldiers from birth and from their perspective, the Orokin were nice and dandy.

Edited by CaptainStrawberry
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3 hours ago, Corial said:

Could that explain Acolytes?

possibly ? but they could just be groupies  ....

2 hours ago, CaptainStrawberry said:


@(Xbox One)EternalDrkMako

The Dax were given power from the Orokin in exchange for undying loyalty, never to raise Steel against an Orokin. 

What if the Guardians were similar but instead of a component of loyalty but instead "love". 

Perhaps some of the Orokin gave purpose to orphans or people who felt "lost" or "purposeless" in life. Perhaps fragments or leftovers of those who survived the war, those without a parent and the Orokin took them. Perhaps made them guardians but with a exchange of a vow, strong enough to create negative transference when the Orokin were wiped out.

"Who destroyed the Orokin? Your way of life?"

It was all they knew... all they lived for... all they loved. 

Or even children/adults literally raised to be soldiers from birth and from their perspective, the Orokin were nice and dandy.

possible, look at ordis/ordan  he was fragmented and reprogrammed to serve them and love us 

a with the specters of the rails, makes me think orokin did a forced full transference,

per how hunhow spoke and the SG quest made me think stalker is the same, or corrupt transference 

then per Harrow we all became aware of the negative manifestation and mow we have a connection via TWW drinking kuva also showed a link to that negative aspect with the "kiddo" part 

 id assume that like us,guardians were bound to serve the orokin, as we were bound before lotus, we know lotus freed us, but remnants like stalkers, dax, specters are still bound to the conditioning the orokin placed in them ... means whatever they did to them ..was a far deeper ..process then us. probably because we are more then a void battery  .. or maybe because while we dreamed we were good land obedient ..cant say 


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On 02.07.2017 at 5:00 AM, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:


to be clear

Umbras were talked on being a limited series originally, but with their growing fan base/ hype in the last year + it was never re-discussed that it would be limited  since... so who knows anymore , i hope they changed their minds there, its to good of an opportunity to grant new group mechanics imo [and for de make money ...] 

the thing with umbras is its possible they could drop multiple in one go or even grant newer frames an umbra variant as primes for some could take years. basically umbras grant a possible loophole to  get a variant type of certain frames quicker/out of the release order 

some talk originally that the acolytes were a order for the umbra series possibly, but per de the shadow debt event had no connection to umbras, but dosnt dismiss possibility ... 

lots of talks on this, i even had a thought that frames primes thatw ere white got umbra variants. but no proof or any clue to this yet sadly. so tennocon hopefully will give info into the system/order/frames of the umbra series, 



What if "limited series" isn't about the eligible pool of warframes?

If Umbras are going to be at least on par with Primes, they should either be very hard to get (if there will be no real money alternative) or be available for a short time period (since Primes get moved to the Vault over time). Otherwise, for those players who are not interested in collecting everything there won't be any incentive to farm or buy Prime warframes since they always have an access to a free and edgy upgraded version of their warframes.

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15 hours ago, CaptainStrawberry said:

Excalibur Primes stats:

Health    100.0 (300.0 at rank 30)
Shield    100.0 (300.0 at rank 30)
Armor    250.0
Energy    100.0 (150.0 at rank 30)
Sprint Speed    1.0


Excalibur Umbra made up fan stats (by me):

Health 100 (400 at Rank 30)

Shield 75 (175 at Rank 30)

Armor 300

Energy 100 (125 at rank 30)

Sprint Speed 1.2


@(Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako What do you think? 

It's impossible since stats at rank 30 are not random, they are either increased by the same percentage from rank zero or aren't changed at all. In other words, if you have 100 HP at rank zero, you can't magically have 400 HP at max rank, only 300.

Anyways, I believe global Umbra will have the same stats as Chinese version:

Health    100.0 (300.0 at rank 30)
Shield    100.0 (300.0 at rank 30)
Armor    250.0
Energy    150.0 (225.0 at rank 30)
Sprint Speed    1.0


And I hope Excal Prime gets a buff to have the exact same stats so no one is upset about having an inferior version. Right now, Excal Prime stats upgrade seems very sub-par compared to other Primes because of inaccessibility. After Umbra comes out, there will be no need to keep Prime's stats increase low.

IMO every frame should play the same in any version, be it vanilla, Prime or Umbra. But then what's the point of Umbra frames other than Excal? There should be an additional gameplay mechanic exclusive to Umbra frames.

Edited by Ksaero
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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

we have a connection via TWW drinking kuva also showed a link to that negative aspect with the "kiddo" part 

The "kiddo" part is there regardless of the option you choose, only the voice lines are different.

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Anyone else see a pattern emerging?

1) Hunhow uses fragments, parts of himself as soldiers or indeed surrogates for his control.

2) Tenno can move part of their mind to a surrogate body as an extention of themselves. 

3) Harrow now showed us a Tenno can split itself into fragments;  in Rells case they were his emotions.

4) Stalkers Accolytes and his weapons are named after emotions and dark ones at that.

5) Ballas said about Valkyr Prime that the warframes burn with passion that the Orokin have forgotten and lost. Again,  emotions and the lack of them.

6) Margulis, Lotus and Ordis show compassion and Love and the Orokin and Sentients show indifference and hate.

7) Allignement is Yin and Yang, Light and dark. Two opposites.

8) Void and Dust, emptiness and Earth. Again two opposites.


Seems like emotions and fragments are the two themes.  

In that theme,  where do Umbra fir in?

BALLAS "Miracles require sacrifice. What are you willing to give?"

GUARDIAN "Anything."

BALLAS "Even your soul?"

GUARDIAN "Anything for the Orokin."

* flick switch. The ghost of a human sitting in a Transference chair moves into a warframe sitting in another Transference chair. 

Ballas turns on the second chair,  the warframe comes to life. It rises, looks at its hands,  looks over at the limp human opposite. 

It rises, walks over and thrust a sword through both body and machines. 

It backs away, turning to Ballas who smiles and says:

"Welcome Shadow,  Guardian of the Orokin."

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Don't forget the Infested also have a 'single whole, many bodies' thing going on, much like the Sentient in that regard.

Then we recall Transference Therapy had Margulis requiring Sylvanna's Infested biology expertise at some point; what's to say that the Infested hive mind affecting multiple particulars isn't a principle exploited in the latter? Add in that the later developed Warframes are derived from the Infested in some form...something the higher manifestations appear to recognise per the ever referenced "Why do you defile us? We are your flesh" thing.

Heck. Jordas Golem explicitly calls them out as 'hollow shells' as the fight progresses.

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1 hour ago, Blakrana said:

Don't forget the Infested also have a 'single whole, many bodies' thing going on, much like the Sentient in that regard.

Then we recall Transference Therapy had Margulis requiring Sylvanna's Infested biology expertise at some point; what's to say that the Infested hive mind affecting multiple particulars isn't a principle exploited in the latter? Add in that the later developed Warframes are derived from the Infested in some form...something the higher manifestations appear to recognise per the ever referenced "Why do you defile us? We are your flesh" thing.

Heck. Jordas Golem explicitly calls them out as 'hollow shells' as the fight progresses.

Yes, another shared concept. Are you suggesting Transference worked so well because of how the Infestation works?

Sort of a Reverse Transferance? 

In RPC they do say proto rhino knows what they are doing to it and its brothers because of "ancestral memory". Litteral inherited and shared memories.

That's something I guess.

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We have no clue what they are because they were never originally going to be a thing. But upon community outcry for it DE said they would add it and so now they have to figure out what it is themselves, how to wedge it into the lore somewhere ext....

Hell it was only last May (2016) that we found out there would be an official quest and that they would be their own separate frame and not just a skin.

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8 minutes ago, Xgomme said:

Nothing official yet


But for my headcanon it's a warframe without operator, a wildframe :clem:

Most speculation presently holds it's a warframe that has totally subsumed its operator.

Nevertheless, we don't know anything for certain. We'll find out soon enough.

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from youtuber theory and im gonna guess is that...


"umbra" meaning shadow so warframe is just warframe but this warframe is like half evil and corrupted and Tenno decide to kill other tenno ( something like how rell happen to him, then something then something went wrong "haunted" )


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39 minutes ago, Vlada91 said:

If you didn watch this,then now is the time. I think that this dude is right 100%


there are way too many hints and stuff going around with what DE has shown us with tweets and devstreams. Tho it is good to see the good old Umbra mentioned yet again.

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9 hours ago, Ksaero said:

The "kiddo" part is there regardless of the option you choose, only the voice lines are different.

i think you confused my intent, i was referring to the harrow quest  negative manifestation idea , not moon or sun paths 

10 hours ago, Ksaero said:

What if "limited series" isn't about the eligible pool of warframes?

If Umbras are going to be at least on par with Primes, they should either be very hard to get (if there will be no real money alternative) or be available for a short time period (since Primes get moved to the Vault over time). Otherwise, for those players who are not interested in collecting everything there won't be any incentive to farm or buy Prime warframes since they always have an access to a free and edgy upgraded version of their warframes.

the umrbas are gettign their own way of implementation, could be quest or even raid or dark sector based to grind to get the frame, dont know 

2 hours ago, Vlada91 said:

If you didn watch this,then now is the time. I think that this dude is right 100%


i did post on the twitter thing

and sorry to say this, but i refuse to watch robs stuff anymore    ...  can you sum it up


   he got a bit political... ragy on twitter early in the year  and posted some very unprofessional things repeatedly,  I used to be a fan of his before it  :( 


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I guess we'll get a quest that will let us transform normal frames into umbra frames with different visuals and stats. It would be a nightmare for the devs to come up with 4 different umbra powers for all 33 frames. Maybe they can at least rethink the passives.

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41 minutes ago, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

can you sum it up

He connects the Clip of mogamu saying "where is umbra? where the heck is umbra?" then xenegelion's clip says "metaphors are some of the greatest tools we have for explaining things", then himself humming "rhythm of the night"
He says these 3 clips are part of a coded message to say umbra is going to be at tennocon

Then grates saying "never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down", and brozime saying "which way did he go which way would he go off to"
these next 2 clips are about not giving up on something and trying to find it ie. umbra

At the end he says that DE could have chosen any clips but chose these ones specifically


also i understand why you didn't watch this, i didn't either for similar reasons but umbra compelled me to


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